I always love seeing ponies spread to various big name websites/gaming blogs/ect. This is pretty awesome.
Now someone go hack the Justin Beiber Twitter page and post about ponies so we can corrupt the next generation with them too.
Apparently escapist jumped on it too.
Inb4 I apply for a gaming website job in the future and get turned down because they know about this pony obsessed website.
(lol gaming websites really do just copy eachother)
PC Gamer's Ponies
Kotaku's Elder Scrolls Pony
>Pony series currently running on Cartoon Network
If only...
GameInformer's Elder Scrolls Pony Report
Escapist Magazine Elder Scrolls Ponys
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33 kommentaari:
Corrupt them with love and tolerance? Im ok with that idea.
VastaKustutaBut the next... shouldn't they... I mean aren't they... like... already the target demographic? Or something. My head hurts.
VastaKustutaIt's up on Kotaku, as well. http://kotaku.com/#!5773186/if-hasbro-made-elder-scrolls
VastaKustutaI'm astonished the comments aren't filled with hate! Even I'm surprised by how many people enjoy the show sometimes.
Yardovich posts a youtube video. Game websites link to video, with an outsider's take in the form of a paragraph. Who can predict what happens next?
VastaKustutaI wonder what will come out of this.
VastaKustutaAlso on PC Gamer.
Hooray viral pony videos!
Sure is Slowtaku
VastaKustutaIt has been posted on Reddit as well. People seem to like ponies.
VastaKustutaThere are some neighsayers but that's because they are clueless about the new show, I've already seen people considering watching the show, some guy was like "wow I didn't know MLP is this violent", who would have thought a random video will go viral like this.
VastaKustuta"I’m worried that someone with the brains to create such a good reimagining also knew My Little Pony well enough to select clips from it."
VastaKustutaI'd post something but I'm too lazy to register there.
HOLY SHIT look at the page view counter guys what the hell it's like it's counting seconds.
VastaKustutathis was kind of an alignment of the stars. it's a rather jarring mash-up, and it came out days after the actual trailer, meaning it would still be relevant to the gaming blogs, as well as being a surprising enough combination to be posted as a new article
VastaKustutawe got lucky!
I like to imagine the narrator talks about the ponies in the beginning.
VastaKustutaYou realise it's fake right? Leave it for a bit and refresh.
VastaKustutaYaridovich is the owner of the pony synch and has been watching it since November, so yes he knows every episode inside and out.
I hate to correct his last name but its Bieber.
VastaKustutaI wonder if a few comments encouraging people to watch the show would go amiss.....?
VastaKustutaI say go ahead most people doesn't even know it exists, go ahead and post links to episodes on Youtube let them have friendship.
reading the PC Gamer comments:
VastaKustuta‘Wow this is really funny! Wait… how much of the show would they have to have watched…’
Just lol
>mfw my video is on Kotaku
VastaKustutaCongratulation man! Your video has become pony viral marketing.
VastaKustutaGreat job man. It was very well made.
WOAH!....just WOAHHHH!!
VastaKustutaLooks like Yari hit the jackpot
VastaKustutaCongratulations, your video has made sure to attract the attention of those who underestimated this series.
Now they are part of the truth and they will watch the show to see the other part. :P
I keep hoping someone will make an oblivion my little pony mod, they would only need to do a texture as unicorn and horse meshes already exist.
VastaKustutaI long to ride pinkie pie into an oblivion gate
Sage for viral.
VastaKustutaNOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! youtube vids, 4chan, equestriadaily, mlo and fim boards will be flooded with '0H mY g0Sh <3<3<3 ju$t1n 13ik5 MlP, 5o D0 1 th3n!!!!111 <3<3 xoxoxo'
VastaKustutaHaha, must admit, I lol'd
:( Looks like it *is* counting seconds, meaning somepony set up a auto-refresh routine on the profile page to boost the pageviews.
@Parallel Logic
VastaKustutaI was worried about an auto-refresher at first too..
It's been going that quick for about a week and a half now.
The extra traffic in the analytics fits what's going on in the actual pony world though, so I think it's still accurate. When something big happens (this video/4chan bans for example) I tend to see a jump in pageviews.
VastaKustutaYou can bet a lot of folks who go to those sites will at least be curious of the FiM now.
The best of both worlds.
The Pony Overlords strike again!
Ok we have reached 500000 pageviews.