• Discussion: What Will You Do Without Ponies?

    I know a lot of you are probably in the same boat as me, and spend way too much time with pony everything.

    With season 1 coming to a close in a few weeks, and season 2 way off on the horizon (December potentially unless they release episodes before the intended due date), it looks like the next half a year is going to be...rough.

    So what will you fall back on while waiting for new pony episodes?  Do you have alternate hobbies that will stop being ignored?  Or real life friends you have neglected?

    I personally got a job at Blockbuster specifically for free video games, but I haven't really bothered with any in the past few months thanks to these ponies. I have some catching up to do... assuming Blockbuster is still around by the time season 1 ends...

    209 kommentaari:

    1. It'll be back to chainmail, jewelry, and writing for me. Confound these ponies, they drive me to read about and watch ponies. I have a story to finish, damnit! My fans are waiting!

    2. 1) Build a cryogenic freezer.
      2) Freeze self until Season 2 is completely out.
      3) Hope to god the pony hype doesn't die during the long break.
      4) ????
      5) Profit

    3. I will revert to my old ways and become a self-loathing recluse.

    4. prolly go catch some more pokemons

    5. >real life friends neglected
      Funny how a show about friendship does that...

    6. Unless the show made you realize your friends were assholes...

    7. I'll read every single pony thread on 413chan's archive, doing math to figure out how many I need to read a week to catch up, as I go about my usual routine of working a job I hate, enduring it only because I have a weekend of freedom to look forward to afterward. I'll be enjoying poni aboard my kayak via iPod Touch come summer(after paddling to a secluded area because NO ONE CAN KNOW MY SECRET, of course).

      Also, is the picture for this article from a series related to cupcakes, Sethisto?

      That reminds me of something else I'll do: I'll try to get over cupcakes. I regret reading that so much.

    8. I have other shows I can watch like Doctor Who, but more importantly I will be starting a new job at Toys R Us. (Did not get job for pony toys.)

      It will also give me some time to play my bass more & I'll be learning some blues with my new guitar.

      So I'll be keeping busy till season 2

    9. "Labels- Grimdark, News"

      Hahahahahaha XD I didn't notice that until now.

      Well, once the poni-less gap sets in, we'll need more fanart/fanfiction than ever! Somepony will have to provide it...

    10. Go about the routines as usual. I don't really build dependencies on things in general.

    11. I might continue writing fics. If I can't do that I'll probably leave a tab open for EqD and refresh it every once in a while and get back to my japanimations.

      But the poni will never disappear from my heart.

    12. Given how I kinda got in late on the pony craze and, while totally enthralled with it (I've been archive-binging this blog while multitasking for the past two hours), I'll probably go back to whatever it was I was doing before. Some kind of combination of Python and practicing my drawing, maybe other stuff.

    13. I'm actually looking forward to the end of the season. While we've had fun discussing the episodes as they come out, I think more PMVs will be made now that editors will have all their source material released for the time being.

      This will also be a good test for the fandom to see what we can do when new material isn't being released for half a year. Will we just die out? What will we talk about? I look forward to seeing how things evolve now in order to practice/predict the behavior that will one day happen should the series end.

    14. I actually just got back from spending a whole day with my friends.

      It's funny because I originally didn't plan on going, but somewhere in between them begging me to come over and finishing my laundry, I thought "How would the ponies handle this situation?".

      I came to the conclusion that friendship is magic and went.

      Today was a good day.

    15. Quit part-time job. Learn gardening. Go hiking. Read books. Have barbecues. Go to college. Then when winter hits there'll ponies waiting for me.

    16. get draw pad

      OC, OC everywhere

      also probably try and get a girlfriend maybe.

    17. Almost about the same time the first season will end, it'll be close to college graduation for me, so I'll probably will be busy looking for a full-time job. And I have plenty of other hobbies to fall on, like video games, reading, Minecraft, etc.

      Here's hoping that our beloved Derpy Hooves/Ditzy Doo gets more screen time than ever, maybe even become a secondary character!

    18. Until season 2, i'll probably go back to my old self progressively.

      Angry and spiteful. I'm sure the occasional ponyfix would calm me down, but it can only do so much.

      I just hope i can last.

    19. The same thing we do every night, Pinkie.

      Try to take over the world!

    20. I will die horribly from pony deprivation.

      failing that, I will start hanging out with my IRL friends more, and I will drink socially instead of for the MLP drinking game.

      I'll probably start painting every day again. Probably finish all the videogames I started, and I'll probably go out and buy Pokemon Black or White. I'll probably spend a little less time on my computer and more time outside. I'll probably revert back to my homicidal maniac tendencies.

      MY GOD
      I'M FUCKED

    21. Depending on how things pan out and how my art "Evolves" You may be getting a lot more art from me during this time frame. I have met a lot of new friends because of Ponies... I'm sure that me and a few of my friends could figure out something during this time frame to help get our pony fix. Hopefully its something worth sharing.

    22. i'll go back to Transformers, Hero Factory, and Pokemon, pretty much.

      I will also tide myself over with fanfiction. And hopefully those miniponies IF THEY EVER SHOW UP. >=T

      So, uh, I'll be good until Season 2.

    23. consume fan generated OC and maybe making some oc myself too.

    24. I'll probably start visiting the less friendly parts of 4chan again, also, I'll be just about done with college for the summer, so I'll have to find all sorts of new ways to entertain myself.

    25. Well I'm already a quarter of the way in reading every single news post and story whether its sad, normal, grimdark or shipping on this site. I guess i will just keep on reading, and then maybe read E-A-D.

    26. If I haven't finished them all by then, I'll be still updating elements of discord and all the other fics I've been writing :D

    27. 1: Try to learn 3D modeling
      1a: Writer's Block
      1b: Have yet another summer teach me to loath the sun with an ironicly incindiary passion.

