• Story: This Story Has No Title (Updated Part 2!)

    [Shipping] Some G-rated Dash/Applejack shipping. /b/ is a bit behind on the times when it comes to stories.  Here is a screen cap at least...  Still needs a title too.
    Description: Rainbow Dash feels bad about what happened during the Running of the Leaves, and Applejack tries to cheer her up.
    Screencap After the Post Break
    And Part 2 :The Night Comes Down

    35 kommentaari:

    1. tis a good story 4.5/5 <3

    2. One of the best AppleDash fanfictions I have read as of now. It actually made me shed a manly tear.

    3. Why does EVERY pony story involve a pony tearfully confessing their love to another?

      Why? What is WRONG with you people?

    4. @Anonymous

      We're all sappy romantics at heart.

      well. All of us but Sprinkles.

    5. This is short... but very sweet. And also very touching. A+

    6. @AnonymousI can't speak for the other writefriends, but I try to write things that the audience will enjoy as much as I do. That said, if there's something you'd rather see, you should probably be a bit more specific.

      Who knows, one of us might just write something up for you.

    7. @AnonymousOnly the shipping ones, m'dear!

      We'll be more manly about it. Like swooning them off of their hooves or something after... I don't know, beating the shit out of a hydra attacking Ponyville...?

      Fuck, I don't know your tastes! Writing for other people is hard, especially when it's anonymous people.

    8. @Anonymous

      Only the "Shipping" ones. You might want to hit up the "normal" or "Grimdark" ones.

    9. It's just that almost EVERY pony story turns into one of these.

    10. @Anonymous

      That's your confirmation bias speaking. Go look at the archive and see just how many stories there are that don't touch the idea with a ten foot pole.

      Hint: there are lots.

    11. Shipping stories frequently incorporate tearful (or sudden, blurted-out) confessions of love for a few simple reasons.

      1) The pairings usually involve two same-gender friends who've never openly expressed sexual interest in one another.

      2) Shipping stories are about the ship; therefore any conflict or drama must occur within the ship (or in the head of a character in the pairing).

      Fully-developed fiction tends to include romance, but not as the core conflict of a story.

    12. Siiiiigh.
      All mankind loves a lover.

    13. ha ha I like the little addition of twilight x fluttershy at the end of the second part. It's all very cute

    14. but... why where they meeting at twilights house?

    15. @Anonymous

      Because they secretly wanted Twilight to catch them in the "act" and join in since they secretly knew about her secret relationship with fluttershy.

      Secrets everywhere bro.

    16. Must stop...reading...fanfics. Must work on papers...and own story...augh, this was adorable.

    17. Adorable.

      I squeaked with delight.

    18. I know this guy!
      Cupcake, he's a regular on /b/!

      Great pony, one of my best friends on 4chan.
      Wonder if he even knows it's up here?

    19. Hehehe. I loved this one. At first it seemed really cheesy, but as it developed. It just made me forget about the whole thing and sucked me in.

      The part with Twilight was certainly unexpected. But still very cute!

    20. this is cupcake, the author. i don't know who put this up here, but thank you, and thank you to everypony who reads it...i almost never write fan fiction, but you guys and the show inspire me to do things...if this story made even one pony smile it was worth the time and effort. i love you all with all of my heart.


      twilight...and flutter shy....

      adorable story though.

    22. This was pretty adorable. :)

    23. Very adorable story, but why is "Applebloom" a tag for this and not "Applejack"?

    24. for the person who uploaded this, the titles are at the beginning of each story.
      The first is called This Story Has No Title
      the second is called The Night Comes Down
      yes they are references to songs but not nessecarily related to the stories.

    25. Hehe, I wouldn't expect this to show up on EQdaily. Well done Cakecup :)

    26. This was the first fanfic I read, and I gotta say it's only second to the amazing work of butterscotch sundae. I wish you'd write more cupcake!

    27. i want to keyboardsmash so hard over how teethmeltingly adorable this is, but i think ill refrain. :'D

    28. you guys are too kind :3



    30. Loved it, Cupcake.

      I know I already said so; but I thought I'd post it up here where there'd be a permanant record!


    31. This was actually pretty fun to read! Is there any chance you're going to write more fics in the near future?

      Oh and hi Krypqe <3

    32. I was sold on the Appledash ship after I watched Fall Weather Friends!
