• Pinkie Pie Bubbles Fail

    I actually got this one in an email from someone over at Fail blog.  I didn't know they had ponies popping up over there!

    Dem 3d bubbles. 

    ^^UPDATE^^ From the sounds of it in the comments, these bubbles aren't so fail after all!  From someone who works with toys...
    "As a TOY SPECIALIST (read: I am employed in a toy store) I can tell you more about the pic. I am not sure how they do this, but you put the glasses on and there is supposedly a picture that appears on the bubble."

    "It’s labeled wrong, but the 3D glasses might actually server a purpose — polarized lenses make colorful diffraction patterns like those in bubbles much more visible."
    Alright Hasbro, I'm done raggin on your toys now.  Go make us some cool stuff.

    15 kommentaari:

    1. ... whut?
      Is this real real, or just a pirate-brand product (please tell me it's the second. The official recolors were bad enough already)

    2. @Anonymous

      It's real, I've seen them on various forums, no one really ever made the connection though.

    3. Well at least it looks like they tried with the Pinkie Pie one...

    4. ok i know im being slow
      but i dont get it what am i looking at and whats the fail?

    5. I didn´t know that bubbles are normally 2D.
      Someone buy it and tell me how that´s supposed to work.

    6. @Anonymous

      from Failblog:

      "As a TOY SPECIALIST (read: I am employed in a toy store) I can tell you more about the pic. I am not sure how they do this, but you put the glasses on and there is supposedly a picture that appears on the bubble."

      "It’s labeled wrong, but the 3D glasses might actually server a purpose — polarized lenses make colorful diffraction patterns like those in bubbles much more visible."

      Not so much fail. Just mislabeled.

      What Pinkie pie seems to be holding, on the other hoof...

    7. That's true; 3-D glasses even make cellphone screens look kinda pretty... it's not hard to imagine that they'd also have some effect on bubbles.

      Still a weird toy, though

    8. What does this toy have to do with poni?

    9. >1:36 PM
      Came out wrong, meant "what were the toy designers thinking!?"

    10. @Anonymous

      Understandable. The keys are just right to each other.

    11. These are easy enough to find in the toy aisles at Walmart, along with kites and other outdoor-fun stuff. They made Pinkie a squeeze toy because otherwise you'd be blowing in her butt. That would be fail. (The Transformers one has Bumblebee's right arm cannon as the bubble maker, so you blow in his shoulder.)

    12. This isn't so bad when consider that Pinkie would be ALL OVER this toy.
