I came in here expecting spoilers. Not wanting, but expecting. All I got were people saying a few not-even-quotes, and making me claw at my hair at the fact I can't see it yet. ...Not sure whether to thank you bronies, confound these ponies, or both. T.T
Need stream ... or link ... can't breathe without ponies. Damnit why do I live in a forward time zone and foreign country, so I probably have to wait the whole night for the episode.
It's rare that I come away from the TV feeling like I've seen enough to judge an episode for certain.
Half way into the episode, I KNEW without a doubt that this is going to be my absolute favorite just along-side Look Before you Sleep. And neither can really top the other, as I enjoy them for entirely different reasons. If they stretched this into a 2-hour movie and sold it on DVD, I'd buy it. Twice.
(On a side-note, is it just me or are there more shots showing off rumps than there were in Show Stoppers? I lost count half-way in, but I'm sure it's more than 15.
Well, we got Pinkie/Dash fuel, and Pinkie/Fluttershy fuel... Now to combine them with Flutterdash and finally get a 3-pony relationship in the shipping.
The song could have been more Western-y. I was expecting the other ponies to sing with Pinkie during the chorus. It would have been cute if all the buffalo had Canadian accents, 'specially the chief Buffalo. Like get Don Cherry to be Chief Buffalo's voice. The comments need spoiler tags :)
Im a little dissapointed it wasnt an episode TOTALLY revolving AJ. But it was a pretty damn good ep. For a second there I thought I saw applebloom (when one of the buffalo hits an anvill) but this applebloom look alike had a cutie mark. WHAT IF APPLEBLOOM HAS A SECRET LIFE IN APPLEOOSA AND ACTUALLY DOES HAVE A CUTIEMARK! > MFW
Shipping is the slang term for fan fiction involving the show's characters falling in love with each other. Another one you might encounter is "lemons," which is just porn fan fiction.
Ponies riding on a train, Spike getting back at Rainbow Dash's comments on his popcorn-making skills by burning her popcorn to a crisp from across the train car, horse-drawn horse-drawn carriages, and Pinkie's song backfiring on the town were some of my favorite scenes in this episode.
And I say "some" because if I were to mention all of my favorites scenes, I'd end up recapping the entire episode.
The drunk pony getting kicked out of that salt bar got me laughing so hard. I did not see that coming.
Meh, I don't think shipping is the first thing on the vast majority of people's minds when they watch the show. I just watch the show to enjoy the ponies, and I think that's the case for most people.
The only reason shipping fics seem so prevalent is because they're generally easy to do. They follow a pretty standard formula, and it's easy to crank out a passable one if you stick to it. Not saying that some writers don't go above and beyond the standard shipping formula and produce something awesome, of course. It's just that the average writer will probably have a much easier time writing shipping than coming up with a good plot for a normal story.
Okay, so here are the awesome things in this episode:
* Spike being a fucking pimp on the train with the girls won't shut up. * Puff the magic dragon reference * Tree shipping * BUT FLUTTERSHY IS THE TREE! DUN DUN DUNNN! * Pony drawn train * BADASS AS HELL CHASE SEQUENCE * Spike being a pimp with the buffalo again. * "That was the absolute worst thing we've ever seen." * Epic pie fight that was totally screaming Blazing Saddles reference.
I understand that every show has naughty art and stories made for it, but I have to ask WHY? It disrespects the original creativity and vision. You guys claim to love Lauren so much, do you really think she approves of porn based on her characters?
I'm not trying to be mean, but if you're gonna spend so much time and effort writing porn why not TRY to make something clean?
There's quite a bit of clean stuff out there. Most of the best fics are. Hell, half of the stuff marked as shipping is pretty innocent.
I don't see a problem with creativity in any form. While I can't speak for Lauren Faust or anyone that works on the show, I'd be pretty happy with anyone taking the time to write their own fiction with my characters, pornographic or not.
But again, it all comes down to personal preference. If you don't like shipping, you're more than entitled to your opinion. Just don't berate others for what they like.
Creativity in any form is awesome. If I created a world with awesome characters, I'd be happy if anyone took it to make a work of their own, pornographic or not. It's not disrespect at all. Or at least, not intended to be.
Besides, most of the best fics out there aren't shipping. It's just a fun way to let off some creative steam.
I understand if you don't like it, but there's no need to berate people for what they like. I don't like Grimdark, but I just don't read it and accept that other people have different tastes. No harm done.
1. Porn often takes much less time and effort than "clean" material, because of the natural human affinity for sexuality and because sex often has conflict inherently present in its premise. Someponies don't have too much time on their hooves to write, so they write what comes easily. … no pun intended. 2. I severely doubt that porn's existence—especially the relatively benign sort popular in FiM fandom—bothers Lauren Faust. She is a grown, married woman and she, like those who write and read slash, is capable of separating reality from fiction and fiction from fan fiction. Besides, even little kids have crushes on movie stars and cartoon characters. Me, I'm not interested in that kind of fic, although I think speculating on relationships is cute and fun, but I don't respect anypony any less for writing or reading it.
This discussion really doesn't have to be about trolls, does it? Just ignore the whining and discuss the ep however you prefer. (I would throw in my own commentary but I'm still DLing)
So I went and counted, and there's 11 or so comments about shipping in this post (not counting the comments complaining about, joking about, or asking what shipping is.)
With 103 comments total, I think it's safe to thank people are in fact talking about the show and not just shipping.
I don't think that the amount of shipping this show is attracting from twentysomethings is a good thing. Furries got Tiny Toons axed over this, you know- eventually one of them was crazy enough to actually sneak into an office building for an interview, and another guy tried to get a job by showing a portfolio of the rule34 he'd drawn of Tiny Toons characters. They canceled it soon after.
Same thing's happening to Starfox because of what the internet is doing with Krystal.
Anyways, now that Fon has kindly decided to shut the fuck up and go back to writing the same character over and over I would like to say that this episode has by FAR the best joke in the series.
"It APPEARS Sheriff Silverstar and I have come to an agreement."
"We have!"
*dramatic pause*
"That was the worst performance we've ever seen."
I laughed like crazy. Also, the sheriff pony was awesome.
And to the anon above me, they stopped talking about shipping when I told them to. When you call people out for their bullshit they'll usually get mad at you (like Fon did) then stop what they're doing.
