• Discussion: Have you been caught doing something pony related?

    A few threads ago on /co/, this discussion came up, but was buried under shipping and MODRAGE.

    So I'm going to try that discussion thing again, since I can't really find anything else amazing to post today.

    Have you ever been caught watching Pony?
    Has your secret Mcdonalds pony stash been found? 
    Did your headphones unplug while listening to Winter Wrap Up on full blast in a crowded elevator?
    Stupid Sexy Rainbow Dash!?

    *Edit* added dash colors cause I'm bored, back to pokemon!

    126 kommentaari:

    1. My sister has caught me watching some episodes and seeing the site up when i'm out of my room, but to this day she hasn't really said anything about it.

    2. 'Caught' isn't the right word.

      Also: sacrificing a 'good' /co/ discussion for a blog post. Bah!

    3. Nah, my little brother lives with me and I outright told him once I started getting into it. He just kinda laughs when he sees me watching the show.

    4. @R.O. Brony

      It was an old discussion that got buried. Discussion is only possible at midnight on /co/.

    5. Well, I was joining the Pony TF2 server once, and I got distracted by someone else, and just as I came back, someone asks "what is that??" and pointed at the Rainbow Dash at the top. "Is that My Little Pony or something?"
      Before I answer, he goes on, "y'know, I've heard some weird stuff about that. Like, I heard it was actually kinda okay or something..." and we went on off that.
      ...I do believe I found another brony in my being 'caught'.

    6. only people overly concerned with image would care if you like something like MLP. ive had one person on facebook tell me it was weird to like MLP. but you know what? they havent even watched it.

    7. I have two of the McDonald's pony toys on my desk and I've gotten a few questions about them, but I just smile and nod when they ask if they're ponies.

      Sometimes I get an odd look when I browse ED at the university because of the HUGE PONY BANNER, but no one's said anything.

    8. Have a Rarity icon, which a friend poked fun at me for, but then made the mistake of saying her name, which allowed me to point out the obvious: How could he know unless he watched the show too?

      I have an Applejack sitting on my desk, I get friendly ribbing from friends over my "obvious fanboying" over "that Pony show", but nothing too serious.

    9. Non of the above. And I want all of them to happen.

    10. I've ALMOST gotten caught by my folks. But I'm starting to realize that I don't really care if I get caught anymore.

    11. No, not really =P.

      But for some reason I want to get caught. I mean; I stand to this and I even know what to say when someone asks.
      The biggest problem is that I´m not an native english-speaker. And nopony I know hangs around the "deeper" internet nor does even understand english well enough that I could show them an episode or something :/

    12. I've almost been caught when I accidentally yanked my earbuds out of my laptop while watching an episode. It was only a few seconds, so if anyone heard it, I doubt they'd know what it was.

    13. It's not being caught if you tell your friends about ponies. So my friends can never catch me since they know already!

    14. Nah. But I did mention that the internet is obsessed with ponies, rainbows and friendship lately.
      And that some places banned friendship. :P
      Oh and I mentioned goggles once.

    15. I'm a devious bastard...
      I've let myself get caught by people (normally one or two at a time), and then explain to them the wonders of friendship, and why there's all this talk of ponies all over the internet. I urge them to see what it's all about, and the next time I see them, they have seen all the episodes and are full-on bronies. I have converted 17 and counting.

    16. I pretty much just straight on PONI in public now. Chances are I'll either get ignored for doing it, or I can convince someone else to join the herd. Or maybe they just won't like it, in which case I show them BlazBlue instead.

    17. @Anonymous

      ^- This. I can't be "caught" anymore, except by people I don't know (and who are they?).

      Also, you lucky un-broke people and your un-lack of Pokémons. And...*breaks down sobbing*

    18. I watch it once a week with my mom (she likes cartoons as much as me)
      I got like 7 of my online friends into it
      and my mom got somebody curios about it but we dont know if he watched it.
      and wen I go to see an old family friend soon im going to convert him weather he likes it or not!
      I have all the micD toys next to my computer and I have that bubble pinkiepie a fluttershy with brushable hair and a shine bright rainbowdash on my computers tower.
      I think its safe to say I haven't been caught as much as gone around advertising it

    19. so, im like watching sonic rainboom for the first time and my bro comes in and hes like WTF R YOU WATCHING? and im like IM WATCHING FUCKING PONIES MAN and hes like O RLY and im like YEAH DEAL WITH IT OK and he seas OK TORRENT ALL THE EPISODES FOR ME SO ILL HAVE SOMETHING TO WATCH ON THE OIL RIG and im like OK FINE

    20. My brother obviously knows that I watch it since I tried to bring him into the fold but was unsuccessful (his loss).

      I got caught singing along with Art of the Dress while doing laundry by my mom. She just gave me a raised eyebrow and I responded with
      "Let's face it, this isn't the worst thing you've caught me doing."
      She just nodded and said "true, at least nothings on fire." She's awesome like that.

