• Poll Results: Who is Your Favorite Side Character?

    Poor Trixie, beaten by a Zebra...

    31 kommentaari:

    1. Nopony likes Bonbon

      Must be because of the whole "I didn't put those in my BAAAAAAG"
      Also no Rose ;_;

    2. Poor Trixie?
      Poor Gilda!
      Not even I voted for her.

    3. ;_; I voted for Gilda. I love Gilda, and its because of Pacce too! Damn you and your good fics!

    4. In retrospect, the results of this poll should have been obvious. I tried, Scratch. In your 4 seconds on screen, we loved enough for a lifetime.

    5. I'm scratching my head, wondering how the flying clop did Gilda lose to MADDEN.

      I'm glad that Zecora was in 4th, at least; nice to see the Token-Zebra get some recognition. Still, poor Trixie. :<

    6. I knew when the poll came up right off the bat that derpy would win, which is funny because I voted for Dr.Whoof (From what I have seen of Dr.Who that show is epic hence why Dr.Whoof is my favorite side character.)

    7. The Grrrreat and Powerful Trixie let others win this time so they can feel like winners, at least once...

    8. I voted Doctor Whoof.
      But personally, I like the backround characters the most.

    9. @Peaches n' Cream

      Haha, I voted for Trixie at first, but then thought about it a little, and changed my vote to Gilda. She could always use a little more love.

      Who is Madden though? I saw that option on the poll and was very confused.

    10. Voted Lyra. Sorry, Scratch, love ya to death, but Lyra's slacker slouch and slasher smile can't be beat. Plus, her color scheme is gorgeous. (At this rate, I'm totally going to talk myself into purchasing Lyra shoes from Shoe Brony...)

    11. @Lovecraft
      That. Or rather, the original video it's based off of ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hv6RbEOlqRo ), where several people were playing with the text-to-speech engine in a free MMO called Moonbase Alpha.

    12. @Peaches n' Cream
      And I voted for Derpy...
      She's just too much fun to write!
      I'm sorry Gilda!

    13. Who is madden anyway?

    14. I voted for Luna.

      I think shes really cute =0

    15. I voted for Scratch.

      She deserved it.

    16. @Lovecraft
      I was conflicted between Applejack, Lyra, and Gilda. I love them all so much but Thanks to Junior Speedsters Forever, I'm totally hooked on Gilda's character. A very recommended read if you haven't read it. Or anyone who is reading this.

      Derpy is adorable too, shes also one I'd vote for too. I really hope they bring back Gilda.
      Also your writing is damn good. Even better than some published books I've read. You write alot? Like even non-pony related things?

    17. The Great and Powerful Trixie beaten by the DJ Pony?!

    18. I think there's a lot of overlap between Trixie and Luna fans, so the latter probably stole a bunch of the former's votes.

      And she won't give them back until Trixie teams up with five other ponies and learns the power of friendship.

    19. I like how both Zecora and Trixie, characters with actual characterization and plot points, lost to Doctor Whoof, who is even more of a background pony than Derpy.

    20. I'm starting to feel like I'm the only MLP fan who can't stand the hype surrounding Derpy.

      *waves a "Luna Deserves Hugs!" flag*

    21. Lack of carrot top made me sad.

    22. I voted Doctor Whoof since I'm a Doctor Who fan.

    23. I voted for mah zigga Zecora.

      While the other choices are awesome, indeed
      A rhyming zebra is more the thing that i need

    24. The poll was doomed right from beginning because of Derpy and Luna in it. Everypony know, that they are the most popular characters in that top, lot of bronies voted for them. Their wins were obvious.

      Without this two the poll could be much better.

    25. Derpy-Who doesn't love her.

      Derpy: Open up mr. mail box time for your breakfast!

      Derpy: Muffins...

      Luna-Who doesn't love her because she's lonely.

      Luna: My sister is an evil dictator, everyone knows it.

      Gilda-Third pick, sad to see Trixie actually beat her in the polls.(probably shouldn't have yelled at Fluttershy)

      Gilda: If I hadn't yelled at fluttershy would I have made second place? Derpy is too cool to beat.

    26. only 103 for Scrach???
      no damn love fore pure awesome!

    27. I do not approve of this current poll, choosing a least favourite pony.. i refuse to participate in it!!

    28. I can't see the overwhelming appeal in Derpy. Oh well.

      Almost voted for Lyra just cuz I like her colors, but then I realized who Scratch was and said OH CELESTIA YES.

    29. http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/File:Madden.jpg

      Cuz I love Brett Farve...

