• On Friendship is Insolence

    Hey all.. I just got back from work.

    I honestly don't read grimdark or random, and cereal velocity wasn't on, so I just tossed it up for the masses after skimming a few words for grammar and reading the email that said it made fun of the whole lesbian pony obsession.  I only had around 30 total blog time minutes between showering and junk this morning so I wanted to get that derpy thing/renard music up.

    I didn't think it was going to be a mass author murder thing.  As you all know, I'm more than happy to ship female ponies all day long... In fact I've even tossed a few up anonymously, so I definitely don't support what the comments say the story was about..at all. I may even be standoff-ish toward m/m, but not to the point where I'd ever back something like THAT.

    I checked my email right before leaving work, saw the outrage, then read my pre-description comment and almost shit myself.  My bad... I didn't think it was ANYTHING like that.  I figured it was another one of those random "and then they made out" stories that are so popular on /co/.

    The post is deleted, and I've learned not to rush story uploads.

    99 kommentaari:

    1. Wait, what just happened? Was this the "murderfic" that someone mentioned in the IRC channel?

    2. It's alright, you're only pony~

    3. Wait, who all got murdered? Can I get a link to this?

    4. Anypony can make mistakes, I made oatmeal catch fire and then boom... the microwave was never the same after that. (Had to get a new microwave)

    5. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qARGltLp5jLH8YG9V5PsESuFQcHbSRouJXkHp07GNNI/edit?authkey=CP_V89cO&hl=en#



      I guess.

      I didnt read em yet. but we do have cupcakes and not this...

    6. @Anonymous

      I too, know the pain of a cooking accident. I once managed to set fire to my oven with bacon.

      As a result I know very well how easy it is to make a mistake.

    7. @Anonymous

      Warning: Grimdark, homophobic, meritless writing, pointless mass-murder, ridiculous author tract


      Read at your own risk.

      But it's fun to hate.

    8. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    9. ...man, now i want to read it and see what the fuss was about.

      C'mon. It can't be worse than cupcakes (which i think wasn't all that bad, honestly).

    10. @Anonymous
      oatmeal?! are you crazy!

    11. It was just some guy's stupid anger fantasy about killing anypony who would DARE to ship gay couples. It was more just pathetic than actually disturbing or unpleasant.

    12. Victorian R. Hellsly21. märts 2011, kell 19:12

      Sethy put up a fic about Twilight and Applejack killing crowds of nameless shipping writers.

      That's not so bad honestly, the thing that angered people the most was that the person was clearly homophobic (he admitted it himself), and the whole thing wasn't a jab at the suckiness of way too many people writing the same girl + girl plot, so much as it was him hating the whole concept of homosexuality itself. Plus really, it was pretty mundane and lacking any real bite. Oh well.

      It's on Fanfiction.net last time I checked, though there was a second chapter here, not sure if the second chapter is also available there.

    13. Here is story on FF.net:

      Didn't think it was that bad, I saw it as taking shots at the writers poorly written ship-fics, they're out there.

    14. 1 pony + 1 huge pony community doesn't add up. Eyup.

    15. Well someone posted it above, I'm not giving it any more attention though. The guy seemed nice in emails... He didn't warn me about any of this.

    16. @Sethisto

      I don't get what his deal is; he didn't understand my sarcasm when I reviewed his fic on ff.net, so I suppose I may have inadvertently encouraged his bullshit. I had no idea he even knew about Equestria Daily though.

      Also, he told me in a reply to my ff.net review that it was one of my stories that pushed him over the edge into writing this fic. Isn't that nice?

    17. Victorian R. Hellsly21. märts 2011, kell 19:19


      He probably is a very nice guy. What he did was the sinful combination of 1. Taking a shot at the fandom, and 2. Putting his politics into his story.

      And he did all this without a single bit of wit. And he's probably young enough and new enough to writing that he didn't know what he was doing was wrong. Otherwise it would've been just be a pretty blah fic, like a suckier Cupcakes or the occasional gore fic that pisses some people off.

    18. I for one thought it was hilarious.

    19. The most insulting thing in that story was how slow it was. It was liking watching "The Informant" at half speed.

    20. i just laughed while reading all of it, which seemed strangely appropriate.

    21. Pathetic people on both sides here. A bunch of idiots who write the same shit every time, and some troll who made a poorly written murder fic.

      I guess I'll just sit here in the middle. Getting pretty lonely though.

    22. It's okay Sethisto, we all make mistakes from time to time.

      As for the shitstorm :
      The author doesn't deserve all this attention, I just hope this' will be forgotten soon.
      We're better than this.