@Cottonmouth What bullshit? Shippers have contributed more to this community than hack writers like you have or ever will.
It's funny: your first few posts here were just yelling at random people for discussing the episode while adding nothing. Even your last post is just a rehashed garble of bits taken from posts above you so you can seem not quite so hypocritical.
Anyway, the opening of the episode was so Applejack Rarity that it made my teeth rot. I wonder which ponies have the strongest friendships inside the group? A few of them have been shown socializing outside of emergencies or major plots.
You convict me of raging, when you yourself are showing extreme signs of butthurt.
And I'm OH so sorry I'm not 'contributing' enough. I'll make sure to shit out a few more Spike shipping fics so that I can be in league with someone as good as you.
By the way. If you want to call me a 'hack' at least give an explanation. Right now you just seem to be throwing baseless insults.
It's actually quite amusing, watching you scream "STOP BEING MAD". Keep it up if you want to make yourself look like an even bigger asshat than you already are.
Most fanworks are not made for the mainstream, nor as tribute to the original creators. Fanwork is more often than not created by fans, for fans.
Sometimes, the original creators take this as a sign that they should either abolish the fanwork or incorporate it into the show. It's safe to say that if the fanbase is already growing from what they were doing before the fanwork, they'll do better to keep doing what they already do the way they've already been doing it. Changing it to be better to existing fans can wreck a work (they changed it, now it SUCKS), but dashing the fuel or ignited fires of existing fans can destroy their willingness to remain associated to the work.
That said, there is some matter of fan-author/artist responsibility in there too, but I think as long as the person making their content is aware of when they're making something for other fans and when they're making something to show to the creators, it all sorts out.
(Making 34 is fine, and if the author stumbles across it, that's fine. Making 34 and jamming it down the throat of the author when they've previously expressed that they're disinterested is a foolish thing. I'm one of the fools who've done exactly that before.)
Symbols have no power when there is no acknowledgement or response. --
Oh my God. Shut the buck up about your hatred of each others fanfics. This is a thread about the episode, so if you could focus on that instead, that would be great.
Huh, I think my comment either disappeared or didn't go through. Anyway, I went and counted, and at 103 comment in, there were only about 11 or so seriously talking about shipping (I didn't count comments joking about, complaining about, or asking what shipping is).
When the majority of people are discussing the show, it seems kind of, I guess childish, to yell about how no show discussion is going on.
@Cottonmouth Maybe it's just me, but it seems you ARE the one that started the conflict by calling people pathetic, that just seem like parasprite behavior. If you want to talk about episodes, you should probably just talk about episodes. Perhaps you'll call me names next, it's okay, still love and tolerate you. and if you still wish to rage on and call people names, it's okay, I'll just stop responding to you. <3
Everypony, what are we doing? This is not what the Magic of Friendship is about, arguing and intolerance! Come on, we're all different, let's put that aside and be civilized, okay? Please?
@Cottonmouth Funny, I didn't know you were the official discussion sheriff. We were discussing the show until you came in and took a dump on the comments. You didn't contribute anything to the discussion other than that while Sethisto and I were talking about particular parts of the show.
@Lovecraft I feel you, buddy. I'm posting from the subway right now and I've got my ponies sitting all alone on my cable box. I have a ~45 minute commute :'(
I can understand you not liking shipping, and everyone is welcome to their opinions, but you still insinuated that there was no show discussion going on other than shipping, even though people were still discussing the show between the shipping comments.
It's not about the feelings of the show's authors or Lauren Faust or whoever else. It's about the execs at The Hub who are responsible for deciding whether to let FIM continue. It's not at this point yet, but if it gets bad enough that one of those execs notices that what is supposed to be a little girl's show has collected an army of horny male college students they're going to pull the plug on it without a moment's hesitation. It's happened before.
I read your posts, all of them, and everyone elses posts, I just don't happen to agree with you, and think you started the problem, is that "ignorant"? I don't think Fon should have attack back at you either but the conflict really did start with you first, so what if fon and others want to discuss shipping, it doesn't matter. I would discuss the episode with you but I haven't seen it. I think it's probably best if everypony just agree to disagree, apologize if you feel you have offended people and let's watch some ponies. what would you call a parasprite behavior if not someone who keeps on attempting to argue? love and tolerance means little if one does not follow it. <3
So let them enjoy ponies however they want. I find the fan fiction and rule 34 to be disgusting, so I don't look for it. But just because I don't like it personally doesn't mean that people aren't entitled to enjoy something in a manner of their choosing, as long as it doesn't harm me.
You're being alarmist for no good reason. A second season has already been confirmed. Lauren knows there's a large, adult male following of the show, and has made comments suggesting that "the execs" are aware of it as well - she said something along the lines of "making derpy cannon wasn't my decision, it was pressure from the higher ups".
The TV show exists to drive sales of the toys. As long as it succeeds in doing so, we're still going to get ponies. Calm the heck down, bro.
@Cottonmouth now now, this fandom does a lot of different things, and I am sure your writing is not hack, and probably is enjoyable and brings happines to someponies. Why don't you tell me more about the episode, what else you enjoyed, what I should pay attention to or expect when I watch it? How does it compary to other episodes?
Great episode. Applejack is my favorite pony so it's nice to see some background stuff on her even though the episode wasn't really focused on her.
Current bestfriend subgroups in the overall Friendship is Magic super group. *Rarity and Fluttershy share fashion interests and spa time. *Pinkie and Dash are prank pals. *This most likely leaves Twilights closest friend as Applejack, seeing as they're the most sensible ponies.
@Anonymous Because he's acting like the new Chris-chan of the fandom: so protective over what he thinks the show should be about that he aspies out every time someone does something he doesn't agree with.
@cottonmouth And you didn't even read the majority of my comments. Only one was a joke with Seth that involved shipping to a big degree; the rest discussed particular elements about the episode. One comment out of 130 is hardly a pandemic.
The shipping discussion is tongue in cheek, bro. This website was made by someone from 4chan and most of the readers come from there or its progenitor. This is not Avatar, nobody treats any of this seriously so stop getting mad over nothing.
Then ignore whatever "Fon" has to say and talk about whatever you want. Just because something's here doesn't mean you have to reply to it. Likewise, just because something you might've said upset somebody else and they attempt to derail the discussion, doesn't mean you have to buy into it.
