• Pinkie Pie's 4th Wall Antics Denied =[

    Apparently it was animation errors all along.  It's a shame too, that would have been interesting.

    Off to work, see you all in 6 hours! Feel free to email me your stuff!

    38 kommentaari:

    1. it's a shame that they are animating overseas. But hy have to different studios? ith some being done overseas

    2. At least we know they aren't heaping all of the animation work onto one studio. That way they can split the work and get more episodes done at once. Since the animation is still beautiful, i cant say anything bad about getting it animated outside the US aside from some tiny inconsistencies with minor characters, but thats just a communications issue.

    3. Awww. Well, now they should talk about the fourth wall thing.

    4. Noooooooooooooo

    5. It seems to be more along the lines of "the character isn't written that way but sometimes the animators just do little things." They used a similar line with Derpy. She was supposedly an animator's joke that would never have been seen by the audience except that at the last moment they moved some other foreground pony out of the way so that her face was visible.

      Pinkie also sneaks a peek at the camera near the start of her Grand Galloping Gala song, and Apple Bloom does it after being hushed by AJ in Call of the Cutie. I think animator in-jokes are a reasonable excuse.

    6. I'd like to see her explanation of the ending in "Swarm of the century" then. That's one mighty animation error!

    7. Pinkie Pie is so good at this that even her animators don't know about it.

      I'm scared.

    8. I'm still convinced PP is aware of the 4th wall.

      She the cartoon version of Deadpool ffs

    9. @Mads

      As well as the ending of episode 2, where she babbles directly to the camera (complete with a loony tunes style screen wipe)

    10. Well, she still breaks the fourth wall pretty blatantly at times -- she's aware of the camera's frame and pokes her head into view to speak. She plays around with the iris in the pilot and Swarm of the Century. She mugs to the audience quite a bit. This just means the non-obvious wall breaks are errors -- she's still quite aware of us! :D

    11. Although I do find it disappointing that these things are not written into the character, as per Deadpool, I can still find enjoyment in it if the animators are doing this purposely, and continue to do so. If these things are conscious, and as such are put to a forceful end either by writers or editors, I feel that many fans will be slightly upset. I hope these do get incorporated into the show somehow like Derpy, and hopefully they will later be recognized as canon.

    12. @Anonymous

      What Anon said.

      It's VERY obvious that Pinkie Pie has 4th wall knowledge because she directly breaks it several times (sad trombone in Swarm of the Century, and talking to the Audiance at the end of Episode 2).

      The staring at the camera might be an animation error, but it fits perfectly with the fact that Pinkie DOES have some intuitive 4th wall knowledge.

    13. Oh come on, everytime Pinkie Pie appears she's breaking the laws of all reality is it so hard to think she's breaking the fourth wall as well?

      The way she bends her neck at odd unsurvivable angles; the fact that she gained super speed in the pilot upon meeting Twilight; her ability to hover as long as parts of her body aren't on camera and lets not forget she litterally sets off into song for the audience causing her friends to question her sanity.

      The only thing that could point to this is Pinkie's line "Thanks guys your all great friends too, even when I don't understand me".

      That could be the only thing keeping her from being DeadPie, it's like she's breaking the fourth wall by accident.

      Now ending pointless rant number 77684, please take a number for next pointless rant.

    14. As the comments above, I think this, at best, only discredits those two specific scenes. But with the ending to Swarm of the Century and Ep 2, it's hard to deny that she knows there's an audience.

      Well, the Pinkie Pie related ones, anyway.

      Okay, seriously though. While I kinda liked the slight eye things a lot myself and I think it might have been an animator's little gag rather than an outright mistake, there's enough other evidence to show that Pinkie Pie knows we're here. SlyWit and LordofTheWrongs both point out some strong points for the case. Thanks for posting up the cap, though! I definitely wouldn't have seen that otherwise.

    16. It a conspiracy...


    17. I was the one who asked that question, but personally I feel that Pinkie's glances at the audience have been intentional. There are so many different animators working on different scenes, and they generally don't have much idea what other people are doing in any detail. They just worry about their assigned scenes.

      It's very likely there are a few jokers among the staff who throw in the odd thing like Pinkie and Derpy's eyes; and that particular animator simply wasn't aware of it.

    18. I'm pretty certain that we're going to see Pinkie stare at us again eventually, or maybe have her 2 times in a scene therefore making her stronger then Dr. Whooves.

      Also guys. I recommend you look behind you, BECAUSE PINKIE IS LOOKING RIGHT AT YOU.

    19. Ah, but the beauty of fanon is that is along as the idea is agreed upon and logically consistent (semi-optional), it still stands regardless of word of god.

    20. @Anonymous
      "There are so many different animators working on different scenes, and they generally don't have much idea what other people are doing in any detail. They just worry about their assigned scenes."

      -Yes, I think this is the case. I still think Pinkie can break whatever rules she wants.

    21. This is clearly a cover up and pinkie pie can see us all when ever she wants to.

    22. Pinkie is the power behind Celestia's throne. :P

    23. I don't mind Pinkie not being aware of the fourth wall.

    24. @Anonymous

      Where has God gone? I shall tell you. We have killed him - you and I. We are his murderers.

    25. Waaaaaiiit waitwaitwait...
      So she's been breaking the fourth wall...
      Without the animators intending her to do so...
      But she still makes pointed looks at the camera and everything...


    26. So the 4th wall shenanigans are all accidental. With said accidents strangely concentrating around Pinkie Pie, and not really any other pony. Accidentally.


    27. @Anonymous

      What are they hiding? What is your game, Pinkie Pie? We must find out! I've got a feeling that if we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards.


    28. @Naxts

      No she isn't...

      I looked.

    29. @NaxtsShe is actually depicted twice in the same scene in Call of the Cutie, during her cupacake song.

    30. @MasterMask

      It must be a conspiracy!

      They are definitely hiding something... (Pinkie CAN break the 4th Wall)

    31. This reminds me of "Sophies World". Is a book were the characters break the 4th wall and try to distract the writter. Made the characters more unique. Some how they felt real. Think thats why I like the idea of Pinkie Pie being aware that she is on a cartoon. Makes her feel a little real.

    32. Have you all seen the end of episode 9?
      That can simply not be just any animation error.
      And if it is... then Pinkie, despite of being an animation herself, knows how to bend the cartoon to her own will and break the fourth wall.

    33. Okay, this comment is really late.

      But in MY opinion, the animators are doing this on purpose. Like in Dora, she asks the viewers questions to make them feel included in the show. We must remember- My Little Pony is a kid's series (As is Dora)!

      Just wanted to add that tidbit of opinion.

    34. I call shenanigans. Pinkie Pie interrupted a screen closeout once, and the trombone thing at the end of Swarm of the Century is pretty blatant.

    35. They're trying to cover it up. 4th wall gets broken all the time, just watch Yakitate Japan.

    36. I don't think the animators know. Not even Lauren!

    37. I don't think the animators know. Not even Lauren!
