This episode gave me an idea for a poll: If you could only have ONE piece of Fanon come true, what would it be: -Lonely Luna -Your favorite interpretation of Derpy -Gay Rainbow Dash -Evil Celestia -Pinkie Pie's dead parents
Eh... this episode didn't really have as much humor, and they also repeated something that pissed me off a ton.
They made yet ANOTHER group of "retarded" males. Why do that? Were Snips and Snails not bad enough? It seems like Faust is hellbent on creating a generation of little girls that see men as nothing but complete idiots.
lol, she was just going to hang out with them, anyway... unless they were planning a threesome, which we know they weren't (this is a kid's show, after all). They've been her heroes for a while; it's not like she'd miss a chance to hang out with them.
I loved the episode but who else thinks the producers are laying on the fanon service a little too thick lately? I mean, yeah, seeing Derpy Hooves in the last episode was awesome without a doubt, but having her show up again an episode later not once but TWICE, it kind of devalues the whole thing.
Don't get me wrong, it's great when a show shows just how much they appreciate their fans but this just seems as if they're going out of their way to please us. Take Doctor Hooves for example. I'm sure a lot of fans are glad to see him in this episode but did he really belong there? It seems we're forgetting something - that he's an EARTH PONY. The creators went and changed him into a pegasus for no apparent reason other than make it so they could stick him in.
Derpy and Hooves are background ponies. They are supposed to show up and fill gaps whenever needed. Really, they are both in just about every episode somewhere, filling some space.
@Ivan She's been in pretty much every episode before this too. With her eyes now derped it's just officially a wink to us weirdos. It's not like they're going to pull a Poochie on us.
Doctor Whooves' apperance as a Pegasus can probably be written off in fanon as usage of the Chameleon Arch. When he has something to do among the Pegasi, he could merely don the guise of one.
@Anonymous But they weren't just "filling space". Derpy was wall-eyed and Hooves had lines. It's clear they were put in there intentionally for no reason other than to give a shout out to fans.
@Pacce I don't know about that. In my mind, there's a TV executive standing behind the storyboards saying "You know what? Let's stick that wall-eyed pegasus pony in this scene right here. You know, the one those crazy male viewers love. That's enough to keep them watching, right?"
It all just feels really forced, like the creators feel they need to do it, rather than wanting to do it.
@Anonymous You know...I can totally buy that. I can't wait until this shows up in some fanfiction.
Some browsers have difficulty with media fire. Unfortunately that's the only download link right now, and it's working for most people. Try loading it with Internet explorer, or firefox with ablock/noscript off (Though mine works fine)
Am I the only one who thought this would've been an interesting episode to bring Gilda back? (well sorta', there was already too much going on for them to focus on another character, what with Rainbow and Rarity already having the spotlight)
But an episode based around a city only flying creatures can normally reach, based around a competition about flying skill and showmanship? I can easily imagine Gilda entering just to show up all those "lame-o" ponies (or even just being there to make fun of the contestants), but secretly hoping she might run into Dash by herself so they could talk (but then being surprised to see the rest of Dash's entourage).
I think that would've made an interesting episode. Hmm, maybe I should write a fanfic or something...
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG! Yeah this episode was massively awesome. I hadn't really decided on a favorite until now, but this is without a doubt my favorite. The whole cloud city + weather factory was badass, and the little touches like the construction worker pegasi and the popped collars on the bullies. As for the shipping world, I think the implications of the ending are tempered by the amount of RDxFS ship fodder.
I watched this 3 times now, and I didn't see anything that alluded to Rainbow's sexuality either way.
If anything, the closing scene where she says "Sorry boys, but I've got plans!" and goes off with two fillies seems to make her seem more gay to me at least.
Adorable Fluttershy was awesome. Awesome Rainbow Dash was awesome. Rarity was freakin awesome (and hilarious). It may have been a tougher choice before, but personally, this episode launches her to the top of my favorites list.
Derpy! Woo!
It was pretty much the perfect episode.
