Excellent work, Mad Max! I love your pony anatomy and how the hilarious expressions are all anatomically correct by show standards! Silly Celestia (even if she is being mean) is such an amusing sight, too!
Cherilee the second, daughter of the original teacher of Ponyville, closed the history book she had been reading to her class. "And that's how the Second Coming of Nightmare Moon began, and why we live in a blasted post-apocalyptic wasteland."
Ok, Madmax where ever you is, THIS is EPIC! NICE WORK!!! Always love it!!! (it made fun of Luna, yes, but come on!!! its sooooo funny!!!) hope you luck!
No it would be cheating if she entered the fan fiction competition, then won.
This is the art competition side, the side she's not giving a prize for but will obviously win even with all the other good artworks. In fact I say no one votes for this on the principle to give someone else a chance to win.
@Anonymous but that doesn't mean she's obligated to NOT have one. Scoots would have adjusted. as most of us who are "unfortunate" to have siblings, not counting myself. but i do have annoying cousins. that's close.
Now I realized why Luna flipped out. "Do you think they'll love my stars, sister?" "Who? They're all asleep?" >Subtle sleep spell cast on Ponyville. ". . . FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-----
@Anonymous She is a woobie. We love see her sad because it make us want her to be comforted. Anyway, Celestia did a terrible prank. I could feel Luna heart crush. I doubt they will be in talking term for a while.
fuck! I hope that Lauren could see this. maybe she can make a troll celestia episode on the next FIM season. I don't own a DA, can someone link this to her account?
madmax is awesome but still one of the most hated tripgfags on /co/ every time she shows up on a thread the thread derails. that infinite circlejerking is the other thing I hate so much of her. everybody shuld be anonymous
I was about to say the same thing. I like the way MadMax draws Celestia's eyes. Especially in "A Bird in the Hoof", Celestia's eyes are too large, and don't look like they're on her head correctly.
91 kommentaari:
aww, poor luna. little does she know just how many fans she really has.
VastaKustutaOh Celestia, you.
VastaKustutaWhy does everypony love to make Luna sad? :(
woah seth! you are fast
VastaKustutaCelestia really shouldn't mess with her sister like that, She might become Nightmare Moon again.
VastaKustuta@Hito chan
VastaKustutaWHRRRRR to that!
The expression on Celestia in that last panel friggin kills me!
VastaKustutaGood work Maxie!
and that's why lauren said that Rainbowdash can't have a sister
VastaKustutaShe put a ring on and everything. ha!
VastaKustutano matter how funny these comics are, i can't help, but feel bad for Luna
VastaKustutait's depressing
I feel bad about laughing about this, too.
VastaKustutaExcellent work, Mad Max! I love your pony anatomy and how the hilarious expressions are all anatomically correct by show standards! Silly Celestia (even if she is being mean) is such an amusing sight, too!
Cherilee the second, daughter of the original teacher of Ponyville, closed the history book she had been reading to her class. "And that's how the Second Coming of Nightmare Moon began, and why we live in a blasted post-apocalyptic wasteland."
VastaKustuta:( mfw luna got a derpy stamp and I don't....
VastaKustutaWell it was a fan, the letter didn't lie.
VastaKustutaHowever we fans must not laugh... instead, we blow.
Forget Tyrant Celestia, Jerkass Celestia is where it's at.
VastaKustutaCelestia is a god amongst trolls.
You're getting a lot better, Mr. Madmax.
VastaKustutaBe proud, and thanks for all of them ponies.
poor luna. she always was my favorite. i fell extremely bad fer laughin at this
VastaKustutaWell damn, "Poor Luna" is an understatement, to say the least!
VastaKustutaSo funny, yet so sad.
VastaKustutaWell, looks like we know who's winning the drawing competition...
VastaKustutaJerkass Celestia is awesome, indeed.
Madmax was allowed to enter the competition? but that's cheating
VastaKustutaOk, Madmax where ever you is, THIS is EPIC! NICE WORK!!! Always love it!!! (it made fun of Luna, yes, but come on!!! its sooooo funny!!!) hope you luck!
VastaKustutaNo it would be cheating if she entered the fan fiction competition, then won.
VastaKustutaThis is the art competition side, the side she's not giving a prize for but will obviously win even with all the other good artworks. In fact I say no one votes for this on the principle to give someone else a chance to win.
VastaKustutaI'm not in the competition :p
Art side has 3 winners right now technically.
VastaKustuta1 indie game pack, 2 hl2 Episode 1+2 packs.
So top 3 art will get something, even if the somethings tend to be things people already have ;p
But you can always gift them right?
VastaKustutaI am disappoint.
Must hug Luna!
VastaKustutaTrollestia is at it again.
VastaKustutaWhat a bitch
poor luna.. i don't deserve to live i lol'd
VastaKustutaSethisto, I think you are a blog ninja at this point. I mean, you got my art up in 10 seconds flat, and now this!
VastaKustutaAnd I also laughed and felt bad about it.
Where is the Luna love?
VastaKustutaYou're a stone-cold bitch, Celly.
VastaKustutaI love this comic as I do all of Madmax's work, but I feel so bad for Luna.
VastaKustutaI swear, she gets more adorable with each comic she appears in.
How many other people noticed that Luna's letter had a Derpy stamp?
