• Comic: Silly Earth Ponies

    Poor earth ponies... They really did get boned on special abilities.

    12 kommentaari:

    1. They really did get boned XD Reminds me of Charmed.

    2. Haha, I've seen this comic on /co/ a while back. It is quite funny. xD

      Which month is Earth Pony History Month?

    3. It makes me wonder if a Pegasus has hollow bones like a birds? Plus being in the sky all day would make it nearly impossible for them to build any muscles as they live farther from the ground,a little bit less gravitational pressure and air up their.

      Earth ponies probably have the most healthy immune systems, especially Pinkie Pie who must have a very good one to survive what she eats. That or her reality warping powers might prove earth ponies have magic, they just rely on good hard muscle more.

    4. Lauren's reply to both:

      While not magical like the other pony types, Earth Ponies do have a connection to the land that other types do not. In Equestria, growing food and tending animals is just as necessary, as managing weather and magic. Perhaps more important, don't you think? They are ponies, not people, so perhaps appreciating each other as equals is not so difficult for them.

      We don't hammer logic that hard on this show.

    5. Personally, I think earth ponies are more in touch with the world than the other ponies, and have generally more strength. Why AJ lost to RD in a hoof-wrestle is beyond me though...

    6. @5t3v0

      "LEVERAGE!" it's an age old answer for how Scrooge Mcduck wins most of his arm wrestling matches, anyone who has watched and remembered 'Ducktales' would tell you that. (He wins against guys twice his size and strength)

    7. I dunno, pinkie pie is slightly terrifying and she's an earth pony.

    8. Awaken, my child, and embrace the glory that is your birthright. Know that I am Celestia, the eternal will of the Herd, and you have been created to serve me.

    9. Slight miss in the engineering there, Cel. Better luck next time!

    10. Is not like that. The earth ponies have strong. They are stronger than unicorns and pegasus. was proven In the episode of Fall Weather Friends.

    11. Based on Lauren's comments, a post on TVTropes suggests that earth ponies are the only ones who can cause plants to grow and animals to prosper. That would be a great explanation for the "tradition" of wrapping up winter nonmagically in Ponyville -- the personal attention of earth ponies may actually improve the prosperity of the land!

      Overthinking things, I know.
