• Story: What Rarity Needs (Updated COMPLETE)

    [Shipping] A Series by Ebon Mane.  It is now COMPLETE with the addition of Part 5.
    Description: Twilights Research into Divination magic has given Rarity a vision about her future love.  Will she interpret the portents correctly?
    What Rarity Needs
    What Rarity Needs Part 2 
    What Rarity Needs Part 3 
    What Rarity Needs Part 4
    What Rarity Needs Part 5

    32 kommentaari:

    1. And then rarity was an apple.

    2. @Anonymous

      That was the best part. Can't wait to read more. :)

    3. I'm liking this so far!
      Favorite part was right after the vision, it's so fun watching folks ignore the elephant in the room.

    4. @Pacce

      What was the elephant in the room? I feel like I've missed something...

    5. rarity was apples?

      am i reading this correctly?

    6. Part 2 is up. I emailed Sethisto, but his email is probably flooded with ponies, so I'll post the link here as well.


    7. @Ebon Mane

      woops guess i missed it, added an update tag to the side bar and put the part 2 in.

    8. Interesting... Twilight seems a little too interested in Big Mac. I have my thoughts on how this will play out, but I'll keep them to myself.

    9. WOOOOOOAH Big Mac just got a whole lot cooler.
      About 20 percent cooler, if you ask me. Maybe more.

      I'm itching to read the rest.

    10. I wouldn't be surprised if this is actually how it goes in the show. Applejack's lines of "fancy mathetmatics" makes me think Big Mac is a lot smarter than you would think.

      Too bad every time he appears on the show he is a "yup" machine. I hope he one day gets another "Applebuck Season" scene.

    11. Pinkie Pie? Down to earth?
      And I'm the King of Equestria.

    12. Aww, Applejack has a crush on Rarity, eh? That's really cute. Excited to see how it all shakes out in part 4!

    13. What a tweest!!! Although I probably should've seen that coming....

    14. I was really hoping for RareApple, but then I was sad because it started towards RareMac, but then it ended up at RareApple again, so now I have to wait for chapter 4, the incestuous threeway.

      Which Applebloom will walk in on. Or possibly shocked Big Mac. Maybe both.

    15. Bah, kind of disappointed it turned this direction. I guess you could say I did the exact opposite of the poster above me.

      Still, good writing. I just think RareApple is everywhere. I've read it plenty of times before.

    16. Part four is out!

      Check it out!

    17. A very interesting story coming along, so far! I hope to see the rest of this tale spin in the near future.

    18. somehow i saw that coming.

    19. Even so, it's still a really good read, and everytime Big Mac shows up in here I like him more and more. Can't wait to see Twilight again in this.

    20. Swearing in part 4 bugs me a bit.
      It just seems out of place in a story of this tone.
      But that's just me.

    21. And a lovely little ending.
      Only complaint: Dash didn't get anything.
      Well, I guess she got closure. So that's something.

    22. great starting plot

      crapshot ending.

    23. "...and Dash learned absolutely nothing"

    24. kinda disappointed. It was set up as an awesome and unique pairing of rarity and big mac, but turned into just another run of the mill rarity/applejack shipfest.

      would have preferred to see rarity go big mac and appljack go with rainbow.

    25. The beginning of part 2 is kind of weird... I mean, Twilight is >implying that Applejack is the following:
      -Not a Stallion (Well, that's obvious)
      -Not strong and athletic (Yeah, she's just a frail earth pony after all.)
      -A complete show-off (Seriously?)
      -Not well-read and intelligent (Ok, I can see the former, but the latter?)
      -Has bad business sense (Wait, WHAT?)
      -Isn't well-organized and has bad fashion sense (Ok, I think we can agree on that one)

      Haha, how nice of Twilight.

    26. @Anonymous

      Huh, you know, I hadn't thought of it like that. Oversight on my part, I suppose. I guess I'll just handwave it by saying that Twilight's a bit of a bitch in this continuity, or Applejack recently accidentally destroyed one of her books somehow and she's feeling vindictive or something, even though that wasn't my original intention with the passage.

      Isn't revisionism fun?

    27. I liked Mac's unsuspected depths, but I thought he talked a little too much. By the time he started dispensing advice to Rarity it, started to feel a little out of character -- or maybe I should say, it felt out of character that nobody called him on it.

      Pinkie committing insurance fraud is ... SCARY, though at first I thought she was getting toked up in there, which is rather more scary. I thought she got a little flanderized in this fic, though. She does motormouth, but it's usually a stream of consciousness digression rather than "do ya do ya huh huh huh?" repetition.

      Who knew Twilight was a Stones fan?

    28. I really liked this story. I understand what it is, a fun little fanfic, and so the occasional out-of-character moments didn't bother me. Was a tad disappointed when I realized this was really a RarityxApplejack story, since you started things off really well with Rarity striving for details on Big Mac. Oh well, I still enjoyed it. 3.5/5

    29. The ending sentence of part 3 was absolute GOLD.

