Applejack loses her size and strength. (I'm determining something here)
Rarity gains a mane she can't maintain.(I actually like hairity)
Twilight gains a floppy spotty horn because she uses magic a lot.(It's hard to do magic when your horn can't point in the right direction)
Fluttershy loses her quiet and meek voice. (making her attract attention to herself)
Pinkie Pie loses her ability to sing and talk. (her two favorite activities gone)
Rainbow Dash lose her coordination and ability to control her flying. (hmmmm...)
Derpy losing the ability to see straight doesn't seem like much of a Poison Joke effect, unless there was something to seeing straight that she can't do normally while Wall-eyed.
"Derpy losing the ability to see straight doesn't seem like much of a Poison Joke effect, unless there was something to seeing straight that she can't do normally while Wall-eyed." Maybe she had just the perfect eyes, artistic in every way, sharp and with the ability to change theyre angle.
I had an idea, a while back, that Cerulean Circles was a famous scientist who set off on an expedition to the Everfree Forest, but got caught in a patch of Poison Joke, wandered into Ponyville where she was not known by anyone, and spent the rest of her life as the word salad spouting Derpy, the delivery mare.
"Derpy losing the ability to see straight doesn't seem like much of a Poison Joke effect, unless there was something to seeing straight that she can't do normally while Wall-eyed."
@Anon: Derpy is a fiend for watching 3D movies...filmed in 3d, upconvert, polarized, red/blue..doesn't matter, she loves them all.
Wow. Derpy eats so much of the stuff she not only developed a partially immunity to it, but its most likely first effect, her weirdly aligned eyes, became PERMANENT....
28 kommentaari:
Derpy has a problem.
VastaKustutaOh poison joke, why are you so delicious?
VastaKustutaWhat does Poison Joke exactly do to Derpy?
VastaKustutaApplejack loses her size and strength. (I'm determining something here)
Rarity gains a mane she can't maintain.(I actually like hairity)
Twilight gains a floppy spotty horn because she uses magic a lot.(It's hard to do magic when your horn can't point in the right direction)
Fluttershy loses her quiet and meek voice. (making her attract attention to herself)
Pinkie Pie loses her ability to sing and talk. (her two favorite activities gone)
Rainbow Dash lose her coordination and ability to control her flying. (hmmmm...)
Derpy losing the ability to see straight doesn't seem like much of a Poison Joke effect, unless there was something to seeing straight that she can't do normally while Wall-eyed.
Maybe she's super smart, fit and functional in every way.
VastaKustutaI saw this one on another site and one of the responses is that maybe the Poison Joke doesn't just affect her eyes, but also her brain functions.
VastaKustutaLike, say, flying fast? A lack of depth perception can seriously crimp that...
You can't deliver mail if you can't see straight.
VastaKustuta"Derpy losing the ability to see straight doesn't seem like much of a Poison Joke effect, unless there was something to seeing straight that she can't do normally while Wall-eyed."
VastaKustutaMaybe she had just the perfect eyes, artistic in every way, sharp and with the ability to change theyre angle.
this is my fetish
VastaKustutaThis is just brilliant.
VastaKustutaCan't stop laughing x) that expression is just priceless!
VastaKustutaokay, this has brought back my love for derpy... still derpyderp910 can go to the froggy bottom bog.
VastaKustutaI had an idea, a while back, that Cerulean Circles was a famous scientist who set off on an expedition to the Everfree Forest, but got caught in a patch of Poison Joke, wandered into Ponyville where she was not known by anyone, and spent the rest of her life as the word salad spouting Derpy, the delivery mare.
VastaKustutaPlus points for making Zecora Rhyme.
VastaKustutaOh boy, soon we gonna see ponies smoking pot.
Actually Putuk there are already a few stories...
VastaKustutaDerp Derpa Deripity Derp Derperson!
VastaKustutaPoison Joke's a hell of a drug.
VastaKustutaWho's a silly pony?
VastaKustutaYou're a silly pony.
Who is?
You is.
Derpy Hooves.
"Derpy losing the ability to see straight doesn't seem like much of a Poison Joke effect, unless there was something to seeing straight that she can't do normally while Wall-eyed."
VastaKustuta@Anon: Derpy is a fiend for watching 3D movies...filmed in 3d, upconvert, polarized, red/blue..doesn't matter, she loves them all.
VastaKustutahow bout she loses her ability to talk normal when she eats it, but retains her only a little spaced out mind.
VastaKustutaYo pass dat Joke, son.
VastaKustutaWow. Derpy eats so much of the stuff she not only developed a partially immunity to it, but its most likely first effect, her weirdly aligned eyes, became PERMANENT....
VastaKustutagotta love derpy :)
VastaKustutaDerpy! Nooooooooooooo......
VastaKustutaThat's one explaination.