    23. @Sethisto

      Don't beat yourself up over it. Despite your intro comment I never really believed you were endorsing what was there. It just didn't mesh with everything else you've done.

      It's probably a good lesson to take to heart though, that any blog updates rushed in before work should probably be news/art only.


    25. @ the foodplosion anonymous's.

      I'll raise you...

      Charcoaled Pizza Puffs.(the house was filled with smoke, but there was no real danger other then the hokey smokes smell)

      Pop tarts that catch things on fire. (Glad it wasn't the frosting kind of pop tarts, thank goodness for the fireproof apron and mittens)

    26. Guys, we're forgetting what's important here. People mentioned my story in the comments :3

    27. Victorian R. Hellsly21. märts 2011, kell 19:40


      I am so jealous.

    28. If no one wants to murder you, you're doing something wrong.

      Keep the shipping train a-chuggin'.

    29. Homosexual Pornography? Must it really come to that?

      I live with a young sister whom I'd prefer not to see that. I'll take insults of all kinds, and pranks to a degree, but I regret to say that I won't open that in my family's presence.

    30. We will love and tolerate the hay out of you. We are PONY! Positive Organization for the Naturally Youthful!

    31. C'mon bronies, aren't we supposed to be better than this?

      What would the ponies think of this behavior?
      I think Fluttershy would be displeased.

    32. @Ryan Rodriguez

      I didn't say I was sending it, I'm not, just that you should expect it. It only takes one person to sign the email up for a lot of spam.

    33. Ah. Thank God, then, that Gmail has such a good filter. Still, I'll be on my toes.

    34. Sandman, Thank you for your... maturity. Though really, I do deserve all the attacks that can hit me.

      And to anyone asking what happened in my story... you'd regret knowing. Not because it's grim, or graphic, but rather because it'd be a waste of neurons and time that could be spent on other things.

    35. I love this community, but peeps getting upset over things like this makes me go ew. It's just a story folks, and it's clearly not serious hate.

    36. yeah i can see someone posting the email on /b/... I definately won't because this whole mess kind of flew over my head but I wouldnt be surprised if someone does

    37. haha, oh wow.

      I'm not sure which is more ridiculous - the story, that looks like Conservapedia article, or the reaction - "I write about homo love and I'm offended!"
      Seriously people.

    38. Albatross !!z0yT7Pqnr+y21. märts 2011, kell 20:01

      Seth is a smart guy. He's just got a lot on his plate to handle sometimes and can't always run quality assurance.

      Anyway, Seth, I'm still up for that job. :3

    39. IF I was going to vent some frustration with pony shipping, I wouldn't go after the authors. Going after the writers of lesbian pony fiction is kind of like shipping Madmax and Pacce, except you end with both of them getting totally cupcakes. In one package it manages to play up the weirdest and least socially desirable aspects of what we do here.

      And that's just a bit too weird. Instead, I'd just play up most of the cast as being all over each other, and then interject someone like Twilight to repeatedly yell things like "What is wrong with all you randy mares?" That actually sounds enjoyable to read while still being a subtle prod at the things that are bugging you.

    40. Dang. I'm not mad, aponymous, just disappointed.

      Here's an obvious joke fic, could be any one of millions of things that're just "Hey, guys check this out LOL" no big deal. But the reaction? Flankiest flankhurt ever. Oh, sure, "love and tolerate the parasprites" but someone jokes around, trusting the ideals and good-humor of the community, and it's all "Censor, censure, and raeg?"

      To me, this looks like a major failure for brony society. Downright shameful.

    41. @Bighugmug

      My reaction isn't "I write about homo love and I'm offended!", my reaction is:

      The story, when read in the context of the author's comments, is little more than a homophobic rant, from the slaughter of homosexual fanfiction writers right down to the heteronormative assumption that if a character's sexuality isn't discussed in the show, they must be canonically straight. People really have been killed for their sexuality, and writing something like this is in the very worst taste. As a bisexual, I know that there are places in this country where I am less safe because of that fact. There are countries that would punish me legally for it. When I served in the Marine Corps, I had to hide that fact so that I wouldn't be kicked out for it. I don't think that the writer would harm people for their sexuality, but I also don't think that them writing a mass murder fic because homosexuality makes them "uncomfortable" is in any way acceptable

    42. @Anonymous Looks like there's some lingering 4chan, it's insidious like that, like a virus.

    43. so where can i read this then?

    44. @Bighugmug

      My reaction isn't "I write about homo love and I'm offended!", it's:

      Writing about people being killed for their sexuality is not funny. It's happened before. It probably will happen again. As a bisexual, I know that there are places in this country where I'm less safe that a straight person would be. If the author didn't originally intend to be serious, which I doubt, based on his comments on ff.net, he still should have known better.

