• Hot Topic Pony Shirt...

    I found this over on the G1 pony blog.

    Apparently this is "new" At hot topic, if you follow the link...

    Pony Shirt At Hot Topic

    I think you JUST MIGHT have missed the trend by a TINY BIT there Hot Topic.. 

    Why do I have a feeling whoever put this up did the same thing Penny Arcade did after hearing ponies were popping up all over the internet? 

    We REALLY need to get G4 at the top of Google Image Search already! 

    (Yes I realize it's probably a copyright thing, but dammit it I wanna rage anyway!)

    34 kommentaari:

    1. So close!

      So goddamn close!

    2. Hot Topic makes no sense to me. They jump on every bandwagon that rolls off the internet, print shirts -but horribly fail at understanding what they are printing and usually screw it up. Then they sell said trendy shirts to kids who only buy them because they don't want to be main-stream.

      I saw a rage guy shirt @ hot-topic last time I was bored enough to go inside. Coincidentally, it made me want to rage. Though for all the wrong reasons.

    3. "Hottopic, stuff you'd love it have in 1985, but have to wait 20 plus years to get!"

      That and fake retro junk, but at least its well made!

    4. @Anonymous

      That rage guy story would make a great rage guy four panel comic.

    5. I still wouldn't buy a G4 shirt from Hot Topic because it would probably still be terrible or filled with "memes" from the show like "LOL 20% COOLER" or a fluttershy shirt with a giant fluttershy and "yay" literally covering the shirt

      what i'm trying to say is they almost always lack subtlety

    6. Hot Topic features ponies.

      Well, it seems MLP is dead now. Farewell, gents, 'twas a good run.

    7. Labels: Grimdark.

      Oh God, yes indeed terrifying!

    8. @Sethisto

      If Hot Topic made one, the shirt would be covered in the words "20% cooler," have a really poor image of Rainbow Dash smeared across the center with some improper splotching or something in the background, and would scream "hipster asshole."

      But you can bet your ass it would be black, oh yes.

    9. I don't give a crap how, but I want the G4 ponies to be more popular outside the internet. I want this show to be the next Spongebob.

    10. @Sethisto

      Here you go Seth this is way better
      Found this on /co/ the other dat

    11. @Anonymous
      I also found this site off ponychan
      HotTopic should take an idea off these cutie mark shirts :D

    12. @Anonymous If only there was one with something on the front AND back.

    13. Oh, Hot Topic.../facehoof

    14. Even if Hot Topic released a good g4 shirt I wouldn't buy it. I may be a 25 year old man obsessed with ponies and loli, but damnit I have some dignity.

    15. Welp, not buying that P.O.S

    16. @Anonymous

      MLP is dead, MLP: FiM is alive and well!!!!

    17. Rivet the Machinist19. märts 2011, kell 13:33

      Well....at least it's not 3.5 6_9

    18. I contacted Hot Topic awhile ago and they mentioned that shirt and that they're looking into the new designs.

    19. Reality check. I got a pony tank top from Hot Topic about 8 years ago. This isn't the first time they've hopped on the bandwagon, but technically they actually pre-date this particular bandwagon.

      That is to say, Hot Topic isn't exactly great, they screw shit up all the time, and they probably are putting out new shirts because of the popularity of FiM - but guys, they did pony stuff before "bronies" even existed. So, late to the trend? Not exactly...

    20. Yeah, I'll bet HT has had MLP merchandise in the past as well. I once found a Care Bear messenger bag there (among other things), so they're definitely no stranger to 80s cartoons. But, yeah...in the case of FiM's overwhelming popularity, one would think they'd try to produce a FiM design. I'd be all over it.

      As it is...I think that I too would like to see the show become more well-known and beloved in "real life." I would love to help that along by buying one of those Shirtbrony shirts (probably a "20% Cooler" one--how perfect would that be for recording my video review of the show in Media Journalism class?) If ONLY I hadn't already sworn not to get any more clothes, especially t-shirts. *meep* And nothin' against that shirt...but, I'd take a FiM one first. O' course.

    21. No one would complain about a Fluttershy shirt saying "yay" or a Rainbow Dash shirt saying "20% cooler" if it was any other store.

      And what is this about "hopping on the bandwagon"? They are selling themed merchandise.
      They aren't trying to be cool. They are just selling stuff people will buy.

      Also, I don't understand why everyone treats memes like some secret underground thing that only the cool kids know about. Memes are supposed to be spread anyway. That's the idea really.

    22. Victorian R. Hellsly19. märts 2011, kell 21:27

      I wouldn't have the guts to try on a pony shirt. Sorry mates, even I have my limits.

      Of course, leave it to Hot Topic to jump on the pony bandwagon, using non FiM merchandise no less...

    23. @Victorian R. Hellsly
      Most of Shirtbrony's designs aren't even noticeable, dude. Most of them are just a plain t-shirt with a character's cutie mark near the bottom. But yeah Hot topic would probably produce something like what poultron said.

    24. @Sethisto

      How's this, just found this earlier: http://www.zazzle.co.uk/rainbow_dash_20_cooler_tshirt-235944216679228673

    25. As a PA forumer, I feel compelled to shed some light on the pony insert in that panel.

      The strip wasn't a "jumping on the bandwagon" thing. It was part of the "Make a Strip" panel at PAX where Gabe makes the next scheduled strip right there at the panel and includes the audiences suggestions. Someone suggested a pony being added in and so a pony was a drawn. I assume Gabe went with the g1 style pony because it'd be the most easily recognized.

    26. Also, with regard to PA, someone asked Mike and Jerry at PAX if anybody watched FiM and they said they were not familiar with it, so the old design is the only reference point they have for My Little Pony.

      Also, the guy who asked for the inclusion of the pony was apparently very creepy and weird.

    27. Hot Topic has been selling pony themed stuff for years. I got little tins of candy with G1 MLPs on the them in the early 2000s.

      The MLP fandom does consist of more than FIM bronies, you know. ^_~ I know this will surprise you, but there are some girls who like MLP too! Girls who played with G1 back in the day.

      I'm all for FIM shirts too, but I love me some G1 shirts. (Not that particular one, though, it kind of sucks. Who is that pony even supposed to be? Looks like a miscolored Minty.)

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    31. This look like ass. I see why you Bronys are the ass of the internet I am usually riding around my city wearing some Polo or Lacoste with some $300 Gucci shades nigga in my Volkswagen windows down blasting some Kanye or some Lupe Fiasco.