Great argument there, one that will go down in history.
I have no self-importance. I have no desire to... uh... "aspie out" as Fon so neatly described.
Also I'm laughing at how you threw the Chris-chan label at me. Tell me Fon, how far down the rabbit hole are you willing to go?
It's ok. You're safe. Keep getting angry at me. Keep throwing random, baseless insults my way. Apparently no one is willing to call you out for it, so what's the repercussions?
Today's lesson: if you throw a tantrum about something, you only make the discussion about yourself and your problems. If you want real discussion, you should learn to ignore people liking what you don't like.
@Cottonmouth && @Fon Shaolin what happened to not feeding the parasprites. what happened to friendship is magic. with you cant get along then just ignore each other. and my fellow anons, don't add fuel to argument by replying or addressing it, it makes it worse when you start taking sides. now lets share this blog and be nice.
He crossed the line when he insulted my writing without any backup.
I said it myself, my original post was too harsh and made me look like an ass.
If Fon had decided to make a constructive post about how I was jumping to conclusions only 30 comments into the post, I would have had a completely smashed argument.
Instead he just calls me a bad writer and tells me to leave.
You know I've said like 5 times now I was being too harsh originally. If you want to keep shoving it down my throat without listening to me, please excuse yourself.
This isn't about the original post. It's about every single post you've directed at Fon. You and Fon act in equal ways, by your own admission, yet you cling to the delusion that you are better.
yes but if you ignored his comment and pretended that he was just trollin, there would be no arguement. the same thing if he had just not responded to what you were saying. just dont feed the parasprites.
@cottonmouth "Maybe me, you and Fon can go take some anger management classes together. Bro it up"
these are the kind of things that i am talking about(btw the only reason i am singling you out is because fon stopped posting)
but now the anons are attacking you. there will be no winners in this argument. there is point to it. now lets just forgive each other and be a bit more pony like
Man, I've got sympathy for the appleloosians and support pony/buffalo peaceful relations, but if we're jumping on the genocide and/or forcibly resettling buffalo onto reservation train I fully support the buffalo in their attempts to destroy their invaders.
@Cottonmouth seems that cottonmouth has learned from his mistakes. now can all the anon learn too. i know its a lot easier to insult and hate on someone if they cant know who you are, but we are all still civilized people here, lets all calm down and be nice to each other.
I don't think that joking around about which pony is dating who or whatever is a terrible thing, but I agree with Cottonmouth that that shit should be toned down a little bit. There's more to appreciate in this (and every other!) episode than how much "legitimacy" you can claim it lends your next shipping fic, and the extent to which some of the users on this site go with the shipping is more than a little creepy. Sethisto, I'm looking at you. Don't do to MLP what you did to Cynder. You've got a large internet presence with this blog and people are going to notice if you act or allow people here to act creepy. It will be noticed.
Dude the buffalo cannot hold a candle to the bullshit that is the Na'vi. Fuck those people. Seeing Kawaii Uguu anime eyes plastered on to blue cat people made me rage hardcore.
What were the names of the background characters? I can't remember from the episode and there isn't a stream yet. Specifically the little buffalo, the chief, Applejack's cousin, and the sheriff.
Am I the only one that finds it a little ridiculous that the ponies are able to pull a damned train full of cargo nonstop for that long? Stuff like that bugs me, and I have no clue why.
It seems the theme in this episode was poorly thought out. The buffaloes even fail at being 'noble savages'. Such a shame since here was a chance to flesh out a proper non-pony civilization. Let's hope they either revisit the buffaloes or at least put more thought into the next try.
306 kommentaari:
I was looking for that Rarity picture too. Thanks, Seth.
VastaKustutaRarity? For an Applejack episode??
VastaKustutaMy fine sir, this might be my huge love for Applejack speaking, but...
Thirty seconds in. God tier episode already.
VastaKustutaWaiting for the Bloomberg fics to start rolling in.
It's official Applejack went overboard with the apple tree bit at the start, it's hilarious already. (Eating pizza covered in ketchup)
VastaKustutaInb4 applejackxappletree fics
VastaKustutaPuff the magic dragon reference made.
VastaKustutaFemale Buffalo is a crime against nature.
VastaKustutanyoh my god spike the magic dragon
VastaKustutaI'M ON IT, BOSS
buffalo princess mononoke?
VastaKustutaHorse drawn horse drawn carriages.
VastaKustutaI lol'd.
Spike is bros with everypony now; EVEN BUFFALO.
VastaKustutayeah, this episode is Princess Mononoke.
VastaKustutaNEW SONG?
VastaKustutaArgh, can't watch for 7 hours. Tell me Dash at least speaks.
VastaKustuta@Old Kentucky Shark
VastaKustutaBetter - She argues with AJ.
Fluttershy flying lunge... onto Pinkie... someone get on that.
VastaKustutaPinkie show girl art is impending.
More western style fan fiction in future forecasts.
This is awesome.
<.< Solution: Ethnically cleanse the buffalo? >.> Reservations?
VastaKustutaThere will be pony blood.
I'm sitting at my computer bouncing around two or three websites waiting for it to be uploaded.
VastaKustutaThe fuck has this show done to me
Holy fuck that was awesome
VastaKustutaPinkie gets the short end of the stick for once.
VastaKustutaAnd was that Carrot Top was there, she's an apploosian?
correction, *Princess Pononoke
VastaKustutaDerpy! Did anyone see if Derpy was there?
VastaKustutaYesssss. Now comes the waiting. Lol
Awesome Episode.
VastaKustutaSo now, we need:
VastaKustuta-Applejack/Bloomberg Shipping
-Buffalo Chick/Dash Shipping
-Cousin Whatshisface/Buffalo Chick Shipping
And drawings of Pinkie in that outfit. Get on that.
I'm pretty sure Pinkie called Dash 'Dashie', as if those two needed more shipping fuel.
VastaKustutaOh 4th wall, you got brok'd again didn't you!
VastaKustutaDear god, now I have to write a buffalo hunt fic...fucking savage buffalo.
Also, Rainbow Dash betrays her race this episode. She's like an avatar fan or something!
