For those wondering what this is, check out THIS POST!
Submissions are CLOSED
Also, if your author tag is some random gibberish, it's because I took your email name and built it without using your real name, cause I'm OCD like that, but still respect your privacy.
2) Flutterhigh
4) The Object
Shipping, Monochrome Jaunt
42) Hammer and Tape Measure
Description: Dash and Derpy compete in a mail-delivery race. Another easy win for Equestrias fastest flier?Normal, Rainbow Dash, Derpy
2) Flutterhigh
Description: Fluttershy takes some time to relax, with the help of Angel's secret stash.Random, Fluttershy, Author: Lucres
Description: A moment of Big Mac's morning after Winter Wrap-Up.Normal, Other, Big Mac, Author: Golden Flip
4) The Object
Description: Our pony friends find a mysterious object in the Everfree Forest...Random, Grimdark, Everypony, Author: Mylittlebrony
5) Spike Stuff
Description: Spike thinks about past memories while Twilight and friends are away.Sad, Spike, Author: Gridlock
Description: Terror strikes Ponyville as mysterious ponies begin to eat the denizens of Ponyville! As recounted by the as-of-yet unnamed narrator.Grimdark, Other, Author: D.Wil
Description: Rainbow Dash preforms at a flying competionNormal, Rainbow Dash, Author: Nukeman
Description: The Alpha Quadrant is destabilized.Crossover, Random, Other, Author: Crazy Eddie
9) Big Day
Description: Spike and Twilight stuff!Normal, Spike, Twilight Sparkle, Author: Squeak
10) Plum Season
Description: Applejack has a crisis of faith and fresh fruit.Shipping (NOT INCEST), Applejack, Big Mac, Author: Chistery
11) The Dark Mare
Description: Fluttershy has encountered a familiar phantasm! Will she be able to stand up to it this time?Normal, Fluttershy, Author: RefractedPegasus
12) Intruders
Description: I've always thought the break at the end of Griffon the Brush-Off a little abrupt for a strong, old relationship. Maybe we didn't see everything that happened that night?Normal, Gilda, Author: Lula
13) The Sighting
Description: Twilight swears she's met a man named "The Doctor" before and searches through her scrolls for him. (?)Normal, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Spike, Author: The Incredible Halt
Description: Big Mac always tries to support his friends no matter what. But has the big red pony been pushed too far this time? A rare straight Big Mac story where he ISN'T shipped with Applejack!Normal, Big MacIntosh, Caramel, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie Author: Roy G. Biv
Description: Big Mac has a rough day of work.Normal, Big Mac, Author: Alterform
Description: Big Macintosh falls for a mare, but doesn't get what he expects.Shipping, Random, Big Macintosh, Scratch, Author: Ebonmane
Normal, Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Author: Brian M.ntDescription: Twilight Sparkle organizes a movie night at her
place. However, it's Pinkie Pie who brings the movie!
Description: The tale of a love forlorn and the eternal truths of love itself.
Shipping, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Author: Victorian Hellsly
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19) Sunshine
Description: Luna deals with her feelings about Equestria's day-focused nature. Featuring lyrics by Bill Withers
Normal, Celestia, Luna, Author: Phoe
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: Pinkie Pie is, well, Pinkie Pie...
Shipping, Random, Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, hawkysu,
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: During one of her acts, Trixie is reminded of what she lost to the Ursa MinorSad, Trixie, Author: Flashfox466
Description: Celestia and Luna talk a year and a quarter after Luna's return, and Celestia starts to get an idea. Chapter 1 will follow next week!Normal, Celestia, Luna, Author: AugieDog
Description: The young, newly elected mayor of Ponyville and her campaign manager look forward to setting an example for the rest of Equestria.Normal, Mayor, Granny Smith, Author: Adrian Brody
Description: Scootaloo is inspired by a chance encounter.Normal, Scootaloo, Gilda, Author: Pacce
25) Derpy Delivers
Description: What goes on in Derpy's head as she goes about her daily rounds?Normal, Derpy, Author: Lurks-No-More
Description : Rainbow Dash crashes into Fluttershy's house and she makes it clear that she has something to hide.
Normal, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Angel Bunny, Author: H. Rola
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------27) Last Stand
Description: Parasprite origin, I guess (it's a poem)Normal, Poem, Author: d d
28) Rainbows Crash
Description: Rainbow gains and loses a friend.
Crossover, Sad, Rainbow Dash Author: D. Shadows
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------29) The Stormy Night
Description: Some Derpy and Rainbow!Normal, Derpy Hooves, Rainbow Dash, Author: Ponny Doofs
30) Catch
Description: Rainbow Dash and Derpy bond over a letter.
Sad, Derpy, Rainbow Dash, Author: MoronSonOfBoron
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------31) Pony Wrastle
Description: Applejack challenges Rainbow Dash to a pony "Wrastle" and they Duke it out.Shipping, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Author: Skippy
Description: The ponies talk of past events and future happenings.Normal, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Author: Rexlvan
Description: Ponyville is now ruled by a truly iron-fist dictator. Who shall be the one to put a stop to this tyrant?Normal, Griffon, Author: Relias
Description: Equestria's number one honor student finds something special.Random, Twilight Sparkle, Author: Pangolynn
35) No Hard Feelings
Description: In the middle of a thunderstorm, Fluttershy receives an unexpected guest.
Normal, Fluttershy, Author: Jazelock
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------36) The Talk
Description: Twilight Sparkle decides it's time to tell Applebloom all about The Birds and The Bees.Normal, Twilight Sparkle, Applebloom,
Description: Just as the title states, ponies be time travellin'.Random, Dinosaurs..., Author: Crayon
Description: Still haunted by the Cupcakes incident at the Warped Thoughts Factory, Rainbow Dash decides to face her irrational fears and taste test a cupcake from Pinkie Pie.Normal, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Author: ruff1298
39) Random
Desciption: The random and zany Pinky Pie seemingly lives in a world of her own, but is it a place anyone would want to visit? What is she hiding?Random, Pinkie Pie, Author: Rad Ross
Description: Inspired by the iconography in Rarity's boutique, a look at her parents and their history.Normal, Rarity, Author: yrthak
Description: In the criminal justice system, the ponies are represented by two separate yet equally important groups: Cereal Velocity, who writes about equines, and the friends that have to put up with his shit. These are their stories.
Shipping, Monochrome Jaunt
42) Hammer and Tape Measure
Description: The town smith gets help from a fellow artisan.
Normal, Rarity, Other, Author: TomSmoke
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: Twilight sends a letter to Celestia about the magic of drinking.
Normal, Twilight Sparkle, Author: Pacce
Description: Pony Poem!
Normal, Author: uSea
Description: A story about a little pony and her new friend.Normal, Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, Author: Thel
Description: An older Scootaloo and Applebloom discover an important piece of cloth from their pastsShipping, Scootaloo, Applebloom, Author: Badgerhead
Description: Applejack helps Fluttershy with the annual Baneling CensusNormal, Fluttershy, Applejack, Author: Fistful of Apples
Description: PINKIE PIE!Random, Pinkie Pie, Author: AlterForm
50) Finished Picture
Description: Rainbow Dash and Applejack lose to the most unlikely of ponies.
Normal, Derpy, Rainbow Dash, Applejack Author: D. Shadows
Description: STOP DOING THIS!Grimdark, Rainbow Dash, Twilight, Author: Pacce
52) Consent
Description: Can Pinkie get Rainbow Dash to face what she has done?Grimdark, Shipping, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Author: Pacce.
