• Story: Moonlight Inspiration

    [Normal] Luna REALLY needs a new episode so we can see her true personality for once. Though if she is anything like the writers here seem to think she is, she will be awesome.
    Description: Luna is inspired to look upon her celestial duties at a different angle after a chance encounter with a certain time-themed pony.
    Moonlight Inspiration

    9 kommentaari:

    1. I am loving this Doctor Whoof stories! Waiting for more. Good characterization.

    2. The doctor should always show up whenever Luna is feeling down.

    3. This is very nice and makes me want to give Luna a hug.

      Video Related:

    4. I heard all of the Doctor's lines in the voice of David Tennant.

    5. Why... why is this a .jpg?
      Otherwise, yeah. Great story.

    6. I really wish they make the Doctor's voice british in season two.

      Great story <3