      2: Fail
      2a: More writer's block, maybe submit something unrelated to On Wings of SCIENCE! because the wrong writebug bit me again.
      2b: Hatred And Loathing.

      3: Miserably.
      3a: Evan Maor Riters Blook!

      4: Continue anyways, because I have neither friends nor anything better to do.
      4a: Chapter Two of OWoS! Maybe.
      4b: AWIFHFAOHVEHFOWEURWQ)UERQ@#&%!(#$CQU)$#!(%!!!!!!!!

      Not sure what I'll do after that. Just kinda go with however things are going, I guess.

    28. Most likely scenario is going back to being depressed about not finding gainful employment and a state of general misery. I'll probably read a lot more fanfiction than I have so far, just to try and keep my head above water. There's a real risk I'll start browsing 4chan again as well.

      I need more ponine...

    29. I guess I'll move to my other lifelong passions, like, say, RPGs (the pen and paper kind), super robot anime (subbed, possibly), classic movies, videogames, webcomics and... What do you know, I DO have a metric ton of interests.

      Guess I won't get bored.

      Of course, I'll keep my eyes peeled for signs of pony comeback ^-^

    30. @Anonymous
      "I will cry."

      That was my first answer. I'll probably keep cycling through the episodes that have viewed so far trying to find new things, and writing up tiny bits about them, progressively getting slower and slower on that until I eventually stop altogether for a while.

      To fill the entertainment gap, I'll probably keep reviewing the 2PStart! Live! podcast archives. (I almost hate that I have to call it a podcast, since I think it's freaking hilarious, and the other things I've seen called podcasts don't even have remotely the kind of editing effort behind them.) Massive amounts of content there, so it's like there's always a new one or something I've forgotten lingering around somewhere in there.

      Also, I bought Disgaea 3 lately. Doing anything other than losing myself in the game has become stupidly hard, and the goal of a party of level 9999 beasts always seems far away. And then even once I get there, the reincarnation option means that I can CONTINUE TO GET MORE POWERFUL AND LEVEL TO 9999 ALL OVER AGAIN.
      FOREVER. I always hear about the Land of Carnage, but I've never made it to it. I'm going to freaking get there this time. AND DESTROY IT.

      I draw every now and then. I used to do music, but haven't really touched it in years. I'm bound to get in the mood for one or another at some point and do it, though I'm learning I need to keep my mouth shut before making promises on when, as those feelings are fleeting.

      And failing all those other things, I'll probably keep tinkering with other programming hobby projects and having BALLOONS EVERYWHERE parties I've still got about 79 16"+ balloons left, and I don't really plan on leaving them sitting around long enough to rot before use. Though they really shouldn't rot since I've got them stored away from the light and all, but still. I've got a lot of work to do if I want to become Pokey Pierce's rival, right?

      I've got enough hobbies and goals to hold me over for a few years, but I'm pretty sure the ponies are going to get mixed into those anyway, even without new episodes.

    31. lezzzeee..
      (try to) finish pony remix songs
      (try to) finish pony story i started
      download each and every pony picture i can find
      (try to) get fan commentary set up
      (try to) get dvd out with fan commentary and original audio

      I'm glad it'll take some time for S2 to come. got a lotta ponyworks to do

    32. The gap of time between S1 and S2 will give me time to work on my book, 'Bronies: An Egghead's Guide'. Maybe it will even be ready by the time S2 hits! :)

    33. I'll be just fine, I see ponies everywhere i go now its great!

      but really... at first ill probably go a little crazy with Drawing, fanfics and maybe some roleplaying... maybe get in on some pony projects.
      I don't Think/hope it will affect the rest of my life too much...
      Alright I'm off to watch WWU and sonic rainboom... agian

    34. Watch season 1 on repeat. FOREVARRRR!!

    35. oh boy. blockbuster is still alive?
      well, gotta get into school soon, finishing up a piece of fanfiction (my first one!!)

      and doing some programming on the side.

      but yea, this season has been/is one hell of a ride.

      <3 u all!!!

    36. I'll be going to a bunch of raves and music festivals on the east coast so that should keep me busy until december.

    37. I will be in complete and utter disbelief, and will curl up into a fetal position for at least 7 hours, then reassure myself that life is more than MLP. *sobs*
      Lol, then maybe I'd actually put effort into my studies.

    38. I guess I will work further on the story board for my vidya game.

      It will have a pony there too.

    39. At least as far as television goes: I'll watch all the other good TV shows that I promised my friends I'd watch if they gave FiM a try. ^^;;

    40. Sitting in a dark corner, sobbing for 6 months

    41. NOPE. Second season will be aired just like first - in November. In Interview with Irving he sad, that work on the first season was finished in december, when show was already on the TV.

      And I will not mind to much of being without episodes. I already waited once, when I heard about FiM in May. But this time We have Damn alot of fics and pics and upcoming games and more awesome stuff!

    42. i'll improve my life with what i've learned from the first season

    43. 1) cry...
      2) probably watch season 1 again ... and again!
      3) draw a lot....a LOT of ponies!!! =D
      4) did I mention "watch season 1 again" ?? X3

    44. I'll still be trolling everywhere for every bit of pony I can get.

      - Continue drawing, hopefully get better by second season.
      - MLP will have hit the UK, i'll start buying up the merchandise.
      - I've got to do an individual project, I'm considering doing a data store for all these wonderful pony stories.

    45. You want to know what I will do without ponies?
      I will explode.

      ...then explode again.

    46. @papersketch Oh wait, I have Doctor Who. Never mind. :3

    47. De-December!?

      *falls to the ground and throws arms up into the air* Nooooooooooooooooo!

      ...I hope they don't take too long with the season 1 box set...

    48. If I can stop reading pony fics long enough to finish my university course (Animation), I will play the backlog of video games I've been missing out on, watch the new Doctor Who, get a job to get me out of my overdrafted bank account and help make a point and click adventure game with my programmer buddies.
      I'll still miss new pony episodes though.