Description: The group picks up their copies of the new pokemon game!Normal, Everypony, Author: Midnight
54) Rarity's Parents
Description: Fandom universe. Rarity drops Sweetie Belle off at home.
Normal, Rarity, Other
Description: Vinyl Scratch Wakes up to find her mother with a surprise for herNormal, Scratch
Description : The Great and Powerful Trixie challenges DJ PON-3 to a DJ-off in 300 words exactly.Normal, Trixie, Scratch
Description: Rainbow Dash is bored out of her mind, and Fluttershy offers to help.Normal, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Author: Strawberry Spice
Description: Sad Fluttershy StuffSad, Shipping, Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Author: TheTrueStarbuck
Normal, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Derpy Hooves, Author: IntrobulusDescription: Pinkie Pie recalls the origin of her Pinkie Senses.
61) Just One Bite
Description: The only ponies who don't like muffins, have never tasted one.Normal, Gilda, Pinkie Pie, Author: Honey Blush
Description: Would Applebloom find her cutie mark working on a time machine?Normal, Dr. Whoof, Applebloom, Author: Phynault
Description: Princess Celestia asks Luna an odd question while bathing.Normal, Princess Luna, Princess Celestia, Author: Apathetic Citizen
64) Sweetie's Song
Description: A Hungry Hydra tries to sneak up on Sweetie!Normal, Sweetie Belle, Author: Gunthor the Perilous
Description: Banded together from remote galaxies, are four of the most notorious pony pets of all time! Dedicated to a single objective: complaining about their owners!
Normal, Other, Author: Choppers Top Hat
Description: It's about a mare that owns a record shop.Normal, Scratch, Big Mac, Derpy, Author: Ponny Doofs
67) Apple Standoff
Description: Applejack and Big Macintosh discuss the future of the farm while exchanging gunfire.
Normal, Applejack, Big Macintosh, Author: McStevenson
68) Lightning Ride
Description: Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle get up close and personal with a thunderstorm.Normal, Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, Author: Bookish Delight
79) Taffy
80) Bet
81) The Art of Stalking
82) Empty Packs and Bottles
83) Disaster Is Coming
84) Crack in the Ice
85) Love is Blind
86) Trapped
87) Princess Luna's Big Night
88) Adventures in Ponyville
89) Swift Pursuit
Description: ...and what Pinkie saw there.Grimdark, Pinkie Pie, Author: ButterScotchSundae
Description: Rarity takes on the challenge that the doctors say is "impossible"Normal, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Author: Ruff1298
Description: It is time to finally end the war between griffons and ponies.Normal, Random, Dash, Gilda, Author: 640x480 (that is the strangest name ever)
Description: About a year after the events of the pilot episodes, Twilight writes a letter to a forgotten princess.Normal, Twilight Sparkle, Luna, Author: Silent Magi
Description: Vegetables! Pinkie Pie!Normal, Pinkie Pie, Author: Dancinninjac
Description: Spike asks for Twilight's help in something. She did not expect what he had in store for her.Shipping, Spike, Twilight, Flashfox466
Description: Pinkie calls herself Fluttershy’s Aunt, but that’s just her being random…right?Normal, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Dr Whoof, Derpy Hooves, Applejack, Author: Introbulus
Description: Pinkie suddenly realizes everyone in Ponyville is naked after evil waffles point it out to her.Shipping, Random, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie
78) Festival Moon
Description: With the Grand Galloping Gala approaching, Princess Celestia asks Twilight and her friends to help preform a critical mission
Normal, Celestia, Luna, Twilight Sparkle
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------79) Taffy
Description: Applejack eats taffy.Sad, Applejack, Author: Monolyth
80) Bet
Description: Rainbow Dash and Applejack make a betNormal, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Author: Unknownpony
81) The Art of Stalking
Description: A moment shared between predator and prey.Normal, Rainbow Dash, Gilda, Author: Lovecraft
82) Empty Packs and Bottles
Description: Tensions in the Dash residence reach their peakRandom, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Author: ThatTubaGuy
83) Disaster Is Coming
Description: Luna alerts Celestia of a curious finding... A 'teaser' to a possible project.Normal, Celestia, Luna, Author: Neon Noble
84) Crack in the Ice
Description: Watch Out for Thin IceGrimdark, Other, Author: Pimps McGee
85) Love is Blind
Description: Two secret admirers feel separated by the power of love.Shipping, Spike, Rarity, Author: Mr. Madden
86) Trapped
Description: A human ends up in Equestria.Random, Twilight, Fluttershy, Author: Tacowiz
87) Princess Luna's Big Night
Description: Princess Celestia comforts her sister as she brings up tonight's moon.
Normal, Celestia, Luna, Author: Hunter Roland
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------88) Adventures in Ponyville
Description: Rainbow Dash feels a bit wild and hilarity ensues!Shipping, Rainbow Dash, Twilight, Author: Pumpkinhead
89) Swift Pursuit
Description: Twilight/Rarity (No descrip)Normal, Twilight, Rarity, Author: Jetfire
90) Holy Potassium
Description: Princess Celestia's good friend gives her an interesting gift.Random, Celestia, Dr. Whooves, Author: Ken.Meurx
91) Snails is Cute
Description: Snips brags to Snails about his luck with girls. Little does Snips know that Snails has been keeping mighty big secrets from him.Normal, Snails, Author: Flashfox466
92) Clever Ploy
Description: Spike cleaning upGrimdark, Spike, Author: Cottonmouth
93) Game of Chess
Description: Celestia challenges another goddess to a game of chess. Two sun gods, one game, and only one outcome.Crossover, Celestia, Flashfox466
Description: Derpy returns home to face her fears.Normal, Derpy Hooves, Author: SorcerusHorserus
95) Atop A Hill
Description: Trixie sitting on a hill, looking down (admiring?) Ponyville from a distance.Normal, Trixie, Author: Co. A. Lex
96) Breathless
Description: Lyra/bonbonShipping, Lyra, Bon Bon, Author: Kegisak
Description: "Big Mac and Caramal Apple handle their debts with an unsavory figure"
Normal, Tanner, Big Mac, Caramel
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: Twilight has an active imaginary life.Normal, Twilight Sparkle, Author: Lord of The Wrongs
Description: The crusaders need costumes for Halloween!
Normal, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Author: SorcerusHorserus
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: Trixie wow's the crowd with her dazzling displays and mastery of all things magical.Trixie, Great, Powerful, Amazing, Twilight Sparkle, Author: Sethisto, shipping
This should be fun to read =3
ReplyDeleteCan I send you in the morning too?
ReplyDeleteDoes this mean submissions are closed now? I hope mine got in. I'm never sure if my e-mails get through.
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to read what everyone else wrote. People tend to work better when they have restrictions, so this will be interesting. :D
I am going to write one of these, i just hope my topic isnt covered in the ones you havent posted yet.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I need to go to bed, my story isn't working. Submissions will either still be open when I wake up or I'll have only gotten one story in.
ReplyDeleteDoes it have to be in google doc?
ReplyDeletei dont think i can handle this much pony
ReplyDeleteDocs, deviant art, anything with text upload.
1) The Traveling Salespony Problem: Haha, smart Derpy. A bit rushed, but this is a Dash fic so that's too be expected. Fun little read!
