Wha.. just delete this post and we can pretend this video was never made. We won't hold it against you! It's not funny or .. I don't know WHAT it is, but it ain't that!
Seems to me that people are overreacting a bit. It's weird to be sure, but there's nothing "grimdark", or hardly even dark, about it AFAICT. It's just... well, Derpy doing what seems like a rap song in a somewhat off-kilter fashion. Hardly the best we've seen, but nowhere near the worst, either.
I thought it was of pretty bad quality. Annoying voices, obviously enhanced digitally and sporting low quality animation. Not to mention it obviously made fun of poor Derpy...
Hi folks! I made the video... I didn't mean for it to be epic. It's a parody. Its supposed to be well... derpy (bad singing, scatter-brained randomness, lala's and all). I love Derpy to death... didn't mean to offend. Apologize if it did!
Also, is this how people imagine Derpy to sound? For some reason, and I really don't know why, but I imagine her sounding like Mike from Mike, Lu and Og, with a bit of Pinkie Pie.
Parts of the lyric was cool, and the footage worked, but I feel that it in several ways Derpy was portrayed poorly. I always imagined her confused and a little coco in the loco, but not outright stupid and retarded.
I approve and I don't approve. The world was better of without this video, but parts of it works despite everything.
I liked it. The voice in the first half is annoying, but the Derpy voice in the second half is almost perfect. Sounds more or less how I pictured her sounding.
The best part of this are the comments, all of which range from 'WTF was that' to outright rage. XD
The video itself...that was kinda like waking up to someone setting your carpet on fire with a blowtorch. Dangerous because if you're watching it while sleep deprived (like me) it's actually pretty catchy, and unsettling. I dunno -- it's either one of the greatest ED posts simply for the amount of discussion such a short PMV raised, or a sign that the internet's going to eat itself. 9_6
It's a little off-synch with the background music, which bothers me. On the other hand, whoever did Derpy's voice did a great job, and that's what I imagine her sounding like now.
I'll not comment on the lyrics because I'm trying to be nice, but I'll just say I imagine it was supposed to be "so bad it's funny", and you succeeded, except the off-synch parts.
...Anyway, yeeeaaah. Three stars. I'd give it four but it being off-synch REALLY bothers me.
Wow, I think I just became DUMBER watching that. Jesus christ is that song bad. I seriously can't stand the "stupid" derpy any more, not after reading fanfiction after fanfiction of her being a determined and loving, but struggling mother.
I don't even know what to say here and I already saw this days ago.
The beginning voice just doesn't really work here (although I really want to learn how to sound like that), but I do like the Derpy voice, albeit the lyrics...yeah. I dunno, I get the point was to be bad, but...eh.
I watched this video like 10 times already! It's freakin' hypnotic, I tell you! The lyrics could use some work, though. It was good up to "bubbles on my butt".
Topless Robot just posted another MLP:FIM mash up this one of The Dark Knight starring Pinkie Pie as The Joker, Rainbow Dash as Batman, Applebloom as Alfred, and Fluttershy as Rachel.
I must concur...
I feel uncomfortable.
ReplyDeleteThat made me derp hard.
ReplyDeleteUm . . .
ReplyDeleteit made me angry, i dont know why.
ReplyDeleteI'm wall-eyed now, myself.
ReplyDeleteI don't even...
ReplyDeleteI... uhh, well I think my love for derpy had died... way to go derpyderp910.
ReplyDelete69 <-- mfw
"Cuz I'm crazy and I'm dropping anvils like the weather" sounds like it belongs in an actual rap song.
ReplyDeleteAlso, Derpy voice??? Maybe??? Guys???
Yeah, I'm gonna pretend I never saw that.
Okay, so, this was as entertaining as it was uncomfortable, but good for whoever made this for just puttin' out this OC like that.
ReplyDeleteBUT WHY
*sigh* this has to be the worst thing I have ever seen posted in equestria daily
ReplyDeleteI mean srsly, are we running out of content or what?
-5 stars
That was... like... awesome! I guess?, I'm going derp.
ReplyDeleteI thought it was pretty catchy. :/
ReplyDeleteI had to watch it twice just to make sure what I thought I saw was really what I saw.
ReplyDeleteED why did you post this?