And just a side note for everyone who says "Too much Derpy = bad" I'd just like to point out that - everypony on this show IS treated as a persistent character. They don't just go away when they aren't the main six you know. She's going to show up, just like Rose and Daisy and all the rest. They exist ie. it would be kind of stupid if they just...weren't there. Plus she's cool, so don't be like that.
Also, if you watch closely, her eyes aren't always derping. If you look at all the scenes she's in, sometimes they're normal, which is how it usually happens. She has a problem. Deal with it.
(I can't wait for the episode where she's on screen with normal eyes and they sloooowly go derpy. It's going to totally happen. And that, will be hilarious).
Honestly, now that we know equestrian weather is factory-made... they don't seem all that godley anymore. Powerful, yes; but not deific. More like, sorceress queen.
Actually, the Wonderbolt who DID talk had a rather effeminite voice. I stand by the fact that the Wonderbolts are gay & are taking her to a gay bar so she can fool with all the adoring fillies...
I just realized something, Pinkie Pie really is psychic. In Griffon Brush off, at the very beginning, she describes Dash's heroics in the most recent episode
I have to say it: This episode ruined both Dash and Rarity for me. Nervous Dash isn't cute, she is annoying. What happened to the very confident, laid back, somewhat cruel but generally good Dash from the pilot? That was an interesting character now we have just another insecure tomboy. Great. The implication of the ending (no, not that she isn't gay) while possibly unintentional, seals her place.
Rarity... well do I even need to explain what is wrong with her in this episode?
Heh! This ep answered a question I've had for a while -- whether Equestrian clouds are naturally solid, or if pegasi can turn them solid at will, or if pegasi just have the special ability to stand on normal clouds.
Rainbow Dash's "plans" -- deliberate "slipping crap past the censors"?
Whooves is still just a background pony. In this episode he had a different voice than in Call of Cutie and if you take a closer look all the generic background ponies are there as pegasi, like the one with clovers as cutie mark, even Caramel had wings so I honestly doubt Whooves was another nod at the fans. Derpy is pretty much canon though but I don't mind.
She's just going to hang out with them, she's excited because they're her life-long heroes. She'll probably just be like: Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh... the whole time anyway.
I don't see why people are reading so much into this, or how it is an orientation defining moment.
I completely agree. I've left rooms with my arms around the shoulders of friends of the same sex before, and that doesn't really have any bearing on my orientation.
Well, if the older animated series can have Lickety Split and Baby Lickety Split at the same time, I guess this series can have an earth pony Dr. Whooves and a pegasus Dr. Whooves (maybe he has a different name but same cutie mark, who knows).
2: Equestrian gryphons must be incredibly tiny. Gilda was as big as Rainbow and the others, so either she's a runt, has yet to grow (though she didn't seem that young), or they are just that small.
I think Gilda's not grown yet. She seemed pretty immature to me. I wouldn't expect them to get much bigger than Celestia, anyway... the scale of a manticore notwithstanding. What brought that up -- was there another gryphon in this ep that I missed, or something? Fridge logic: Gilda was standing on clouds. Do gryphons share the pegasus ability to do that, or is it common to anything in Equestria that can fly?
Nope, no gryphon- just something that came to mind when comparing an equestrian gryphon to the average sized equestrian pony, most of whom are what, 3-4 feet? Those big'uns just made it all the more obvious.
@Anonymous Hmm. Looking at Ep. 5, Gilda is actually around half again Dash's length. Your typical lion isn't more than 3 1/2 or 4 feet at the shoulder, and double that nose to rump. She seems about normal for a small-end gryphon (i.e. lion sized), taking into account the art style.
Fair enough, though I would point out that she keeps her head well above her shoulders, unlike a typical lion. Her shoulder height might thus be considerably below the 3-4 feet mark. Of course, as you pointed out, that could be chalked up to the style of the show, rather than actual physics.
... I really need to get a proper profile, methinks. I start feeling like a troll, posting under anon all the time.
115 kommentaari:
I only saw the last half, and it was AMAZING. The VLC streams weren't working.
