• Poll Results: Transformed into a Pony, Sent to Ponyville

    I think Twilight can show my response to this well enough.

    Never change /co/. Life sucks, be a pony!  (I totally didn't vote yes, you can't prove that I did)

    25 kommentaari:

    1. The proud 55 that said no!

      I have too much faamily and friends I would never see again. If friendship is magic I'd rather be a wizard than a pony.

    2. Quick everyone, hide behind the freaky denialists who voted for option #3!

    3. YES!
      Do I get my prize now?
      Can I be a pony??

    4. Few friends.
      No family.
      I'll take the pony option.

    5. Would go for the pony option if I had no obligations. However, I am not about to abandon what I have here. if I had no ties anywhere, however, I wouldn't think twice about travelling to a new world.

    6. i voted yes because i love ponyville

    7. i voted yes because ponyville is so beautiful

    8. Ponies have no video games and internet so I voted no.

    9. Why would it suck to be forever a pony in Equestria?

      You wouldn't have a cutie mark to begin with. You would be an adult blank flank which is basically like being a 40 year old virgin, only far more obvious.
      You would immediately miss your fingers and opposable thumbs. You would have to learn how to manipulate objects with your mouth unless you are transformed into a unicorn, even then you have to learn the usage of magic. This means you would be clumsy and good for nothing so getting a cutie mark would be hard.
      You wouldn't fit in because you are from a completely different culture since ponies are superstitious and easily scared they would avoid you and label you "weird".
      Your pony waifu wouldn't want to be your waifu, if you can't get a girlfriend IRL what makes you think you would have a better chance with a pony girl.
      You would miss a lot of stuff you don't appreciate right now cause they've become such a core part of your life they seem mundane but if they were absent you would see how important they were.

    10. still that would be a lot better than my life at this moment so
      i say hell yeah i na heartbeat

    11. @Anonymous

      I wonder how many bronies are more or less depressed...

    12. No. I have unfinished business in this world.
      *dramatic music*

    13. @Mads

      Well 300something aren't happy, i don't know if that constitutes depressed.

      We need some psychology major brony to figure out wtf is going on with this obsession.

    14. What could possibly I miss in my world. My job, not bloody likely. Internet? a little maybe.

      wait... uuhhm mmm. nop can't think of any more

    15. I'm not sure voting "Yes" is so much about being "depressed" or "unfulfilled" as it might be about just wanting something different, recognizing something better, or being open to new possibilities or adventure.

      The fact is, were any number of cartoon Universes actual, real places I think a large number of people would be drawn to them. In many ways, they'd be far better worlds than ours. Possibly because they're created out of human imagination. People don't invent fictional worlds simply to entertain children or make money; part of the drive that powers our imagination to do these things is a desire for whatever it is we're inventing.

      Equestria would certainly be appealing to me. To go there with no chance of ever returning to Earth would be a tough decision, but there's a good chance I'd elect to go. It may just be because I'm not yet that old, and don't have a family or many commitments other than my work and studies... I can certainly see why someone who's married with kids wouldn't want to up and leave, lol.

    16. I dunno about a pony -- but maybe a little dragon like Spike.

    17. I figured I'd leave a note for my friends and family letting them know they could see me at 1:30 est on the Hub.

    18. @Pacce
      Would you be able to resist the urge to tell others that they are being watched?

    19. Me and my friend both voted yes! I would go in a split second! This world sucks! Equestria seems a lot better.

    20. @Anonymous

      Exaaactly. I imagine I would accept her offer....but wait, can I bring along all my stuff and anybody else who wants to come with me and be a pony too?!? xD

    21. Hell, I'd go. I'd keep in touch, somehow. Or maybe the Conversion Bureau will actually happen. Either way...

    22. Of course! Although if she asks to choose which species of Pony, that would be a difficult choice, strength, magic or flight.

    23. Yes, As long as I am a girl pony. Do not care about internet, TV or games. Would not even mind pulling a plow or wagon for the kids in Ponyville.

    24. 57 dropped an F-bomb.
      Did some non-bronies stumble upon this site during that poll or what?