VastaKustutaPretty sure I saw some DISGUISED TRIXIE WITH A PINK HAT
VastaKustutaalso dashiepie
VastaKustutaI came in here expecting spoilers. Not wanting, but expecting.
VastaKustutaAll I got were people saying a few not-even-quotes, and making me claw at my hair at the fact I can't see it yet.
...Not sure whether to thank you bronies, confound these ponies, or both. T.T
Need stream ... or link ... can't breathe without ponies. Damnit why do I live in a forward time zone and foreign country, so I probably have to wait the whole night for the episode.
VastaKustutaSavages, savages, barely even pony.
VastaKustutaThe second Pinkie and Dash started talking on the train I was like, "fuck, there goes the RainbowPie shippers."
@Fon Shaolin
VastaKustutaWell now that Dashie is a confirmed nickname....
It's rare that I come away from the TV feeling like I've seen enough to judge an episode for certain.
VastaKustutaHalf way into the episode, I KNEW without a doubt that this is going to be my absolute favorite just along-side Look Before you Sleep. And neither can really top the other, as I enjoy them for entirely different reasons.
If they stretched this into a 2-hour movie and sold it on DVD, I'd buy it. Twice.
(On a side-note, is it just me or are there more shots showing off rumps than there were in Show Stoppers? I lost count half-way in, but I'm sure it's more than 15.
@Fon Shaolin
VastaKustutaYou and me both.
I personally want some delicious FluttershyxTree.
So, I just had a horrible thought.
VastaKustutaAfter the Diamond Dogs episode, someone on here wrote a fic called "Rarity and The Mule". If you're familiar with that...
Applejack talks to the Tree.
Except the Tree is Fluttershy.
I know we say this so much that it's lost all meaning, but...
"I wish I was a tree"
VastaKustutaoh goodness I was dying from laughter
So awesome.
VastaKustutaDarn it, I'm already seeing people start on new Rainbow/Pinkie fictions.
"You gotta shaaaaare, you gotta caaaaaaaare."
VastaKustutaIt seems as if the sheriff and I have come to an agreement. That was the absolute worst thing we've ever seen.
cannot fucking wait for the eurobeat brony mix.
@Fon Shaolin
though yes personally I prefer Appledash. inb4 Seth disagreeing with me.
This one is definitely God-Tier. I'm not certain it tops Sonic Rainboom, but damned if it isn't close.
VastaKustutaRainbow had a concussion for the early portion of this episode, what happened to that?
VastaKustutaAlso Pinkie being the powder keg for the situation... I did not honestly see it coming.
Well, we got Pinkie/Dash fuel, and Pinkie/Fluttershy fuel... Now to combine them with Flutterdash and finally get a 3-pony relationship in the shipping.
VastaKustutaWait, that will just lead to clopfics faster.
@Fon Shaolin
The idea of Horse drawn Carriages in equestria confuses me. But what confuses me more is the Horse drawn Trains...
VastaKustutaAlso it's official Pinkie is more Derp then Derpy.
I feel dread when I read comments about new episodes for some reason
VastaKustutaSame thing that happened to Twilight's broken legs in FPK...Ponies have Wolverine-level regenerative abilities or something.
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaAnd? lol
WRITE ZARKANORF WRITE, also make sure it's something along the lines of humping a tree.
VastaKustutaThe song could have been more Western-y. I was expecting the other ponies to sing with Pinkie during the chorus.
VastaKustutaIt would have been cute if all the buffalo had Canadian accents, 'specially the chief Buffalo.
Like get Don Cherry to be Chief Buffalo's voice.
The comments need spoiler tags :)
OMG every episode is amazing PINKIE PIE does alot of the happening
VastaKustutaThe 4th wall was shattered.
VastaKustutaFaust lied.
VastaKustutaYeah, Zarkanorf's story needs to go full-blown clopfic. It's the only logical conclusion.
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaGoing to work on it, but more privately. It's hard to type with an audience, guys! Sorry.
VastaKustutalol, zarkanof try that tree x tree, the applejack x tree is not working well
VastaKustutaThe download thing isn't showing up as a link for me.
VastaKustutaNo I think we're the sorry ones Zark.
VastaKustutaPinkie in sexy outfit.
VastaKustutaWell... that was unexpected at all. I mean, it's Pinkie, how in the hell it is possible in her case.
Im a little dissapointed it wasnt an episode TOTALLY revolving AJ. But it was a pretty damn good ep. For a second there I thought I saw applebloom (when one of the buffalo hits an anvill) but this applebloom look alike had a cutie mark.
Waiting on a full on Fluttertree/Bloomberg Clopfic.
VastaKustutaThe best part of the episode was Pinkie getting run over by the buffalo.
VastaKustutaWhen is someone gonna upload this episode? please, we are dying here!
VastaKustutaDL links for your non American residing bronies please!
VastaKustutaShowgirl Pinkie Pie was the best part.
VastaKustutaSeconded! I'm suffering from withdrawal here! I need my apple jacks goddamnit!
The pageviews are rolling in at speed of sound. I almost hear the sound of bronies clopping their f5s
VastaKustutaCrap, missed it. How long does it normally take to get posted?
VastaKustutaOh look, I come in expecting some actual discussion of the episode but instead get Faol and Sethisto screaming about ships.
VastaKustutaYou people are pathetic. Probably only watch the damn show to pick up on things like "dashie" to throw in your next shipping fic.
VastaKustutaWell, then, Cottonmouth; what did YOU like about this episode?
Any chance of it being uploaded to Rapidshare? Megaupload seems to be blocked in my location.
VastaKustutaAm I the only brony who watches it without thinking about shipping?
VastaKustutaJust wondering
I'm not big into shipping in general
I had to search in a slang dictionary to see why everypony was talking about "shipping"... Not english speaker here.
VastaKustutaNo, you're not.
VastaKustutaShipping is the slang term for fan fiction involving the show's characters falling in love with each other. Another one you might encounter is "lemons," which is just porn fan fiction.
Ponies riding on a train, Spike getting back at Rainbow Dash's comments on his popcorn-making skills by burning her popcorn to a crisp from across the train car, horse-drawn horse-drawn carriages, and Pinkie's song backfiring on the town were some of my favorite scenes in this episode.
VastaKustutaAnd I say "some" because if I were to mention all of my favorites scenes, I'd end up recapping the entire episode.
