• Story: The Downfall of Celestia

    [Random[ Transformers and Celestia and Aquaman OH MY! Introducing the new random tag, where weird Scary Movie style stories and general ridiculousness go.
    Description: When Princess Celestia has manages to become even more powerful and threatens the whole universe, a trio of heroes stand up against her.
    The Downfall of Celestia

    16 kommentaari:

    1. I need this after Cupcakes

    2. What a stroke of luck that this, being the first comedy, managed to get me out of reading my 2.2gb worth of Deadpool comics!
      A well deserved tag, I must insist. Also now it gives me reason to get off my ass and write a story!

    3. I laughed. I laughed a lot. Good show.

    4. I don't like the comedy tag. There are plenty of stories already existing that are humorous, but aren't quite exactly pure "comedy" in the way you put it, such as nonsensical. Number 12, for example; in my opinion, it's a comedy, but under the normal tag, it's pretty much fine.

    5. @Sethisto


    6. Could've used more one-liners from Will Smith.
      "It's time for an eclipse."
      "This is gonna be your last sunset."
      "You ain't got sun, son."

      You know, stuff like that.
      Otherwise, a nice break from all the shipping and grimdark. I am going to love the Random and Crossover tags.

    7. I don't know what to make of this o.O
      It did grant me a good laugh though =P

      Also, glad my coloring was used for a story picture =3

    8. I vote for Optimus Magnus

    9. Why is it everyone makes Princess Celestia a bad guy? I've never seen her do any bad deeds, not from the show or from Lauren Faust. LEAVE THE PRINCESS ALONE!!!! D'X

    10. Wow, really? People on /co/ didn't like my fanfiction, but people like this? It's just a bunch of random shit.

      Whoever wrote this must learn about REAL humor.

    11. What the hell did I just read?

    12. I'm sorry Taco Wi-..
      Wait... Haven't I seen you before on YCP?

      Uh.. Anyway..
      I'm sorry that it turned out that way.
      I don't even go to 4chan though, so I can't really say anything about their tastes.
      However, I didn't even intended for this to be humorous. It's exactly as you described it.
      And how do I learn about REAL humor?

    13. It was fine, I liked it. You missed a perfectly good opportunity to get Will in one little fight, though.

    14. Victorian R. Hellsly26. veebruar 2011, kell 09:11

      Oh wow, that was all sorts of awesome.

    15. This fic does little for me. Though it was amusing enough that I don't feel like I wasted my time either.

      I'm beginning to get the impression that there's a difference between fics labeled random that are really random and some fics that are labeled random that are silly, but they keep to their in-fic logic consistently. But trying to draw a line between the two and reading fics to mark them differently would probably become a pain.

      This. This is freaking random.