ReplyDelete2) Flutteryhigh: I always thought Fluttershy would prefer toads. :P
I liked how you did this one without dialogue. Nice!
3) Big Mac and Winter Wrap Up: Interesting short look into Big Mac. Simple but sweet. Wish it could have been expanded upon but… 300 words is a kicker.
4) The Object: …no kidding with grimdark. Confound these ponies, they drive me to… death?
5) Spike Stuff: Interesting theory on why Spike wouldn't accompany Twilight and gang in Dragonshy. A few spelling mistakes here and there, but otherwise, not bad at all. Poor Spike though… Were those things supposed to be parasprites?
6. Living Dead Ponies: Well, confirmation on zombie ponies. So much death. D:
It was more of summary of events than an actual story, but I don't blame you for that, it's hard to write a full blown story with so little to work with!
7. The Competition: Very nice use of description. Very simple, very compact moment in time, which works well with very short stories like these.
8) The Never-Ending Sacrifice: What the… Pinkie Pie and… No comment.
9) Big Day: Dawwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!! so cute!!!!
10) Plum Season: I like how you only hint at who's being shipped with AJ in this one. Tricky tricky! Good for Big Mac for being understanding! Good pleasant story! :D
ReplyDeleteDamn it, Pacce...I'm glad I not the only one who thought of Gilda when I saw Scoots eye make-up, haha.
I find it hillarious that instead of there being "Shipping" and "Shipping (Incest)" tags, there are apparently apparently only "Shipping" and "Shipping (NOT INCEST)"
ReplyDeleteInspired Coolness gets the biggest D'aaaaw award.
ReplyDeleteBig Mac Isn't Picky
ReplyDelete“I have the weirdest boner right now.”
That was PERFECT
So much good pony it's incredible
ReplyDeleteJust gonna say, not only was it really fun to write for this, but it's really, REALLY fun to read all the entries. I usually don't get around to reading lots of fics though I tend to like a lot of the ones I have here, but these are all so fun, short, and easy to digest, it's like the best thing. So many great little ideas and fun little excursions. I really hope you do this again sometime.
ReplyDeleteOh, but, just one piece of advice...
ReplyDeleteMake it NOT happen the middle of the night EST on a weeknight next time. :3
There's a whole line of requesters raging at me for going pony, I'm sure of it.
No Hard Feelings is awesome. So in character.
ReplyDeleteBig Mac Isn't Picky
ReplyDeleteMy that was sexy. I absolutely adored how you made Big Mac the classic awkward but rather... fascinating specimen of Stallion, but I enjoyed even more how you made his date with Vinyl Scratch so vivid yet use so few words.
His discovery of Vinyl Scratch's secret was excellently done, particularly with how Vinyl revealed herself.
PS. Thanks for making Vinyl Scratch a Transgender. It was an excellently rare touch.
2PS. Big Mac's reaction killed me. Again.
Hey, if I do a crossover story that mainly focuses on a non-MLP character, is that allowed? I mean, ponies will appear, but they're more like a cameo
ReplyDeleteI love how Derpy's genius comes and goes in number 1. :P
ReplyDeleteSo many of these are amazing! Big Mac isn't Picky and A Very Long Night are both awesome, though I think I like A Very Long Night just a little more for the humor. The Traveling Salespony Problem has my most favorite depiction of Derpy, though Catch is sweet too! And The Talk was just amazing, though I totally saw it coming.
ReplyDeleteThese are spawning like Parasprites! I hope these big comment are alright.
ReplyDelete11) The Dark Mare: Wow, maybe this is the reason she's afraid of her own shadow. Pretty good with the descriptions here!
12) Intruders: Sad little take on Griffon a Brush Off. Gilda kind of jumped to conclusions here with Pinkie. I mean, they were close, but there wasn't enough there to assume what she assumed.
13) The Sighting: Sounds like a beginning to a story! Kind of intriguing, though it would have been better if it had not been under the restraints of this event. It just needs the right amount of build up.
14) A Very Long Night: Hahaha, very funny. Hilarity ensues!
15) Big Mac' Great Day: Big Mac's not really the element of honesty I see. Well, I guess that's how he rolls with life.
16) Big Mac Isn't Picky: Wow! Well, good thing Big Mac isn't picky! Well, happy ending none the less, though I had a feeling it was going to end that way.
17) Pinkie and Twilight: I guess Pinkie really likes irony! Funny ending, though I noticed bronies really like to slam that movie. xD
18) Moonlit Revelations: xDDDDDDDDD I'm laughing for real here. That ending hit me like a brick wall, didn't see that coming!
19) Sunshine: Aww, sad introspective stuff. It is interesting, I mean, even though she has been redeemed, it's hard to say that people don't still blame her for her past action. Hope it works ok for her.
20) What the Hell is This?: Haha, fourth wall madness! Pinkie scoffs at your fourth wall!
ReplyDeleteJust to tell you right now Flashfox I know what kind of criticism to expect from my writing, if you're continuing along your line of reviewing.
Most positive comment I can expect will end up with the single word 'unique'. I write good ideas horribly, not on purpose mind you but I try and that's all I can expect from myself as I'm supposedly evil and that tends to jinx me more times then you could believe. (darn people coming into my home waving swords angrily in my direction spouting speeches about how their going to gouge me)
The big comments are fine and they give a everypony/mosnter a bit of perspective on how someone else see's the stories.
21) Trixies Great Defeat: In retrospect, I wonder if the "Sad" label was warranted here.
ReplyDelete22) Half the Day is Night, Prologue: This may actually be interesting. It's one thing to control the weather, but having everyday ponies build the stars in the sky? I'll have to look forward to the next part!
23) Mare Mar for Mayor: Mare Mar… Mare Martian? Half expected a Santa Clause Vs the Martians reference here. Oh well, interesting political perspective none the less.
24) Inspired Coolness: And Here I thought she was inspired by the 80s!
25) Derpy Delivers: I honestly think the "air headed dreamlander" interpretation of Ditsy Doo is more accurate than the mentally handicapped ones.
26) Fluttershy's Secretive Secret: Always the quiet ones… Well, I guess if she succeeds, I'd accept the results. Haha
27) Last Stand: Epic! I read it aloud with a deep voice for fun.
28) Rainbow Crash: Again, this is more a summary than a real story. However, it sounds like it would have made for a fairly epic multipart story if you had written it proper. Not too familiar with the Gradius universe to be honest.
(To commenter: Don't be so negative, save that for the editing process.)
29) The Stormy Night: Such a sweet little happy story. ^^ So peaceful.
30) Catch: …whaaaaa!?! Derpy and Rainbow Dash… OMG!
31) Pony Wrastle: It's about Applejack and Dash wrestling and it has a shipping tag… Ah, didn't end the way I expected it to. xD I like that the ponies watching aren't there for the fight.
32) 300 Words of Waiting: …cursed word count! Continuation!
Wait, no… NO! No fetish stuff!
Psst Rexlvan, e-mail me the rest...
33) Unfounded Revenge: For some reason, I was imagining some Road Warrior scenario while reading this. Now that I think about it, Gilda would fit in quite well in that universe.
34) Ponies Are So… Interesting: Even before reading it, I have a pretty clear idea which direction this will head. xD Does this mean the Trixie of this universe will only be known as "T"?
35) No Hard Feelings: Beautiful story, this is so something Fluttershy would do. :3
36) The Talk: Oh, I could so see Twilight doing this. xD Nice
Finished! Took longer than I thought, but that was fun! Let's do it again some time!