The drunk pony getting kicked out of that salt bar got me laughing so hard. I did not see that coming.
VastaKustutaMeh, I don't think shipping is the first thing on the vast majority of people's minds when they watch the show. I just watch the show to enjoy the ponies, and I think that's the case for most people.
The only reason shipping fics seem so prevalent is because they're generally easy to do. They follow a pretty standard formula, and it's easy to crank out a passable one if you stick to it. Not saying that some writers don't go above and beyond the standard shipping formula and produce something awesome, of course. It's just that the average writer will probably have a much easier time writing shipping than coming up with a good plot for a normal story.
VastaKustutaTHANK YOU. I was wondering why so many ponyfans are so obsessed with Shipping and Lesbian ponies. it's a children's show for God's sake.
Okay, so here are the awesome things in this episode:
VastaKustuta* Spike being a fucking pimp on the train with the girls won't shut up.
* Puff the magic dragon reference
* Tree shipping
* Pony drawn train
* Spike being a pimp with the buffalo again.
* "That was the absolute worst thing we've ever seen."
* Epic pie fight that was totally screaming Blazing Saddles reference.
VastaKustutaEvery kids show has porn and suggestive material based off of it. Look at Pokemon, or Dragonball Z.
Let people like what they like. If it bothers you so much, don't read it.
I, for one, love me some Appledash shipping.
This episode was fun even though I'm not a fan of western themes.
VastaKustutaAlso Little Strongheart=Adorable<3
VastaKustutaI understand that every show has naughty art and stories made for it, but I have to ask WHY? It disrespects the original creativity and vision. You guys claim to love Lauren so much, do you really think she approves of porn based on her characters?
I'm not trying to be mean, but if you're gonna spend so much time and effort writing porn why not TRY to make something clean?
VastaKustutaThere's quite a bit of clean stuff out there. Most of the best fics are. Hell, half of the stuff marked as shipping is pretty innocent.
I don't see a problem with creativity in any form. While I can't speak for Lauren Faust or anyone that works on the show, I'd be pretty happy with anyone taking the time to write their own fiction with my characters, pornographic or not.
But again, it all comes down to personal preference. If you don't like shipping, you're more than entitled to your opinion. Just don't berate others for what they like.
VastaKustutaDurr. My reply didn't post, ah well.
Short version:
Creativity in any form is awesome. If I created a world with awesome characters, I'd be happy if anyone took it to make a work of their own, pornographic or not. It's not disrespect at all. Or at least, not intended to be.
Besides, most of the best fics out there aren't shipping. It's just a fun way to let off some creative steam.
I understand if you don't like it, but there's no need to berate people for what they like. I don't like Grimdark, but I just don't read it and accept that other people have different tastes. No harm done.
VastaKustuta>mfw Lauren clops to ponies
1. Porn often takes much less time and effort than "clean" material, because of the natural human affinity for sexuality and because sex often has conflict inherently present in its premise. Someponies don't have too much time on their hooves to write, so they write what comes easily. … no pun intended.
VastaKustuta2. I severely doubt that porn's existence—especially the relatively benign sort popular in FiM fandom—bothers Lauren Faust. She is a grown, married woman and she, like those who write and read slash, is capable of separating reality from fiction and fiction from fan fiction. Besides, even little kids have crushes on movie stars and cartoon characters. Me, I'm not interested in that kind of fic, although I think speculating on relationships is cute and fun, but I don't respect anypony any less for writing or reading it.
VastaKustutaDon't you have a shitty/boring Snails story to be writing? Take your vitriol and impotent rage somewhere else.
Only ship things that don't make a lick of sense; you can be cooler that way.
VastaKustutaThis discussion really doesn't have to be about trolls, does it? Just ignore the whining and discuss the ep however you prefer. (I would throw in my own commentary but I'm still DLing)
VastaKustutaOh boy...now comes a week without new poni.
VastaKustutaAnyone else still holding out hope that it was an April Fool's joke and we'll get an epic Pinkie episode on April 1st?
Really,Lauren said she didn't care about rule 34.
VastaKustuta& I doubt anypony else would mind,I mean it gets the show more fans.
yeah, I knew I shouldn't expect much from the raw with commercials, but I was desperate.
VastaKustutaIt's off center and no sound (as far as I can tell) :c
@Fon Shaolin
VastaKustutaDon't you have some shitty/confusing/boring Applejack fic to be writing? Or was it yet another terrible Applejack x ???.
Take your shitty shipping fantasies elsewhere and let us discuss the episode.
VastaKustutaflankrage everywhere
slightly less flankrage
even more flankrage
srsly gaiz, srsly.
Have to agree with Cottonmouth here...don't usually mind shipping, but it seems to have gotten out of control.
VastaKustutaSo, I'm going to guess that the episode is...good? Really good?
VastaKustutaMan, can't wait for an actual good quality something so I can watch it. Also, so I get out of this class and I can hide from the world to watch it.
Also, people write what they like, talk about what they like. What's wrong with that? Life's too short to expel such vitriol.
So I went and counted, and there's 11 or so comments about shipping in this post (not counting the comments complaining about, joking about, or asking what shipping is.)
VastaKustutaWith 103 comments total, I think it's safe to thank people are in fact talking about the show and not just shipping.
I haven't watched it yet, but why is there so much rage going on at /co/ and FiM?
VastaKustutaStop agreeing with yourself, Cottonmouth.
I don't think that the amount of shipping this show is attracting from twentysomethings is a good thing. Furries got Tiny Toons axed over this, you know- eventually one of them was crazy enough to actually sneak into an office building for an interview, and another guy tried to get a job by showing a portfolio of the rule34 he'd drawn of Tiny Toons characters. They canceled it soon after.
VastaKustutaSame thing's happening to Starfox because of what the internet is doing with Krystal.
Anyways, now that Fon has kindly decided to shut the fuck up and go back to writing the same character over and over I would like to say that this episode has by FAR the best joke in the series.
VastaKustuta"It APPEARS Sheriff Silverstar and I have come to an agreement."
"We have!"
*dramatic pause*
"That was the worst performance we've ever seen."
I laughed like crazy. Also, the sheriff pony was awesome.
