• Comic: What Happens When You Don't Get Your Cutie Mark?

    Poor Applebloom..

    22 kommentaari:

    1. Who's the artist? I saw this earlier, think it was at the -booru. *checks* Eyup, the -booru it was.

    2. Nooooo! Must. Ignore. This awesome comic! I really hope they don't drag this storyline out.

    3. @Tekaramity

      Never mind, link says Blueshift2k5 on dA... I am an idiot. (And can't edit a comment without a Blogger profile. Bugger.

    4. Those...eyes...! BAWWWWWW

    5. Lmao awww poor Applebloom!

    6. Oh, That was funny! Poor gramps, he should join the CMC.

    7. Hah! My friend did that one. Not surprised to see it up here, it's hilarious. I just wanted to pick up Bloom and cuddle her with that last frame.

    8. Since Equestria does not have any McDonald's they have to work somewhere.

    9. Poor Applebloom! ... I have an idea for part two:

      "Gramps": Haha! Just yankin' ya kid. I do have a cutie mark, it's just that the animators are just too lazy to draw one. Plus, they're having a hard time trying to get a cutie mark past the censor, that involves this stuff. *gestures to the dung*

      Applebloom: Oh.. Well... That actually makes a lot of sense.

    10. Maybe his cutie mark is stealth

    11. @Anonymous

      Yeah... It could mean that he is hiding it... but hiding it really well...

    12. The animators sure are lazy, just look at "Show Stoppers" where Twist suddenly got her cutie mark removed :O. And when the audience is laughing at the CMC not a single one in the audience has a cutie mark.

      I think Lauren Faust is spoiling them :P

    13. Cutie mark nothing. Rewatch the chicken-chasing scene in Stare Master - Scootaloo is temporarily wingless. Happens again in Show Stoppers. Clearly they need somepony with a whip over there.

    14. I like the theory that he's actually a goat.

    15. That is so sad, but the idea does make good story material.

    16. This means the ditch that Twilight fell into(Pinkie Keen) has different uses then water drainage.

    17. this guy right here15. märts 2011, kell 17:29

      I dont approve of crying Appleblooms.

    18. He spent his whole life digging dung..maybe his cutie mark is dung and blends in with his skin....