ReplyDeleteThis AMV deserves 20 muffins out of 7!
ReplyDeleteI laughed at little... and then I hate myself... and this video/song... I feel like this should have been on the other ED.
ReplyDeleteTHIS IS ART
ReplyDeleteSomething about that video was just...off. If that horrible Baby Pinkie Pie "toy" could produce a youtube video, I think this would be it.
ReplyDelete^ What he said
ReplyDeleteIt's like the uncanny valley of OC. It resembles good OC, but it's just too close for comfort without reaching the mark.
Now this was just
why are we calling these "AMVs" anyway? Doesn't that stand for "Anime Music Video"?
ReplyDeleteAlso, wat.
ReplyDeleteI thought it was Amateur Music Video.
But I honestly have no clue.
ReplyDeleteANIMATED Music Video
ReplyDeleteanime is the same as animation
ReplyDeleteMade me laugh.
Also, I hoped you wouldn't post this when I first saw it on YT.
Wha.. just delete this post and we can pretend this video was never made. We won't hold it against you! It's not funny or .. I don't know WHAT it is, but it ain't that!
Saved to favorites.
For science.
This is great :D I don't see why people don't like it though :p
ReplyDeleteUm...how is this Grimdark?
ReplyDeleteYou all sound flankhurt.
ReplyDeleteHire this guy as the voice actor for Derpy NOW!
ReplyDeleteFor some reason, I can actually imagine this being derpy's voice. Although probably younger and more childish.
I thought it was hilarious. :P
ReplyDeleteI don't really understand the horrified reactions here. Am I the strange one?
Grimdark. Ha!
ReplyDeleteBetter than Britney, thats all i have to say.
ReplyDeletethat was
I mean how could
I cannot unsee that
I want more....
ReplyDeleteThat was certainly something.
ReplyDeletenoes, I loved it
literally the grimmest and darkest thing of all time
ReplyDeleteWhat the fuck did I just watch?
ReplyDeleteSeriously, what the fuck?
♞ out of ✶
Seems to me that people are overreacting a bit. It's weird to be sure, but there's nothing "grimdark", or hardly even dark, about it AFAICT. It's just... well, Derpy doing what seems like a rap song in a somewhat off-kilter fashion. Hardly the best we've seen, but nowhere near the worst, either.
ReplyDeleteI dunno why but I kinda like it XD
ReplyDeleteNever thought it was possible for Derpy Hooves, of all characters, to split the fandom so.
I thought it was of pretty bad quality. Annoying voices, obviously enhanced digitally and sporting low quality animation. Not to mention it obviously made fun of poor Derpy...
ReplyDeleteI watched it about 7 times...
ReplyDeleteEdit. Wasn't bad quality, just the setting on my browser :P
It seems that after the first line of the song, you gave up and just put "LA" "OOH" or "DERP" in as the lyrics.
ReplyDeleteAlso I absolutely hate this iteration of Derpy. It is completely unfunny and relies on LOLRANDOM humor.
1 star.
this should be a longer version
I love it. Its hilarious.
Grimdark as fuck.
ReplyDeleteNeeeeehh... I'm going to pretend I didn't see that...
ReplyDelete9 v 6
ReplyDeleteHi folks! I made the video... I didn't mean for it to be epic. It's a parody. Its supposed to be well... derpy (bad singing, scatter-brained randomness, lala's and all). I love Derpy to death... didn't mean to offend. Apologize if it did!
ReplyDeleteIt's a wonderful compilation of footage of Derpy, but sorry I just tuned out the sound.
ReplyDeleteDo you have a voice-only version? Its sync need to be fixed up just a little to be reasonable; and i'd be happy to do it
First I lol'd, but then I felt bad.
ReplyDeleteAlso, is this how people imagine Derpy to sound? For some reason, and I really don't know why, but I imagine her sounding like Mike from Mike, Lu and Og, with a bit of Pinkie Pie.
ReplyDeleteSee, the ED posted is pretty good, if a little wtf.
I didn't see it as grimdark either, and I do kind of like the voice in a way.
4/5 I say
The you linked above is kind of annoying and only uses the same scene for the whole AMV. Kind of boring =A=
Brain Bleach anyone?
ReplyDeleteI thought this blog was supposed to have some kind of content control.
