• Music: More Renard Remixes!

    Alright, so Renard started off pretty rocky here for those of us who didn't listen to this stuff in the past... but here is some new stuff to make up for it!

    It's a huge remix of all the pony songs thrown into one, chiptune style. 

    You can find the link below.

    Galactic Dancing

    18 kommentaari:

    1. Still don't like this. I've liked some of Renard's stuff but his pony music has been just dreadful.

    2. Surprizingly good =D

    3. And even more renard for me to like! I liked his first MLP song and this one is awesome too.

    4. IS great. Never heard of the guy before but now I think I might look into him. Downloaded.

    5. MUCH better.

      Still hooked on Figurehead though.

    6. Still not the best,but much better.

    7. I liked it. Could use smoother transitions and less bass, but it was a good song nonetheless.

    8. it was nice, but i felt there was too much going on to really enjoy it.

    9. Yeeeah, It's awesome
      Renard's pony music is about 20% cooler than anyone elses.

    10. This was awesome, and way more the 20% cooler then his last one.

    11. Not bad, but I still prefer Eurobeat Brony's stuff.

    12. This one is much better than his last one, and although I like it, I know there's probably better ways to go about it. Still, very good!

    13. I still prefer Eurobeat Brony, but this was pretty good. And far, far better than his first one.

      I really couldn't stand "Rainbow Dash Likes Girls".

    14. It needs to be about 20% longer. (at least)