    21. My brother kinda caught me looking at an episode or two...

      ...But then I convinced him to watch some episodes and he too turned into a brony.


      (also, I am 16, my bro is 20. KEKEKE)

    22. I didn't get a chance to buy the McDonald's toys, and that was probably my one and only avenue to being "caught". There's just no money to afford pony merchandise, and I'm pretty much in the habit of trying to get everypony I know into the show, so the chances to have a 'wait, wtf?' moment rapidly dwindle into oblivion.

    23. I've admitted i like FIM on facebook, nothing more than that. If anybody catches me with any pony paraphernalia is if i allow them to see it, or they see me on some sort of pony site.

    24. my mother walked in on me moving my mcdonalds pony stash. i gave a hurried excuse("its not mine, im just holding it for a friend") and she was all like "yeah yeah" and never brought it up again.

      and thats why i love my mother.

      everypony outside of my family already knows though, so its just a matter of tyme. also pokemans rule.

    25. I was at a party with a few of my old college buddies about a month ago. The subject of Ponies happened to come up, and they didn't seem too keen on the show. I said I liked FIM, and if anyone had a problem with that we could settle things in a fist fight out on the lawn (It was all in good joking fun).
      After that though no one really brought up ponies again . . .

    26. If you mean has there have been any negative effects from someone learning about it... no.

      I was told "Life is to short, enjoy what you will while you can".

    27. Haven't been caught, living alone sucks for that matter. I'm almost sure my brazilian friends would be lame and stupid about it. Most consider anime in general strange already so...

      There is one IRL friend I told, he knew about all the pony mess on 4chan already. I made him watch 2 episodes but he didn't really like it. Oh well.

      I'm a bit scared to try it with my french friends since I'm just now starting to become friends with them. I don't want to weird them out.

      Maybe I should do some anonymous advertising on the university's mail group...

    28. I watched some episodes in front of my family back in december when I went home for winter break.

      However everyone in my family is over 20 years old I think they're probably past the point of caring what everyone else likes.

      But I still wouldn't put it past them to bring it up in a moment that would annoy me just for their own delight. My family is kind of like that.

    29. All my friends know I watch My Little Pony. Every. Single. One. I do not hide it, maybe because I'm crazy, maybe because I don't care, but I like to think it's because it's a good show, and if they won't listen to a film student of 3 years about which shows are good or not, then they're missing out.
      Also, I bought the toys at the register at McDonalds, and the cashier lady felt obligated to ask for whom I was purchasing these ponies for. I stared at her. And slowly raised my finger to my chest. "Me" I said. "Me."

    30. I have "OATMEAL? ARE YOU CRAZY?!" for text massege sound. But I rarely get any messages ;_;. I guess my dad or bro heard fragments of once of the songs once or twice but I'm sure they have no idea what it was.

    31. Yes. By my friends. I'll burst out into Winter Wrap Up randomly. And they'll probably find my writings eventually. Tis only a matter of time

    32. Well, I haven't tried to hide it, so I dont think "caught" is the right word.

      People expect artists to be eccentric anyway.

    33. Everyone around me is retarded, im going almost as far as to blurt out I FUCKING LOVE MY LITTLE PONY and only my mother has caught on

    34. Everyone knows I like it. No one cares. I am already that weird guy who is kind of awesome so no one was shocked. I had to explain that it didn't suck to a few people and my friends don't like it but I already knew it wouldn't be their kind of thing.

    35. I got a female friend into the show a few weeks ago. Last night, I got drunk & posted something about poni on her wall. So, it's out there, pretty openly, but no one's called me on it.

      And I've told people anyway, it can't be worse than the fact that I have "Flashdance" on DVD.

    36. lol lately, I've been actively trying to convert anypony that will listen, it's gotten to the point where my friends and co-workers will bring it up and ask questions about it. the other day I explained to a very confused black woman at walmart about ponies, the 4chan pony wars, and the pony effect, all with the styling Rarity and Applejack in my hands, in line for the register. It was glorious, the lady probably thinks I'm crazy. this sorta thing is half the fun of ponies for me.

    37. Two weeks ago: Hanging out with girlfriend and various other friends. GF mentions aloud "after this we need to finish watching that My Little Pony episode."

      Everyone looks at her funny. She changes the subject.

    38. No one knows yet, other than my family which don't care. I yet to create suspicion among my friends (oh, ya my friend online knows and likes it, but not quite a brony)

    39. I mentioned it to my girlfriend and she called me weird. She has not seen MLP MIF yet and still has bad memories of the older shows.

    40. I tell everyone to the point they want me to shut and get back in the pony closet, my friend acts like he hates it but I at lest know he likes Fluttershy cause of her stare.