    45. @Anonymous

      I feel bad that you think bigotry should be tolerable at all.

    46. my only problem with the fic was the complete and utter lack of wit involved. I couldn't care less about if some guy doesn't like shipping, but if you're gonna do a satire or a parody, at least have something witty to make the malice a little less glaring.

    47. @Adrian Brony

      The story actually had potential. But instead of just having a collection of murder, the author could have made it light and simple. I can understand not liking shipping fics (I do not like clopfics *pointstocertainsleazystorythatstillgivesmenightmaresoknotreallythatlastpart*) and I really don't care what the author's views on homosexuality are, but, furril, at least try to be humorous.

    48. I don't like gay stuff so guess what I do.....I don't read it! Shock and awe!!! And really I don't like any shipping that is non-cannon cept maybe Dash and Mac so I hope they become cannon :P

    49. @hawkysu
      Ok, saying it had potential might be a tad optimistic.

      "It could have been good if it was written differently."
      ^what I meant to say

      (also, did I really say clopfic and furril? D: )

    50. I'm sorry if this counts as being an attention whore but it is rather difficult to resist. What with all this hoopla about this guys anti-gay/shipping/whatever (didnt read the story)
      But yeah, I wrote a satire on shipping that I think is pretty funny, fowl play.

    51. @Ryan Rodriguez

      Sorry, I'm not going to accept you apology. You come here to spew forth hate & bile, tell us that it's a form of parody to want to KILL PEOPLE for being LGBT, and then try to DFE (Delete Fucking Everything) the evidence of the story to hide your hate when *shock* people are pissed. Oh, and let's not mention never ONCE did you address the fact you ADMIT to being homophobic.

      I'm an American, and as such I defend your right to spew forth hate speech even if I disagree with it. BUT, and this is the important part, its a two-way street. You cn't be like Fox News and spew hate, they try to silence the detractors. You have to be willing to DEFEND your position. And in your arguements I saw no defense. I saw straw men, fear, and undisguised hate.

      Honestly, you make me very sad for you. This show is about love and acceptance of all forms. It is the anti-thesis of hate. Thus the brony motto of 'love and tolerate'. I saw none of this in your stories or defenses.

      In closing, I shall paraphrase the words of the immortal George Takei in the fact that you, Ryan Rodriguez, are a Douchebag. No one should ever wish for the death of another, and that's why I feel so bad for you. You may never realize just how badly you screwed up these past few days. But, dispite you being a douchebag, I don't want you to die. Instead, I urge you to seek help.

      Someday, I hope you learn the lesson from this experience and grow from it. Until then, I'll just keep you in my prayers. But, I also reserve the right to accept any of your excuses or apologies until the day you realize just how wrong what you did really was.

    52. "People complained about the homophobic murder revenge fantasy fic? Wow, you guys are sooo uptight."

      hey, you people
      you know who you are
      shut up

    53. @Anonymous

      Fowl Play was awesome. Well written, effective, and humorous satire.

    54. I thought those stories where funny :(

    55. @Ebon Mane
      Granted, it just might be that I was not paying attention, but I still have trouble remembering where in the story was the sexual preference of authors mentioned. Amusingly enough, writing gay stories does not being one requires, so, if you would be so kind as to provide me with a direct citation?

      Drat, the links do not work any more. Oh well.

    56. @crazyredemu

      Ha ha, same here! Basically. Dash & Mac is a great thought. I've just never been a big fan of slash stories either, so I rarely read them. Most of the time it just feels forced and out-of-character to me. I've enjoyed it on occasion, but that was usually either when it was canon, or struck me as being highly likely and/or possible in the canon.

    57. @Bighugmug

      A direct quote from the work was "homosexual fanfiction writer"

      And clearly killing people because they write things about homosexual characters is far less homophobic than killing people because they're homosexual. How could I not have seen that?

    58. @Ebon Mane

      I'd like to offer my heartfelt condolences to everyone who died from this fic.

      Maybe we should take up a collection.

    59. @Ebon Mane
      Well, it could as well be "Homosexual fanfiction" writer, not "homosexual writer" of fanfiction
      When or where did I deny the story of it's homophibicness? I _said_ that it looks like Conservapedia article for crying out loud. This as well meant that it is ridiculous and thus should not be taken as seriously as you do.
      It's like complaining about an ED (not this ED, other one) article.

    60. Dear Princess Celestia,

      Today I learned not to rush stories onto my blog, as stuff like this can stir up a shitstorm.