ReplyDeleteMar is a latin root that is sometimes used as a given name. I just wanted to continue the pun of Mare Mayor.
the link for 38 doesn't work... there's one http too many
ReplyDeleteI'm (supposedly) evil so I'm always negative, but I don't let that get in the way. Yeah it does come off as a summary, but it does have a beginning and definite end.
I'm also not going to write that epic, I'd rather leave it up to imagination or someone else. (I like writing, I just suck at it and accept the fact that I never learn from any mistakes despite the fact that I can readily recognize all of them)
Written + properly + me = universal destruction, so be glad that I can't. Almost everyone knows what they say about leading a horse to water. I'm a monster, so I'm far worse than the horse(Applejack, just saying) in that regard.
To be honest I kind of nervous, since this is my first time ever posting any kind of prose on the internet.
ReplyDeleteBut on the other hand having your work criticized is always good. Helps a lot in bettering your writing skills.
D.Wil here, and first time posting with a name.
ReplyDeleteThere was a comic somewhere in the archive that gave me the idea for this. Anyways, I'm thinking that I'll try a full story. And figure out who the narrator is.
Are we Pony? Or are we Dancer? is awesome.
God, so much awesome in these stories!
ReplyDeletewell, i must say this. This was pretty fun to do.
ReplyDeleteIt was my first time i wrote fan fiction.
Sorry if my english grammar isn't at it best.
It was fun reading all your stories too.
I have started to work on another little short story. If anyone wants more?
Ponies Travel Back In Time: T-Rex was only alive in the Cretaceous period, as were Velociraptors. They weren't alive in the Triassic.
ReplyDeleteUncommon Occurance: Nice. Interesting idea.
Benders are Magic: AMAZING.
300 words isn't nearly enough to get a good story out. The only ones I really liked were the ones with cheap gags. XD
ReplyDeleteSome were pretty decent though.
@Darkhawk1 Fixing now. Didn't do my research as I wrote that on the train.
ReplyDeleteHaving given these a read through, I thought I should mention some I particularly enjoyed.
ReplyDeleteBig Day, Trixie's Great Defeat, 300 Words of Waiting, Inspired Coolness, Benders are Magic and Uncommon Occurrences. All around a good crop but I thought those were especially great!
"Dear Princess Celestia,
ReplyDeleteToday I learned that it doesn't take a whole lot of words to get something wonderful said. Sometimes in fact, few words just make the story all the sweeter."
So yeah...I loved all of these, hehe, and it was a total blast writing Pinkie and Twilight. Perhaps I'll go back sometime and expand upon it...
Oh, I see there are more fics. Well, I won't give in until ever fic has a review! Pinkie swear!
ReplyDelete37) Ponies Travel Back in Time: Uhhhhh… what? Not sure about the cursing, though considering this is quite random, it does help in deviating us from any expectations we might have, making it easier to swallow some of the things that DO happen.
38) Taste the Rainbow: …well, now I know what to expect when I eventually get up the nerve to read the Cupcakes stories… Well written, and I'm glad it didn't end as grimdark as I thought it would.
39) Random: I like how this fic portrays Pinkie as more an eccentric genius with an agenda instead of just a nutty cuckoolander that some see her as. It's clear that she has a method to her madness, and I'm glad you brought us a moment of introspection to it.
40) Uncommon Occurrences: DDD: damn, Celestia's a jerk. I've always preferred to view her as a nurturing motherly type. Well, I feel bad for Rarity's parents in this case, but I think Rarity turned out alright considering.
41) I Hope You're Happy: Well, I'm glad you hope I'm happy but what does that have to do with writing fanfics, space invaders, candy vag, lesbian orgies… I just answered my own question didn't I?
42) Hammer and Tape Measure: Ponies goes metal! Literally! Not bad, wish there was more development on the smith.
43) Benders are Magic: What's with ponies and substance abuse today? I like the PS at the end. xDDD
44) Are we Pony? Or are we Dancer?: Haha, had fun reading this in a semi-intellectual voice out loud. Thanks for the poem!
We'll see if there is more to come. I wouldn't be surprised. xD I hope I don't find 50 more the next time I'm here. But it's been fun. Good work brones!
ReplyDeleteOh, and Ponies Travel Back in Time made me chuckle.
I knew I forgot one.
ReplyDeleteThen my job here is done.
You haven't read 'Cupcakes' yet Flashfox? Oh boy... Taste the Rainbow doesn't even scratch what happens, It's like watching the movie 'Soylent Green', curiosity will get to you eventually and what you will find is disturbing.
ReplyDeleteThat said I wish to see a post of your reaction to it Flashfox466.
41 is amazing.
ReplyDeleteI'm really glad you liked Trixie's Great Defeat. ^^ I don't dabble in sad fics that often. Then again I haven't really dabbled in pony fiction that much as of yet.
@D. Shadows
Yeah, curiosity will take over one day and it'll be the day the cat would die a horrible painful death. I'll try to do a reaction post when that happens, if I remember and if I have the sanity for it.
Maybe you could make another post highlighting the best ones..? I know they're only 300 words but there are just so many... and I read 41 but I don't know either of those people so I think a lot of the jokes went over my head.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete@uSea Aww, thanks. I'm glad to hear you liked it!
ReplyDeleteThis was lots of fun to write for and read! I especially liked Benders are Magic, Mare Mar for Mayor, A Very Long Night, and Plum Season. Thanks for doing this, Seth!
@taste the rainbow(the story)
ReplyDeleterainbows sure are spicy
Holy cow! This is a lot to read through, I'm impressed by the quality of the turnout so far.
Hey, thanks for the review; I think it's awesome that you're taking the time to post a thought on each on. I'll try to think of what I'd do with a second part that wouldn't feel like extra for extra's sake.
ReplyDeleteReally? you liked Mare Mar for Mayor? I thought I only managed to confuse everybody with it. Thought it wasn't much because I only spent like fifteen minutes on it.
To be honest, I originally started doing this because I thought everyone was going to be doing it. Don't know why I thought that.
ReplyDeleteBut I'm glad I did anyways.
Anyways, the barrier of story updates is weakening! Onward to victory!
45) Wherever You Find Them: It was weird this story was told from Scootaloo's perspective. I didn't really feel like Scootaloo was actually telling the story. I do like the concept of Scoots hanging out with Rainbow Dash more considering their talents are similar, but could still need some work in the department of narrative. It's a good attempt though, should keep at it!
46) A Quick Reminisce: Oh! Forgot to read the shipping tag before reading. Took me by surprise. xD Does this mean the CMC are in a three way relationship?
Well anyways, very cute! And yes, funny how we always look back at how simple it all was when we were kids. xD
47) The Official Baneling Census: I'd make a Starcraft 2 reference, but I don't got $50 to buy it right now. Still, at least Applejack got some sleep for a change!
48) It's Her Favorite Wall to Lean On: Nice little look into Pinkie's world. There is only one truth: there is only one… PINKIE PIE! *thunderclap*
@Adrian Brony Yeah, I did. I liked the reference to the WBC, and the implied story behind the mayor and fuchsia. I think you did well!
ReplyDeleteI agree, everyone should be doing this. How else will the readers and authors know everyone's opinions?
#52's link appears to be broken.
ReplyDeleteHere's the correct link for #52
Fished out of the 'broken' link above.
damn it #48! i was going to write a short story on that exact subject this weekend, oh well
ReplyDeleteOh man, I'm not going to get around to updating my fanfic today am I? xDD Eight more reviews, here we go!