    41. I actually got caught once. My whole clasroom saw my Rainbow dash wallpaper, I could hear millions of *GASP*s Then, a friend stood up and said "What? I like that too, any problems? about 2 guys and the girl I like followed up. It turned out better than expected.

    42. Stupid Sexy Dash is now my new favorite phrase.

    43. - Watch MLP every Monday and Thursday during my lunch at work.
      - Have both here and /co/ in the background whenever i'm on a computer.
      - Have the 4 mini ponies on my desk at work, along with a pony background.
      - Listen to the songs daily, on the way to/from work.

      I REALLY don't care what others think.. I'll get a picture if i remember.

    44. I'm very open about liking the show, I talk about it non-stop, blast the music in my car when driving, and watch the episodes and show people pictures whenever I get the chance

    45. Well, caught... I actually TOLD some of my friends about it, even showed one my folder of pics and told him that I post on ponychan quite often. I really don't make a big secret about this, good luck me and my friends are mature enough not to make fun of it ^^

    46. Rainbow Dash's cutie mark is my fb icon. So far no one's noticed lol

    47. @Solarboy That's AWESOME!!!! :) I personally don't give a rat's patootie what anyone thinks about my poni interests. I'm a 31-year-old IT professional and I have two poni and a Twilight Sparkle 'READ' poster (11x17) at my desk, and damn the neigh-sayers. :)

    48. I love MLP and don't afraid of anything.
      I have a set of desktop BG's that cycle every 30min, a fluttershy firfox skin, pony BG for my phone, theme song as my ringtone, ~yay~LOUDER as my text tone, and I listen to the album while drive to and from work everyday loud and with the windows down. I even went to McD's and asked for toys... even though they had signs they DIDN'T HAVE ANY PONY! I have gone to local stores in search of pony. I even played the soundtrack at a D&D game in front of my friends and showed off the MLP EPIC 7 artist AMV.
      I have all the episodes downloaded, and between those and the music and the pictures I have its about 20gb worth of pony. I even post here with a name I use everywhere else. Go ahead let people find out I like pony... I am too happy to be knocked down!

    49. I wish I had known about the show when McDonald's had the toys. I hope they bring them back soon.
      And I have been caught watching the show, totally worth it though, it was on an HD TV.

      Also, I try to tell people how awesome the show is, even in public.

    50. My Dad "caught" me watching it, just as the opening theme began to play (had my speakers on). He rofled and began a rant.
      I didn't give a single fuck.

    51. Good on you, Anon.

    52. watched all of winter wrap up thinking "why is the sound quality so shit?". realised headphones hadnt been plugged in and i'd just had the speakers really loud to compensate for the noise cancelling headphones. I think my flatmate heard, the other day he referred to my driving as 'crasherific', so possible brony

    53. One day at uni I'm minding my own business in the student lounge when some dude walks up and sees the Ponies wallpaper on my laptop (slideshow of silhouettes made from rough screencaps of the main 6)

      He recognizes that they are ponies for one reason or another, and I start playing clips. Flutterguy Evil Enchantress, Rainbow Dash practicing the Sonic Rainboom, ect. Suddenly there's a huge crowd huddled around my laptop watching pony clips and totally digging it.

      Probably helps that I already know just about everybody on campus so they're less likely to judge. I created a horde of bronies that day, along with like three...uh...do we even have a name for female pony fans?

    54. I showed it to my mom. She just said "I don't get why people are so surprised by this; teaming up to deal with trouble is exactly what girls do."

      It was then that I started to wonder if MLP was some sort of remedial behavior class for men...

    55. @Anonymous

      I was about to launch into a speech about the concept of "bros" being largely gender neutral thanks to the internet, but after this...

      ...touche. I accept my new title with all the dignity I can muster.

    56. I was gathering up drawing supplies around my house suspiciously, and then headed to the dining room, the most secluded room in my house. My dad thought I was scheming and walked in to find me just finishing off the coloring on a MASSIVE picture of Rainbow Dash. He just looked at me, and then left. The picture is now stuck on my wall.

    57. I haven't been outright caught yet, though I kinda wish I was =/

    58. Brought my laptop to a study session one night about two weeks ago, I was in the My Little Pony Steam chat and asked the other person to look at something (pertaining to work, not MLP). He pointed at the Steam chat window (which I forgot to close) and was like "My Little Pony? What?" or something like that and I hurriedly was like "Oh, it's just a big internet inside joke, ignore it" and minimized the window.

      No one must know...

