• Patch notes If Ponies had an MMO

    I bet some of you won't immediately see this and announce how horrible World of Warcraft is.  Those of you who were in the same boat as me for 3 years with that game will probably find something amusing here.

    These are made-up patch notes for a pony MMO (heavily borrowing from WoW)

    Pony MMO Patch Notes 

    Someone took this and made an entire game script out of it!

    Equestria MMO


    1. Oh god the game is actually made? I thought it was just in a process of being made, damn.

      Now I have to check it out.

    2. Awww but people like the word wing*****, but atleast we can still name our unicorn guild the 'Horny Horns' guild.

    3. @9Nine9
      and then I didnt' read the post.

      God damnit...

    4. I dig spoofy patch notes. I came up with a couple ^^

      - Added a Cutie Mark window option for the UI; players performing CMC quests no longer need to walk in circles to check for their mark.
      - Fixed "Spike has a crush on Rarity!" Twilight Sparkle scripting error which spammed the chat window during unassociated cutscenes.

    5. >> There was a bug mistakenly flagging some fish as sentinent. This has since been resolved.

      I lol'd

    6. >> Ferrets will no longer eat vegetables.


    7. And Two Invisible Pinkies

    8. This needs to exist.

    9. Aww, Lunar Knights need a big time nerf. AoE and a free PvP trinket? Also, Babypony Abominations made me lol hard.

      A few ideas of my own:

      -Due to an exploit allowing Animal Friends to effectively solo what is intended to be a challenging raid encounter, Adult Dragons are now immune to Intimidating Stare.
      -A bug causing headware to randomly disappear and reappear in the Cloud Factory zone has been fixed.
      -Dragonkin are no longer immune to the poison effect of Baked Bads.
      -The craftable tailoring epics have had their models redone to be about 20% cooler.
      -A grapical error that allowed Lyra to sit like that has been fixed.

    10. Oh nice, I can comment on this thing with my LJ username, sweet. Anyways, I wrote these 'notes' and glad ya'll are enjoying them. You comment either on my site directly or here, whichever works best for ya. I will note that every single patch spoof is something that actually occurred in both franchises, and I tried to emulate the professional style (mostly..) that real patch notes use.

      There's even a few G1 references thrown in there, if you look carefully enough.. this is one of the few fandoms (besides Warcraft) that I've dipped into RP and/or fanfiction stuff, so.. uh, I dunno where I was going with this. Anyways, thanks Sethisto for posting notice about this for me. :)

    11. @Anon
      Lunar Knights need to be nerfed? Are you CRAZY? These changes just might make them VIABLE for high level play. Just because YOU can't beat them doesn't mean they don't need the help.

    12. If this game were actually created I would starve to death.

    13. @kalatash
      Shut up, scholar. You may have whined your way into super OP-ness, but lunar knights are a pain in the ass for us mortals.

    14. omg, I wish this was real.

    15. - Polymorph: Parasprite has been removed from the game due to exploits.

      Oh, come one. Levitate is far more broken than that ever was.

    16. Theoretically, this is possible. And by 'theoretically', I mean 'Seriously, if you kinda know what you're doing and know the style you want and the tools to use.' Game design and development is entirely what I do, and now I'm jotting down ideas for a real thing.


    17. You know, I've set up Private Servers before. If we had someone do a WoW-compatible graphics overhaul, we could do a ponified version of the game.
      Likely more work than anyone is willing to do, but it is in theory possible.

    18. Still no fix for Vanish?! I look ridiculous when stealth breaks early and everyone sees me sprinting away.

    19. Whoop, sorry about that. Meant to say that I doubt a pony MMO would get doing in full 3D, but if you went for something ala Maple Story...

    20. @Prominence
      That... isn't a bad idea. Not a bad idea at all.

    21. @Pecan

      There's already a pony maker out there. There's folks working on some kinda 2D engine- not to mention the fact that there's already sprites with animation. It's entirely doable if anyone wants to go for it.

    22. @Prominence:

      By Celestia, my colt, I think you've got it!

    23. @Anonymous

      Well. If it interests you lot enough, since it's not like we don't have enough resources to get started (with the ponymaker and sprites already made and that engine being made and whatnot)...we need somewhere to place the project. I s'pose I'll send out a call for assistance on ponychan or/and FIM.413chan and see what happens.

    24. Well, that's one on ponychan's forums. Dunno where I'd stick the call to arms at on fim.

    25. thats it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKlpDi-Ww9A
