• More Custom Derpy Hooves For sale!

    This time with actual prices and stuff!

    You can get one of these for 35 bucks, including shipping, which isn't bad considering it's actually 2 ponies (Pinkie's head and Fluttershy's body) combined with custom hair from Dollyhair.com instead of the basic stuff hasbro gives you.

    You can find the Artist, and her paypal, below!

    Derpy Hooves for Sale!

    7 kommentaari:

    1. The maine looks a little too long for derpy, but other than that, wow!

    2. LOL! That is just awesome and the pink tongue make her 20% more so!

    3. I am SO getting this for my birthday.

    4. Is it me, or are the EYES themselves off-center?
      I'm kinda creeped out now...

    5. @Anonymous

      I see what you did there, and it made me smile :)

    6. Hey guys! Thanks so much for the feature here! I am still just in shock over the response this custom pony has had! @_@ Anyone who's interested, I've put up a journal at DA for any FAQ's on this and any of my custom ponies! Anything that's not covered feel free to ask. :)
      I also have a Facebook Page, for those not on DA.

      DA FAQ Journal: http://okiegurl1981.deviantart.com/journal/39279655/

      Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Okiegurl1981-Custom-My-Little-Ponies/178179415543263

    7. Actually the dollyhair.com nylon is the same stuff Hasbro uses.
