• Daniel Ingram Interview has arrived!

    Tekaramity has recieved the much awaited interview from Daniel Ingram himself.  For those of you that don't know who that is, go listen to any song at all in Friendship is Magic.  Those ridiculously addicting melodies are all his work!

    We couldn't do a direct interview, but we were able to send him 20 questions and receive 18 back!  So check them out below after the break! There are some EPIC responses here.

    Hasbro has asked that this remain as-is as possible, so my normal color coded weirdness is going to be a bit less this time.  

    Interview / Q&A
    Daniel Ingram
    MLP: Friendship is Magic song composer
    Equestria Daily administrator: Sethisto (sethisto@gmail.com)
    Interview conducted by: Tekaramity (tekaramity@yahoo.com)

    My Little Pony and all related characters and indicia are ©1982-2011 Hasbro.      All rights reserved. Equestria Daily claims no ownership of the aforementioned.

     1. Hello, Mr. Ingram. Thank you very much for taking the time to communicate with the MLP: Friendship is Magic fanbase. Let's begin then. First, about your history - what doors opened that started your career composing for animation, and what shows have you scored / contributed to so far? Do you compose outside of animation?

    My first real break came in the form of an apprenticeship with veteran animation composer Hal Beckett, here in Vancouver, B.C. Hal taught me the business and also gave me opportunities to score scenes in many of his shows, including Pucca and Ricky Sprocket.
    I also was doing a lot of live action scoring at this time, including a dozen documentaries for Bravo in a series called “On Screen,” a college sitcom for MTV called “About a Girl” plus a handful of made-for-TV movies.
    About 3 years after starting my internship with Hal I was offered an opportunity to submit a demo for the reboot of George of the Jungle, and also Martha Speaks, a new PBS educational series. I didn’t get George, but I did get Martha, and that’s when I officially hung out my shingle for the first time as an animation composer.

    2. Continuing with your personal story, what sorts of music and musical productions do you yourself enjoy, both to inspire you and just for personal pleasure?

    I’m a huge fan of animation in general and always have been. I think great animation and great stories are very inspiring. I watch just about everything that comes out. My favorites are Finding Nemo, The Iron Giant, and most recently Despicable Me and The Illusionist. The music in these productions are usually phenomenal. Guys like Michael Giacchino, Thomas Newman, Randy Newman, and Ron Jones from the Family Guy, all write tremendous music.
    I also listen to a lot of pop music and comb YouTube for new artists doing their own songs as well as covers. There’s such an abundance of talent out there... that’s probably what inspires me more than anything. 

    3. This is jumping ahead a bit far, but what are your future goals and dreams in the realm of music? TV shows, movies, Broadway musicals, etc. What does Daniel Ingram ultimately aspire to create?

    Right now I’m exactly where I want to be professionally. I’m currently working on some amazing shows which offer me a great variety of creative challenges. But in the future I want to keep pushing my songwriting and scoring to new levels and out in all directions. The great thing about music is there are always new places to go, and more to learn, and new artists to work with.

    More specifically, I’d like to do a musical and also work with a live orchestra on a feature film. Both of those things would be pretty cool.

    4. Excellent! On to MLP: Friendship is Magic itself, then. You compose all of the vocal songs, correct? Will Anderson handles the rest of the score. What brought you to this show in particular?

    DHX Media in Vancouver produces MLP: FiM, and I’d been working with them for years. Sarah Wall was my producer on Martha Speaks, and I’d also worked with the Director, Jaysson Thiessen, on Pucca. When Hasbro Studios asked them to suggest composers my name came up. I wrote the “Laughter Song” that Pinkie Pie sings in episode 1 as my demo for them, using Lauren’s lyrics. Fortunately for me they loved it and hired me to write all the songs in the show, as well as the new theme song. 

    5. I'd love to learn about your creative process. That's always insightful. How do you come up with an idea for a tune? Do you generally have access to episode materials such as storyboards and layouts for guidance in this?

    On MLP, first we record the voices and then we storyboard, so the songs need to be recorded at the same time as the show’s dialogue. Therefore, I have to write the songs based off the script. That way the storyboard artists have the completed song when they plan the animation.
    Sometimes the writers are very specific with their musical references and will identify what style the song should be. Usually Lauren or the directors will already have an idea of what style of song they envision. My challenge is to meet and hopefully exceed their vision for how it will sound. 

