Description: When anonymous letters start appearing all over Equestria with details of a conspiracy large enough to shake the foundations of the entire nation, a young mail pony named Bright Eyes is discovered as their source and taken into custody to be interrogated.Death of a Mail Pony
This is kind of a continuation on "The Truth" so be sure to read that first for some background.
neljapäev, 17. veebruar 2011 op 00:25
Sildid: Author: Nathan, Celestia, Derpy Hooves, Fanfiction, Story
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17 kommentaari:
More! Death to the tyrant!
VastaKustutaim bored of Grimdark Tyrant Celestia honestly.
VastaKustutaI mean its well written but I don't like what seems to be an attempt to tie in some of his other non grimdark fic into a single continuity.
@Anonymous #2
VastaKustutaRest assured the grim dark of this continuity will not taint or affect my cute fics in any way. Think of them as nods rather than full blown integration.
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaLOLMAGICHITLER stories have to be done very, very well to be entertaining.
VastaKustutaYou're pulling it off so far.
Come to think of it, I don't get how did doing all this shit made Derpy a warning. If everyone was told she crashed, that means nobody new her real fate. Unless it was suppossed to scare those 50 ponies that received message? But how can they be certain she really didn't crash? And even if they suspected that Celestia's behind her death, they don't really know all the horror that happened to her.
VastaKustutaPoor, poor Derpy!
VastaKustuta@Anonymous #3
VastaKustutaThe 50 are full of clever ponies, including a few in the government. They'll figure it out. Derpy is down but not out.
Quite tragic. But at least poor derpy gets to live. Quite a well done story in my opinion.
VastaKustutaWell done, I can't really fault the storytelling. I will however point out that the font changes when conversation begins. Less importantly, it annoys me that you've chosen to use both indentation and empty rows to mark passages (is that the English word for it?) Eat your cake or keep it, please :)
VastaKustutaOn a side note, regarding your Dr Whooves fics. Is knowledge or familiarity with the modern doctors required in any way to enjoy them? I still haven't watched any of them and don't plan on until I've worked my way through the classics.
VastaKustutaParagraphs, you tool! They're called paragraphs!
VastaKustutaDuly noted! Did not notice the font change for conversation and will fix.
As far as my Doctor fic, I am planning on using a pony version of the Cybermen as the enemy so you should be fine even the the Doctor himself is based on the tenth.
Don't worry, Bright Eyes!
VastaKustutaThe Doctor and I are coming to your rescue!!!
VastaKustutaWell, sounds like I simply have no choice but to investigate your Whooves fics then. And it looks much nicer now :D
Are you going to write a continuation to this? If not, I'm interested in writing something for this. With your permission of course.
VastaKustutaIf you want to write in the verse, feel free! I plan on continuing with it though, so run your ideas by me first so that i can make sure ti fits into the grand scheme of things.
VastaKustutaKinda waiting for Derpy to go John Nada on everyone...