    49. Lets see, I've been meaning to rewatch every single episode of Ducktales, Chip N' Dales Rescue Rangers, Doug, Angry Beavers and a few other cartoons.

      There are Video games where I've only made it halfway through them or said I would get back to later and I mean it. They need to be played.

      I have two books I haven't read yet for Rainy day reasons.

      I have a collections of movies, just not my favorite one that went missing (FINDING NEMO shouldn't be a litteral movie title) and I've been thinking about scouting Kirby right back at ya cartoon series.

      There's always Raocow on youtube, webcomics galore, deviant art and fanfiction.net.

      The only way I can be bored is if I force myself to be bored, I've got all the time in the world.

    50. EqD, Ponychan, rewatch episodes in 1080p.
      Fool around making PMVs.
      Mebbe take screencaps and make OC.
      Summer break from college.
      It'll be hard, but I'll survive.

    51. 1) Rewatch Gurren Lagann
      2) Work on my book (writing it, though many books will be read)
      3) Fan fictions
      4) Stargate Atlantis. Yeah, it's over, but I still haven't seen all the episodes.
      5) BURN THE WORLD.
      7) Halo: Reach
      8) Loose 20 lbs.
      9) Watch MLP reruns

    52. that dash is from CUPCAKES innnit

    53. Well, the thing is that the production seems to start on April but that doesn't mean that the episodes are going to start being released on December when the production "ends" I'm almost curtain that the first episode is going to pop up 2 weeks after production starts ;) so chill.

    54. Watch re-runs. Also, I'll hopefully be in school again, but that's unrelated to whether or not ponies are on. I'd like to say I'd write more, but that block is unrelated; if I could get words out, I'd be watching (slightly) less MLP now.

      Maybe I'll play guitar some more. And work out a bit more often. I dunno. I'll see.

    55. December? Really? I figured they would start in the autumn as that is more typical for new seasons, ugh.

      Well for the first part, there is summer, so really I am going to be outdoors running around a lot, which will help greatly, in fact I may not think about FiM much during the summer months.

      For the rest of it, well I got the Equestria Forums and Ponychan, so I could RP, drawfriend, and chat up pony there on the off time during the drought.

      Other than that, all the other stuff I do, work on arts, computer related work, a little travelling, and gaming. It'll suck some, but I will be fine, I am worried more about the community.

    56. The world will go into a great depression with no cute this time.


    58. top gear comes out in summer and afaik gintama resumes next month.
      shit WILL suck, i know this. but hopefully there's a wealth of fics that can keep my occupied when i need my pony fix. i know i will continue to write over the break

      There's always the irc channel, even if the threads die off

    59. I will be sad.

      And then I will do other things while still browsing pony-related stuff.

    60. No rest for the weary, I'm afraid! At my current speed, the P3 Project might actually approach completion around the time the second season hits. :) It'll actually be nice to have a block of static canon to work with after next month!

      (Also, Gokaiger will be wrapping up come winter, so it works out. ^_^)

      Ponies! I shall wait for you!

    61. Read Madmax's comics i guess...

    62. Depending on how the final episodes of the season turn out (and assuming that the base and I retain interest), I have a pony comic 'OF EPIC PROPORTIONS' or two I might try to churn out.

      Otherwise its on to making comics of my original stories.

    63. -Cry
      -Collect OC
      -Read PonyFics
      -Work a lot to raise money for more PonyMerch
      -Start writing PonyFics
      -Start Drawing Ponies?
      -Rewatch S1 once a week
      -Listen to my Pony CD on repeat

    64. I will make it my civic duty as a amateur fic writer to make as much fics and pics as I possibly can so the flame doesn't die

    65. Ponies pretty much brought my anime watching to a dead stop apart from Madoka. Got a whole season's worth of shows and the upcoming spring line-up to bide me for the withdrawal that'll surely hit from a lack of poni.

      I hope the second season will be as wonderful as the first.

    66. I just hope that S1's finale will have enough PONI to keep me afloat till S2 hits...

    67. I will rewatch every episode until I have memorized every episode in every detail. Also I may start doing a weekly ish drawing of ponies. Maybe try to spread some irl magic of friendship and all things kind in general

    68. Me, I'll probably do a lot more focusing on game dev and such.

    69. Among other things...

    70. I can't fathom no ponies. ;o;

    71. And I had myself convinced that season 2 would air immediately after season 1. Honestly though, I'm starting to get this empty feeling that is indicative of depression. Loss of Ponies will hit me hard. I'll live though.

    72. Lose my goddamn mind.

      ...or just continue the life I had before pony until the episodes start rolling again.


    73. Wondering if I should try my hand at fics, and wondering how crazy I can get away with them.

    74. Speaking of that picture, why does Dash have canines?

    75. I have homework to do and games to play; it won't matter much to me

    76. I'm going to drown myself into my studies with a side of pony. After my studies are done, it's all focused on a really time-demanding fan-fic I want to write!

    77. Do what I've been doing: work, play games, read fanfic, browse pony art, boring stuff etc.

      With the EXTREMELY powerful fans and force behind this show, I'm positive that we'll lose no steam between seasons, and that the amount of fan-created content will continue to blossom until not even Fluttershy could contain this massive friendship beast of a phenomenon.

    78. I'll likely cry.

      And then continue to watch EquestriaDaily / Deviantart, keeping tabs on the new fanart and fanfiction this awesome fandom produces. And perhaps rewatch Season 1 all over again. And just keep doing whatever it is I do in my otherwise boring, mundane life.