ReplyDelete49) ????
50) Finished Picture: I wonder how hard it is to take a picture at that precise moment. As for the photo finish, oddly enough, I kind of expected the outcome. I would have been more surprised if it were Fluttershy or something.
51) Hey, Let's Mutilate Rainbow Dash: Let's… not?
Sigh, I did Pinkie Swear to read and review all these and breaking promises is the quickest way to loose friends, forever. Ok here it goes… Uh… Rainbow, you are supposed to LEARN from your mistakes. Oh well, she now had a cute nickname, Torso Pony, so what does she have to complain about? Well, that was… interesting… thanks for sharing! I guess…
52) Consent: A shipping grimdark, well I've read about Pinkie Pie getting eaten by a dinos and Rainbow Dash getting mutilated. You can't phase me now!
…uhhhh… Well guys, apparently rape is cool now, especially when it involves my favorite pony… I really hope there's no more grimdark… now that I've said that, I'm going to get nothing but grimdark am I?
53) Ponies Love Pokemon: Simple story about Ponies playing pokemon. Anyone ever play Mendel's Palace? The first ever Game Freak title. I used to love that game as a kid, I wish they would release it on VC or something, even though I don't have a wii… Those good old days of innocence, before that horrible day where I read a fanfic about my beloved ponies being raped… damn dusty apartment. *sniff*
Oh, it's a good story. It's a perfect story. I hope you *sniff* continue to write about *sniff* ponies playing pokemon. Excuse me, I'm going to cry in the corner for a while.
54) Rarity's Parents: Ok, I think I'm better now. So, a story about Rarity's parents. Here we go.
The cats and the cradle the silver spoon, little boy blue and the man the moon…
Rarity is so judgmental. It's kind of sad, I know they are messy and all but they aren't all that bad. I mean, you can't be so distant from the people you love, anything bad could happen, like they could hit by a truck or they could… they could be… *cries rivers of tears* I can't do it! Curse you Pacce!
This is why I'm afraid to read Cupcakes…
yay, something i can actually read without losing my focus.
ReplyDeleteFrick yes #53. Ponies x Technology is my favorite, and pokemon makes around 21% cooler. You should have totally made Pinkie a beast with like all level 100's destroying all the other ponies. Anyway, made me smile.
ReplyDeleteI'll comment on some now.
ReplyDelete15 - Neat. It's all "aawww-ptimistic"
18, 20 - Pretty amusing, I'd say.
21 - Ouch.
25 - I thought it was pretty cute. Keep working hard, Derpy.
30 - Hmmm. This is pretty good. I'd like to see more of this idea.
31 - Ha!
32 - Also Ha!
39 - Awesome.
40 - Memorable. An interesting take on things.
43 - Witty.
ReplyDeleteNeither 51 or 52 are meant to be serious in any way, shape, or form.
To understand 51 better, google "Doug Raped Patty" and look at the first comic.
where is 49
ReplyDeleteHey Foto Phinish needed some love after having such a great theme tune, not to mention she helped drive Fluttershy to scream.
In any case at least I was better about being more story oriented. Derpy was hard to catch on film but Foto managed it somehow, she is a premier photographer after all and she could probably put up a good chase to get a snapshot after passing the finish line.
@Anyone else that reads these posts.
#35) Pokemon to me is kind of a dirty word, as long as I'm not in the pokmon dimension I am safe from having spheres launched in my general direction. The horror, the horror... monsters like me are not welcome there, so cold. (Personally I have Pokemon Black, there's actual challenge to the game. My favorite pokemon from such so far is Yamask.)
Favorite story so far is 'Catch' which is #30, mostly for the Huh-buh-zah factor and Rainbow Dash being sisterly.
Second favorite #47 Applejack learns an important lesson, never startle banelings or they go boom. Surpisingly I'm not a zerg fan, I'm more a protoss kind of guy because they use lasers... lots and lots of lasers.
ReplyDeleteOh Ok, so it was a reference. Kind of wish I knew that sooner but whatever...
Sorry, I guess I get a bit touchy with certain subjects.
I won't blast you away with the rainbow of darkness now.
I guess in retrospect I'm glad I didn't blast you with the rainbow of darkness. What would people think of me if I accidentally destroyed you in the assault, I could never face Equestria Daily ever again! My day old reputation for reviewing 300 word fanfics would be ruined!
*awkward silence*
Soooo, looking forward to the next few fics! :D
You seem to have screwed up the link to #52 there.
ReplyDeleteWoo, somebody likes my story!
ReplyDeleteI just thought it'd be funny to replace "bunnies" with "banelings" in that scene. I chuckled all through writing it.
All I wanted to do in 300 words is make one person tell me I'm a horrible person. Just one! And I couldn't even manage that. I'm such a failure as a writer... *kicks a rock dejectedly*
ReplyDeletemfw bill withers.
You are the furthest thing from a horrible person.
my favorite is 49. its amazing how much characterization some one can put in only 300 words
ReplyDeleteIt's okay, it's decidedly a joke in poor taste. But I had to do it once I made the "honk" connection.
wish i knew about this earlier
ReplyDeletei might have had something
but, work schedule screws me again
ReplyDeleteI have to admit, I had not made the connection between Skeeter and Pinkie Pie until this fic. xD
I wonder if that'll lead to a crossover fic...
Just got done reading!
ReplyDeleteThough I didn't have time to put in an attempt, good job to everypony! (Maybe next time!)
ReplyDeleteDO IT!
ReplyDeleteIs that a challenge? I hope you know what you are getting us all into. xDDD
#65 - The legion of Pony-Pets! Was my favorite.
ReplyDeleteGood job Chopper.
In Consent i hoped that raindbowdash would said "no Pinkie Pie it wasn't raped. it was SECRET BUTT FUN"
ReplyDeleteThe whole thing was a straight rip off of the old "Doug Raped Patty" comic, no room for further meta jokes.
Also, I added an author's note since I felt bad about even joking about rape.
Ii loved the spongebob reference story, Just One Bite.
ReplyDeleteThat was friggin' hilarious!
@Desert Rose
ReplyDeleteHuh, I thought it was about people who don't watch the show
Ok! I'm done being a Rarity drama queen! Time to continue with this, though I have to wonder how long this will go on. xD
ReplyDelete56) Parents Just Don't Understand: Wow, how dense do you have to be to think a Unicorn needs gloves to work a turn table? Is her mom an Earth Pony? Nice little story, I really wish I could have home cooked belgium waffles right now. Wish waffle irons weren't so inconvenient to own…
57) The Great and Powerful Scratch: More Trixie punishment, sorry Trixie fans! Not bad, the actually battle could have been built up more.
58) Rainbow Dash's Boredom: Cliffhanger! What will Fluttershy do with Rainbow Dash? Are they going to make out? Is Fluttershy going to mutilated Rainbow Dash making this another grimdark? Find out next time, same pony time, same pony channel!
To be frank, it's alright. I thought RD's assumption that today would be less boring with Fluttershy around was a quick one for her to jump to, even she stated that it's probably just going to be animal related. Oh well, guess I'll find out next time.
59) Fluttershy's Loneliness: Good use of bookends! Though, feels kind of fast really. Might be more powerful if Twilight only offered a shoulder to cry on, then Fluttershy, in a moment of weakness, makes the first move and Twilight accepts it. The way you have it feels like Twilight is forcing her into social interaction when Fluttershy is the one starving for it. But that's just my opinion. Not bad, just a little rough. Why was Spike even there though?