    6. In turn, how long do you typically have to complete a tune for an episode? How does that process - from composer, to production, to broadcast - typically flow, and what's your role after song composition?

    Typically I write the core of a song over a day or two, depending on how ambitious it is. Then I bring in a demo singer and we record a bare bones version of just piano and voice. Once I get this demo approved by the directors and Lauren, then I proceed to produce the song, record the instruments, etc. Next it goes to Hasbro and the HUB for notes. Then when everyone is happy with the demo we record the cast. Lastly, the song is mixed and then sent off to the production company for use in the final product. The entire process can take several months in the end.

    7. Is the music composed for MLP: FiM thematically or structurally different from the music you've created previously? If so, what stands out? What tools & equipment do you employ in creating these catchy FiM songs?

    Well, as more and more songs get written for FiM the range of styles just keeps expanding, but typically I try to do a combination of pop-based guitars and drums, blended with electronics and synths and then fleshed out with a nice big orchestra to give the songs some scale.
    On shows like Adventures of Chuck and Friends, I just write straight ahead rock and roll songs. On a show like Martha Speaks, the songs are mostly orchestral in nature, with one or two singers. MLP is much more ambitious than most cartoons. The songs have large vocal textures, often as many as 5 soloists and lots of harmonies. So, for MLP I feel like I’m really pushing all the time to make the songs extra special and unique. You’ll hear this more and more in the upcoming episodes.

    8. My Little Pony has a well-structured world and mythos. What do you find your strongest influences, technically and creatively, to be when composing songs for an established series incarnation like MLP: Friendship is Magic?

    MLP: FiM is a very stylish and ambitious show, and as such the music needs to be as good as possible to live up to the production. The show has a magical quality and I think Will has done a great job making the underscore really epic and rich. I try not to let the fact that MLP is an established series influence or intimidate me though. I think it’s an exciting project and I just trust my own instincts and try to keep improving.

    9. Is your involvement with the show totally separate in location and development, or is there substantial cross-communication with other departments? Do you handle any lyrical composition or direction as well?

    Generally, the lyrics are provided in the script, but I often have to modify them to varying degrees once the song starts coming together. I work from my studio in Vancouver, not far from DHX but not part of it. For each song there is usually a conference call between Lauren and the directors and myself. We review the plan, and then I just go do my thing. It’s been a great time so far though. Hasbro and the creatives are always happy with my first pass, so I’ve been blessed with a project where our creative visions are very in sync.

    10. Let's touch on a few specific songs. The theme tune is easily the most well-known. It's quite a show to hear it start up normally, only to see Rainbow Dash burst through the clouds as it kicks up! How does one go about re-inventing such a longstanding jingle?

    Well that’s a great question. When Hasbro asked me to record the theme song I knew I wanted to give a nod to the well-known original, but I also wanted to create something new and edgier. The challenge was that Lauren really wanted to have each character featured (and 5 is an odd number!), but also to tell Twilight’s story about the value of friendship. That’s a lot to pack into a short song, but I’m really happy with how it came together in the end.

    11. Most songs in the show really fit the personality of the character singing them. For Winter Wrap Up, what prompted the idea for everypony to sing? Do you decide which characters sing which songs, or do others decide?

    Again, the script often includes specifics about who will sing what. “Winter Wrap Up” was a complicated one because it changed after we got into animation. I recorded only Twilight singing the lead in the chorus originally, and the cast just singing the backup. Then it was animated and we realized we needed to go back into the studio and get all the ponies singing different sections and solos in the chorus as well. So the end result was as much influenced by the clever board artist, as it was by the writer herself. 

    12. Along that line, if you had full artistic freedom in choosing the setting/characters for a My Little Pony song, what would you like that song to be about - and which characters would you choose for it?

    I’m certainly open to suggestions! Maybe Rarity singing a love song to herself? Or Rainbow Dash singing a Wonder Bolts Theme song? I’d love to hear what people think about that. 

    13. Sounds like solid additions to the show! Speaking of the show itself, have you had the chance to watch it - to see your songs in action, or just to check it out for fun?