    79. There are other shows as well.
      I belive the time between seasons will be the golden era of OC.

    80. ...hmmm...maybe I get back to my old gallery and update it a bit (I hope it's still working)
      I have to watch anime, cartoons and vidyas that I missed and read like 3 "how to draw comics" books

    81. @TooneyD Just be careful that you don't overshoot your due date and end up starting an atheist civil war and/or becoming friends with a drunken robot.

    82. sadness will dawn upon all of us..
      the hope of more ponies will keep us alive tho
      stay strong my brony bretheren! we will get through this somehow! >_<

    83. i'll become sad and probably cry manly tears

    84. Probably get a full-time job, since I'll have just finished with college. I'm also trying to break into the professional writing world, so hopefully I'll make some progress on that (this is the part where the people who have read my fics all shake their heads in sadness.)

      I've actually made NEW friends thanks to MLP. One of them threw a Winter Wrap-Up party last weekend, and I'm considering holding a season finale party in a few weeks.

    85. I just hope I'll be able to still talk to the pals I've made through da ponies, like Maixie, Squeak, Sprinkles, Sly, and all the rest.

      Other than that, work on my colouring better, work on writing better, work on becoming a voice actor.

    86. i will cry,
      i think i am going to visit the sites i used to visit (that IS BAD)
      im going to read a LOT of fanfiction that i have ignored the last months

    87. I'm going to start out a schedule of rewatching Season 1 and taking screencaps and quotes for my Pinkie blog! Also I'll still be looking through fan creations and keeping ~*le spirit of the ponies*~ alive inside. It shall be tough!

    88. I´ll still continue to draw ponies. It´s likely, that my interest will slowly fade away, but I will never be completely away from ponies.
      It´s just like Invader Zim. That show is cancelled since years and I still see some fanart here and there.

      The only thing I´m a bit afraid of, is, that more OC ponies will be made by others.

    89. Six months is nothing! The Avatar the Last Airbender fandom had to go through nine months between season 2 and 3 with no confirmation from the studio as to what was going on through most of it. Besides this fandom should be able to produce enough fanfic/games/etc to keep us all entertained.

    90. Oh, and I hoped there will be intesting summer themed episodes around summer.

    91. Disregard your maunder.
      I'm going to learn fencing. I probably will hibernate during that time.
      Besides, you can take man out of ponies, but you will never take ponies out of a man.
      Vive la poney!

    92. The goal is to secure a job that will finally afford me some relief above and beyond daily bills. If I can manage that, I'll be okay on the surface.

      Under the surface, though, I will very much miss ponies. @_@ I'll rewatch Season 1 a lot, listen to pony songs, but it'll be a long wait. Revisiting a few older cartoons I liked will probably help.

    93. Probably watch what i normally watch: Metalocalypse, Venture Bros, Lie To Me, NCIS, (i'm a little addicted to procedural dramas), Doctor Who (which starts just after FiM s1 ends), and probably read and write.

    94. Ignore it until it happens.

      Actually study for my College exams and do coursework for 6 months.

      Play games.

      Return for poni.

    95. I'll make music, and watch my favorite re-runs.

      But at night I'll secretly cry, because I want new episodes.

      Also, I lol'd@grimdark

    96. If my name was Bill Gates i'd hire 300 animators and triple their paychecks so they could churn out 2 episodes a week.

      But it's not so I'm gonna continue my boring ass education 80% of which is bloody useless AND forced.

    97. I have a Burn Notice DVD boxset that has been sitting gathering dust because ponies took priority. I suppose I could watch that.

      Or play video games.

    98. Watch the same episodes until season 2 comes.

    99. Even reading all these comments is making me depressed already.

      Equestria Daily will always have an open tab in my browser, that's for sure. And I'll definitely try to put out as much fiction as I can (it's strange, people seem to like my stuff), and possibly bug my drawing friends to do as much art as THEY can.

      but cry mostly, I guess.

    100. I said this in the post confirming season 2. There were shows before FiM and there will be shows after it.
      Just enjoy what comes in between.
      Personally, I will probably keep readng any fanfics that are posted, but I don't think I will browse threads on 4chan.
      I had a thought yesterday as well, maybe they will use one of eurobeat bronies in S2. I think that would be the best tip off to fans imagineable, and I'm sure he'd appreciate it.

    101. one of his remixes*

    102. I'll probably go back to old pass times

      Robot Wars
      Knight Rider

      Damn, my life is empty without Ponies.

    103. "It is unlikely Blockbuster will meet the requirements for Chapter 11 reorganization". (The best option which would keep the company intact). A Chapter 7 may be in order (the worst option - i.e: Your S.O.L.)

    104. Holy crap, Blockbuster? I worked there for three years.

      It sucked, but I got lots of used video games on the cheap. Too bad the managers are always douchebags.

    105. hehe, I'm not worried, I can wait. I still have a lot of other things to do that I've neglected because of ponies (tons of videogames, yugioh, stack of dvds), but with summer coming, I can finish them, get some new stuff going, still draw up ponies every now and then, and wait for the new season. Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy.

    106. I'll keep writing, and I'll watch my Doctor Who & the old episodes. I'll hope for a DVD release with creator & voice actor commentary. (With a bonus 'Trixie' track with Trixie giving her opinion of each episode, and how much better it'd be if she was in it.)

      And who knows, maybe by the time season 2 comes out, my MLP Arena application will be approved just so they can yell at me for The HoofWitch Horror...

    107. Hey, I worked at Blockbuster too! The job was kinda crappy, but all my coworkers were cool, so it was alright.

      I think the wait is probably going to force me to try my hand at writing a fanfic. Hopefully, I'll do it well and help others get their pony fix during the break. And I've got a job and school to keep me busy in the interim, although summer break might get kinda boring. I'm also considering trying out for my town's symphony orchestra, so that'll hopefully give me something to do.

    108. Unfortunately, up here in Northern Idahoof, I have yet to meet a fellow brony IRL, so I can't turn to others for pony. So, I guess I could try my hand at writing and/or drawing... or, if I embarrass myself to badly, I could fix my sleep schedule. Ah, sleep, how I miss thee.