VastaKustutaYou should post the stream links on this blog before each episode.
I can't wait to see this tonight. Rainbow needs more focus in-series... she already gets her share of fanfiction, of course, lol
VastaKustutaBasil34 deserves a shoutout for being a total brony.
VastaKustutaWhen the stream crashed he paused the poni on tivo and set the stream up again, meaning we didnt miss anything.
Also skipping over commercials.
Awesome work man.
VastaKustuta@Cereal Velocity
Where can I see this now?
VastaKustutaI liked Rarity's outfit.
VastaKustutaCome at me, bronies.
@Fon Shaolin
VastaKustutaIt looks like your typical show outfit, the only annoying part was the lipstick.
VastaKustutaAm I commenting on outfits now?
ooo That Epizode was so amazing! Also Chat on stream was funny as hell. But amazing action epizode! Now I want some nice and soft for a contrast ^_^
VastaKustutaSomebody should write a story of Doctor and Caramel adventures i.e. why they have wings.
And there was so much Derpy! Like newer before 6_9
VastaKustutaI'll have it up for about another hour~ http://www(dot)justin(dot)tv/basil34/
The first video is before the laptop overheated, the second is after is overheated.
*inhales deeply*
VastaKustutaThis episode gave me an idea for a poll:
VastaKustutaIf you could only have ONE piece of Fanon come true, what would it be:
-Lonely Luna
-Your favorite interpretation of Derpy
-Gay Rainbow Dash
-Evil Celestia
-Pinkie Pie's dead parents
VastaKustuta*inhales* confound these ponies!
VastaKustutaI like this poll idea, very nice.
VastaKustutaI'll do it after rarity wins the current one with FLYING colors
herp derp
VastaKustutaRarity is cheating by sleeping with the voters.
This episode blew my mind! BEST THING I HAVE EVER SEEN ON TV!!
VastaKustutaLink no workie.
VastaKustutayoutube plz?
Eh... this episode didn't really have as much humor, and they also repeated something that pissed me off a ton.
VastaKustutaThey made yet ANOTHER group of "retarded" males. Why do that? Were Snips and Snails not bad enough? It seems like Faust is hellbent on creating a generation of little girls that see men as nothing but complete idiots.
VastaKustutaI believe Big Macintosh and Doctor Whooves would like to have a word with you.
VastaKustutaSound familiar?
(It's the fanfare for when they open from the last commercial break to the colosseum)
END OF SPOILER************
show was awesome
Or... she just was excited to be able to hang out with her idles for a while. Or... she was going with them to troll bars for chicks.
VastaKustutaNo, that piece of fanon still stands.
VastaKustutaYeah, I'm sorry, no matter what happens in any episode, Rainbow Dash will always be gay to me.
VastaKustutaActually they did it on purpose.
VastaKustutaFrom the three only one of the WB is a guy.
But there are two of them RD flies away with.
I mad? Yes, I mad.
There are at least six WBs...
VastaKustutaRainbow Dash straight canon.
VastaKustutaDeal with it.
We are going to get straight Dash trolls now, aren't we?
VastaKustutaWe sure do now.
VastaKustutaDefinitely the best episode ever =3
VastaKustutaAlso, the download links worked perfectly for me =/
VastaKustutaDash can't be bi?
VastaKustutamaybe they're all bi, like gibbons? i approve of this idea.
VastaKustutatrolololol, first derpy now dash
VastaKustutaadmit it, we are getting trolled by the producers
lol, she was just going to hang out with them, anyway... unless they were planning a threesome, which we know they weren't (this is a kid's show, after all). They've been her heroes for a while; it's not like she'd miss a chance to hang out with them.
VastaKustutaI loved the episode but who else thinks the producers are laying on the fanon service a little too thick lately? I mean, yeah, seeing Derpy Hooves in the last episode was awesome without a doubt, but having her show up again an episode later not once but TWICE, it kind of devalues the whole thing.