And to the anon above me, they stopped talking about shipping when I told them to. When you call people out for their bullshit they'll usually get mad at you (like Fon did) then stop what they're doing.
VastaKustutaStop trying to make it look like I'm samefagging, Fon.
VastaKustutaWhat bullshit? Shippers have contributed more to this community than hack writers like you have or ever will.
It's funny: your first few posts here were just yelling at random people for discussing the episode while adding nothing. Even your last post is just a rehashed garble of bits taken from posts above you so you can seem not quite so hypocritical.
Anyway, the opening of the episode was so Applejack Rarity that it made my teeth rot. I wonder which ponies have the strongest friendships inside the group? A few of them have been shown socializing outside of emergencies or major plots.
@Fon Shaolin
VastaKustutaYou convict me of raging, when you yourself are showing extreme signs of butthurt.
And I'm OH so sorry I'm not 'contributing' enough. I'll make sure to shit out a few more Spike shipping fics so that I can be in league with someone as good as you.
By the way. If you want to call me a 'hack' at least give an explanation. Right now you just seem to be throwing baseless insults.
It's actually quite amusing, watching you scream "STOP BEING MAD". Keep it up if you want to make yourself look like an even bigger asshat than you already are.
Re: Fanwork and r34 discussion;
VastaKustutaMost fanworks are not made for the mainstream, nor as tribute to the original creators. Fanwork is more often than not created by fans, for fans.
Sometimes, the original creators take this as a sign that they should either abolish the fanwork or incorporate it into the show. It's safe to say that if the fanbase is already growing from what they were doing before the fanwork, they'll do better to keep doing what they already do the way they've already been doing it. Changing it to be better to existing fans can wreck a work (they changed it, now it SUCKS), but dashing the fuel or ignited fires of existing fans can destroy their willingness to remain associated to the work.
That said, there is some matter of fan-author/artist responsibility in there too, but I think as long as the person making their content is aware of when they're making something for other fans and when they're making something to show to the creators, it all sorts out.
(Making 34 is fine, and if the author stumbles across it, that's fine. Making 34 and jamming it down the throat of the author when they've previously expressed that they're disinterested is a foolish thing. I'm one of the fools who've done exactly that before.)
Symbols have no power when there is no acknowledgement or response.
Oh my God. Shut the buck up about your hatred of each others fanfics. This is a thread about the episode, so if you could focus on that instead, that would be great.
VastaKustutaHuh, I think my comment either disappeared or didn't go through. Anyway, I went and counted, and at 103 comment in, there were only about 11 or so seriously talking about shipping (I didn't count comments joking about, complaining about, or asking what shipping is).
VastaKustutaWhen the majority of people are discussing the show, it seems kind of, I guess childish, to yell about how no show discussion is going on.
So why so much rage everywhere?
VastaKustutaMaybe it's just me, but it seems you ARE the one that started the conflict by calling people pathetic, that just seem like parasprite behavior. If you want to talk about episodes, you should probably just talk about episodes.
Perhaps you'll call me names next, it's okay, still love and tolerate you. and if you still wish to rage on and call people names, it's okay, I'll just stop responding to you. <3
Gah, my download cancelled halfway, and now Megaupload doesn't want me to download it again.
VastaKustutaWho else has to wait until later tonight?
Everypony, what are we doing?
VastaKustutaThis is not what the Magic of Friendship is about, arguing and intolerance! Come on, we're all different, let's put that aside and be civilized, okay? Please?
I'm completely jealous of all of you, I have the episode on my DVR but I'm too busy to watch it yet.
VastaKustutaSounds like I have a lot to look forward too though, huzzah!
ITT: people who have never been part of any other fandom
VastaKustutaIt's ok, I love you to.
But you should really come up with a better argument than just labeling someone as a... "parasprite".... and calling it a day.
As soon as the discussion that happened DURING the show ended, Sethisto and Fon went into a shipping frenzy. I simply called them out on it.
If you don't want to listen to my opinions and instead stay ignorant, that's fine. I'll love and tolerate you.
VastaKustutaFriendship isn't all about ignoring your problems and pretending to be happy all the time, either.
That said, I still don't understand how a comment thread for discussing the episode turned into an argument about clopfics.
I will agree though that I probably shouldn't have used the word "pathetic". A little cold-blooded.
VastaKustutaStill, that doesn't excuse Fon from his rage as well.
VastaKustutaFunny, I didn't know you were the official discussion sheriff. We were discussing the show until you came in and took a dump on the comments. You didn't contribute anything to the discussion other than that while Sethisto and I were talking about particular parts of the show.
@Anonymous Because opinions.
VastaKustuta@Lovecraft I feel you, buddy. I'm posting from the subway right now and I've got my ponies sitting all alone on my cable box. I have a ~45 minute commute :'(
Since when did cable rips come in 480p?
VastaKustutaI'll just wait for HD thankyouverymuch.
VastaKustutaI can understand you not liking shipping, and everyone is welcome to their opinions, but you still insinuated that there was no show discussion going on other than shipping, even though people were still discussing the show between the shipping comments.
VastaKustutaIt's not about the feelings of the show's authors or Lauren Faust or whoever else. It's about the execs at The Hub who are responsible for deciding whether to let FIM continue. It's not at this point yet, but if it gets bad enough that one of those execs notices that what is supposed to be a little girl's show has collected an army of horny male college students they're going to pull the plug on it without a moment's hesitation. It's happened before.
Hoboy, I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. My throat is actually sore. Can't wait until it comes to HD, saw some great caption opprotunities =3
VastaKustutaI read your posts, all of them, and everyone elses posts, I just don't happen to agree with you, and think you started the problem, is that "ignorant"? I don't think Fon should have attack back at you either but the conflict really did start with you first, so what if fon and others want to discuss shipping, it doesn't matter.
VastaKustutaI would discuss the episode with you but I haven't seen it. I think it's probably best if everypony just agree to disagree, apologize if you feel you have offended people and let's watch some ponies.
what would you call a parasprite behavior if not someone who keeps on attempting to argue? love and tolerance means little if one does not follow it. <3
VastaKustutaSo let them enjoy ponies however they want. I find the fan fiction and rule 34 to be disgusting, so I don't look for it. But just because I don't like it personally doesn't mean that people aren't entitled to enjoy something in a manner of their choosing, as long as it doesn't harm me.