60) Pinkie Sense Origins: lol, again with the eccentric genius Pinkie! Lovin' it! My only complaint, you kind of jump into a flashback without indenting or even changing your tense. We need a visual cue to indicate a change in scene.
61) Just One Bite: …doesn't Pinkie live at Sugarcube corner, how can she go home from there? Well, nice to know Gilda is now gay for muffins. xD Does that mean there is a DerpxGilda fic in the… wait no, best not to say it. I maybe challenged into doing it! D:
62) A Few Gears Loose: Great, you've stranded the Doctor in Ponyville. Now he'll have to settle down and get a job! What a horrible fate for a time lord! ;-;
Interesting concept! For some reason, I thought it was going to be Doc Brown territory, which is odd considering everyone knows this is the Doctor's domain.
Hey! maybe someone could do a crossover fic with Doctor Who and Back to the… No! Not giving ideas! DD:
Had to break this in two because it wouldn't let me post the whole thing in one. D:
ReplyDelete63) Uhhh… Where's the fic? I click a link, it just shows a title with a picture of a sad Luna. The pictures says to click to download a pdf, but it's not clickable. All I see is the title of the fix… … … well it's most certain under 300 words.
I'll get back to this one if I can get it to work properly.
64) Sweetie's Song: Wow, proves how deaf Sweetiebell is considering a hydra can sneak up on her. She probably should get her ears checked. A bit rushed, but it's awesome to see Sweetie use her talent in such a way. Heh
65) The Legion of Pony-Pets: Oh god. xD I almost want to see a sequel to this with Spike.
66) The Record Shop Owner: Quotation marks! Where art thou? Seriously, where are the quotation marks? The story is a bit simple, I feel like there is a reference I'm missing somewhere...
67) The Apple Stand-off: Tenuous relationship they've got there. I always figured if Applejack were to become an outlaw, she'd ride off with Rainbow Dash "Thelma & Louise" style. Hey, that would make a cool… wait, NO!
*Cough* Well written, magnificent use of subtext, I hope Big Mac doesn't die. D:
68) Lightning Ride: Bookish Delight!?! You've made a sequel to my favorite story of the Pony Permutation Project!?! Damn! This is a great way to end off this series of reviews!
Dawww, you always do such a good job in capturing characters. You always have these moments that border on shipping but never really cross the line, giving something to shippers and non-shipper alike! Simple but magnificent, adorable yet witty, this is why you are amongst my favorite fanfic writers!
Well, that's it for this batch. Glad it ended on a high note this time! See you all next time when I'm sure Sethisto will have a bunch more waiting for me. BRING IT ON!
oh, sorry about the ?Im so sorry.
ReplyDeleteThere are no refence.I just thought about a story about what music tastes ponies had.Sorry, i try better next time
ReplyDeleteOh well, no need to apologize. I'm not going to bite your head off just because you wrote something simple, that's quite fine!
I'm sorry if I was too harsh.
ReplyDeleteNo, it's alrght. :)
I think that im better writing story's when there's only one pony.
ReplyDeleteNope. Just replace Ponyville with Bikini Bottom, Gilda with Squidward, Pinkie with Spongebob, Applejack with Patrick, rainbow sprinkles with sesame seeds, and Krabby Patties with Muffins. It's a direct episode reference! And a good one, too.
so, Now has the fan fic has more Quotation marks.
ReplyDeleteI really need to improve my writing. So if anyone notices some more spelling errors Or, grammar wrong. please tell me so i can improve more.
and i loved just one bite
ReplyDeleteRe: Parent's just don't understand
Yeah...yeah, we'll say she's dense, and not that it totally didn't occur to me...
Well, glad you liked it, anyways.
C'mon writers, we gotto break 100 before midnight 'voodoo' time!
ReplyDeleteone thing i notice is that alot of them have trouble writing a good ending
ReplyDeleteI was eventually waiting for someone to get around to #75) I'm glad to see I wasn't dissapointed (It's now my second place choice, sorry Applejack you're still third to me) and it's good to see you got in a second one as well Flashfox466. Poor Spike having a crush on Rarity and then two timing her due to dragon growing pains.
ReplyDeleteOh! I had trouble with that one too. On the DeviantArt page, on the right side just below the "Add to Favorites" and "Collect" buttons, you'll see some blue text next to a green arrow that says "Download File". That is what you need to click on to download it.
Also, thank you for reading my story! And yeah, I probably should have had a better transition for time travel...maaaybe next time I'll try to do that a little better.
<.<; Especially since I JUST sent one in involving time travel.
Hey, I just want to thank the anonymous user that said they really liked my submission (#72: Letters to a Princess). It really made me feel good to get some praise.
ReplyDeleteThank you again.
Thanks to Introbulus for helping with #63, I can review that now!
ReplyDelete63) On Snails and Oysters: …considering I'm a big supporter of Snails (the pony), I almost want to cheer him on and say "You go little guy!" but snails and oysters…
*Reads Deviant Art description* Oh! It's a movie reference! Ok! Well, while I havent' seen the movie, the fic seems well written enough that I understand what's happening.
Some reason, the thought of Snails wearing sunglasses, hanging out with Celestia and Luna in a hot tub comes to mind…
69) Through the Looking Glass: I'm immediately reminded of Evil Dead 2 with this. Pinkie as Ash? That would be a kick ass concept! (I'm not writing it)
Interesting concept following the recent episode. Dunno what Pinkie will find in the mirror world. :0
70) Sewing the Impossible: Frakenpony! When did Rarity become a mad scientist, that's Twilight's job!
Oh well, somewhat creepy look into the world of ponies playing god.
71) Royal Standard of Griffons: Before this battle's over, the world will know that few stood against many… or I guess Rainbow Dash won't know but whatever.
I've never really thought about if there has ever been a war against griffons and ponies, then again, we know so little. Thanks for delivering an epic little piece of it!
72) Letters to the Princess: I've always seen Celestia as more a motherly figure than a sisterly figure to Twilight, and in a way that makes sense. But I'm willing to pave way to your interpretation.
Nice little cute letter to Luna, I wish I could hear her response.
73) Pinkie Pie Tries Vegetables: Noo! Pinkie Pie! Don't do it!
Well, good effort in Twilight's part to try to get her to eat healthy for a change. The all sugar diet my give her diabetes… oh wait.
74) Growing Pains of a Dragon: I really wish I spent more time with the dialogue. For Spike, I should of aimed more for "confused boy who doesn't understand what he's doing why he's doing it" instead of "tragic romantic novel protagonist". Would have added to the ending a lot more. Oh well, I hope you guys enjoy it!
75) Your Auntie Pinkie Pie: …wow. Doctor, you're quite the matchmaker. Well, we know where Fluttershy got her pink mane from! Some confusing descriptions in some parts, may need revising. Interesting use of time travel, though wouldn't this make her more than just an Auntie?
I hope Sethisto picks his top ten when this is all through. I'm curious on what he thinks.
@flashfox466 As requested, I'm attempting to make Luna's response. The link can be found in the original story file.
ReplyDelete1: Glad I could help!
2: You're the second person to tell me that. I guess I should've included a throwaway line that explained that Flutterguy, while he is Fluttershy's namesake, is actually her uncle, not her father.