VastaKustutaDon't get me wrong, it's great when a show shows just how much they appreciate their fans but this just seems as if they're going out of their way to please us. Take Doctor Hooves for example. I'm sure a lot of fans are glad to see him in this episode but did he really belong there? It seems we're forgetting something - that he's an EARTH PONY. The creators went and changed him into a pegasus for no apparent reason other than make it so they could stick him in.
I think if the producers were really trolling us they would have sunk the Dash-gay fanon outright rather than just poke it.
VastaKustutaDerpy and Hooves are background ponies. They are supposed to show up and fill gaps whenever needed. Really, they are both in just about every episode somewhere, filling some space.
VastaKustutaShe's been in pretty much every episode before this too. With her eyes now derped it's just officially a wink to us weirdos.
It's not like they're going to pull a Poochie on us.
VastaKustutaDoctor Whooves' apperance as a Pegasus can probably be written off in fanon as usage of the Chameleon Arch. When he has something to do among the Pegasi, he could merely don the guise of one.
VastaKustutaBut they weren't just "filling space". Derpy was wall-eyed and Hooves had lines. It's clear they were put in there intentionally for no reason other than to give a shout out to fans.
Hooves wont be a shout-out to fans until he shows up with speaking lines in a British accent. Until then he's still just background pony status.
VastaKustutaJust tried downloading it. File's broken.
VastaKustutaI don't know about that. In my mind, there's a TV executive standing behind the storyboards saying "You know what? Let's stick that wall-eyed pegasus pony in this scene right here. You know, the one those crazy male viewers love. That's enough to keep them watching, right?"
It all just feels really forced, like the creators feel they need to do it, rather than wanting to do it.
You know...I can totally buy that. I can't wait until this shows up in some fanfiction.
VastaKustutaY U NO WERK
VastaKustutaDownload both files
Put them in the same folder
Extract either(preferably the .part1 I guess)
Open the .ps file in vlc media player
VastaKustutaclicking the 'download' link just resets the page, shit's broken, bro.
...That. WAS. AWESOME. That..I..Excuse me while I go smoke some rainbows to stimulate the awesomeness my eyes just saw.
VastaKustutaTry copying and pasting the links(?)
If that still doesn't work, I can reupload it to somewhere else
VastaKustutaSome browsers have difficulty with media fire. Unfortunately that's the only download link right now, and it's working for most people. Try loading it with Internet explorer, or firefox with ablock/noscript off (Though mine works fine)
stream here
VastaKustutaIt says the video is private dood
VastaKustutaits still being converted give it a few more minutes
VastaKustutaAhh alright, I'll post it up then. Never used vimeo before :3
VastaKustutaits ok bronie
The Vimeo upload is working now
Gah, how long untill HD?
VastaKustutaAm I the only one who thought this would've been an interesting episode to bring Gilda back? (well sorta', there was already too much going on for them to focus on another character, what with Rainbow and Rarity already having the spotlight)
VastaKustutaBut an episode based around a city only flying creatures can normally reach, based around a competition about flying skill and showmanship? I can easily imagine Gilda entering just to show up all those "lame-o" ponies (or even just being there to make fun of the contestants), but secretly hoping she might run into Dash by herself so they could talk (but then being surprised to see the rest of Dash's entourage).
I think that would've made an interesting episode. Hmm, maybe I should write a fanfic or something...
I get the feeling that this new location is going to become the setting for many a fanfic, lol.
VastaKustutaWhat the... Celestia is iffin' EVERWHERE! Almost like there are several decoys hopping about!
VastaKustutaHD nao plz
VastaKustutaOMG OMG OMG OMG OMG! Yeah this episode was massively awesome. I hadn't really decided on a favorite until now, but this is without a doubt my favorite. The whole cloud city + weather factory was badass, and the little touches like the construction worker pegasi and the popped collars on the bullies. As for the shipping world, I think the implications of the ending are tempered by the amount of RDxFS ship fodder.
VastaKustuta/agree with anon, basil34 was a bro.
VastaKustutahe has really, really nice skin too.
VastaKustutaI vote for this as next poll too!