    59. My mother almost caught me and my sister with the toys coming back from Raiding Toys r Us. Luckily my AJ was safe and awkward discussion averted. Thats probably the worst.
      My ringtone is the Rarity laugh so I get weird looks when someone calls and even the "WTF is that?!!" but a good answer is always, "Its a laugh. duh!"
      Also I made several pony characters on Soul Calibur 4 for the PS3 if anyones interested~ Also tried to make Dash on DC Universe Online, didnt work out too well thanks to the color pallet.

    60. My mother saw my McDonald's Rainbow Dash on my computer desk once, this lead to a very awkward discussion about my sexuality. I now keep my ponies and my love for them hidden. I wish it didn't have to be like this; why are people so judgemental?

    61. 1: Never been caught watching ponies, I showed everyone else.
      2: No McDonalds here that had the ponies, so I don't have any. I do get a Derpy mug soon though.
      3: I always set my laptop 100% volume in class with all the MLP:FiM songs, haters gonna hate.
      4: Yes, yes indeed.

    62. Caught isn't the right word, I wear my pony heart on my sleeve

    63. A couple things happened. I have a macdonald rainbow dash toy that I keep on top of my wardrobe. Everyday, my 3 year old brother would take it and hide it somewhere and I'd have to hunt to get it back, just to get it hidden again the next day.
      There was this one time my 12 year old sister caught me watching ponies, our conversation went kindda like this.


      "Fuck no, this show kicks ass, its about a bunch of ponies who team up together to fight monsters and evil, each with their own distint personality and power. In the first episode, these ponies fought a fucking god."

      -I'm making twilight's~ dresss~-

      "And lemme guess. Shes making armor?"

      "Hell yeah"

      Then there was this other moment when I was caught reading pony fan fiction by my sister. I was kindda expecting her to laugh at me, but then she started going off on how that she dosen't mind and that she reads fanfiction all the time.

      I've had some intresting experiences.

    64. @Anonymous

      I love this, so much.

      I have the big screen of Cloudsdale as my background, which I think everyone sees as "artsy" instead of from a kids' cartoon. I do browse EqD and FimChan daily, so people see quick glances of random pony pics, but no one's said anything. I have told three close friends, and they just sort of lol at it but it's no big deal.

      I also have a Rainbow Dash on my bookshelf, so it will probably come up eventually in my family. But seriously I'm a legal adult, I'm old enough to buy cigs, join the army, and vote, I think I should be able to buy some poni for chrissakes. Honestly I'm worried much more about my folks finding out that I'm bisexual and that I smoke less-than-legal substances more than that I like My Little Pony.

    65. >> Applejack as my computer background
      >> Humming Art of the Dress to myself when I'm walking around the school campus
      >> Numerous Twilights saying "ponies ponies ponies ponies" until it fills the margin on the paper has flooded my recent Astronomy notes
      >> Sister caught me watching Sonic Rainboom on TV
      >> Mom won't let anything with the words "My Little Pony" on TiVo
      >> I just got done reading yet another FiM fan-fiction today, to top the first five this morning
      >> Anything that was related to Homestuck is now replaced by pony

      Guys, I think I need help.

    66. @Zarkanorf

      LOL..I have an Applejack background too, some friends wouldn't even remotely understand that.

      I haven't gotten so bad that I unlocked the achievement: Memorized Winter Wrap-Up; got friends who have though.

    67. I came out of the stable to my family a while back. After some light ribbing, they're pretty cool with it. My brother still gives me crap, but that just makes it all the sweeter, in a way.

    68. yup.
      i replied with a simple,
      "I watch ponys erry dai o mah lief, don't give a FUCK!"

    69. I enlisted my mom to help me get a complete set of the McDonalds ponies off eBay. I told my oldest friend all about the show (his initial response to me saying I liked MLP was a very Kirk-esque "...bullshit"). I've been converting and sucking people in on the net right and left. I'd say it's not really that much of a secret for me. Besides, I'm into weirder/worse things anyway.

    70. My fondness for poni is not something I hide, but it's never come up, either. I just don't give a fuck; I like what I like.

    71. I love the show and... mah dad would hate, he'd just fu*** hate me for watching something so cute and awesome cuz... well... he's an old and admired "Don" around here -yeah I am mexican- XD so yeah... he's hate his son to be so ... "girly" I used to work at his workshop and to be brute and all but now I love this and I wonder why... why can't we machos love MLP? come on! it's awesome!! much like powerpuff girls.. only better XD

    72. Well my friend next to me heard I was listening to Winter wrap up on the bus so he asked me "What song is that?" then there was an akward silence. My neighbors saw my McDonalds Ponies so they laughed, as a punishment I switched half of the songs of Super Smash Bros. Brawl to Winter wrap up or Art of the Dress. I haven't been caught watching Ponies yet.

    73. @Zarkanorf

      I know right? even my sister thinks they are far too girly XDDD


    74. so far I've made my elder brother and my younger brother watch it/enjoy it and made my dad see it and laugh. However, I hide it like porn from my mum.

