• Poll Results: How Often Do You Change Your Favorite Pony?

    Geeze, 39 of you are so...unloyal! I'd never cheat on invisible Rainbow Dash...

    20 kommentaari:

    1. Invisible Rainbow Dash?!?

      Dear Celestia, Invisible Twilight Sparkle was telling the truth about you! YOU MONSTER! YOU BARBARIAN! YOU...YOU...


    2. how can you ever favor one pony over another. they are all amazingly awesome. except rainbow dash, shes 20% cooler.

    3. I love them all
      And I recognize that my utterly flawed being would never make any one of them truly happy, so I am content with loving and watching them from afar.

    4. I think it's a side effect of having all the ponies uniquely relatable to individual people, but no matter how much I try to love them all equally, RD just shines through <3

    5. Proud Pinkie Pie follower since the very beginning.

    6. Maybe if I could make up my mind between Dash and Fluttershy, I wouldn't be one of those 39. BUT I CAN'T SAY NO TO EITHER.

    7. I might change favorites if more ponies show up with balloons permanently on their flank.

      My second-favorite though, that's changing about once every two episodes. It's a bit of a brawl between Applejack, Rarity, and Sweetie Belle right now. Apple Bloom and Spike are tied for third. After that, I pretty much like them all equally. There are none that I don't like.

    8. All the mane ponies are created equal.

      Except Pinkie Pie. She was baked in the oven of the heavens at a steady 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit. The mold was not simply broken but thrown into the sun for Celestia to guard for eternity to come.

    9. I picked change every two weeks because in reality it is stuck between Fluttershy and normally Dash or twilight. Normally it is Dash or twilight but between those two I can not chose.

    10. Despite (semi-)rigorous statistical analysis of the episodes that compels me to face the math, I've not changed my favorite pony. Ever.

      This is known as blind fanboyism, but since it's for Twilight Sparkle, I'm pretty certain it's for a good cause.

      (Although super happy Rainbow Dash commands all my avatars because she's so much cuter.)

    11. I'm loyal to the pony that holds the loyalty element.. coincidence?

    12. @Zarkanorf
      We need to start a funding drive for this.

    13. Invisible Applejack16. märts 2011, kell 18:03

      @Invisible Rarity
      Y'all want to come stay at the farm as well?

    14. Buncha whores who never stay loyal. AppleJack 4 life.

    15. All the main ponies are equal to me... except they are beneath my muffin goddess Derpy.

    16. If it means anything, I do love them all. Dash is just 20% cooler. That's all.

      (Though Twilight does give her a run for her money depending on the episode.)

    17. Twilight Sparkle was, is, and will almost certainly remain my favorite.
      The position of 2nd favorite, though, has slowly shifted from Fluttershy to Rarity.