    For sure! I try to catch as many episodes as I can of every show I work on. It’s the best way to see what’s worked and what things can be improved. I get a kick out of hearing my music on TV, but I’m also very critical, and sometimes spend more time cringing over the littlest things in the music than just enjoying the show for what it is. 

    14. Have you heard the online chatter about the show? It has gained a sizable following outside of its target audience. How does reaching a larger audience and reading any fan feedback impact you? What do you make of it all?

    Well, it’s only recently that I’ve come to understand just how positively people are reacting to the show. I think it’s great that so many adults are also so enthusiastic, and to be honest it doesn’t surprise me. On Martha Speaks I kept getting feedback from people saying, “I’m 22 and I love this show…” or “I’m 30 and is it ok that I watch this every day?” I guess there’s this preconception that cartoons are only for kids, but I know that’s not the case. It only impacts me in that it’s very satisfying to know I’m part of such a popular production, but I don’t think it affects the work I do. I always start out with the same thing in mind: Create music that I’m excited about and stand behind 100%. 

    15. A fan who goes by Eurobeat Brony has created several quality remixes of your songs in Eurobeat style on Youtube. I think they're spectacular. Have you heard them? Either way, what's your take on any reinterpretation of songs you've written?

    Eurobeat Brony is awesome, and yes I’ve definitely checked out his work. He’s made some great arrangements and even extended some of the shorter songs into longer melodies. The guy is talented and it’s an honor to have people get inspired enough by the work I do to go put their own stamp on it. That’s the great thing about music too… it’s such a fluid art form. As I mentioned earlier, one of my favorite activities is going on YouTube and hearing covers of my favorite songs done in new and unexpected ways. We’re just lucky to be in a time when these things can be shared between so many fans. What did we ever do before YouTube!?

    16. Thanks a lot. Couple of closing questions left. Have any wise advice for students & amateurs looking to get into your particular field of work?

    Writing music for TV involves a lot of different areas of knowledge. There’s so much to learn in fact that I think the only real way to break in is to apprentice with someone already well established in the business. No school can really prepare you for the intricacies of this business. So my advice would be this: learn the basic music technology on your own, like Logic by Apple, and start writing a ton of music. Just have fun, experiment, play around, get your chops up. Learn to write quickly. Maybe you’ll even find some starter projects to work on via film schools, or the Internet. Then make a demo reel from all of this and see if you can find someone in your community to take you on as their apprentice. In Canada we actually have a guild that pays aspiring composers to apprentice with senior members of the guild. It’s an amazing program. If you can find someone like that you’ll be on your way. 

    17. Quick fun one: do you have a favorite song you've written for MLP? "All of them!" is an answer, but it's not too satisfying to hear, haha. If it's an as-yet-unaired song, got any hints so we can keep our ears open?

    Well there are some really special things on the horizon. My favorite song for Season 1 hasn’t aired yet, but you’ll know it when you hear it because it’s pretty epic. I recorded a 20-person choir in Bryan Adam’s studio for this particular number, and every lead pony gets a solo. I also always liked the Laughter Song from the first episode, since that’s what started it all. I actually play that one on my acoustic guitar from time to time and it makes for a pretty good unplugged version!

    18. Thank you very much for your answers and for taking time out of your schedule to communicate with the fans. It's been a true pleasure. Do you have any final thoughts or comments you'd like to share?

    I just want to thank all the fans of the show for being so positive and enthusiastic about the music. I know Will appreciates it too. And to thank you, Tek, for the interview, and Sethisto for maintaining such a great fan blog. It’s been my pleasure too!


    And thank you Mr. Ingram for this awesome interview!  I never dreamed it would be so extensive.  Your entire team has been amazing to our strange pony community, and all of this direct feedback is definitely a driving factor for this show's crazy internet success!

    93 kommentaari:

    1. Yes, thank you very much, Daniel. It really was an honor and a pleasure.

    2. [quote]My favorite song for Season 1 hasn’t aired yet, but you’ll know it when you hear it because it’s pretty epic.[/quote]

      Oh man!

    3. What a great interview! I'm excited for this new song.

    4. Eurobeat IS awesome.

    5. Very nice interview, love all the songs in the show and here is hoping he makes many more to come:D

      Also another song with the entire main cast and choir coming up? YES PLEASE!