    75. NO!

      No one must know. So I have kept it secret and safe.

    76. It's far easier for my 2 brothers and me to watch the show and get toys, since we have a little sister we can use as an excuse.

    77. I talk about poni to all my friends and try to convert them to the way of the poni. So far I've only been successful with one person. ;_;

    78. @Rytarou

      this is kinda funny, because the only people whith even the slightest relationship to me friend-wise I have yet to convert is my friends sisters.

      whazza deal wit dat?

    79. I don't try to hide it. My family doesn't give a shit and my sister actually watches it with me. (However, she is a preteen girl, and therefore closer to the indended audience).

      After a few beers one night I suggested to my friends that we watch an episode. Well, one guy decided to pull up the first episode on his TV. The awesomeness of seeing Twilight Sparkle in HD and hearing the themesong in surround sound was cut short by my friends laughing at how stupid the show was.

      At first I was like :|
      But then I lol'd, since, hey, Friendship is Magic.

    80. MY family and friends know. Non of them really care though, they do call me a fagot sometimes when they feel frisky. No one knows that I bought the McDonalds toys yet.

    81. I didn't hide that I watch ponies, nor that I collected the McPony herd.
      I just left it all out in the open till everyone actually noticed.
      Now I'm not allowed to listen to Winter Wrap-up in my own car.

      My cousins were watching cow-cud parodies of MW on youtube yesterday, so I made them watch wholesome, entertaining ponies instead. Two of them argued that they didn't like it, but they both watch two whole episodes before they left.

      When my mom found my McPonies, she just said "I thought you were going to get something anime." Then she bared me from playing any MLP music in the car or at home without headphones, or with her home.

    82. So far the only embarrassing moment I had was when a friend of mine saw some furry art in a pony thread by accident. The only thing he said was "Is THAT what your pony love is really about?" with a slightly concerned look on his face.

      fucking furries

    83. I was on a Skype call with a friend of mine showing him something on screensharing. All of a sudden he said "Is that a... pony?" as I realized in horror that he caught a glimpse of my Rainbow Dash background. After I admitted it was, he immediately screamed "GAY" at the top of his lungs and hung up on me, then messaged me saying he's not sure if we can be friends any more. Lord knows how many people he's told, as well. :/

      Feels bad, man.

    84. My sister walked in on me watch Pony in my long-johns while drinking straight whiskey from the bottle. She laughed and jokingly called me a pedophile.

    85. @Thel

      YYeaaahh.. well many of mah friends hate me and mah ponies but they haven't seen all of the show.. besides they are kind of ... YEAH they are actually gay and they DON'T LIKE MLP... this pretty much proves how manly this show is =D I mean... sexy she-ponies? THAT'S manly as hell(?) or maybe it's just a clever show XD

    86. @Anonymous

      "friends" can be mean... but true friends will accept u for who you are... "dear princess celestia today, I learned I must keep my backgrounds for myself"... XD see? it's not a pony value being something ur not

    87. >he immediately screamed "GAY" at the top of his lungs and hung up on me

      How old are you and your friend?
      Srsly, that is just hilarious.

    88. @Rytarou
      I wouldn't say that the fact gays don't like it proves how manly thew show is, it just proves they don't like adorable girls being adorable.

      Seriously, MLP is like Charlie's Angels, only instead of cute asses and boobs we get different adorable personality traits.
      And sometimes it is not considered manly to actually care what's inside.

    89. My close friends know I watch the show, I have converted 4 of them.
      I wouldn't hide the show from my parents, my mom would laugh or whatever but who cares.
      I'm also a girl, so I guess it's not as "strange" that I like the show. However, I hide this website and pokemon (well, pokémon's fine with my pokéfriends and parents) like my life depends on it. Today somebody laughed at me when me and another friend were discussing black/white. ;w; it hurts
      But I saw three people playing pokemon in the hallway, so.
      I am convinced that almost everyone in my school is a closet (or not so much) nerd. yay

    90. @Bronyboy

      Though I'm not quite clear on what "Stupid Sexy Dash" actually means in reference to getting caught doing something pony related, lol.

      Well, I mean I can guess... but I'm hoping it's something else, lol.

    91. Yeah, I have to amend my previous statement to now include at least several dozen university students as I have been watching it in the busiest part and I do not care.
      Take away the memory of the awful chemistry exam ponies, sooth the pain with your awesomeness. T.T

    92. I was telling my older sis about how awesome the show was, my steph bro is really sneaky and listened to the conversation >_> he didn't bring it up again though.

    93. @Rytarou

      Hahaha! I hadn´t seen it in that way: sexy she-ponies? Hehe I feel my moustache grows thicker´nd blacker when I watch a chapter were appear Rarity or Raibow Dash.