Friday is the best day! ^_^
*puts on glasses*
Pony time.
Douchebags in white hats with white polo shirts and popped collars?
VastaKustutaThose were clearly the in-universe equivalent of bros, which is to say: bronies.
...And having just re-watched it, it's painfully obvious that both Wonderbolts are male.
VastaKustutaSo, is Rainbow getting lucky tonight?
VastaKustutaI watched this 3 times now, and I didn't see anything that alluded to Rainbow's sexuality either way.
If anything, the closing scene where she says "Sorry boys, but I've got plans!" and goes off with two fillies seems to make her seem more gay to me at least.
VastaKustutaThose are male ponies at the end. Look at their snouts in the close-up. They're flat ended, not rounded.
Flat ended muzzle = Male
Rounded muzzle = Female
Anyone know why is this episode not up on youtube yet?
VastaKustutaThis episode was, most definitely, awesome!
VastaKustutaAdorable Fluttershy was awesome.
Awesome Rainbow Dash was awesome.
Rarity was freakin awesome (and hilarious). It may have been a tougher choice before, but personally, this episode launches her to the top of my favorites list.
Derpy! Woo!
It was pretty much the perfect episode.
And just a side note for everyone who says "Too much Derpy = bad" I'd just like to point out that - everypony on this show IS treated as a persistent character. They don't just go away when they aren't the main six you know. She's going to show up, just like Rose and Daisy and all the rest. They exist ie. it would be kind of stupid if they just...weren't there. Plus she's cool, so don't be like that.
Also, if you watch closely, her eyes aren't always derping. If you look at all the scenes she's in, sometimes they're normal, which is how it usually happens. She has a problem. Deal with it.
(I can't wait for the episode where she's on screen with normal eyes and they sloooowly go derpy. It's going to totally happen. And that, will be hilarious).
VastaKustuta...except for Princess Celestia?
Dun dun dunnnnnn!!!
VastaKustutaCelestia and Luna are God-Ponies, they have an excuse.
wow, that Sonic Rainboom stunt was awesome.
VastaKustutaHonestly, now that we know equestrian weather is factory-made... they don't seem all that godley anymore. Powerful, yes; but not deific. More like, sorceress queen.
VastaKustutaAmazing episode, especially the Dash threesome ending. To the "Dash gay not bi" neighsayers, they're the Wonderbolts. She can make an exception.
VastaKustutaActually, the Wonderbolt who DID talk had a rather effeminite voice. I stand by the fact that the Wonderbolts are gay & are taking her to a gay bar so she can fool with all the adoring fillies...
VastaKustutaThey could just be butch fillies...
I just realized something, Pinkie Pie really is psychic. In Griffon Brush off, at the very beginning, she describes Dash's heroics in the most recent episode
VastaKustutaSo uh... I downloaded the episodes, and now I have these wierd-assed files. What the hell are these and how do I open them?
VastaKustutaAgh. I friggin' hate waiting for youtube.
VastaKustutaYoutube has been up for like 3 hours dude, click the stream link!
And those downloads are .rar files, you need winrar to extract them both at once into a single file then VLC player to play the .ps file
Two words
Derpy, Dr. Whoof and the WonderBolts..
Fluttrshy's cheering..
And the Awesomenes that is the Sonic Rainboom.
I've been practicing for this moment. *deep inhale*
whole episode wins my seal of approval, and the only thing thats ever won my seal of approval was that squirrel who an heroed off the telephone lines.
VastaKustutaI have to say it: This episode ruined both Dash and Rarity for me. Nervous Dash isn't cute, she is annoying. What happened to the very confident, laid back, somewhat cruel but generally good Dash from the pilot? That was an interesting character now we have just another insecure tomboy. Great. The implication of the ending (no, not that she isn't gay) while possibly unintentional, seals her place.
VastaKustutaRarity... well do I even need to explain what is wrong with her in this episode?
VastaKustutathe youtube is up?
Gah, I should check EVERYTHING when getting back from stuff.