    6. 20 person harmony with solos from each pony from the mane cast in an upcoming episode?


    7. "havent' aired yet"?

      Well then... I guess we will get another ep with a song.

    8. damn, i want to hear the song he referred to on 17 now

    9. "20-person choir in Bryan Adam’s studio for this particular number, and every lead pony gets a solo."
      My body will never be ready


    11. What an awesome interview! Daniel Ingram seems like a really cool guy. It's so cool that the people who work on the show are willing to talk to the fans like this!

      Now we just need to somehow get a Lauren Faust interview...

    12. well this made my week.

    13. This enthusiasm from the production team sure is a positive feedback loop. Kudos, y'all.

    14. An acoustic Giggle at the Ghosties? I want to hear that soooo bad.

    15. "I’m certainly open to suggestions! Maybe Rarity singing a love song to herself? Or Rainbow Dash singing a Wonder Bolts Theme song? I’d love to hear what people think about that."

      YES AND YES.

    16. I am SO looking forward to that song now.

    17. Oh my, epic song on the horizon.

    18. >20 person choir

      madre de dios...

      DO WANT!

    19. Well that was great. I got a chill on my spine from just imagining the unaired song.

    20. Man, the wait for that song is going to be painful. Instant Celestia-tier episode on the horizon...

      That was a great interview to come home to. Thank you very much to all involved in making it happen!

    21. Bryan Adams? In MY Ponies??

    22. @Windchaser
      Haha, totally my reaction as well.
      Also "mane cast" ftw

      =p Not one, but two of my questions answered (Q12, Q17), very epic and much appreciated :D

      ~I’d love to hear what people think about that
      Personally, I'm a fan of the faster paced clips, I think how the main tune and Winter Wrap up started slow and then sped up really brings out that contrast and emphasizes the beat even more. In that regard I'd lean towards a Wonder Bolts song if there was an option since I'd imagine that being faster than a love song (though I could imagine a fast-paced love song being rather comical as well).

      It seems like the stories do best when they're contrasting the views of two characters (it seems like the effect would wear off if they all were entire-cast songs), so I'd imagine a song between AJ (who sings for Sweetie Belle I believe?) and Pinkie to being particularly interesting since they have the strongest singing voices imho, though I align myself with the camp that they're "all great". Keep up the excellent work, the characters and writing may be interesting, but it's definitely the songs that give this show its edge :)

    23. So basically something as produced as Winter Wrap Up. Awesome! Strong suspicion that it'll be in the Gala episode.

    24. @Windchaser

      Lyre. Nobody will be ready and nobody should be. I do hope that song pops up either in the Cutie Mark Chronicles or the season finale.

      This was a great interview. I can't think of anything else I'd want him to answer for now. He's a pretty good sport about it too.

    25. Such a great interview! It's so great to hear from people who have worked on the show. It sounds like a truly amazing team!

      I am SUPER excited about this as-of-yet un-aired song! And I LOVE all the previous songs.

    26. That upcoming music number sounds EPIC.

    27. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D

    28. this guy is amazing

    29. I can't believe the feedback we're getting from the crew! It's so cool to know they can take some time from their schedules to actually talk to us like this =D

    30. What an awesome interview, it answered pretty much all that I wanted to know about the series' music!

      I would definitely go for Rainbow doing some more singing. Something rockish with a lot of beat. Her VA's got a good singing voice, put it to good use!

    31. @RefractedPegasus

      I think her and AJ are voiced by the same woman, who is part of a country music/ folk/ rock band.

    32. This happens in my home town.
      I live in my home town.


    33. OH GOD I love Martha Speaks! this guy is awesome!

      my body will never be ready for a new EPIC song

    34. @Shadow Phoenix
      I beg to differ. This is how to appropriately ready one's body for the upcoming song: http://i.imgur.com/gbuVA.jpg

    35. Oh sweet Celestia, this upcoming song is going to break reality. It's probably a good idea to wear protective headgear so the sheer awesomeness of the song doesn't knock you out.

    36. As a fellow professional, I am honored to know that I have Mr. Ingram's esteem as a fellow musician. I wish him the very best in his current and future endeavors.