      Hehe by the way, where are you from? I Though I was the only mexican closet bronie. It´s hard to find someone who likes MLP:FiM in my lab, even if I´m surounded by huge geeks.

    94. I'm doing my damndest to get people hooked... and I AM quietly mentioning it at my job... humming Winter Wrap Up on break isn't helping...

    95. My dad caught me on this very site. I was browsing ED last week, when he used this software that looks into what other users are doing, and caught me saving that Filly Fantasy image you posted. He initially accused me of watching "Animal Porn" as he calls it, even though the image was clean. I had to explain about FiM, and point him to the Know Your Meme page, before he realized that I was a legitimate fan. After that, he just stated that he liked me watching something innocent, rather than other stuff where "people kill other people, and then crap on their faces". My dad then told me to stay off any porn sites. My dad is cautious, but understanding.

    96. My roomie stumbled across my 'Pocket Pony' - a little Pinkie Pie figurine I got at McDonalds that has become an effective good luck charm for me. (And this is the first point I admitted to having it online), and has come across some of my drawings as well. He loves ribbing me for it, but I understand it's all in good clean fun.

      Honestly, he doesn't seem to mind as long as I have my headphones on while I'm watching it on the computer, and all... however he does occassionally ask questions like 'Why does that pony have eyeshadow?'

      At this point, I don't care, I enjoy my ponies.

    97. Wish I code say my friend got me in to it but it was myself, all he did was point this way. And now my hair is dyed like Vinyl Scratch (or DJ PON-3.)

    98. throughout many years my friends learned that i can watch - and seem to enjoy - all kinds of weird stuff, from Dogtato-kun to Un Chien Andalou. some of them sort of gave up on me long ago, others wouldn't even expect anything less from me at this point

    99. 2 weeks ago a friend of mine who didn't know I watched the ponies was hanging out at my house. It was around 3 on Friday, and there were no Youtube streams up yet, but there was a webrip already up, so I was in the process of downloading it. I forgot that I was downloading it, and I let my friend use my computer. Unfortunately, the download window of firefox was open, and he just looked at the file name (Which was "YOU JUST MAKE MY PONIS HARDER" and asked me what the fuck it was. I laughed it off and attempted to casually say that I watched My Little Pony. He called me gay, and I told him that it was actually rather well written and enjoyable, and you probably wouldn't know that unless you watched it for yourself. He just said "Nah dude, that's gay." and turned away from me and did whatever he was going to do on my computer.

      He left shortly thereafter.

      We haven't spoken since.

    100. @El Maya

      I am from GDL jalisco XDDD

      I found it easy to convert some female friends =D but that's about it...
      2 or 3 of mah other friends kind of liked it... but I am the only super obsessed pony-brony I actually know in person XDDD

      pero porque hablo en ingles si tambien sabes español? XD -mah teacher once told me "it is rude to speak a lenguage others can't understand" so that's why!!

      mexican bronys? I HOPE THEY BRING LOTS OF PONY TOYS XC I'D hate to find out those to be only available in the US :C

    101. @Anonymous

      U have a great point there.

      Some macho males consider it to be foolish to like someone or something not appealing to the eye but to the mind or heart... (actually I find ponys appealing, THEY are so cute and pretty and I always liked horses and riding them and how they smell -ok nah- XD

    102. Yesterday my best friend used my computer to check his facebook. Typed in F in the search bar and MLP Friendship is magic wiki poped up. He wtf'd and i said "um, i like wiki's?"

      Also some guy in class noticed winter wrap up video playing on my ipod and got real quiet till class ended.

    103. got caught: i was watching bridle gossip with earphones and laughed at flutterguy saying " id on't wanna talk about it". dad comes in " what are you watching?" "ponies" " PO-NIES!?" " you have to watch this, shit's hilarious" showed him the clip, he lold hard.

      i still get flack from him about it, he doesn't say it's gay or anything, he says it concerns him more that anything. if he does give me flack though i just start watching an episode with my speakers up or winter wrap up playing. it works surprisingly well.

      and my sister found out when i was playing winter wrap up on my ipod whilst eating my breakfast. all i got was a "what are you listening to?"

      but now my whole family knows and ive posted shit on facebook about drawing ponies. and ive only told two friends about watching the show at cadets the girl doesn't think it could be funny, but my other friend likes it, not sure if he's a brony though.

      and my fluttershy louder ringtone has gone off at cadets. got some looks and giggles form girls. haters gona hate though.

    104. It's really kind of interesting and depressing to read some of these. The fact that another would think more or less of you because you like bright colors, magical horses, and good relationship values instead of violence, sexual themes and mass chaos or destruction seems a bit... backwards.

      Apparently anything that might even hint towards homosexuality is just plain absurd and wrong, when there's really nothing that bad about it. No I'm not implying one must be gay to watch this (I'm not), but it definately seems that's the first thought people come up with.