ReplyDeleteThat's how I understood it. I mean, I thought it was pretty damn derpy and I lol'd. The joke IS that it's awful, am I right?
It makes me sad whenever ponies get overly critical of things like this. It seems like a sincere effort. :[
ReplyDeleteI don't know whether to love this or hate it, so instead I'll just derp. 6_9
That was...interesting, to be sure.
ReplyDeleteAnd now to watch it again...
It's like a car accident.... awful, but u can't stop watching it!
ReplyDelete"Cuz I'm crazy and I'm dropping anvils like the weather" These were the only lyrics that flowed.
ReplyDeleteParts of the lyric was cool, and the footage worked, but I feel that it in several ways Derpy was portrayed poorly. I always imagined her confused and a little coco in the loco, but not outright stupid and retarded.
ReplyDeleteI approve and I don't approve. The world was better of without this video, but parts of it works despite everything.
I lol'd at the gridmark tag
ReplyDeleteDerpy love <3
I liked it. The voice in the first half is annoying, but the Derpy voice in the second half is almost perfect. Sounds more or less how I pictured her sounding.
ReplyDelete"Oh hey, a Derpy vid!"
The best part of this are the comments, all of which range from 'WTF was that' to outright rage. XD
ReplyDeleteThe video itself...that was kinda like waking up to someone setting your carpet on fire with a blowtorch. Dangerous because if you're watching it while sleep deprived (like me) it's actually pretty catchy, and unsettling. I dunno -- it's either one of the greatest ED posts simply for the amount of discussion such a short PMV raised, or a sign that the internet's going to eat itself. 9_6
oh fucking yeah! that was AWESOME!
LAUREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN! i demand derpy episode!!!!
The first voice is hard to listen to. Almost ruined it for me.
ReplyDeleteYou'd almost think derpy was a main character from this vid.
ReplyDeleteDid I just get Derpyrolled?
ReplyDeleteBecause she's a dancey dancey horse.
And she's gonna fly away fly away.
Also, because of this video, I now voice Derpy with Tress McNeil in her Dot from Animaniacs voice.
ReplyDeleteIt's a little off-synch with the background music, which bothers me. On the other hand, whoever did Derpy's voice did a great job, and that's what I imagine her sounding like now.
ReplyDeleteI'll not comment on the lyrics because I'm trying to be nice, but I'll just say I imagine it was supposed to be "so bad it's funny", and you succeeded, except the off-synch parts.
...Anyway, yeeeaaah. Three stars. I'd give it four but it being off-synch REALLY bothers me.
noooooooooooooooo ....actually how much of mlp fim actually think she is lke that
ReplyDeleteWow, I think I just became DUMBER watching that. Jesus christ is that song bad.
ReplyDeleteI seriously can't stand the "stupid" derpy any more, not after reading fanfiction after fanfiction of her being a determined and loving, but struggling mother.
ReplyDeletepfffft. hilarious. c:
ReplyDelete:/ derp
ReplyDeleteI don't even know what to say here and I already saw this days ago.
The beginning voice just doesn't really work here (although I really want to learn how to sound like that), but I do like the Derpy voice, albeit the lyrics...yeah. I dunno, I get the point was to be bad, but...eh.
I watched this video like 10 times already! It's freakin' hypnotic, I tell you! The lyrics could use some work, though. It was good up to "bubbles on my butt".
ReplyDeletewhy would you post that?!
ReplyDeleteTopless Robot just posted another MLP:FIM mash up this one of The Dark Knight starring Pinkie Pie as The Joker, Rainbow Dash as Batman, Applebloom as Alfred, and Fluttershy as Rachel.
I laughed at the comments until tears came out of my eyes.
ReplyDeletePlease I am begging you - do this voice and sing Winter Wrap up fully derped for the Ponchan winter Wrap up sing-a-long. (it is on ED as well.)
ReplyDeleteSome day...
I'll create a non ghetto pony site with a template like that.
I find myself strangely attracted to that voice
ReplyDeleteThey're coming to take me away haha...
ReplyDeleteFive stars, plz.
ReplyDeleteAlso: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-oYpuxRInw&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL
....oh, yes. 0_0
ReplyDeleteDerpy, I am disappoint.