    37. >Maybe Rarity singing a love song to herself? Or Rainbow Dash singing a Wonder Bolts Theme song?


    38. Bracing for epic song, my body will be ready.

    39. 20 person EPIC song, lead characters each getting a solo..

      I'm sorry, but my body is not ready for this..

    40. 20-person choir.
      every lead pony gets a solo.

      Oh god that episode is gonna be about 20% cooler than any other, and assuming it's the gala and thus my fave characters get a decent amount of screentime, it will be THE BEST THE BEST.

    41. I have nothing clever to say or add, but I want to thank Mr. Ingram for doing this interview as well as Hasbro for allowing it and Tekaramity and Sethisto for organizing/hosting it. Because that was highly enlightening and entertaining to read, and I love it when a worker on a successful show takes the time to accept the hand that the fanbase reaches out to them. These sorts of connections are great for us all. So one more time, thanks!

    42. Did Hasbro ask EqD to keep it original? Having Hasbro lurk here is pretty weird.

    43. Dear mr. Daniel Ingram
      You are one of the most amazing and inspiring people on the world I had ever occasion to hear about.
      Your faithful student Kitty Tail

      Ending is kind of joke but being seriously now. It's 0:53am in Poland and right now I have untoppable urge to grab my guitar. Turn on fuzz and learn to play every song from mlp:fim that I have heard. Also I feel bad for not learning them yet and I feel super-enthusiastic about ep20 right now.
      Thank You so much! also thanks goes to Sethisto and Tekaramity for amazing job with interview and providing it to community.
      I could not end with anything else then: I love You guys!

    44. @Anonymous

      They wanted me to keep it the way it was for legal reasons. But yah it is.. makes me second guess all those NIGHTMARE FUEL BABY PINKIE PIE jokes I drop all the time.

      Sorry hasbro!

    45. ouch I misread... choir made of 20 my bad... but on the other side it means that episode can be aired even earlier.
      2000x ohmygosh goes in here

    46. >I recorded a 20-person choir in Bryan Adam’s studio for this particular number, and every lead pony gets a solo


    47. @Sethisto

      Hey, Hasbro deserves to know when they're putting out horrible nightmare fuel. Hopefully this blog helps gives them some impetus to create better toys!

    48. I flipped out at #17. The best is yet to come? I am so excited I can't even tell you. It's also nice to hear an explanation from a longtime composer of how one should try and enter the business. As an audio engineer at film school, this entire interview was extremely interesting and insightful. Thanks for everything!

    49. Wow. Excellent interview!

      It's a real treat to read about the work that goes into those awesome songs as well as the immensely talented people behind the show.

      I'll bet that his favorite song is in the season finale and that it involves the Grand Galloping Gala.

    50. ... *vibrates in excitement so hard he fazes out of reality*

      Awesome interview, and wow I reeaally hate that I missed the part where we could send in questions! The question I would've asked is "will the FiM songs ever be on iTunes?"

    51. @Parallel Logic

      That's why the "What would you ask Daniel Ingram?" feedback was so important. I never would've dreamed up so many great questions. Thanks to all who contributed suggestions! ^_^

      @Eurobeat Brony

      As a fan of both Daniel's songs and your mixes, DOUBLE OHMYGOSH OHMYGOSH!


      You're very welcome - I'm still a little floored that he offered to be interviewed out of the blue. In any case, I think it turned out extremely well!

    52. "20 person choir and all the main ponies get a solo"

      I Came... fucking... music notes...

    53. I can't wait for the rest of this season! :)

    54. ... Yep, it's official, Daniel Ingram is 20% cooler than I ever expected. Hot DAMN! I'm actually speechless IRL, and my brain is whirring in glee at the speed of a Sonic Rainboom.


    55. "Rarity singing a love song to herself?"


      Song A NEW SONG

    57. You did not ask him any of my questions. :(

    58. @Eurobeat Brony
      ~as a fan, OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH
      >>Haha :D

      ~Having Hasbro lurk here is pretty weird.
      >>Yeah, though they probably have a lot of experience dealing with "seedy" fandoms. Faust seemed to imply Hasbro was amenable to the publicity we were bringing in by publicizing the show, so I suspect they are permitting cultures like ours to exist since it serves them better in the long run

      I'm kinda curious now which 2 of the 20 questions weren't answered, if they were redundant or if they simply revealed too much if they had been answered...