      I do have to say though, MLP has actually opened me to things I would have never looked into otherwise. For example, I'm trying to look into learning how to play Pathfinder, because of that Ponyfinder post. ^^

    109. Studying,Hanging out with friends and family. And Writing some pony fiction. Also going to see the Wonderbolts of the real world: The Blue Angels.

    110. Well the only thing I can see to fill the time is new Dr who starting the end of april but that will only take up a few months.

    111. I never actually thought about how far season 2 is until now. I suddenly feel a pony-shaped hole in my chest ;(

      But...that wouldn't be pony. I try to think about all the things I have learned from these wonderful months of ponyful joy and giggle, hoping season 2 will be as awesome as Season 1.

      I will try obtaining pony merchandise, which won't be easy...Curse that I live in a far away country!

      I will keep rewatching all the episodes meanwhile of course and check this blog daily in hope the pony hype lives on. I want the Brony Brotherhood to live on *pinkie sound* FOREVER !!!

      Apart from that I will prolly read more and get into writing as I wanted to for a long time now. Play a few video games I got but never happened to play.

      I will also continue my mission to spread the message of ponies across my friends.

      I was thinking for a long time about this whole pony-phenomen, the hype, how fast I got into it. I was thinking about the reasons and everything related but decided I shouldn't.

      "Sometimes you just have to believe in things, even when you can't figure them out". I just accepted I went crazy and enjoy it :D

      Here I would like to thank you Sethisto for this page, always good to come around here :)

    112. Rainbow Dash.

      (I can't believe no one's done this yet)

      Kidding. Kinda doesn't make sense anyway.
      Actually - That's what fan works are for, right? No such thing as "no pony." Just "no new episodes, for a little while." No way of knowing how everyone's pony passion will fare over the long term, but as for me, I kind of hope that I can rein it in a bit (eh? eh?) and get some stuff done without opening ponychan and ED every 30 seconds.

    113. re-watch every episode, try not to stray too far from ponies.

      summer means fix body-work on my car. That and car show season should..... keep me busy. Oh and get back to farming. I should be okay, hopefully.

    114. I was thinking about doing a Summer Shape Up. Over the long dark ponyless days to come, perhaps we should take up pet projects, then see where we are come December when ponies are back. It'll keep us busy at least. I myself am taking a drawing class.

    115. Damn, I gave it a lot of thought already. Something that's gonna suck pretty bad is hanging less with the bronies... like, waiting to see what the artists are working on, talking to them, etc. Pony related stuff is what I've been looking forward to, lately, and I'm afraid FiMchan is gonna be even more deserted, and I just gave up on /co/...

      Guess I'll try to start using /oatmeal/ for more random stuff that belongs there, see if it kicks up something. Maybe try to finally get a job?

      -hope for dubbed episodes
      -watch dubbed episodes
      -maybe rage alone at dubbed episodes.

    116. I'll continue to write, continue to work on finding ways to provide financial stability for myself and my SO, and possibly design a pony adventure for an up-and-coming tabletop RPG system I've been working on. There's a big wide world out there with a lot of stuff to do in it, and what the ponies would want from us is that we take that time apart from them to go and enjoy that.

      But, you know. I'll be right here if you guys will! <3

    117. eh, I'm not too concerned. sure ED and the imageboards might slow up a little bit, but there will still probably be a constant trickle of OC until sometime around october when the hype for season 2 begins to kick in.

      I'll still keep bout my normal life, occasionally releasing a fic. maybe learn to draw.

      I can't see a fanbase like this just completely dissolving in the off season.

    118. build time machine. Go to december 2011. After that i would get back to 2010 give Lauren Faust season 1 and 2 so they wouldn't have to made it and could start season 3 and 4 . reapet until there will be infinity season of ponies HELL YEAH

    119. I will cry... Then I will catch up on House, Wakfu and Bones... Then I will cry some more while learning to write and draw ponies.

    120. I will be super-sad... but it's okay. I think my love for Poni will stay strong, because I'm REALLY looking forward to the next season & have all the episodes to watch over & over. Not to mention all the fan art there is to draw & fanfics to read & the bronies I've made in my own group of previously establish friends. We've gotten closer since poni & it's our own special little thing we talk about the no one else in the group really gets.

    121. Well ponies maybe may favourite cartoon atm but they don't absorb all of my time ill eagerly await December whilst training the pokeymans or Combating Demon general Dark Death Evil Man, or Roasting Spies and scouts and soldiers.
      I could go climb some buildings and shoot electricity for the lulz, I still have to bring the Joker to Arkham so that he can escape and cause havoc. Then again theres always the internet :D

    122. I'm sure I'll be fine after I suffer through the withdrawal effects.
      At this point I'm already panicking ;_;

    123. I have a rainbow dash shirt coming to me in TEN SECONDS FLAT.

      I'll be going to an anime convention in late May and sharing the magic of friendship.

      Beyond that I want to work on some 3D models and maybe make a poni demo in WebGL / Unity / Flash.

      I have been unable to sleep lately due to some pain but while falling asleep I've made up a few songs. I dreamt up ways to animate them, etc.

      Ponies has stirred my creative juices something fierce. I just hope some of my ideas stick and make it to fruition this time.

      Also ADHD... D:

    124. I'll probably use all that valuable time to power up my drawing skills so I can actually contribute to the pony cause when Season 2 rolls in. Seven months of training should enable me to draw at least passable looking pictures.

      Also, I won't mind too much the slowed threads as long as the archive system continues. I really have become accustomed to being able to read what I missed

    125. Wait, dude
      I had a

      No really, listen
      I had an idea

      What if in the meantime

      Wait for it

      What if in the meantime

      They made a COMIC?

