• Video: Minecraft Rainbow Dash

    Who do we have to commission to get an entire replica of Ponyville built to play in?

    20 kommentaari:

    1. an entire replica of ponyville....IN MINECRAFT

    2. For a replica of ponyville? You have my pickaxe.

    3. I'd do it, but I'm terrible at minecraft. Every time I manage to find some diamonds I become very allergic to lava.

    4. How very strange this get mentioned... I'm currently in the planning stages of building a replica of Ponyville in Minecraft. I'm not sure how long it will take me to complete but I'm determined to do it.

    5. @Sethisto
      The one and only! Well, the one and only from /b/ (The Great and Powerful !tRixieb9pk), anyway.

      I'll definitely be keeping everyone up to date when I get into implementation on my Minecraft Ponyville.

    6. Oooooooooh man, Ponyville in Minecraft...
      First we have to have a map of Ponyville. Does one exist yet?

    7. @Great and Powerful Trixie
      Oh hey, I remember you!

      Always with your attempts at dubs...

      Really, can you guys tone that down a bit?

      I'd rather not see bronies reduced to dub-searching for entire threads...

    8. hand me a map of the building locations, I'll get this town built, now let's see, were the streets made of cobblestone?

    9. by I'll do it, I mean I'll do it for free

    10. @MasterMask
      It's actually pretty rare that dubs get out of hand. I stopped pushing it a few days ago, regardless.

    11. softfury !61PnWNcO4Q10. märts 2011, kell 18:41

      @Great and Powerful Trixie
      hi trixie i bet you know who i am:D
      we need a minecraft pony server for /b/ronies anyone care to contribute?
      we need one without lag and can hold ALOT of people:)

    12. Argh! My server can only hold a few people, but this sounds like an awesome/fun project. ouo I'm for sure gonna try this out.

    13. I'll do it for you guys if you want! I'm already working on Rainbow Dash's House, so it's no problem! :)

    14. I has a server
      Ill make a world for you


      If you will pledge to this, Ill give you Donator status.

    15. who here is a bronie because im not. i have no idea how i got to this site at all.

    16. if i knew what the heck ponyville was i could make it, considering i am a VERY good minecrafter, specifically in building, even though i am more looking for a pony skin to troll my bronie pal, what to do?

    17. @kirakenso
      little proof i grabbed from my flickr stream
