• Poll Results: Do You Consider Yourself Socially Akward?

    This was actually surprising based on a few of the last polls. I figured it would be even more heavy in the yes section.

    Someone suggested in comments the idea for the next poll, though I'm sure half of you will hate me for it.

    16 kommentaari:

    1. How about...

      'Have you attempted to write fanfiction for the FiM universe yet?'

    2. how about 'you spend a day in ponyville,who do you hang out with'

    3. "Would you go to McDonalds just to get the MLP toys the have there?"

    4. "if you ever had kids, would you:"
      a) watch with them MLP:FiM together
      b) let them watch it alone
      c) don't let your kids watch TV
      d) show them/watch with them other cartoons
      e) no one must ever know my secret

    5. ahh so many poll ideas

      I already told someone in another post I would use their poll though, incoming drama with this one!

    6. its always good to have some spare polls for the future dear friend

    7. 6 votes for Male->Female
      Seriously ... I hope you chose that one because that makes it possible for you to have your way with Dash.

    8. This poll is lacking options "Both".

    9. I'm not sure what you find surprising here, Sethisto. The number of self-confessed socially awkward ponies match the number of people who voted for the "life sucks, I want to be a pony" option. It just seems that you've picked up a bunch of new, social readers since then.

    10. How about, "Do You Consider Yourself Socially Awkward?"

    11. Oh yes.
      I did something awesome.

      Keep that "Both" option to #34.
      Really, guys.

    12. @MasterMask
      Celestia and Luna have traits of both pegasus and unicorn. Obviously there also ponies who have traits of both male and female specimen.

    13. @Anonymous
      Not saying it's not possible, just, you know...
      Keep it to #34?
      All I'm asking.
      This is a blog, not a pr0nz site.
      Cross-dressing is alright, but any more...

    14. Are you:

      wolololol but seriously it would be interesting to find out how ponies affect a persons sexuality