    126. I'll finish my groundbreaking sophomore album and dominate the independent music scene.

      Or, you know, tend my vegetables.

      ...and cry.

    127. I intend to read and write lotsa pony fanfics until season 2 comes out. Gotta fill that pony void somehow.

    128. I would probably sink back into world of warcraft. Which honestly, is something I wish doesn't happen.

      It shouldn't happen right? I can trust you to keep supplying us with fics right? I would really appreciate that.

    129. @Giggers

      I really have the feeling that's not the case. I'm sure we'll start seeing the new episodes in October or so. Remember the Derpy phenomenon? It was a mistake that was "fixed" in later episodes, but by the time Lauren and the animators heard about it they were able to change Feeling Pinkie Keen and the episodes after. They'd ONLY be able to do that if the episodes were still being worked on.

      So I'd say, not to worry, I don't think it'll be quite THAT long.

      As for me? Like I said in another post, I haven't read Fanfiction for YEARS, but MLP really sparked a renewed interest. I'm hoping we still get a steady trickle of fanart and fanfics, and I'll most certainly rewatrch episodes and the like.

    130. Play all the vidya I've been ignoring, doing the occassional bit of fanart to keep myself and others ready. When the next season begins, explode.

    131. Write some more fanfic, then go back to my other hobbies and interests. Probably rewatch the episodes at some point.

    132. @Giggers

      They finish animating the last episode in December, a good third of the season should have aired by then. So season 2 should start airing in October.

    133. Rewatch the entire series over and over

    134. I'd be a little disappointed, but for the most part I'd keep busy with schoolwork and my music. I'd rather not be another perpretrator of the "Starving Musician" cliché, haha!

      I will look forward to the next season though.

    135. focus on creating fanfic so that week before release i will post all of it on DA and hope it'll get on equestriadaily.com :)

    136. I will have the new season of Doctor Who to watch, so I'll be fine. Plus it'll give me time to catch up on Bones and watch season 2 of Wakfu...

      But don't worry, I'm sure I'll still check this blog and ponychan compulsively for more ponies.

    137. Just gonna get back into Runescape and reading/writing pony stories.

    138. Write! Write, write, write, write write.

      Just because there's no new pony episodes doesn't mean I can't make my own stories about them. I'll probably write even more once they're in the off season.

      Speaking of which, I have a second chapter to write. Confound these ponies, they drive me to laziness.

    139. I'm hoping I can sort out my thoughts before the ponies come back on. Other than that, there's not much to do other than work a little job or two.

    140. I will watch this the day the last episode airs, I will try my hardest not to cry.
      I will take in the message as best I can, I suppose.
      The thing that hurts the most is that the first season of every show I have ever watched has always been my favourite, sure there are good episodes in other seasons but rarely do entire seasons outshine the first one. I will always remember the threads and silly arguments we had.

    141. Portal 2 will be awesome.
      Ponies still 20% cooler.

    142. >no episodes until december

      Honestly, I would probably revert back to my disgruntled, bitter self.

      Hopefully they do re-runs while we wait.


    143. I will probably go through withdrawal. Become increasingly irritable, demanding new comics and pictures from others much more talented than I. Soon after, I will create a failed short film about the reality of being a "brony". It will not be finished.

      I will probably go back to the activities I used to partake in before discovering My Little Pony. The trouble is, I do not remember what those were.

    144. I'll be in college by the time S2 arrives, so that'll keep me busy. However college is still some months away in the meantime Portal 2 will keep me safe I guess.
      I'm pretty damn sure I'll just end up re-watching the whole S1 of pony and learn by memory the script or something
      Also, to the guy who said Clop Furiously....wow

    145. I have non-pony interests, so I'm fine there. I'll probably start writing fic involving the repaint ponies. If they have fan personalities, people will buy them and Hasbro gives the show more seasons.

      If there's one thing I learned from the Dethklok fandom, it's that fans only get bored if everything's resolved. I hope the season's end gives us something really interesting or even a cliffhanger. That would inspire enough OC to keep everyone around for S2

    146. Vidya. Lots of animu and vidya to catch up on.

    147. I'm gonna rewatch S1 AGAIN on my native language as It will probably arrive here to MEXICO! (Empanadas!) in the gap between S1 and S2, with, hopefully a decent dubbing.
      Consequentiality I'll see the McD toys arrive, and thus kick off a new campaign to turn everyone I know into a pony fan as I crusade for all the toys in the McD's in my area, and gloriously contemplate as my native land gets softly blissed by the gift of pony.
      U jelly?

    148. Sit and wonder in amazement of how Hasbro didn't cancel the series in pure pedoscare once knowledge of the brony scene reached them.

      let's not forget MLP:FIM is nothing to them but an elaborate ploy to peddle pony paraphernalia to precious preteen princesses who'll pester their parents until paycheck after paycheck is presented in exchange of the patented Hasbro products. Dirty antisocial adult males spell bad businesses for them, specially if a "concerned parent group" finds our clopfics.

    149. @Anonymous
      Yo solo puedo decir... Bueno...

      And yeah I guess I will play pokemon again =P

    150. My friend and I were actually going to start producing a MLP:FiM fan webcomic, and do a bit of worldbuilding as we think the world should be built. Maybe that will sate someponies' craze for new material.

    151. I will visit this site every day and recru bronies like therewew no tomorow!!

      I will also write a shitton of fics as well s personal projets.

      Tho om the pony break I assume yaris stream will be much.more interesting! And I dont aee me leving there any time soon

    152. I think, I watching Anime again and look through the internet for fanwork of Friendship is Magic. Anyway, I will be sad. :(

    153. I I'll probably go back to Neopets although that will be VERY hard. If that doesn't work, then I will wait and suffer through it.

    154. well I think I'm going back to /x/

    155. I'll wait eagerly for the Apple Bloom continuation of "Cupcakes".

      ...and probably play a whole hell of a lot of Epic Mafia/Minecraft.

