• Episode 22: A Bird in the Hoof

    Poor Fluttershy, I hope she can take all of the upcoming spotlight!

    Look at her, shes so nervous...

    Episode 22: A Bird in the Hoof
    Synopsis: Fluttershy borrows the Princess's sick bird so she can heal it.
    Air Date: 04/08/2011

    Sadly that does mean we will have a 2 week break of no poni =[  We survived the 3 week one though, even if was like being strapped to The Cradle for the entire duration

    AOL Video

    36 kommentaari:

    1. Episode 22? That doesn't make sense! We're on episode 19 now!

    2. aww hell yeah, next ep is fluttershy/rarity then AJ an then fluttershy again

    3. the other 2 episodes have already been announced

    4. @Anonymous

      But 20, 21, and 23 were already announced. This is just filling in the gaps.

      Filling them in the most adorable way possible. *squeaks*

    5. Two weeks? D:
      Wait,aren't we only on ep 19,that mean 3 eps in a two week span?
      & they by 'princess' could they possibly mean Luna? I doubt it but...

    6. 20 is airing next week
      21 is the week after

      There is no two-week pony drought where are you getting this from

      Silly Sethisto

    7. @Jude

      20 airs the 18th of March
      21 airs the 25th of March
      22 airs the 8th of April.

      See the problem?

    8. @Anonymous
      And Everyone else confused about the Two week gap thing:
      11/3/11: Episode 19
      11/3/18: Episode 20
      11/3/25: Episode 21
      11/4/1: No Episode
      11/4/8: Episode 22

    9. @Phoe
      What I see is that that's only one week.


    10. My body can never be ready.

    11. @Jude
      There are two weeks between the 25th and the 8th. There's usually one week between each episode. Skip a week, there are two weeks between each episode.

    12. "Princess."

      now, the show could make the episode really good if they use celetia, but almost unfathomably awesome if luna stealthily shows up at fluttershy's place with no warning and no fanfare.

      also, sneaking suspicion this will be the "dealing with death" episode.

    13. The day with no episode would be April 1st.

      The joke is that there really is an episode.

    14. @Jude

      Oh my! How did I not catch that XD

    15. wait so i8s there a 2week episodeless period or not

      im not a very bright pony and im fucking confused

    16. Actually April 1st is Pinkie Pie day... so I bet that it's "griffon the brush off".


    18. @Rainbro Cash
      This episode happens on my birthday, as well!!!

      And with Fluffershy-- I mean, Fluttershy! :D

    19. More Fluttershy episode on the way! Nice, but I'm starving for some real Pinkie Pie episode.

      And judging from description it should be very Epic episode. (because Lauren knows how to do epic stuff from such unepic things.)

    20. I can't wait for fluttershy's episode! XD

    21. Little early for an April Fool's joke blog brony.

    22. Fluttershy is always adorable, I think I can always handle another episode focused on her.

    23. Yessssssss, more Fluttershy <3

    24. They say, "the princess," but they don't say which princess...

    25. Oh boy, I can't wait to see Fluttershy fail and see the bird to die.
      No wait...
      I can't wait to see the kids I babysit to see Fluttershy fail and see the bird die.


    26. I believe "the princess" will be Princess Luna. I just hope I'm not proven wrong after the wait.

    27. Luna: Oh, my nightingale bird friend, your nightly song is the only thing keeping me company in my solitude....What's this, you are sick, nooo... *sob

      Fluttershy: I'll heal him...oops! oh my... oh my...

      Luna: Forever alone

    28. This sounds like a good one, but I gotta admit to being kinda disappointed with the amount of episodes Rarity and Fluttershy are getting compared to the other ponies.

      I really hope 24 and 25 feature Dash, AJ, and Pinkie. And of course, the season finale had better feature all the ponies being ridiculously epic.

    29. @Anonymous

      Remember, she's been caring for animals for a looooong time. I'd wager she had had to put at least a few out of their misery.

      Yes, if a main cast member were to die, Fluttershy would likely be able to handle it the best.

    30. Maybe it was a typo and they meant both Princesses?

    31. My money is on Celestia's bird being a phoenix (and it mirroring Harry Potter in that it looks like things are bad then it's just the bird regenerating). What other bird would a 1,000 year old pony keep?

      Actually, looking at the episodes list, I'm surprised the last two TBA eps of the season are broken up in air times, I was honestly expecting something akin to the first two eps in terms of a blow-out arc at the end with Luna again.

    32. This episode is gonna be similar story as from the old cartoon, Rupert and the firebird....I guess

    33. But seriously, we want to see Celestia's and Luna's Episode. Not sure when that time is going to come.

    34. well, it's minutes till yhis episode so here is my prediction: Celesta gives to Fluttershy a phoenix to care about. But Fluttershy doesn't aware what happens with this kind of creatures, so when the bird burns alive she tries to lie to Celestia until she found that the bird is alive and Celestia is glad for it.