Also, I knew how to open the .rar files, it was the .ps files I had trouble with, something about files being missing or something.
Oh well, time to watch me some ponies!
I could have done without the annoying group of males constantly harassing Dash. Otherwise, this is a fantastic episode.
VastaKustuta=3 this~
VastaKustutaAnyone else notice Derpy Twilight? :3
Heh! This ep answered a question I've had for a while -- whether Equestrian clouds are naturally solid, or if pegasi can turn them solid at will, or if pegasi just have the special ability to stand on normal clouds.
VastaKustutaRainbow Dash's "plans" -- deliberate "slipping crap past the censors"?
VastaKustuta"Actually, the Wonderbolt who DID talk had a rather effeminite voice."
That's because she was female. Check the muzzle.
VastaKustutaWhooves is still just a background pony. In this episode he had a different voice than in Call of Cutie and if you take a closer look all the generic background ponies are there as pegasi, like the one with clovers as cutie mark, even Caramel had wings so I honestly doubt Whooves was another nod at the fans.
Derpy is pretty much canon though but I don't mind.
VastaKustutaShe's just going to hang out with them, she's excited because they're her life-long heroes. She'll probably just be like: Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh... the whole time anyway.
I don't see why people are reading so much into this, or how it is an orientation defining moment.
VastaKustutaI completely agree. I've left rooms with my arms around the shoulders of friends of the same sex before, and that doesn't really have any bearing on my orientation.
The pegasus Whoof doesn't have the same voice as Dr. Whoof, bronies. Not the same character. Chill.
VastaKustutaRelax, we're just having fun. I'm sure there was no innuendo intended -- she did just win a day with the 'Bolts.
Anyway, those jumpsuits have to be a bitch to get out of without thumbs. :D
lol, that WAS dr whooves then? :D
VastaKustutaNo, it wasn't -- that's the point. Very different voice.
Well, if the older animated series can have Lickety Split and Baby Lickety Split at the same time, I guess this series can have an earth pony Dr. Whooves and a pegasus Dr. Whooves (maybe he has a different name but same cutie mark, who knows).
VastaKustutaAnyway, those jumpsuits have to be a bitch to get out of without thumbs. :D
They could just... leave 'em on.
Two things I noticed.
VastaKustuta1: Those bullies were HUGE.
2: Equestrian gryphons must be incredibly tiny. Gilda was as big as Rainbow and the others, so either she's a runt, has yet to grow (though she didn't seem that young), or they are just that small.
VastaKustutaI think Gilda's not grown yet. She seemed pretty immature to me. I wouldn't expect them to get much bigger than Celestia, anyway... the scale of a manticore notwithstanding. What brought that up -- was there another gryphon in this ep that I missed, or something?
Fridge logic: Gilda was standing on clouds. Do gryphons share the pegasus ability to do that, or is it common to anything in Equestria that can fly?
Nope, no gryphon- just something that came to mind when comparing an equestrian gryphon to the average sized equestrian pony, most of whom are what, 3-4 feet? Those big'uns just made it all the more obvious.
VastaKustutaRarity? A SHOWGIRL??? Also Dash kicks ass in this ep.
VastaKustutaUm, if I may ask...
VastaKustutaWhen the hell did Doctor Whoof grow wings?!
VastaKustutaAnd now that I've taken the time to actually read some of the comments, the theories make sense.
VastaKustutaHmm. Looking at Ep. 5, Gilda is actually around half again Dash's length. Your typical lion isn't more than 3 1/2 or 4 feet at the shoulder, and double that nose to rump. She seems about normal for a small-end gryphon (i.e. lion sized), taking into account the art style.
This episode was fucking amazing.
VastaKustutaFair enough, though I would point out that she keeps her head well above her shoulders, unlike a typical lion. Her shoulder height might thus be considerably below the 3-4 feet mark. Of course, as you pointed out, that could be chalked up to the style of the show, rather than actual physics.
VastaKustuta... I really need to get a proper profile, methinks. I start feeling like a troll, posting under anon all the time.