• Writefriend/Drawfriend Friend Off Event is GO!

    I think I used this image recently.. oh well.

    Anyway, it looks like everyone is cool with another Writefriend/Drawfriend event.  So I'll post it up!

    ***Update: Changed the Date, 2 weeks from now instead allowing bans to end.  

    The Rules are simple...

    Artists: Take one of your Favorite Fics (Story Archive) and Draw Something about it!
    Authors: Take your Favorite Art (Label: Drawfriend) and Write Something about it!

    What do I get out of it?
    Friendship is Magic happens Once a week.  That is 6 days without no pony.  This is unacceptable.  You get to provide people with their Pony fix!  ...which is essentially what drug dealers feel, minus the money and  jail time... Right, ONWARD!

    Where do I post it?
    On March 14th, assuming /co/ hasn't completely obliterated ponies, you can post your content there for everyone to see.  Also Email It to me so I can upload it to the blog, the Same Way you would email me anything else (but with it's companion image/fic linked).  If the war has returned to 4chan by this time, we will probably end up moving it to a side chan.  Most likely FiMchan due to it's capability of housing large amounts of traffic.

    I'm not an Artist, or a Writer, how can I help?
    Spread the word! Post it on /co/'s current generals or whatever forum/chan you are from.

    What CAN'T I upload for this?
    There are no rules for stuff posted on /co/.

    Stuff uploaded here will follow the same guidelines as everything else on the blog.

    -No Porn (though Borderline is still alright)
    -No Cupcakes level gorefests for the sake of posting a story that gets 200 comments like Cupcakes did (I'm tired of refusing these these :x
    -No Troll stories Emulating Cupcakes
    -Please have someone proofread it.  I usually skim through stuff to see that it doesn't have 90 spelling/grammar errors, but during this event I just won't have time.
    -If you submit a stick figure with hooves, please don't take it personally if I don't link it to something.  I haven't really set a quality control thing for the site (Though I get a lot of emails begging me to set one up), but I think we are all smart enough to judge our own works as good or bad. 

    If you have any questions, post them below in the comments section.  I'm sure I'll modify the crap out of this in the next few hours.

    33 kommentaari:

    1. Would you need permission of the person beforehand to write a story on their picture or vice-versa?

    2. I just wanna cover all the bases and make sure I know everything about it, is all.

    3. Oh god, yes!
      And I know just which picture to write a fic about! I'll try to get something by tomorrow.

    4. @James

      We didn't do any permission stuff last time and no one complained. As long as you aren't awful at whatever it is you are uploading I doubt they would attack you for it.

    5. might i suggest we delay the date say to march 10th or a bit for the 14day bans to be lifted on /co/ it should be more pony friendly by then. The rules arn't that bad

    6. @pollardy

      We would have to delay it to the following Monday, I work Wednesday-Sunday and wouldn't be around to upload stuff.

    7. I think we should delay it to the 14th so every ones bans will be over

    8. Oh boy, I think i might end up doing multiple fics in that amount of time >.>

    9. Heh. This seems like its going to be a lot of fun, but since I can't write/draw to save my life, I'll just si back and wait for the submissions to come in.

      I look forward to seeing what our friends bring us!

    10. I would like to request anybody willing to try to focus their friendship powers at those contributors who are still stuck on 14 day bans. They could use an extra bit of friendship, I think.

    11. definitely looking forward to submitting a story!

    12. Shoot, two weeks? I don't fancy myself a great illustrator, but heck, I can probably find the time to draw up something for this.

    13. If no one has called it, I call the Twilight reading Twilight pic from Drawfiend Stuff #26. So much potential! Name link leads to the picture in question!

    14. Motivation to get off of my lazy ass! Can't wait!

    15. @Zarkanorf
      ffffff, forgot which picture I was thinking of doing.

      Drawfriend Stuff #31, ninth from the top. Yes, the one with Spike uppercutting a gentlecolt. Hopefully that wasn't part of a story already! O:

    16. does /co/ do guest posting, or do I HAVE to sign up to submit a story?

    17. ....

      Its got a huge sign in thingy at the top of the screen.

    18. I've been loving Noel's stuff at the moment, but try as I might I can't face writing a story about Trixie and her terminally-ill mom.
      So I'll choose the "Fluttershy has a nightmare again" pic which is the fifth one down in Drawfriend Stuff #30.

      Also, it will not be clop-fic. Just in case anyone was wondering.

    19. I was too inspired, & already finished my Twilight reading Twilight spamfic. Linkie to Google doc in name. Does this mean I gotta write another one? I will, if I gotta... I'm that sadistic & cruel!

    20. I can't find the image right now, but it was a black and white striped pegasus with glasses and a "pi" sign for a cutie mark because I realized she's Pinkie Pie's mirror universe double, and how can I not write a story about that?

    21. I cant find the image either (least not here)
      Its baby/newborn Applebloom being watched by Big Mac and AJ.

      Found pic on DA its A New Addition

    22. Found it! First image in "OC Ponies #2"

    23. working on the story but ran into a slight problem with /co atm
      trying to fix but.. dont seem to be having much luck...

    24. Hey, if anyone was looking for inspiration for drawing/writing, I think this document would provide helpful:

      It's a chat log from the "Stuck" discussion. The bigger highlights of it was the My Little Pony: Friendship is Epic mass-discussion (after the first break, I think?), silly cutie-mark ideas, and a MLP/X-men crossover? It's a goldmine, if you take your time to look through it, so hope you all help yourselves to it.
      (Sorry if this is the wrong place to post it; didn't know where else to put it.)

    25. no luck fixing things..
      i'll withdraw for now and maybe rework the thing.

    26. I'm bad at both of those things, but I was wondering if it would be acceptable to do a song about one or the other.

    27. So yeah, I was wondering, do you want my 'tame', no-blood version of my Rocket to insanity drawing, or the original?

    28. ...is there one of these every month?

      I must confess, I tried writing something for this one and while it's coming along swimmingly, it will in no way be ready within the next two days. ^_^;

    29. We are aiming for once a month, everypony! I mean, that's what happened so far...

      Also, songs would be a welcomed addition, I bet! :D

    30. Act 0.1 of As told by Madeline could probably make the deadline.

      But I already write and do the illustrations for the story.

      Where do I stand?

    31. whelp, mine's posted - ten points and an internet cookie to the one who spots where it's from :)

    32. Awww, I wanted to write a submission, but I'm too late?