VastaKustutaCelestia - Recipient of the Prank of the Year Award: Big Sister category
VastaKustutathis makes me sad ... and happy at the same time (if you can understand what I mean.)
VastaKustutaWe all love you, Luna.
Good comic, Madmax.
omg, I almost cried.
VastaKustuta@Anonymous but that doesn't mean she's obligated to NOT have one. Scoots would have adjusted. as most of us who are "unfortunate" to have siblings, not counting myself. but i do have annoying cousins. that's close.
VastaKustutaAWWS, POOR LUNA~~ *also laughed*
Now I realized why Luna flipped out.
VastaKustuta"Do you think they'll love my stars, sister?"
"Who? They're all asleep?" >Subtle sleep spell cast on Ponyville.
Sooooooo fucked up... poor luna.
VastaKustutaHahaha! Oh what a dick thing to do!
VastaKustuta@Anonymous She is a woobie. We love see her sad because it make us want her to be comforted. Anyway, Celestia did a terrible prank. I could feel Luna heart crush. I doubt they will be in talking term for a while.
VastaKustutafuck! I hope that Lauren could see this. maybe she can make a troll celestia episode on the next FIM season.
VastaKustutaI don't own a DA, can someone link this to her account?
VastaKustutaTo those of you interested, here are the complete works of Madmax (minus this comic which is comic #67 btw).
VastaKustutaFirst you send her to moon so you can pull a thousand-year late-return-fee prank, now THIS?
(srsly Mad Max, you so crazy!)
That's cold.
VastaKustutaI can deal with Cupcakes. I can deal with horrifying clopfics. No problem.
VastaKustutaBut you do -not-
I repeat
Make Luna sad.
madmax is awesome but still one of the most hated tripgfags on /co/ every time she shows up on a thread the thread derails. that infinite circlejerking is the other thing I hate so much of her. everybody shuld be anonymous
VastaKustutaAw, but she's so cute in her little skirt thing.
VastaKustutaSee now, THIS is why we're all going to Pony Hell.
VastaKustutado not fucking bring the whole Trip argument here.
VastaKustutaNo, I'm going to pony hell for making too many bronies question their sexuality...
Celestia is such a dick. That's why I love her so.
VastaKustutaCelestia IS evil
VastaKustutaThis is why the whole Nightmare Moon thing started in the first place, I bet. :D
VastaKustutalol'd so hard, holy shit
VastaKustutaEverything about this is hilarious. And awesome. Brohoof me, Celestia, and excuse me while I go give Luna a hug.
VastaKustutaSo mean..... Luna even puts a ring on her horn... Bad Celestia.. BAD!
VastaKustutaMeanie Celestia! =( I'll be Luna's fan!
VastaKustutaMadmax needs to do another comic where Luna gets even with Celestia with a prank of her own.
Meanwhile celestia is just laughing her ass off. Such a great comic Madmax!
VastaKustutaCelestia is so damn mean. But this is the sort of prank I'd pull on my younger siblings! :P
VastaKustuta@Roy G. Biv
VastaKustutaThose must be the ones who never noticed a trap-thread on /b/...
Well, this reinforces my theory that Celestia is secretly a goddamn dick.
VastaKustutaReminds me of one of those old Sonic the Comic comics. :P
VastaKustutaWhere Tails is emo because only Sonic gets fanmail.
Poor Luna! :C
VastaKustutaI call for revenge, sweet revenge, and harsh justice! A public humiliation of Celestia is in order!
Even though I dislike the whole "Celestia is a jerk" meme, I couldn't help but laugh a little.
VastaKustutawell, you can say that's a cool fan
VastaKustutaba-dun-tsss. mp3
I knew Celestia was cruel as fuck. Poor Luna :(
VastaKustutaI kindda feel bad for laughing =(
(not all of us have super computers!! ;-; )
...And to think the only reason Luna DOESN'T get more fan mail is because Fed-Ex doesn't deliver to alternate dimensions...
VastaKustutaFluttershy was my favorite when I first found Pony, but now all this lonely Luna stuff has placed her way above the others.
*hugs Luna*
VastaKustutaAquaman and Celestia sucks ¬¬
VastaKustuta(Wow, I'm the first to post that?)
I like the way Madmax draws Celestia more that her actual design. Real Celestia is more of a large horse than a normal pony.
VastaKustutaBut yeah. Down with meanie Celestia, may Luna rise.
Looks like Luna...
...found her first fan.
@Shadow Phoenix
VastaKustutaI was about to say the same thing. I like the way MadMax draws Celestia's eyes. Especially in "A Bird in the Hoof", Celestia's eyes are too large, and don't look like they're on her head correctly.
The title implied a CSI: Miami joke.
VastaKustutaAwww, poor little Luna. I would be her fan. :3
VastaKustutaI actually... laughed really hard. Not sure if I should feel guilty, or maybe I should laugh more. Trollestia's face is priceless.
VastaKustutaThat just soo mean, lune tries to be the best she can and sadly her sister es Trolliesta
VastaKustutaPwn Luna´s life
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaFor every time someone makes a comic insulting Luna,Luna will be more provoked to become Nightmare Moon,50x more power then last time.
VastaKustutaI like luna sees cool
VastaKustutaTrolololololololololololhahahahaha poor Luna @Hito chan
VastaKustutaTrollolololololololollhahahahaha but still poor luna I am your fan @Hito chan