      I guess sexuality is just way too important for a lot of people. :|

    105. Since my mom (I'm 18 btw) is in control over my computer, internet, etc apparently she knows about every page I've been on (somehow... ) and she's already called me out on looking up porn, and since I've been to 4chan on this comp too, I guess it can't get any worse. If she does say anything about it, I'll just tell how good it is and probably get her and my sis to check it out. Shouldn't be too hard, since we all still watch cartoons.

      Not sure what I'd do if my RL friends knew, but a couple of my internet friends already know and I'd tell the rest, but I'm being a bit lazy about it. :P Whatever happens, happens.

    106. I currently live alone and don't socialize much, so can't really get caught. Part of me wants to, but my fear of how people would perceive me is overpowering.

      I've long thought about just ousting myself in a way I can't go back, like making a video review of the show (though, not like anyone would watch it). If it's not My Little Pony, it's K-ON or some other show where the cast is predominately female or meant for children. It's a part of me and I'm hiding it like Twilight in Boast Busters.

      I've never understood why people perceive a show like MLP as gay though. I mean, why would gay men watch a show that's predominately female in casting? Wouldn't they enjoy watching men featured in the shows and movies that's considered "manly" by societal standards?

    107. I downright force the ponies upon them! I haven't gotten anyone to actually like them however.

      Speaking of, does anyone know if McDonalds still carries the Pony toys? I have a friend that works there, maybe he could get 'em for me if they do.

    108. I have personally converted about a dozen people at my university to bronyhood. Half of us get together and play the drinking game to the new ep every Friday night.

      Feels fucking awesome man.

    109. My roommate just admitted to watching the first episode and is planning to see the rest over spring break (currently now for me and him) my other roommate looks at him and goes son I am disappoint. I used this to admit my pony fandom.

    110. I've actually just started watching the show, so no one knows...yet. Put a few episodes on my PSP for watching later.

    111. My friend caught me watching it and now he's interested in watching all the episodes.

      ...and I fucking blast Winter Wrap-up whenever I can.

    112. Haha, ponies? What ponies? No ponies here! Oh, that little folder with thousands of pony pictures, called PONIES in uppercase? Why, I forgot that technically counts, that's my trolling materials, see - the ponies have the potential to cause the most adora... I mean, unbelievable and absurd upheaval wherever they're posted, and you can tell it's not for real because of the ridiculous upper case. What do you mean, why do I need to have all the actual episodes in there, and with such a large resolution? Oh, ye of little skill - trolling is a art, and that's for whenever I need to do some reasearch on how to get in my targets' heads more effectively, and also for creating high quality screengrabs for use to actually mess with said heads. I mean, duh.

      This thing is bulletproof!

    113. i was on /pony/ one night at like 2am and firefox crashed, took it as a sign that i should go to bed. well this happened on the family computer and the next morning my dad turned it on and hit the "restore last session" button and saw it. both my parents chuckled for a bit but once my mom left my dad said, "firefly was always my favorite"

      btw, i'm 22 years old and a guy

    114. I put at least 3 references to MLP FiM in all my assignments now such as

      "If we could have achieved more in our drama performance if we went so distracted by other work damn you Stupid sexy Rainbow Dash!"

      and considering most of my friends watch, in fact introduced me to the show I'm very open about it

      And also bursting out into singing Winter wrap up during class, I'm as someone stated, jokingly I assume

      "pretty hardcore"

    115. I'm fairly up-front about my pony-liking ways. My laptop background is Rainbow Dash, I listen to the songs (among other things) in class, and I've pasted full eps and various other videos on facebook. Most of my friends don't care, but I think I converted at least one with 'DnD ponies'. Also about 1/3 of a chat room of people when I pasted a pony ep. One person in my storyboard class saw my DJ PON-3 wallpaper, too.
      'Is that a unicorn?'
      'Yeah.' 'What's it from?' 'My Little Pony.' 'My Little Pony?' 'My Little Pony.' 'My Little Pony.' 'Eyup.' *pause, grinning like an idiot* 'It's better than you think.' 'Right..' 'Really! Look.' *After watching Applebuck Season* 'So, would you be surprised if I watched all the episodes over the weekend?'

    116. My roommate was out for a week or so, house sitting for a friend of his had left town.

      I forgot exactly when he was coming back. It was a friday, so a new episode was out. Of course, I was watching it - it was winter wrap up. Since I hadn't expected anybody to be around, I was watching it without headphones. A little loud, perhaps. At least, loud enough not to notice that somebody had entered my apartment and was now standing at my bedroom door, wondering what the fuck i'm watching.

      Man, that was awkward. I was so embarassed - I think i would've felt a little less ashamed of myself if my roommate had walked in on me watching some weird fetish porn.

