• Story: Ponies Discover /co/ (Complete)

    [Normal][Comedy] One of the longest and most read stories so far here has been compiled into one big google document.  No more opening 3 posts and 20 images to read it all! huzzah!

    Also a bunch of gramatical fixes and stuff.

    Thanks again to Slywit for this one! Awesome story!

    Ponies Discover /co/

    I'm deleting the old posts, so this is the new home for this story if you bookmarked it.

    63 kommentaari:

    1. inb4 this is an episode in Season 2

    2. My Body is Ready.

    3. That was awesome. Especially Solid Fluttershy! I'm only sad that this will probably never become animated...

    4. Pretty much perfect.
      Right down to the last line.

    5. O....k.......

      I have to say, I don't like GirlyDash. Even if she does eat candyvag, she's still awesome!

    6. One of the all time best

    7. There's a pic of Dash with makeup on out there somewhere

    8. @Anonymous

      I felt the story had a justifiable reason on why she went girly. I've seen some comments reacting to how people didn't like it (mostly, they reply to the art that cropped up after the story. I think I planted an idea that snowballed).

      They're both correct and incorrect that it violates her character. Yeah, she's a tomboy and that's her charm, but I think even she would be highly offended to be called a dyke (which some /co/ macros did). She does care about appearences and I felt it very in character for her to react by girlying it up just a little to avoid name calling. But her inexperience led her to take it too far and cease acting like herself.

      Not even sure you'll get this message.

    9. Solid Shy was SO adorable.

    10. I just realized I never commented on this, Sly.

      You already know I love this!

    11. i lol'd heartily at celestia's last act.

    12. It's like I'm reading an episode script!

    13. Wow, I didn't think that this would happen if they found out, now I feel terrible. :C

      Also, epic twist is epic.

    14. @bubsAKAvermin
      Some of the comments I got between the second and third commercial break (not counting the intro music), were priceless to me, and were more or less to that effect. Not having the ending I think added to the sympathy/guilt.

    15. This was a fun story, with an unexpected twist at the end. Nicely done

    16. I guess in celestia's case, Incest is wincest if she's requesting Apple/Mac
      ...wait that means... RUN Princess luna RUN!!!!

    17. One of my favourite fics so far. I thought it was really interesting how Twilight got "spooked" like a real equine would. (I kinda want to see that in the actual show sometime)

    18. Oh man this story is amazing. Well done, Sly. Well done.

    19. Absolutely loved it, the humour was great and spot on, I could really see this being an actual episode(If it weren't for the subject matter haha)

    20. The Epic Spammastor of Ponifics1. aprill 2011, kell 06:24

      Didn't you guys notice that the author used a very similar plot device as Feeling Pinkie Keen? It goes right down to the hydra and the forest and the not-showing-how-they-solved-the-real-issue-at-hand parts.

      Still, I prefer Celestia /r/ wincest over Twilight evolving into Rapid--- you know what, nevermind.
      It's really odd how Dave Polsky episodes have a much stronger meme-to-pony-to-controversy ratio than some other episodes. The Grand Return of Derpy's Derp Eyes? Huff the Magic Dragon? Religion, Culture, Politics, and Tradition? Probably a coincidence, but he IS the writer.

    21. That was so good in so many ways, I cant even say it. While it was breaking the 4th wall, it was still in the style of the show. I really love it.

    22. This was a surprising treat. I was expecting it to be a story that would be... well, extremely NSFW, for lack of a better way of phrasing. Instead, I discovered a story that was very lighthearted and funny, that followed actual show's style.

      All of the characters are spot on, I can imagine them acting like this in response to learning what others think of them. Everything from Dash girling up to Solid Shy* is funny and adorable.

      The whole story, aside from the connection to /co/, is faithful to the original show's style. And I think that adds to the charm of the story, and helps emphasise tje lighthearted tone of the tale. Very clean humour overall, as clean as it can get with some of the ponies acting weird over Dash and her 'loves candyvag' label, and the like, and I think that must have taken some self-restraint when writing this, so props to the author for that.

      A long read, but definitely worth it!

      * /r/ing fan art of Solid Shy. I want a MGS/MLP crossover naow!

    23. While I would have loved to see more Pony reactions to online stuff about them, this fic is perfect as is.

      And after watching Bird in the Hoof, OF COURSE Celestia would be a poster to /CO/ if she had access!

