There are alternate definitions suggesting that a filly is a female horse that has not yet given birth. Other more specific definitions limit that to horses 4 years of age and under (roughly 16% of the horse's average lifespan, which is about 4ish years shy of the 20-something young adults the mane cast are meant to be)
I don't know what the standard definition is among equestrian-minded society, but the one the average EqD visitor works under roughly equates a filly with a virgin, as much as anything to gel with our growing list of in-universe slang, and there's at least a handful of dictionaries in the world that will back us up on that.
Generally the term "filly" gets used almost interchangeably with "lady" or "girl" on the show, so I think in the MLP universe it's basically just another way describing a female character, possibly up to a certain age though. Older ponies do get referred to as mares.
Ya' know, you had the IRCs pretty split over this. Half were 'Dude, there are LIMITS and you just crossed them!' and the other half are 'LOL! BEST PICTURE EVER!'
Yeah, seems kind of like one heck of a double standard there...
But then again, I love a well done shipping fic and I am very much gay. Still though, I'm pretty sure some boys love couldn't hurt that much to balance out the sea pf lesbian fics.
You know, I kinda figured Scootaloo would be the one to have found the video.
Do they sell Raw Bareback Fillies on I should probably pick that up.
For research, of course, seeing as I can only clop to kinks and implied sexual situations. HEY WAIT THIS COMIC HAS ONE OF THOSE HOW CONVENIENT
Seriously though, I'm amused. Though I'm relatively sure that out of all of them Sweetie Belle probably would have been able to read the word pleasure on the package (though I could see the noise perhaps startling her. Assuming MLP pony breeding sounds more like human mating than our world's horses mating.)
I'd be the disliked pony to walk in on them, pet Scoot on the head, comfort Sweetie, and then just leave them to their HORROR FILM.
I had a lot more fun thinking through the scenario than I did with the image. That's kind of an awesome thing for an image to offer.
Whoever made this pic, thank you so much. I just came back inside after burying my pet hamster, I was absolutely miserable until I saw this picture... I just started laughing nonstop.
I needed this more than anything. Thanks to the artist and thanks to the site that allowed me to see this!
To those worried about the fillies label... I don't think Saphire Shores was referring to underage girls with the name of her tour either, so this should be fine as well.
Why do so many people not like Twilight? Given the opportunity, I would tap that, then get into a serious discussion about how to improve the global economy afterwards. And then we WOULD improve the global economy, and save you assholes from a long, extremely difficult life where a gallon (or liter, depending on your country of origin) of gasoline costs more than any of you make in a year.
Yeah, sleep on that. The mare you felt disgust towards is going to keep you from living in a small crevice in the ground with the help of her man-child slave who sexes her up every other hour. i.e. me!
69 kommentaari:
It's the incest implication that really sells this comic. The rest of it is pretty funny, though.
VastaKustuta... Twilight?
VastaKustutaLess then nine thousand pageviews to go...
VastaKustutaAlso is that TWILIGHT on the cover of the movies box art... It must actually be a horror movie.
Love to get the artists DA page!
VastaKustutaLol, wingboner
VastaKustutaoh the incest *hears clopping across the internet* ._. i see you, YOU THERE
VastaKustutaYes, today has been a good day for pony incest.
VastaKustutaIf there's one thing this site needs more of, it's implied incest.
VastaKustuta"Tell me when they stop stabbing the purple filly"
VastaKustutaNow correct me if I'm wrong... but aren't fillies /children/?
Scootaloo has a "wing boner".
this is...
this is something.
Scoot's got some serious wingboner going on.
VastaKustutain as strict a sense as "girl" refers to a child.
Unicorns jizz through their horns?
@The anon that replied
VastaKustutaWiki is telling me that a filly is a girl too young to be referred to as a mare.
VastaKustutaoh my god, why did you have to-- lknsfgaslkas!!
strange mix of funny, weird, awkward, and just a little bit of cute from how naive the CMC are.
VastaKustutaI don't the Celestia would approve of this >=(
VastaKustutaSure in the strictest of terms, but I'm guessing they themselves use that term more loosely.
CMC watching pony porn? Twilight? OMG! Celestia is gonna is not happy. XD
VastaKustutaIncest plus porn plus underage characters.
VastaKustutaUgh, really? And RGB's Derpy+muffin fic got turned down?
@Replying anon (one last time)
VastaKustutaJust making sure!
VastaKustutaThere are alternate definitions suggesting that a filly is a female horse that has not yet given birth. Other more specific definitions limit that to horses 4 years of age and under (roughly 16% of the horse's average lifespan, which is about 4ish years shy of the 20-something young adults the mane cast are meant to be)
I don't know what the standard definition is among equestrian-minded society, but the one the average EqD visitor works under roughly equates a filly with a virgin, as much as anything to gel with our growing list of in-universe slang, and there's at least a handful of dictionaries in the world that will back us up on that.
*The More You Know*
Implied Wincest.
VastaKustutaPurple filly (That looks A LOT like Twilight)
So much win...
Geez Scootaloo you're getting all sweaty again
VastaKustutaOh, and Wingboner.
