• Story: Dark Times

    [Grimdark] Some Semi-Grimdarkyness, and newly added part 2
    Description: After a letter to Princess Celestia goes unanswered, Twilight begins to worry about her whereabouts. If only she knew what Ponyville was in for...
    Dark Times
    Dark Times Part 2

    15 kommentaari:

    1. Interesting premise already.

      Keep goin'

    2. I remember this guy!

      He was talking about this on /b/ on Saturday, and started posting yesterday. I was only there for a small part, did he post the rest on /co/? Or just send this to you?

      At any rate, loving the story so far.

    3. @MasterMaskOhey!

      This is what I have so far. I posted it on /b/ last night after you left (I think). Decided to post it here too because why not? Glad ya like it so far! Just be warned, next chapter's where the grimdarkyness comes in.


      Okay, ponybro, I think I'm good. Sounds great, and I can't wait for the next part. This is one of the few Grimdarks I will follow, I think.

    5. Intriguing plot, and very well written. Can't wait for the next chapter.

    6. (Spike gets conveniently written out of the plot)

      Hey, just like the show! You should be on the writing team!

    7. It's a really exiciting story so far, keep up the good work!

    8. Keep going man, keep going, it's getting good.

    9. Ok, I'm hooked.

      You were right when you told us this was an interesting idea, man.

      Im glad you went ahead with it, can't wait to find out what happens next.

      I'm intrigued!

    10. Bro tip:
      Listen to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pt4lUh5PB2o while reading this.

    11. To anyone who might be following this

      I've had a bit of writer's block lately. I'll get the next chapter up as soon as I can.

    12. I liked it, very H.P Lovecraft-esque
      When will you have the next Chapter up?

    13. This story, forgotten about? Personally, I'm still praying for part 3 to exist.
      PLEASE. before I feel to wallow in whatever it is that ponies wallow in.

    14. Necropost to the extreme! Kinda hoping you'll pop in here with 20 chapters and just BAMF the story into submission... Hope is a funny thing...