Though it would explain her pink interpret it as you wish!
Oh my goodness, Pony-pets is amazing. Hilarious work!
ReplyDeleteI just spent forever staring at one paragraph that went nowhere. Sooo I think I'm gonna give up on the ficwriting and simply enjoy all the content. Even though I like the idea of learning to write fiction, I simply don't have the drive or feel for it that others do.
ReplyDeleteI've still got my list of ideas here, so I'll either leave them to rot or turn them into drawings instead. It's much easier for me.
I'm willing to bet that there will be over 100 of these 300-word stories by the deadline.
ReplyDeleteI know I've already submitted mine!
ReplyDeleteTechnically 74(#49 were are you?), or 72 if my entries aren't worthy.
@RetlThat's how I felt at first and then my brain was like ding and then my story happened. I might not have been very good, but it was damn fun.
ReplyDelete@Neon Noble
ReplyDeleteI hope so... I've submitted 2 today. Let's make Sethisto more proud of us =3.
"I'll be at work until is 12:30 AM pst"
ReplyDeleteI know what he means and will stubbornly believe that it's Ponyville Standard Time instead.
@Thunder Runner
ReplyDeleteI've submitted two more fics and I may or may not sneak in one more later, but we'll see. I was just in a writing mood tonight. xD
@Thunder Runner
ReplyDeleteI MIGHT do another one, but I only really did the first one for certain reasons. :P
These are fun, though, since you have to be very conservative with your words and still get a full thought out. :P
The author's note in "Consent" just made it ten times funnier, especially since the story is tagged "grimdark" :P
ReplyDeleteAlso, Pacce, I remember the idea for "Benders are magical" being posted on ponychan. Are you the pony who posted it or were you just filling out another pony's request?
I only submitted one earlier. Ya'll are making me feel inadequate, haha.
ReplyDeleteWhich one have you written? I don't see it here, then again... has it not been put up yet? I'll be sure to review it when I get to it.
Hopefully you aren't the real H. P. Lovecraft, if you were then we would probably have to start labeling the Lovecraft books as "non-fiction."
Just coming in to show your support is enough. All this would have been impossible if no one was here to read it. The fact you contributed it more than enough!
WHOA!... 75... Well, I know what I'm going to be doing all day tomorrow!
ReplyDeleteUh... does number 49 exist? Or is everyone missing something... it's probably the best 300 word story here.
ReplyDeleteNah, I emailed it a few hours ago, so it hasn't been put up yet.
And I may not be the real H.P. Lovecraft, but I do have some Lovecraft inspired ideas I might get around to writing one day, haha.
ReplyDeleteI don't know what browser you are using, but if you happen to be on Safari, you may want to switch to Firefox or something else. Deviant Art doesn't seem to be working Safari right now. Under scheduled maintenance, screwing things up.
=D Hell yeah! Quite a few Gilda fics, god I love this fandom!
ReplyDeleteXD lol'd so hard at the Spongebob parody one.
5 stars to all!~
"I'm not expecting 100 entries like the other one, but 20 or so would be neat."
ReplyDelete*Rarity maniac laugh*
Heh, Sethisto, looks like instead of making a link to my story, you accidentally copy/pasted the tags and made them the link instead.
ReplyDeleteFix number 85. I want to read it.
ReplyDeleteA lot of these were quite good. Some could use some refinement and some were just... weird... but still, kudos to everyone who took the time to write an entry
ReplyDeleteSomeone should label #80) 'Bet' Grimdark or Sad.
ReplyDeleteAlso #77) 'PNC' caused me to chuckle...(I had an iea like that, it was called 'Colony L') but waffles aren't the penultimate evil... there are three true evils in the world 'cupcakes' the treats or the story... every other evil monster other then me who can't seem to get the 'supposedly' off my eviling liscence... AND COWS, JUST COWS! Cows are my bane like normal soft drinks are my booze!
Rainbow Dash: Darkon you need to be twenty percent cooler to get the supposedly off your liscence, that or be forty percent more evil.
Okay what are you doing in my commenting text.
Rainbow Dash: You made me lose to Photo Finish you jerk.
Her name is spelled Foto Phinish, have you ever heard of someone with the name Photo!
Rainbow Dash: Well my first name is "Rainbow".
And surprisingly people voted you most manliest filly of the year, good job on that.
Rainbow Dash: How did you know about that! I didn't even enter that stupid contest!
And yet you still won...
Rainbow Dash: I will get you for that Darkon.
Many have tried and failed Rainbow, do your worst... I've been struck by antimatter blasts and survived.
Dear Flashfox,
ReplyDeleteI love you.
Um, is it me or is "Taffy" (n.79) actually implied Grimdark? Y'know, an implied "Cupcake" story?
ReplyDeleteWhat is up with the missing stories anywho? There's at least 3 that're missing and that saddens me.
ReplyDeleteAww man, didn't break 100. Oh well, we got close. Home stretch for me, reviewing time!
ReplyDelete76: ?????????????
77) Ponyville Nudist Colony: I just had to get this one out of my system. Loaf of Waffles is the evilest kind of waffles, because once you cut the ends off, they are no longer waffles, just strange bread. Pinkie no like bread, so it's clearly her worst enemy.
78) Festival Moon: Another letter fic! Again, ends on a cliff hanger. Don't know what to say, sounds like something Celestia would write. I wonder what the manes did for Luna to break her out of her shell…
79) Taffy: Gasp! CMC is missing? Screw that, I want Pinkie Pie's Taffy!
Well, that was particularly sad. D: I hope the CMC are alright. It's tough not knowing…
80) Bet: The titles have degenerated to three letter words!
…why does this not have the grimdark label? I mean, holy crap. 0.0
Well, some of the character's decisions were really kind of out there. I mean, I know Applejack trusts Rainbow Dash but… this was just much.
81) The Art of Stalking: I really hope this isn't another grimdark hidden with a normal tag…
Daaaaaawww! Didn't expect something so cute from someone who calls himself Lovecraft! Had me worried at the start, but it worked out fine in the end! Cutethulu! ~
82) Empty Packs and Bottles: At first, I thought Rainbow Dash was being a tad out of character here, but the twist ending payed off. I like RD's dramatic final line, hilarious. xD
Was this somewhat inspired by true events? Sounds like me when I'm trying to write screenplays late at night… except no booze and cigarettes… or a girlfriend to get pissy at. There is verbal abuse though, I just yell at myself to make me a sandwich. I never do, lazy bastard…
83) Disaster is Coming: Dun dun dun! ZOMG The evils of bad plumbing! Not even the Mario Bros could save us now!
Good start, though I can't get the plumbing analogy out of my head. Does Equestria have a pipeline dedicated to pure evil? I guess it would make sense to relegate such stuff… I bet evil clogs easily, whoever clears that crap must charge a fortune.
84) Crack in the Ice: Mentally preparing myself for grimdark…
Ok, it's just an OC dying of frostbite. I was afraid it was going to be a mane or something. It's actually fairly well written, set up well, descriptions done nicely.
Though anyone else find it ironic that a guy who calls himself Lovecraft delivers something cute while I get a Grimdark from someone called Pimps McGee? I guess Bridal Gossip was right, I can't judge any book by it's cover…
85) Love is Blind: Love is also missing a link.
Sigh, I wanted to get this done in one pass, but I'm going to have to come back for this one…
*Takes a deep breath*
You magnificent bastard, I read your fanfic!
I jerked off to number 85.