    24. Excuse me, but could you repost the fic again. I tried reading it on Google documents, but it only gives me the first 1-2 pages.

    25. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    26. @Anonymous

      I went ahead and changed the view from paginated to compact. The whole thing is still there, it didn't cut off after two pages. Just keep scrolling down.

    27. @Anonymous

      Try it again. Should all be there if you keep scrolling down.

    28. wow..... I actually saw that play out like an episode. 5 starz!

    29. Here's the picture you're looking for.
      Not exactly how it's described in the story, but a good visualization nonetheless.
      Your story was great, and your character actions/reactions were nearly spot-on.
      The only thing I think you could improve on is pinkiepie. Yes, we all know her to be the hyperactive, happy, overly joyful and random filly she is, but even she has some times to be sad and even a bit neutral. Just putting that out there.

      5 stars for sure. You impress me.

    30. This fanfic was very well written and I liked it a lot, but I was deeply disturbed by the fact that Twilight murders a creature and nopony seems to be affected by it one bit.

      Also, when they ask Fluttershy to look for food, she says she can recognize small "fauna", when really it should be "flora" since ponies don't eat animals...

    31. @Sauceror

      Fixed the error.

      I suppose you have a point about the creature, considering that I don't think I've seen anything die in the show at large, be they pigs, hydra, or cockatrice. Perhaps I fell into the trope that such mythological creatures are monsters more than animals. But, the ponies are unsure if the creature died or was just scared witless by what Twilight did, for what that is worth.

    32. Wow that was so good.now i see why it has 6 stars.

    33. I can only imagine how they would react to finding 'Cupcakes'.

    34. this should have a sequel: "Ponies discover Equestria Daily"

      ...and read the 'Cupcakes' fic"

    35. 6 Stars, fuck yeah

    36. Yeah, this one is definitely one of my all-time favs. So expertly done, it deserves every one of its six stars.

    37. @Sethisto
      I wonder when the producers will realize that the majority of people that like this show are male 15+ and starting adding more mature themes, and maybe put it on a different channel.

    38. @Anonymous

      I doubt they will ever do that because their target audience is young children, but if the Equestria Girls video is any indication, they do realize that alot of the fans are older audiences.

      Anyway this was a great fanfic and was very interesting for the first MLP fanfic I have read. Very entertaining. Deserves all of it's stars.

    39. @Calamity2007

      I might be disappointed if the show ever tried to go the Adult Swim route. I like how it is. It's a fantastic dish that I'm afraid to season because it's already great.

      That said, I think it'd be a lot of fun if the creators of the show made web-shorts or web-series where they tell the jokes they could never get away with on prime time.

      Also, thanks, Calamity. I'm always happy to see new comments. Maybe it's a bad thing, but I check every day, even if I haven't updated.

    40. I found it hilarious and very well written. Though "hearing" some of those words used by those characters and also some of those mental images... I don't care if I am a furry, do not want! But still hilarious; the less-than-clean bits just added to that regardless of how much I detest them. Fantastic. And it did feel like an episode, which was neat.

    41. Uh, are the pictures not working for anyone else?

    42. They seem to be working. I'm not sure why they weren't for you. Don't worry, most are screen grabs of commercial breaks for the hub, announcing the breaks in the story. So you didn't really miss all that much.

    43. I really enjoyed this story. It would be long and complicated to explain, and hard too as I'm not sure I understand it entirely myself, so I won't go into detail about it, but I'd not really found myself...connecting with the characters as much as others. But it was when reading this that I really felt that tug for the first time. And I realised I really missed watching it (having just finished watching the first season about a week ago).

      It was the moment Applejack got all bashful about people liking to call her silly that it first really got to me.

      Definitely a strange story to do so, considering its plot, but it really was so well written, that even as surreal as it was to have them reading /co/, it felt just the same as any of the actual episodes.

      So I have to thank you for being the one to finally get that connection between me and the characters of the show realised, and also I must commend your awesome writing abilities.

      I thoroughly enjoyed this fic, and it made me love the world of FiM that much more.

    44. @Anonymous

      Thank you! This comment certainly made my writing day. Or heck, week, even. Where do I start with it?

      The amount of time you took to make such a lengthy reply was very savory. I like every rating, but love every comment, and the more detailed the comment is, the more I have to love about it. But the longer it is, I know the more time someone spent to write it, so that's all the more reason for me to be appreciative.