      ~The question I would've asked is "will the FiM songs ever be on iTunes?"
      >>If it's anything like the DVD rights, it may just be another one of those "idk, ask Hasbro" deals

      ~I Came... fucking... music notes...
      >>I lol'd so hard I started coughing, wonderful imagery

    59. "I recorded a 20-person choir in Bryan Adam’s studio for this particular number, and every lead pony gets a solo."


      Have I ever mentioned how much I love the enthusiasm and love that is poured into this fandom and the positive feedback we get from the professionals working diligently for this show? Welp, I love the enthusiasm and love that is poured into this fandom and the positive feedback we get from the professionals working diligently for this show.

    60. @Anonymous

      Which were your questions? I had to prune down to 20 from over 60 submitted, tossing in a few of my own to bulk up a few of the lighter questions.

      @Parallel Logic

      One of the nixed questions dealt with Art of the Dress and homages. The other discussed a potential soundtrack release. I figured the latter might get shot down, but I was hoping the former would be OK'd. I'm not going to complain, though, since Hasbro green-lit everything else.

    61. "Maybe Rarity singing a love song to herself?"
      I'm not really into love songs, but considering their universe and the character's habit of spinning things I normally don't care about into fascinating things, that sounds like it would be rather fun.
      "Or Rainbow Dash singing a Wonder Bolts Theme song?
      OH MY GOSH, YES. I bet it'd have electric guitars and stuff. XD

      "My favorite song for Season 1 hasn’t aired yet, but you’ll know it when you hear it because it’s pretty epic."
      I'm about 20% more confident that the Grand Galloping Gala is going to be freaking epic.

    62. Fantastic interview. Thank you so much, Daniel!

    63. *bows down and worships*

      First of all, this guy is astounding and has exceptional tastes. I'm a fan of Chuck & Friends as well, and definitely MARTHA SPEAKS. The theme song for that show is something you should listen to if you've never heard it. Like, NOW. I'm for srs.

      Hey, #14 was sorta my question. ^_^
      Okay, so...I don't know about anyone else's bodies, but apparently the *world* is not prepared for the awesomely-proportioned epicness that is headed our way....o_____o I can tell big things are going to happen. Big, big things. The whole Bryan Adams studio thing just blows my mind. As so Mr. Ingram's new song ideas. E.g., a Rainbow Dash number? HELL TO THE MUTHAFUCKIN' YES. Need...moar...singing...for alla teh ponies...!!!

      I love most types of music, so I'd be ecstatic to hear them sing (and dance!?!) any style...slow, fast, serious, lighthearted, whatever.
      This is by far one of the coolest fandoms I've ever discovered. Never mind, it IS completely the coolest. I love that we get this personal communication with the creators (Lauren Faust, Mr. Ingram, Hasbro...) Way awesome. It's thoughtful of them to reach out and acknowledge us. That was an absolutely fantastic interview, too. I'm a media/film major in college, so I'm hoping to be in the same (or a very similar/closely related) field as FiM's makers, and while I doubt that I've got any latent songwriting abilities waiting to be uncovered, I found the whole thing fascinating and his advice sound (being somewhat similar to what I've heard applied to other things, and the industry in general.)

    64. 20-person choir will make the song 20% cooler.
      Plus I can't wait anymore. The airing every Friday is killing me...

    65. "Well there are some really special things on the horizon. My favorite song for Season 1 hasn’t aired yet, but you’ll know it when you hear it because it’s pretty epic. I recorded a 20-person choir in Bryan Adam’s studio for this particular number, and every lead pony gets a solo."

      ^ THIS.

      Can we handle THIS??? *eyes explode into stardust*

      Ohhhhhhhh, the Grand Galloping Gala, is the best place for meeeeeeeeeee.....!!!!

    66. >Giggle at the Ghostly acoustic


      >20 person choir, solos, awesomeness

      I don't think I'll never be ready to withstand the wave of extreme amazement that will overcome me upon hearing that song. I'll probably be reduced into a little kid and *squeeeeeeeee* a lot

    67. Most of these posts on this blogger are primarily about fanfics.

      However, this post and interview blew my mind away.