Generally the term "filly" gets used almost interchangeably with "lady" or "girl" on the show, so I think in the MLP universe it's basically just another way describing a female character, possibly up to a certain age though. Older ponies do get referred to as mares.
VastaKustutaSeth, did you rent them this movie?
VastaKustutaNope, I'm I've been with invisible Trixie for the past few hours actually, they probably found it at dash's house.
cue standard drama answer; oh lawdy lawdy, that there be some wincest!
VastaKustutaer, I mean, for shame!
VastaKustutaDerpy+muffin hinges on being porn, while also being a joke.
This is a joke, about porn.
Completely different. You can have PG-13 jokes about porn, that fic is actually closer to funny porn.
this person has some really good art on their DA. a bit grim, but still good
VastaKustuta@Sethisto GODAMMIT PICK ONE!
VastaKustuta@Sethisto see:
Why do people keep pairing Big mac and Applejack? D:
VastaKustutaThat just ain't right ya'll.
VastaKustutaShe took you back? I'm surprised...
VastaKustutaYou can have Rarity. Trixie is where it's AT!
@Sethisto While I'm honored by your approval, garnet is the guy you should be worried about. He's got *plans*
VastaKustuta...I can't stop laughing, and I feel terrible about it ;_;
VastaKustutaSoutherner stereotypes mostly.
VastaKustutaYa' know, you had the IRCs pretty split over this. Half were 'Dude, there are LIMITS and you just crossed them!' and the other half are 'LOL! BEST PICTURE EVER!'
I'm in camp A, myself.
@Roy G. Biv
VastaKustutaI hear they were pretty explosive earlier when I said I wouldn't put m/m up either lol.
I can't please everyone.
Resend muffins I'll upload it, might as well throw caution to the wind tonight.
VastaKustutaWait, you weren't going to put m/m up?
I generally despise shipping nor am I gay, but if your going to put lesbian up, why not m/m?
Honestly, I appreciate your work with the blog, but sometimes you aggravate me.
Not now
It's over
It's in the past
VastaKustutaYeah, seems kind of like one heck of a double standard there...
But then again, I love a well done shipping fic and I am very much gay. Still though, I'm pretty sure some boys love couldn't hurt that much to balance out the sea pf lesbian fics.
VastaKustutaYes yes racist, sexist, double standard, homophobe, hypocrite. There, you guys are out of words!
Now go read your m/m 6 posts below this and drop it forever.
Do you have some repressed memories? :/
VastaKustutaWanna talk about it, champ?
Pure Pony Plesure want
Oh god Did I say that aloud?
VastaKustutawait how are you any of those things?
@Beese s'okay brony, s'okay
VastaKustuta@Anonymous >wingboner.jpg
You know, I kinda figured Scootaloo would be the one to have found the video.
VastaKustutaDo they sell Raw Bareback Fillies on I should probably pick that up.
For research, of course, seeing as I can only clop to kinks and implied sexual situations. HEY WAIT THIS COMIC HAS ONE OF THOSE HOW CONVENIENT
Seriously though, I'm amused. Though I'm relatively sure that out of all of them Sweetie Belle probably would have been able to read the word pleasure on the package (though I could see the noise perhaps startling her. Assuming MLP pony breeding sounds more like human mating than our world's horses mating.)
I'd be the disliked pony to walk in on them, pet Scoot on the head, comfort Sweetie, and then just leave them to their HORROR FILM.
I had a lot more fun thinking through the scenario than I did with the image. That's kind of an awesome thing for an image to offer.
Whoever made this pic, thank you so much. I just came back inside after burying my pet hamster, I was absolutely miserable until I saw this picture... I just started laughing nonstop.
VastaKustutaI needed this more than anything. Thanks to the artist and thanks to the site that allowed me to see this!
I wonder if any of them got their cutie mark after watching this?
VastaKustutaas for her comment, I will never get the Aj-Big Mac incest ship stuff I see here...ever >.<
VastaKustuta..... Is that a VCR?
VastaKustutaIt's mostly because Big Mac is the only smart male character on the show who apears in more than 1 episode.
Besides Spike you mean? ^^
VastaKustutaTo those worried about the fillies label... I don't think Saphire Shores was referring to underage girls with the name of her tour either, so this should be fine as well.
Wing-boner = good
VastaKustutaIncest = bad
Scared Sweetie Bell = good
I blame The Simpsons and Hentai for the sterotypeing off farmers and siblings!
VastaKustuta>mfw I see the case
Why do so many people not like Twilight? Given the opportunity, I would tap that, then get into a serious discussion about how to improve the global economy afterwards. And then we WOULD improve the global economy, and save you assholes from a long, extremely difficult life where a gallon (or liter, depending on your country of origin) of gasoline costs more than any of you make in a year.
VastaKustutaYeah, sleep on that. The mare you felt disgust towards is going to keep you from living in a small crevice in the ground with the help of her man-child slave who sexes her up every other hour. i.e. me!
Also, insanity
^ I don't know how to respond to that...
VastaKustutaOn one hand, he speaks the truth, but on the other, he's full on fucking weird.
I'll leave the rest of you to decide which is which
hours... of... pure... pony... pleasure...?