    156. @SKX

      Why do you have my other name.

      You aren't me.

      On topic, I'll probably actually start doing things again instead of ponies 24/7.

      I've got plenty of video games to beat.

    157. I'm guessing quite some of you will hang around synchtube and watch the shit out of S1. So will I.

      And I'm looking forward to times when we then just watch random vids inbetween, it's quite funny. Maybe we'll brainstorm a pony version of BRODYQUEST, that be funny. Oh, so much OC to come!

    158. Heavy Weapons Pony24. märts 2011, kell 15:07

      Ill always have Team Fortress 2.
      But really I hope the pony hype doesnt die IT IS SO NICE D:. Its okay if some fans take a break but I hope all the Bronies and part-time fans, will emerge once more AND IN GREATER NUMBERS once the second season starts. :)

    159. I shall write SO MUCH FANFICTION it will literally CLOG OUT EQUESTRIA DAILY!!!!!
      MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.. *cough cough* excuse me, stupid seasonal allergies.. Okay, resume laugh.
      okay i'm done here.

      oh and, lol at Dash's face.
      ~ Dezzie Rose

    160. The same thing I do everyday, try to convert the people of the Black ops community into Bronies. So far I made a few bronies. It's really fun running around with a ponies name or My Little Pony FiM, they usually get a lot of attention and thats my goal.

    161. @HMS Mule
      I kindda envy you. I wish I had the galls to try to convert WoW folks into bronies, but people on there are just... Well. Generally unhappy people.

      Wait. That just gave me an idea. What if WoW bronies got together and made a guild together?
      I think that would be intresting, running around Azeroth with a pony's name like Mule said.
      Anybody intrested? I think that it would be a good idea. It'll certainly make the times after season one ends much easier.

    162. I'll raise my GPA and actually pass a few classes.


      Nah, fuck that. WoW, DnD, and writing something that's not MLP Fanfic.

    163. @Iron: That sounds positively awesome!

      I'm a fledgling novelist, longtime fanfiction writer. If you ever want some help worldbuilding, I, Solaris90 of DeviantArt, am at your service. ^_^

    164. @Naxts

      I'm down. Better yet, do it on a Roleplaying server and actually play the characters as you...play the characters.

    165. @Putuk

      For those that don't care much for BRODYQUEST, here's the Raocow version with vocals.


      This one for Half-life fans.


      Minecraft fans.


      Team Fortress as we have a few fan here.


      But yeah we need a PONYQUEST! Suggestions are Twilight walks across many screenshots from the show and eventually spike and apple bloom bouncing along the background followed by Rainbow Dash flying above her head.

    166. @Daffodil
      Lawl. Just imagine all the attention we'd get in trade.

      /2 is a my little pony role-playing guild. We run around azeroth holding tons of parties and making dresses for each other. OC ponies are encouraged. Everybody is welcomed. Come in and enjoy the party!

      I'm actually willing to go with this. Anybody else support?

    167. @Naxts

      Apparently, Putting "Friendship is Magic" in brackets makes it disappear.

    168. A lot of people are saying that they'll cry, or return to their previous habits. That's not going to fly with me, I'm FOREVVEERRRRRRRRR marching forward, trying new things and taking each day as it comes.

      I will return to my older hobbies, but they will be performed differently like my GTA modding will involve lots of ponies (I aim to bring friendship to GTA SA, even if I have to do it single-handedly. I've already got Rainbow Dash into the game as a Hydra skin, there's plenty more I can do though).

      I also have some projects I should really be finishing, so I can get on with those. I've recently taken up writing fics, and I have several ideas that I'm thinking of writing and possibly publishing. And I'm practicing drawing ponies, so I can create a crossover comic that I have ideas for.

      Oh, and I didn't really have any friends to neglect, not that I would've anyway. In fact, I'm the one who's been neglected by my friends. That said, an old friend is moving back here, there's a possibility that she'll visit me often. And I've recently made friends with a girl who loves Dr. Who, Beatles, and games. I've actually got her into ponies too (thanks goes to all of the creators of the fanart featuring Derpy, Dr Whoof, and anything Beatles related), so I'm most definitely going to be spending time with her.

      As I said, I'm going to always be marching forward, taking each day in my stride. Though I'll never forget and neglect this fandom, as soon as Season 2 arrives, I'll find myself spending plenty of time here again. In the meantime, I'll keep checking in every day, and contributing with whatever pony-related stuff I create.

    169. I'll still post in pony threads on /b/ until I'm the only one left there. Then I'd move to ponychan I guess 'cause it won't be fun talking to my self on /b/. Other than that I'll probably start playing WoW again.
      Confound these ponies, they drive me to quit WoW!

    170. Wartortle Triforce24. märts 2011, kell 16:08

      I'll be playing my new 3DS and reading many, many fanfics. Gonna be a long and grueling period of time waiting!

    171. When season 2 comes out and it attracts a ton of new fans we'll be talking about "the good old days" of season 1 with a smile on our faces and we'll feel like "Fuck yes! I was there when it started!".

    172. well I'll keep watching ponies with the dudes on Synchtube, play video games. do whatever the hell I end up doing this summer, I'll be in Maine for most of august, no idea what im gonna do in july or before that though. september I will have classes.

      and of course read fan fiction and post in whatever pony threads are around.

    173. I'll probably work on my pony handknitted sock patterns. And catch up on the Transformers-inspired jewelry I've been neglecting.

      Yeah...ponies make me want to knit socks and TF makes me want to design jewelry. IDGI.

      I'm also saving up for a bike so I can start training for a triathlon. Someone out there needs to make Rainbow-dash inspired race jerseys, is all I'm sayin.