There's nothing to "call them out" on.
VastaKustutaYou're being alarmist for no good reason. A second season has already been confirmed. Lauren knows there's a large, adult male following of the show, and has made comments suggesting that "the execs" are aware of it as well - she said something along the lines of "making derpy cannon wasn't my decision, it was pressure from the higher ups".
The TV show exists to drive sales of the toys. As long as it succeeds in doing so, we're still going to get ponies. Calm the heck down, bro.
@Fon Shaolin
VastaKustutaYour right. Damn me for trying to actually keep the discussion on the episode and not which two ponies are fanonically dating.
How stupid of me. How could I forget this fandom only watches the shows now for shipping fuel. Guess I'll just go back to my hack writing.
VastaKustutaWhy are you so emotionally invested in how somebody else derives pleasure from ponies
VastaKustutanow now, this fandom does a lot of different things, and I am sure your writing is not hack, and probably is enjoyable and brings happines to someponies. Why don't you tell me more about the episode, what else you enjoyed, what I should pay attention to or expect when I watch it? How does it compary to other episodes?
VastaKustutaBecause it conflicts with my interests. Welcome to the world.
I want to discuss the episode, Fon wants to discuss how much Applejack shipping fuel there is in the episode.
Conflicting interests. Fon gets mad. Argument starts. The end.
Great episode. Applejack is my favorite pony so it's nice to see some background stuff on her even though the episode wasn't really focused on her.
VastaKustutaCurrent bestfriend subgroups in the overall Friendship is Magic super group.
*Rarity and Fluttershy share fashion interests and spa time.
*Pinkie and Dash are prank pals.
*This most likely leaves Twilights closest friend as Applejack, seeing as they're the most sensible ponies.
obvious butt pain, obvious butt pain evrerywhere...
VastaKustutaAnyway, episode was ten shades of awesome, and Applejack's hyperactive cousin is one of my favorite incidental characters.
VastaKustutaBecause he's acting like the new Chris-chan of the fandom: so protective over what he thinks the show should be about that he aspies out every time someone does something he doesn't agree with.
And you didn't even read the majority of my comments. Only one was a joke with Seth that involved shipping to a big degree; the rest discussed particular elements about the episode. One comment out of 130 is hardly a pandemic.
Cottonmouth, just shut up. Shut up and get out, and take your unwarranted self-importance with you.
VastaKustutaThe shipping discussion is tongue in cheek, bro. This website was made by someone from 4chan and most of the readers come from there or its progenitor. This is not Avatar, nobody treats any of this seriously so stop getting mad over nothing.
VastaKustutaThen ignore whatever "Fon" has to say and talk about whatever you want. Just because something's here doesn't mean you have to reply to it. Likewise, just because something you might've said upset somebody else and they attempt to derail the discussion, doesn't mean you have to buy into it.
VastaKustutaThings you should pay attention to? Good idea.
1. Rarity's voice in the intro. Once again her voice actor proves to be the best on the show.
2. Funniest jokes in the series so far, one of which I described earlier.
3. Rainbow Dash AND Applejack both being likable despite being on opposite sides of an intense argument.
4. Spike playing piano and Pinkie singing. Great stuff.
5. The buffalo actually turn out to not be completely fucking terrible as I had feared. Also the chief is a badass, along with the town sheriff.
Just a few things to look forward to. Overall I would put it pretty high up, but I'm also a bitch for Spike and he has a big role in this Ep.
@Cottonmouth So you having conflicting interests with someone else gives you the right to bash them?
VastaKustutaGreat argument there, one that will go down in history.
I have no self-importance. I have no desire to... uh... "aspie out" as Fon so neatly described.
Also I'm laughing at how you threw the Chris-chan label at me. Tell me Fon, how far down the rabbit hole are you willing to go?
It's ok. You're safe. Keep getting angry at me. Keep throwing random, baseless insults my way. Apparently no one is willing to call you out for it, so what's the repercussions?
VastaKustutaSounds like an exciting and wonderful episode to watch. I hope that stream link goes up soon.
Say your peace....then Group hug!
VastaKustutaI already told you that my wording was probably a little harsh. Your right it was a low bash.
Still, when Fon comes along and shits all over me you seem content with him. Please contain yourself.
VastaKustutadoes Pinkie have to break into song for this Blog also?
Dang, when will the video be on youtube! It's like I'm withdrawn from heroin, except this is obviously much worst.
VastaKustuta"Unwarranted self-importance" is a pretty accurate assessment of you, though.
@ FonShaolin and Cottonmouth
VastaKustutaFon was defending himself.
You're the one who showed up and started insulting people for what was obviously a bit of tongue-in-cheek joking.
@Adrian Brony
VastaKustutaFon... will you be the Applejack to my Rainbow Dash?
But really Fon isn't a bad writer. He does write a TON of Applejack though. More power to him I guess....
VastaKustutaWell he sure did it in an immature way.
Today's lesson: if you throw a tantrum about something, you only make the discussion about yourself and your problems. If you want real discussion, you should learn to ignore people liking what you don't like.
VastaKustutaYou of all people have no right to use the word "immature".
VastaKustutaYou know what they say... it takes one to see one, and right now Fon isn't looking to different from me.
One of the worst things you can do in an argument is become like your opponent. Fon managed to do that in 1 post.
@Cottonmouth && @Fon Shaolin
VastaKustutawhat happened to not feeding the parasprites. what happened to friendship is magic. with you cant get along then just ignore each other. and my fellow anons, don't add fuel to argument by replying or addressing it, it makes it worse when you start taking sides. now lets share this blog and be nice.
VastaKustutaSo what you're saying is.
1: You're a cock.
2: Fon is a cock in ways identical to you
3: Fon being a cock makes him/her/it subhuman.
4: You being a cock is perfectly OK.
VastaKustutaHe crossed the line when he insulted my writing without any backup.
I said it myself, my original post was too harsh and made me look like an ass.
If Fon had decided to make a constructive post about how I was jumping to conclusions only 30 comments into the post, I would have had a completely smashed argument.
Instead he just calls me a bad writer and tells me to leave.
@anon 2:49 pm
VastaKustutaoops. i seem to have spelling issues.