ReplyDeleteNot really.
But I did come close.
Mr. Madden you should make a Rarity x Spike.
ReplyDeleteI love you too random anonymous person!
...who are you and why do you love me?
85) Love is Blind: I can imagine Opal complaining about this in that Pony Pets meeting from an earlier fic.
ReplyDelete"Is it sooo hard to ask a dragon over to help?"
Also glad i'm not the only one that writes Spike as a tragic romance protagonist. It's still cute though!
87) Princess Luna's Big Night: If the Equestrians had thought to have moon celebrations a thousand years ago, I'm pretty sure the whole Nightmare Moon thing probably wouldn't have happened. Then again, Twilight would still be a stick in the mud…
I've always liked the interpretation of Luna as a somewhat insecure character. You portray it quite well. Very lovely story!
88) Adventures in Ponyville: Cupcakes, so sweet and tasty! Cupcakes, don't be too hasty! Cupcakes, Cupcakes, Cupcakes Cupcakes!
I guess Ponyville is really turning into a manga about an all girl's catholic school, except with cupcakes. Rainbow Dash sure gets around. xD
89) Swift Pursuit: No shipping tag, but it says it has Twilight and Rarity. Hmmm…
…Hahahaha, I so want to see this animated. And I thought magical pillow fights were epic!
90) Holy Potassium: HOLY POTASSIUM, BATMAN! He slipped on a banana peel!
Oh wow! So this turned out to be about bananas after all! Fairly fun read! Kinda pointless, but still a fun read! I have to wonder where the Doctor got the bananas…
91) Snails is Cute: Inspired by fic #63 "On Snails and Oysters." This was intended as a cute innocent thing, and I hope no one takes it the wrong way. I always liked stories that gives Snails a happy moment.
92) Clever Ploy: Grimdark again. Here we go!
Evil Spike is evil! Man things change a lot under Twilight's rule. The idea of Spike ENJOYING the consumption of pony blood is creepy as hell. So… success! Congrats! You've creeped me out!
93) Game of Chess: When I thought of this, I knew I had to write it and submit it. This was practically last hour till deadline. But this is also my favorite of the fics I've submitted to this thing. This is my favorite kind of humor to write, when an overdramatic narrator chimes in for something not overdramatic. The fact that it's between two gods made it a perfect situation to use it. xD
94) Derpy's Homecoming: Derpy you gotta stand up tall, learn to face your fears…
How did I know the second I learned this took place in "Mane" that this was going to be a reference to a Stephen King Novel. Sure enough…
Pinkiewise… would really explain some questions rose in the most recent episode.
95) Atop a Hill: Wow, for someone who calls himself beefassistant, I'm quite impressed!
This fic shows a hardened Trixie, one who has no real home and no baring to hold her down. This is an introspective Trixie who likes to look upon the land as god would, but despite her ego can't help but be envious and feel some what insignificant towards it. Or am I reading into this too much?
96) Breathless: Awwwww, Bon Bon made it much easier for her! I like this didn't end in the usual tear filled kiss. You ended it with a twist, and I like that!
I'm done! I'm done! OMG I'm done! I might compile a top 10 list tomorrow if anyone wants it, but don't hold your breath because I'm done I'm done I'm done! *Does a little happy dance* Thank you all for the stories, thanks Sethisto for holding this, and thank anyone who read my silly opinions and fanfics! See you all later!
I wrote #90, Holy Potassium.
ReplyDeleteI swear, that idea hit me like a freight train, and I just HAD to write it.
I hope you guys like it!
~ Kenzy
The art of stalking made me D'aawwwwww.
ReplyDeleteThanks for doing that.
Also "Through the Looking Glass" reminded me why one must always cover their mirrors.
ReplyDelete@Honey Blush
ReplyDeleteActually it's just a coincidence.
Phew - finally read all of them. My favourite is still the very first one - The Travelling Salespony Problem. It's perfectly paced and absolutely hilarious.
ReplyDeleteAfter reading 77 I'll never think of Ponyville the same way, ever again.
ReplyDeleteSomebody commented on 71)!
Yay man, thanks.
ReplyDeleteI would love to see your personal top ten. Your reviews are excellent! ^-^
...*totally does not expect to be in the top ten, but is interested anyway*
ReplyDeleteYes, I was planning to read all of these until i got to the 30s, refreshed, and there were 10+ more. A top ten list to know which ones to read would be great!
Any comments on #90? I personally liked it, it's one of those fun stories to read.. You know, I bet the Doctor got the bananas from the supermarket or something!
ReplyDeleteJust kidding. He probably got them from a banana tree.
ReplyDeleteOn 63)
Thanks! It's always nice to have someone describe my writing as being "well-written".
Also, I'm glad to hear that the fic is still understandable for those who don't know the movie being referenced. I was worried that that would be a problem.
Silly Sethisto. Of course we wouldn't let you down and ONLY give you 20!
ReplyDeleteI put my top ten list in the other topic. The comment session here is getting very full. xD
#96 with lyra and bonbon was sooo cute. it was hard for me to really care for these background ponies untill i read this! thankyou ^.^
ReplyDeleteone but to the intruders, what about her thieving skills, being mean to poor fluttershy or scaring an old woman? i mean, i could understand the stance towards pinkie pie, but that ain't no reason to being such a jerk.
ReplyDeleteif i had best friend, and he would turn into this, i could... i WOULD end such relationship instantaneously. but that's just me.
Four stragglers to get out of the way. Easy enough!
ReplyDelete97) Big Macs Bigger Debt: Red Top didn't really come off as a loan shark persona. He spoke a lot more like a psychopath, who enjoyed causing suffering in others. I guess people like that could still be loan sharks, but I just don't feel it… Though, good attempt in creating a dark atmosphere.
98) The Secret Life of Twilight Sparkle: ZOMG Twilight as Walter Mitty. xD
Always liked stories of this type. The Assassins Creed parody was pretty damn funny. xD
And while the Bond fantasy it a bit cliche with this type of story, Moneypinkie made it all worth it. xD I have to wonder if Pinkie is playing along or unaware Twilight is fantasizing about her?
99) Filly Fright Night: xDDD Funny Twist! Well, Applebloom got the pleasure of being Michael Jackson… ok maybe that's not a good thing.
I wonder if this show will ever have a halloween special.
100) The Greatest Equine Who Has Ever LIVED!: I was wondering if Sethisto was going to contribute or not.
That was quite good! Very much fun! The twist at the end isn't the most original thing in the world, but I still like it. xD (Plus anyways, any shipping of Twilight is a winner in my book)
Please don't smite me.
I love 9!!!
ReplyDeleteWhy thank you! Yeah, the Bond fantasy was pretty much entirely based on that pun. What can I say?
Sethisto, you Mad Genius.
ReplyDeleteI love how you made it so that Trixie was being the Pompous Pony we all know and love, but I absolutely adored the subtle hints that the epic disaster was actually just Trixie moving around in her sleep.
Bonus points for Twilight being her Beddybye Buddy!
Is it fine if I resubmit an unabridged version of my story as a fanfiction? Idk but there were lots of pieces i left out for the word limit and I would love for my story to be a regular fanfiction on this site.
ReplyDeleteJust FYI, the speed at which Derpy solves the Traveling Salespony problem in the first story seriously violates physics.
ReplyDeleteAlso, number 42 requires permission to view.
Were the numbers 49, 55, and 76 skipped intentionally? Are they special?