    174. Probably get into D&D and MtG, which I've wanted to do for a REALLY long time. Ponies can't come soon enough once school starts up again though :\

    175. i will be ordinary again

    176. Go back to Kamen Rider and Super Sentai.
      Honestly, I think most bronies would also like Kamen Rider OOO and Gokainger, so I'm gonna link them.



      Also, watch Kamen Rider W too, since it's a fun Detective Superhero series with the occasional dark story arc.


      Give it a try, trust me.

    177. Step one. Cry.
      Step two. Draw pony.
      Step three. Cry because it's not the pony I'm looking for.
      Step four. Finish my to-pony list that just keeps growing everyday.
      Step five. Make sacrifices to Luna.
      Step six. Repeat the next day till show returns.

    178. Read fanfics, make OC, etc.

      Ponies are one of the very few things that make me overcome my lazyness, so I'll probably be drawing things like crazy. Maybe I'll write my own fic too...

    179. Playing WoW on my new PC. Since ponies entered my life I've been falling behind with WoW. And check this blog everyday for new stuff, of course!

    180. - cry
      - read more pony fics and watch more pony videos
      - writing more chapters of my pony fic and upload them to deviantArt
      - watch every day one or more episodes of season 1
      - save all pony pics I can find
      - buy more pony stuff (I hope they will make a big Rainbow Dash plushy)

    181. @Anonymous

      Pirate Power Rangers!?

    182. Will the site be mothballed during the break or will donation love tide it over until we get out of the doldrums?

    183. Let's see... I guess I'll just do what I always did before MLP. Playing games and attempting to make mods for the various shooters and RPGs I play.

      Only now... they'll all be based off of MLP.
      "S.T.A.L.L.I.O.N.: CALL OF EQUESTRIA", here I come!

    184. > I personally got a job at Blockbuster

      RUN! I got stuck there for almost 8 years while in school and while I was trying to find a job after school. That is not a part of my life I enjoy thinking about. PLEASE believe me when I say it just isn't worth it. Retail work is bad enough but many people just have a poor opinion of BB to begin with, and they project that poor opinion on the employees and treat them like trash. I work with an engineering firm doing IT work now - my customers are my co-workers and it is indescribably better. Good luck to you.

    185. Here's what I'm going to do:

      I'm going to go back to what I do normally, but with ponies mixed in evenly. I'll probably work on things with all of the episodes of MLP:FiM playing in a loop from my Youtube playlist.

      Oh, right, I'm also working on a Pony RPG. I think that'll suffice for a while and a half.

    186. Well, I could go on before ponies, so I guess I will be able to deal without ponies for those few months as well. Possibly my obsession will become focused on Carl Barks comic books again, there are still many left to read especially that I neglected it in the past few months because of ponies. Plus I can always watch old episodes from time to time. I don't think it will be so hard now that I know there will be second season.

    187. I hope that I'll spend my time doing productive things, but in all likelyness I'm going to just keep re-watching season 1 over and over again, while writing horrible fan fiction and trying to draw ponies. Confound these ponies they cause me to support a fan community.

    188. @Halifax

      It's not that bad...

      I worked at best buy before it, which I hated in comparison. Selling computers VS selling candy bundles and talking about movies all day is like night and day.

      But I doubt it will be around much longer. We just stopped selling gift cards, which is always a bad sign.

    189. When this MLP:FIM season ends I'll probably still have some episodes I haven't watched yet. I'm saving them, savouring them slowly... That'll just delay the inevitable. Then I'll rewatch them over and over again. And maybe I'll try making some artwork, putter about with my MLP letterset, ponder Equestria ecology... I doubt I'll suffer withdrawal, there's too much material to consider. And maybe I'll get back down to earth long enough to read a few books and go see a few movies.

    190. I'll probably end up leaving all my friends behind and start being the biggest ass-hole because I don't know how to properly convey and handle situations without learning about the magic friendship brings, and the grow into a deep depresion until that fate-ful day comes when I look back upon myself and all the friends I've made and lost through the first season of ponies, and the horrible aftermath of loss of ponies has done to me. I'll start drawing my own ideas of a perfect pony world, and start a small cult on every pony related forums I go to, I'll amass a small group of thinkers like me, and go on a rampage across towns, making sure everyone learns of our perfect envision for a future, I'll start a religion while I'm at it, Celestia will be the god, and the world will become vegetarian, we'll all frolic about and learn of the true meaning of friendship, and the USA will become my own personal pony haven.

      Then Season 2 will come out and I will wake up from my chyogenic chamber.

    191. I'm pretty sure discussion on Ponies could continue during the downtime. We could always do a periodical re-watch of the old episodes at some point and analyze the crap out of them. (Not sure if that's fun for other people or not....LOL, I have a background in watching Lost).

    192. ^ Something like that!!

      Seriously, my feelings will be kinda bittersweet at first, but my crazy existence will probably continue on about as "normal" except for more frequent outbursts of, "PONIESPONIESINEEDPONIES!" in between. My obsession will remain alive and well, as I keep on doing and buying and saying pony-related things and attempting to spread the Gospel of FiM far and wide....

      Of course, by the time we get new eppies, I'll have graduated college and hopefully be working in an internship somewhere, so if I've moved away from my hometown and everything is different and I'm watching the second season as a new me and looking back on the first one, having been there from THE VERY BEGINNING as I was...well, let's just say the show will become even more dear and significant to me...:*D

    193. Oops, I was referring to Saxton. But yes, definitely, there's no reason that pony fanship shouldn't carry on strongly...!

    194. Mostly catch up on vidja games, but do you really expect things to die down that much around here?

    195. Stainless Steel Fox25. märts 2011, kell 07:03

      1) Get back to writing my Star Fox and Miles Prower fanfics.

      2) Finally run that Slayers D20 game I've been touting.

      3) Write a couple of MLP FiM fanfics.

      4) Assimilate new bronies.

    196. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    197. I will wait staring at my clock and calendar for the next season!