    61. I disappear for a few hours to finish off DA2 and this happens! why do I always miss the drama?

    62. This whole incident amuses me.
      I wonder how long it will continue.
      Please, by all means keep this going as long as possible.

    63. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    64. So, you all offended that it was a bad story in itself? Then you should be offended by 90% of fanfiction posted here.

      Not to say that the story is homophobic piece of shit, of course, but let's be honest here, all this stupid lesbian/homo bullshit is not much better.

    65. @Bighugmug

      Nothing offensive about gays, hate on the other hand leads to war, rape, murder, torture, etc...

    66. @Anonymous
      I'd like to offer my heart felt condolences to those who actually died from people who shared the same mentality as the writer of this fic. It's quite a fare number unfortunately.

    67. @Anonymous

      Yeah, all this homo lesbian stuff IS better. One's about love, the other about hate. Very different concepts.

    68. What if you love to hate? then the two concepts are not different

    69. What if I hate hate, does that make me an oxymoron?

    70. apparently the "author" of these "stories" (using the term loosely) was so bent out of shape by the femslash that he decided to write an overly violent murderfic wherein all the dirty homo yuri and yaoi writers were brutally murdered by the mane cast.

      It's quite the freudian squeaky-wheel-wants-to-get-greased if you ask me.

    71. I simply thought the target of homosexuality detracted from whatever humor the story had, so I didn't enjoy it.

      It was as simple as that.

    72. This is that fic with the ponies killing shipping writers n stuff? Oh my god lol, I thought it was some really terrible story. Surely that story was just a joke?! Unless i'm missing something and he added a third chapter that was unbelievably violent and sick or something that I missed?

    73. Almost tempted to do a much more comical rewrite of this...

      But no, I have too much writing right now...

    74. ^ Okay I think i ought to make clear what i'm saying; i thought the story was funny. When i said terrible story I mean when i read this I thought it was some Cupcakes-deal, really horrific and stuff. Not that the story was terrible.

    75. Why did you do that? Shit was awesome!
      I love my femmeslash just like everyone else, but I also have some god damn HUMOR.

      What happened to Freedom of the Press?

    76. @MyLittleBrony

      We all have freedom of the press (as long as you live in the USA and have an actual printing press at your disposal). But the owner of a website has every right to post and unpost anything he wants. There is nothing in the constitution that says he has to keep up something he doesn't want to.

    77. I don't mean to protect the fan fiction's author but and it doesn't apply to everyone here but some of you are a bit pretentious.
      Let's face it, if the main cast were all males there would be much less shipping and I bet the few who would ship them would be ignored/frowned upon. Actually it is happening now because 95% of the shipping fan fictions feature girl-on-girl action, there's one drawing and maybe one fiction with Big Mac and Caramel somewhere but those were of course ignored.
      It's the good old girl-on-girl is hawt but boy-on-boy is ewwww mindset all over again.

    78. @MyLittleBrony

      The author requested it be deleted

      But honestly I had such a stupid comment at the top thinking it was something else entirely, that I would have deleted it anyway.

    79. @Anonymous

      Except that the author of the fic killed all the "Yuri & Yaoi" fic writers. The author was clearly just homophobic.

    80. sooo... the op is a faggot?

    81. @Anonymous

      ... Much less shipping if it was an all-male cast?

      How many minutes have you BEEN on the internet?

    82. @Anonymous
      Yes we know, fangirls... but now it is so that the majority of the fanbase consists of males.

    83. ¡ɐɯɐɹp ǝɥʇ ɥo

    84. Thanks for removing it. It wasn't really benefiting the community. You can be forgiven for giving it the clear since most of us had high hopes until we started reading the thing...

    85. @MyLittleBrony

      It may surprise you to know that some of the male My Little Pony fans are gay or bi. Shocking, I know, but true.

    86. "Let's face it, if the main cast were all males there would be much less shipping..."


    87. How does this have 9 ratings and 5 stars? Is this a re-write of the post where the fic was. As normal I totally missed the bandwagon; but oh well.

    88. @Anonymous

      I believe people are staring the fact it was taken down. This is an entirely new post. The story had somewhere below 2 stars.

    89. Wait a second, what was it about? I never saw it. Was it... was it really bad?

    90. so basically it's butthurt the book?

    91. @Anonymous

      Dude! How'd you do that? I wanna be able to write upside-down. Tell everypony . . . your secrets.


    92. @Anonymous
      * ʇɐɥʇ op oʇ ʍoɥ ʍouʞ ʇ'uop noʎ , ʇɐɥʍ

    93. @Anonymous¡ǝƃɐssǝɯ ɹnoʎ ʇıɯqns oʇ ʎdɹǝp ʇǝפ