      Thank you Daniel Ingram for you time and dedication for answering the communities' questions.

      At this rate, MLPFiM will eventually exceed the fandom of Spongebob. At least, I hope so.

    68. One more thing.

      I would love to hear a love song from Rarity and the Wonderbolt theme from Rainbow Dash.

      If these are into consideration, than bring them in.

    69. Bah, Hasbro nixed my Art of the Dress question for no good reason.

    70. Prepare your bodies (and ears in particular )for upcoming episodes!And also for season 2 =3

      Cool interview. Do not need to be 20% cooler. So much letters o_o ))

    71. @Don_ko
      20 singers at daniel ingram studio made it 20%cooler

    72. @Anonymous
      dammit. Bryan Adams, of course

    73. @Anonymous
      we probably can't. this is going to be the first case of mass spontaneous combustion in human history

    74. WOOT! part of question 14 was from me! SQUEE!
      I hope we get to hear that song soon but I am betting it is the season ender, that would be epic

    75. I have to second, third, fifth...howevermanyeth the squeee! about such a song. I hope we get more excellent songs because they've been missing the last couple of episodes - I know they're inordinately more difficult to do than just animation, but we love them so :)

      Great interview, a huge thanks all around.

    76. This was a great interview. Thanks to everyone involved for putting it together!

    77. @Tekaramity
      ~One of the nixed questions dealt...
      >>Interesting, odd that they'd nix that one, the latter I could see.

      ~I'm not going to complain, though, since Hasbro green-lit everything else.
      >>Heck yeah, what has been listed is epic in and of itself, thanks for organizing this :)

    78. That 20 person choir song sounds like it will be beyond epic.

      Thank you so much for putting together such an interesting interview.

      Count me in for a Rarity love song and a Wonderbolt's theme song done by Rainbow Dash.





    81. It... it continues to utterly astound me just how not uptight the creators of this show tend to be with its online fanbase, no matter how (seemingly) fringe! Times certainly have changed.

      Good show to all parties involved who made this happen, and extra thanks to Mr. Ingram for his gracious correspondence! Now I simply have to wait on pins and needles for this upcoming "epic" song. ^_^

    82. More Rainbow Dash singing?

      YES YES and YES! Please!

    83. Oh I'm SO looking forward to full song sung by Fluttershy. The 20 person choir and all the main ponies get a solo song, sounds epic.

    84. BTW, I just noticed this; he uses Logic and recommends it.

      As do I. I use Logic entirely in my Eurobeat process, from start to finish. If any of you happen to have a Mac (or, better, a Hackintosh or some other infinitely cheaper way to run OSX), Logic is most certainly worth the purchase if you're getting into Music. :3

    85. I love ALL OF THEIR VOICES and can't WAAAAAAAIIIIT now!!! >:33 This fandom, and the folks who work on the show, are so much da BOMB. xDDD

    86. "My favorite song for Season 1 hasn’t aired yet, but you’ll know it when you hear it because it’s pretty epic."


    87. I'd wish he'd release his music to the 'net. I mean in the latest episode "Green Isn't Your Color" during Fluttershy's last photoshoot at the end, they were playing some really catchy music but it gets cut short. I would love to hear the full version.

    88. That was a really well done interview. Great read.

    89. What do I want to see? I love the songs that are sung in different styles by different characters, like Evil Enchantress and Hush Now, Quiet Now.

      Having multiple characters sing solos makes songs 20% cooler. I want to hear the CMCs do that. I want to hear an Apple family work song, with parts for Applejack, Apple Bloom, and Big Macintosh. And I want more of Scootaloo's no-wave punk stylings.

    90. "My favorite song for Season 1 hasn’t aired yet, but you’ll know it when you hear it because it’s pretty epic. I recorded a 20-person choir in Bryan Adam’s studio for this particular number, and every lead pony gets a solo."

      Know what? At the Gala is probably my favorite too.

    91. Time travel is weird. I read #17 and I instantly started to listen to At the Gala. Then I read the comments and I lol'd. I have what these people didn't have at that time.

    92. But my favorite song so far hasn't aired yet, as far as I know. Its the one where Pinkie sings about smiling.
