• Christopher Poole (moot) At SXSW Live (Ponies mentioned)

    I have to leave for work, so I totally just randomly chose an image for this.

    Christopher Poole, who many of you know as "Moot" (The Founder of 4chan) did a live talk at SXSW about internet culture in general.  You can find the link below.  He does very briefly mention ponies, which you can find at the bookmarked section of the video.

    At least he knows they exist! 

    Moot's Speech at SXSW, or the pony part at least. 

    Anyway I just needed something to break up the massive amount of fics uploaded today.  I'll be home in 5 hours to throw more stuff up!


    1. wowitsfuckingnothing.jpg

    2. Huh. "Oh, these are popular, olol"

      Well, at least he acknowledges our existence, right?

    3. Darn SXSW. It really creates terrible traffic jams here in Austin. And you know, I've never attended.

      To think I could have seen Moot speak about random things. Oh well.

    4. I have a question: Why is Moot's body movement so socially awkward? I mean, I saw the whole thing, and at some parts it's cute, but it gets very distracting.

    5. @Zarkanorf

      You're asking why the guy who created 4chan is socially awkward?

    6. D'awwww~ Gilda~~ I want a plushy Gilda!!
      "This is popular on 4chan right now, for whatever reason."

    7. And that reason is that it's AWESOME.

    8. This is starting to look like a dark, squishy side of the pony fandom.
      We're supposed to love and tolerate the shit outta the non-believers.

      Until Celestia executes her plan. Then we just make stuff come
      outta them as part of the Pony Platoon.

    9. Cray0n...........watch it with the slurs.

    10. @Cray0n

      Why do you think so? I was actually surprised to see that he is well-spoken and relatively normal.

      And hey, I can't blame a guy for seeing a demand and using his skills to fulfill it.

    11. I bet he secretly plays with pony toy late at night wen nobody is looking but will never admit it because then the /b/tards will stop thinking hes this super kewl internet tough guy

    12. @Purple Tinker
      Seconded! Thank you for reminding me that this place isn't totally /b/.

      Also, moot is totally noonemustknowmysecret.jpg

    13. @Anonymous What skills? He ripped his site off of 2chan and got lucky and is now famous. He seems like a........ not very nice person to me.

      sorry tinker.

    14. S'okay, Cray0n. Just remember.. peace, love, and tolerance, and all that good stuff. *brohoof* I'm a lesbian, so seeing people flinging around 'faggot' or 'gay' as an insult kind of rubs my mane the wrong way, you know?

    15. m00t is ugly! who wants to make a pony of him? (suddenly banhammer)

    16. Moot pony with the 4chan logo as a cutie mark.

      Welp, why the heck not?

    17. Pinkie Pie episode on April Fool's Day. WOOHOO!

    18. @Purple Tinker You know, countless hours on /g/ kinda makes you forget what that word actually means :p

    19. I can imagine. Just think, would you be calling random people the n-word? The f-word is the same for us queer types.

    20. @Cray0nThink of him like an event, more than a person. Without him there would be no 4chan, and thus no LOLcats, no anon (as we know it), no /co/, and a lot of other things. For better or worse he instigated something important.

    21. @Anonymous See, I get that, but I don't think he deserves all the praise people give him. People treat him as if he were the best person alive because he made a poorly coded website when he was sixteen that happened to get a lot of attention. He was the catalyst and nothing more, yet he seems to think that he is a genius among men.

    22. At first Gilda was like

      but then she SXSW

    23. I very much doubt that he feels that he is a genius. I mean, I bet he too fears the hacking and life-ruining side of /b/ being directed at him. He doesn't do much by way of 'weeding' or controlling 4chan, not even to show who's boss, so that means 4chan is as powerful as it is, and if it weren't for the fact that moot can shut down 4chan himself whenever he feels like it, he'd have been squashed long ago by the trolls and general evil that lurks in /b/ alongside the occasional awesome.

      But I'm just rambling now, actually I've been rambling the whole time without making a real point. So I'll just say this: moot probably feels a little pride in the success at his site, but too feels shame for how hateful it can be, thus leaving him quiet about 4chan in general.

    24. @Anonymous

      He doesn't think that and none of his users think it either. This is the guy who let himself be defined with the phrase "I wish to be the little girl."

      He just needs to watch the show.

    25. I will pay 1000 bison dollars for someone to draw moot brushing a twilight sparkle doll.

    26. @Anonymous While i'll be the first to tell you that i'm not exactly an artist, there you go.


    27. C'mon, my bronies. We have better things to do than picking on people, even the creators of notorious Internet scumhives :)

    28. I think everypony's just venting anger at the crazy mod via moot.

    29. Stop hating on moot, it's not his fault one of the mods was a dick and he rarely if ever intervenes in situations like this.

    30. @Cray0n

      Eh, they praise him because of the contrast that gets drawn between him and Zuckerberg. It's not so much the scale of moots actions, but his adherence to anonymity that lead people to treat him like the good twin of the two. Zuckerberg may of ACTUALLY done something impressive technologically speaking, but his devil-may-care attitude toward privacy is chilling when you consider the scope of his power.

    31. just wondering why I should care what moot has to say about Ponies? I mean it's not like he's some all powerful being who controls what becomes popular on 4chan or not.

    32. @Cray0n

      >God moot is a faggot

      Yeah, and devil moot is a heterosexual.

      His tripcode oth.