IF you cant get along then just ignore each other.
is what i meant
someone needs to take down a note to Celestia
VastaKustutaWhat was up with Strongheart being so tiny? Is it just an example of extreme sexual dimorphism? Was she very young?
VastaKustutaYou know I've said like 5 times now I was being too harsh originally. If you want to keep shoving it down my throat without listening to me, please excuse yourself.
VastaKustutaAll you do is call him a pervert and tell him to leave.
VastaKustutaHmmm... were there any big female buffalo? Now that I think about it... Strongheart seemed to be the only female.
Huh. I feel sorry for the female buffalo if that's really what they look like as adults.
Dear Princess Celestia...
VastaKustutaI am starting to think this whole argument is just a complex parody of the episode. Sharing is caring, share the blog posts
VastaKustutaThis isn't about the original post. It's about every single post you've directed at Fon. You and Fon act in equal ways, by your own admission, yet you cling to the delusion that you are better.
VastaKustutayes but if you ignored his comment and pretended that he was just trollin, there would be no arguement. the same thing if he had just not responded to what you were saying. just dont feed the parasprites.
VastaKustutaNever said I was. I simply told him to talk about the episode. Never said I was a better person or anything.
Calm down and think before posting. I didn't when I posted originally, and that's what got this started.
Maybe me, you and Fon can go take some anger management classes together. Bro it up
VastaKustutaIf you are not better than Fon then just fuck off.
You know. Like you want him to. If you're the same as he is, and he's a problem then you are a problem.
VastaKustutaBut I want to discuss the episode with you, friend.
Pinkie clearly broke the fourth wall in this episode.
VastaKustutaBest episode yet, even though i said the same thing last week.
Also, i think the appleloosians would be better off finding a way to kill the buffalo off.
VastaKustutaGo to /co/. Go to /b/. Go to FiMchan. Go to Ponychan. Go to the Equestria forums.
Go anywhere but this derailed blog post. And when you get there, have some humility, because you are in dire need of it.
VastaKustutaSee, now you became what you hated. It is a terrible thing to happen, and it happens so often to.
I did learn from this. I learned that both Fon and I need to learn self control.
You however... you still have something to learn. I suggest you go back and read over what you posted, then calm thyself.
As for me, I really need to get back to my hack writing. Thanks for the entertainment.
VastaKustuta"Maybe me, you and Fon can go take some anger management classes together. Bro it up"
these are the kind of things that i am talking about(btw the only reason i am singling you out is because fon stopped posting)
but now the anons are attacking you. there will be no winners in this argument. there is point to it. now lets just forgive each other and be a bit more pony like
>mfw I go to play TF2 to cool down and the blog has gotten worse
Man, I've got sympathy for the appleloosians and support pony/buffalo peaceful relations, but if we're jumping on the genocide and/or forcibly resettling buffalo onto reservation train I fully support the buffalo in their attempts to destroy their invaders.
VastaKustutaDang manifest destiny ponies.
@Fon Shaolin
VastaKustutaI used to love TF2. Hear a lot of shit about it from /v/ these days.
Sadly if I started talking about TF2 here, I'd be the biggest fucking hypocrite ever.
Fun game to cool off on though.
VastaKustutaseems that cottonmouth has learned from his mistakes. now can all the anon learn too. i know its a lot easier to insult and hate on someone if they cant know who you are, but we are all still civilized people here, lets all calm down and be nice to each other.
The ponies create civilization from the land and make a town, apple orchard, railroad, etc.
VastaKustutaBuffaloes just run around, eat like pigs put out to slop, and destroy civilization.
It's clear which one needs to go.
@Fon Shaolin
VastaKustutaWeakest part of the episode IMO. When I heard that it was their 'stampeding' ground I laughed.
I wonder if this is how the colonies felt when killing indians....
'insert "Savages" song here'
The ponies great march of civilization must not be interfered with.
VastaKustutaGuys, the ponies are the Fire Nation.
VastaKustutaTo be honest I had the same opinion in Avatar.
The old trope of "ancient technology-lacking civilization" appearing as these sympathetic people have always made me aggravated.
Eh, I usually side with the people being invaded by the high tech imperialists stealing their land.
VastaKustutaExcept in Movie Avatar. Eff the Navi, man.
Re Cottonmouth vs. Fon and the shippers:
VastaKustutaI don't think that joking around about which pony is dating who or whatever is a terrible thing, but I agree with Cottonmouth that that shit should be toned down a little bit. There's more to appreciate in this (and every other!) episode than how much "legitimacy" you can claim it lends your next shipping fic, and the extent to which some of the users on this site go with the shipping is more than a little creepy. Sethisto, I'm looking at you. Don't do to MLP what you did to Cynder. You've got a large internet presence with this blog and people are going to notice if you act or allow people here to act creepy. It will be noticed.
VastaKustutaDude the buffalo cannot hold a candle to the bullshit that is the Na'vi. Fuck those people. Seeing Kawaii Uguu anime eyes plastered on to blue cat people made me rage hardcore.
What were the names of the background characters? I can't remember from the episode and there isn't a stream yet. Specifically the little buffalo, the chief, Applejack's cousin, and the sheriff.
VastaKustutaAm I the only one that finds it a little ridiculous that the ponies are able to pull a damned train full of cargo nonstop for that long?
VastaKustutaStuff like that bugs me, and I have no clue why.
It seems the theme in this episode was poorly thought out. The buffaloes even fail at being 'noble savages'. Such a shame since here was a chance to flesh out a proper non-pony civilization. Let's hope they either revisit the buffaloes or at least put more thought into the next try.
VastaKustutaWhy did they bother to have what is obviously a steam engine if they have to keep pulling the damned thing anyway?
Glorious PinkieDash shipping fuel
Decent episode, I liked the buffalo designs, except for that little one.
The train was weird because I'm pretty sure it had a working steam engine. Why pull it too?
VastaKustutaDang it Equestria! Have consistent technology!
Dammit, the cable rip didnt work for me... GET THE YOUTUBE VERSION UP PLEASE! I have to go to work in an hour and a half!
VastaKustuta@Fon Shaolin
VastaKustutaSheriff- Silverstar
Little Buffalo Girl - Strongheart (wow what an original name!)
Chief - Thunderhooves
Cousin - uh... Brayburn? That's what it sounds like.
@MadsBecause hasbro can't into logic