      All the stuff you said was great, too. I never expected to endear people to the characters with my story, yet I couldn't resist those moments when the comedy seemed to ebb toward the dramatic side. It just seemed right to have each character deal with an emotional subject about themselves through the whole ordeal, as strange as the concept was.

      I better end before I go on forever. Point being, thank you very much for the comment!

    45. The only thing I have to nit-pick about is that I kind of expected the whole entire story to be about them being on /co/ the whole time.

      Not that the adventure part was boring at all, I guess I just wasn't expecting that part to last the rest of the story, is all.

      Don't get me wrong, it was a really fun read!

      Now there needs to be a story where the ponies discover Ponychan!

    46. @Anonymous

      I can see that. I figured that what would be most entertaining, however, is watching the main cast try to function in a regular episode fashion with the knowledge that their being watched by /co/. But there is room for sequels, if I choose to do it, that will take the concept other directions.

    47. I love stories like this (wherein fictional characters discover their fandom and/or meet their creators), and this one is an especially good example. I gave it five stars, but I'd give six if I knew how -- the mane cast seemed to be very well done, and I could really see them reacting like. Celestia knows how they'd respond to the humanized/anthropomorphic version of themselves I've seen online!

    48. /co/ has certainly changed since I wrote that fic. I'm scared to think of what it would be if Pinkie looked it up now.

    49. it is spelled "gauche" not "gosh."

    50. Well this was pretty funny, a good story. I definitely think the author captured the characters perfectly which made their reactions and behaviours to /co/ all the more entertaining. And it almost feels like this could be an episode, like if the actual FIM team made a special episode just for the bronies to address these sort of fandom jokes and interpretations.

    51. I read the first bit, and said Texas accent? That's Southern. The only person I know who speaks like that lives in DC!

    52. @banannagram
      The truth about Applejack is her accent isn't actually consistent. She often misuses words, even, like "Y'all" or "Thank ya kindly."

      I've heard a very good argument for her accent siding toward Southwest (like Texas), and so I decided to err on that side. Likewise, her personality is so very Texan (maybe some other places, too, but Texas as well). A sort of cheerful and generous hospitality, stubborn as hell, kind of a quiet pride about her that is absolutely huge when it comes out ("everything is bigger in Texas"), and though she is very kind, she is ALSO a pony that isn't to be messed with.

      In the end, I decided to declare her Texan partly to simply claim her as my own. It's rare these days that a rural character is given a mostly positive portrayal.

    53. What I read: (this fanfic)
      What I expected: [Random] despite the tags, with the ponies just pouring over /co/ and encountering much more of the memebase
      What I got: ohcrapOMGface.jpg
      It read just like an episode, with the reactions and personality conflicts fitting to a T (except maybe for Pinkie Pie in spots; it seemed a bit forced here and there) and of course with the exception of the preposterous premise of ponies perusing philanderous pictures people posted as discovered through technology and fourth-wall-breaking that ponies just aren't capable of (not even Pinkie).

      It was just absolutely amazing how well you managed to maintain the suspension of disbelief in spite of the flagrant disregard for canonical storytelling limitations. Truly very well done and well deserving of its 6-star rating.

    54. A great twist on the old "meet your maker" idea, done in a humorous and thought-provoking manner. Definitely read like a PG-or-maybe-14-rated episode of FiM (in a good way, of course). Still, the /co/ I lurk seems to be quite a different site from what you portray. Maybe it's just standard old degeneration from the lack of original content (besides Discord, obviously)? Anyway, 6/5, you should be proud. And one last thing? Don't force a sequel. I mean, if you have some more good ideas to add to this series, I'll be the first to read it, but don't pull any Terminator 3 bullshit on us, alright?

    55. @Vi/co/din

      There has certainly been a rapid evolution in the nature of the fandom at /co/. You're right to assume that the /co/ now is drastically different than the one this was based off of, which was /co/ around February.

    56. OK, I don't care what kind of plot device the writers use in place of /co/, this HAS to become canon at some point in the very near future. This story comes the closest to an episode than any other fic I've seen, and really captures the characters well. Honestly, I think this "episode" is better than most of the stuff from season 2.

    57. It's been forever since this came out, I just want to say I FUCKING LOVE THIS STORY. IT IS THE BEST STORY EVER, PERIOD!

    58. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    59. Trollestia would have sent the ponies /b/.

    60. Many lols were had, shame I didn't find this story till now