      We didn't really talk much for a couple days. I was beginning to seriously think that my roommate wanted nothing to do with me now that he knew I was 'one of the herd'.

      However, the following thursday, he told me "look, this my little pony shit looks dumb as hell. but since i value your opinion as a friend, i'll give it a chance. where do we start?"

      I felt 1 and 2 weren't really indicative of what the show was really like, so I decided we should watch episode 3 first. The entire episode, neither one of us uttered a single word. I couldn't believe what was happening, and I was honestly about to have a panic attack, thinking about what I had just subjected myself to. Just as the credits were rolling, my eyes moistened a bit and I stood up from my chair, ready to leave the room.

      However, my roommate said "i'm going to start the next episode now." So, I sat back down and watch episode 4 with him. About halfway through the episode, we both realized that we had both dealt with people who were afraid or too stubborn to ask for help when they needed it, and finally started talking. He was laughing at the terrible pony-puns, and even smirked at a couple of the jokes. Before I knew it, we had just marathoned the entire series.

      I'm pretty sure he's more into it than I am, as the next day he was sporting a pony wallpaper, and had told me he learned the themesong on his guitar. I feel slightly less ridiculous now that I somebody else I know likes ponies as much as I do, but i'm still embarassed about it - I haven't posted anything about it to my facebook, nor do any of my other friends know I watch it.

    117. @Anonymous

      bleh, that post is a mess. if I could edit it now that i've actually proofread it, I would. Oh well!

    118. One of my friends got a bunch of us into MLP by having us play a drinking game to episodes 3 - 9... since then i've been hooked... a few weeks later we planned to meet up at a local pub and after food hang out and watch the new episode. I got there early and every one else was running so late I decided to fire up my laptop and watch the episode while I waited... that episode was Sonic Rainboom. By the time my friends got there I had already watched in once and we ended up watching it two more times while at the pub. We got a bunch of other people there watching it too... i wear my Pony pride proudly.

    119. I'm a 23-year-old chick and I display my McDonald's ponies on my desk with pride. I'm openly excited every Friday afternoon and don't care who sees me watching the Hub. Everybody around me--family, friends, classmates, etc.--already knows I'm the eternal kid who never stops collecting Lisa Frank stuff and watching preschool cartoons and reading junior fiction and collecting toys. So, yeah...I wouldn't exactly say "caught" as much as "observed"...I'm still waiting to find a good MLP shirt to wear.

    120. A friend had problems uploading a pic on some file hoster. I went on to check if it's working and happened to upload a pony pic and posted the link (I was drunk, may have been on purpose, somehow). He didn't say a thing about it.

    121. My friend asked to play around with my new mp3 player. I handed it to her without question and went back to what ever it was I was doing, not thinking too much about the request. Two seconds after turning it on she turns and gives me this critical look.

      "There's a pony on this thing" she said in a complete deadpan.

      I glance over and sure enough my Vinyl Scratch background sits proudly on the display window beneath the menu buttons. I smiled.

      "Yeah. So?"

      "There's a pony on this thing." She repeats.

      "Yeah. Isn't it awesome?" I'm grinning like an idiot now.

      "It's a pony."

      "Hey. Don't diss DJ PON-3. She's awesome."

      All my friend could do is roll her eyes. In the end I at least got a "Fine. Like your ponies I don't care" shug out of her by saying it was basically Powerpuff Girls for a younger audience. It was fun moment all in all.

    122. @Purple

      I beg you

      post a pic of that poster or if is there an image on internet post it T_T

    123. I havent really been caught, but accidentally discovered that one of the guys at school watches it by simply stating "God I hate my sister" on msn.
      He then obviously asks why and I explain "She forced me to watch a my little pony episode when I had to baby sit her when my parents left"
      (well my sisters 10 and she didnt really force me, its just a good cover to find other bronies around, without being caught yourself, especially when you have an image to keep at the age of 16)
      What he answered was very surprising, and unsurprising
      "Hey! Dont judge me! Thats my seecret guilty pleasure, no one diss it EVAR"

      So Msn makes people speak more truly, as when I asked him at school the day afterwards he denied ever saying so.... Text is much easier to say things without embarrasing yourself.... Also, I really LOVE the "private" browsing... although my parents have given me a couple of suspicious looks (they wont ever suspect its this...but I fear for worse -_-) when they see the "(private)" text on my computer when I forget to turn it off and continue surfin'.

      But really, at 2am, no one is ever going to storm into my room, mwahaha

    124. I'm pretty much open about my Brony-ness, but a dam friend of mine is so stubborn its quite difficult for me to convert him! But at least I got him to like the My Little Pony memes... of course a few shoves and he should fall straight into the Brony whirlpool! I just a wish I had a faster method to kick him in! >:3
