THE WORLD shall know ponies. This came from Spraypony over on /co/. Hopefully this brings friendship to those that would normally do something like that.
I can't stand graffitis when they are offensive things, or made in the walls of houses. But when they are done in some wall of a park for example, they are great. I DEMAND MORE PONY GRAFFITIS ALL OVER THE WORLD
Oh darn. Now i have to go proxy some cards. TO THE INTERNET! THE WORLD SHALL TASTE THE WRATH OF A 3/3 DOUBLE STRIKE, FLASH, HASTE RAINBOW DASH WHOSE FLAVOR TEXT IS "20% cooler - Rainbow Dash"!
11 kommentaari:
My Little Pony: the most motherfucking gangsta thing alive.
VastaKustutaAlso, I am giggling that the cards done for Twilight and Celestia and Signal Pests... They're not that annoying; not even close! :P
Oh wow...thats really good. Kudos to the artist for making an awesome tag.
VastaKustutaI loled at the cards too.
Now I wanna see Banksy do something with the ponies.
VastaKustutaPssh, they could at least use Prized Unicorns for the girls! I have a Kuldotha Red deck that could use the Pests...
VastaKustutaThe graffiti is hilarious, though.
Oh man, what a coincidence! I drew the exact same Twilight on a whiteboard at my school today.
The next class in that room will get a big surprise.
Take over the WORLD?
VastaKustutaIn thiiiiiiiiis woooooooorld, where ponies are all!
Um, yeah anyway...
Banksy making ponies would be badass.
Reminds me of that one time I drew Giygas on the blackboard. Of course, here in anti-nerd/geek austria, nobody dared to show interest.
I can't stand graffitis when they are offensive things, or made in the walls of houses. But when they are done in some wall of a park for example, they are great. I DEMAND MORE PONY GRAFFITIS ALL OVER THE WORLD
VastaKustutaEheheh, I grinned.
VastaKustutaAlso, I almost missed this post entirely. I have no idea how I keep missing them when I've got the blog followed through Blogger AND Twitter.
Signal Pest?
VastaKustutaWhy signal pest?
VastaKustutaCelestia = Sunblast angel, if you insist on using Mirrodin
Twilight = um... uhhhh... Cathartic Adept?
Oh darn.
VastaKustutaNow i have to go proxy some cards. TO THE INTERNET! THE WORLD SHALL TASTE THE WRATH OF A 3/3 DOUBLE STRIKE, FLASH, HASTE RAINBOW DASH WHOSE FLAVOR TEXT IS "20% cooler - Rainbow Dash"!