• My Parfect Day

    A Live reading by Derpy Hooves herself.

    You can also find the Link to the actual story below

    My Partfect Day

    22 kommentaari:

    1. I thought this was written by a little kid or something

    2. or by derpy herself

    3. I still think that derpy must be one of the main ponies
      c'mon Lauren DO IT! DO IT! DO IT!

    4. ah this. funny stuff indeed
      they look like rabbits

    5. Lol cute :3
      I can image derpy making that

    6. A truly heart wrenching tale of the human condition.

    7. Lol, "applegack."

    8. is this a troll? if so, good job, i raged. hard.

    9. W-why do I want to turn this into a comic...?

      To Aldariz:
      Let go of your hate and live a little.

    10. @R.O. Brony
      i would prefer to keep my hate and live a lot...

    11. Why does Derpy draw/write better than me?

    12. i have a hard time imagining that derpy sounds that retarded when half the time she is seen with normal eyes and was one of 15 in the best young fliers' competition.

    13. @aldariz

      Sure is Gilda in here

    14. I loved the original when it was first posted. I loved the picture that came with it (and still have the full-size copy), and the dramatic reading made me laugh so hard that it hurt.

      It's hard to make something seem "stupid" while giving it so much character and heart. Or maybe I'm only saying that because it made me laugh so hard.

      By the way, this is the 200th story linked on Equestria Daily!. I was actually kind of hoping this one would get the honored spot.

    15. Is it just me, or does she sound Swedish?

    16. This is the most adorable thing in history.

    17. I know some people like to think Derpy is retarded....but I always liked to think of her as a normal pony that gets crossed eyed sometimes when she goofs up or is spacing out. Otherwise she would have normal eyes....like she suffers from lazy eye or something. That would be consistent with the show too.

      I think you should make a vote to see what everybody prefers Derpy as.....Normal with Lazy Eye, Slightly Retarded, full blown retard, full blown retard +1.

    18. @BlitzWing00

      Thats generally how i considered her. I didn't think derpy was full retard.

    19. I always thought of Derpy as more extreme version of Pinkie Pie, only in antisocial. Like a savant.

    20. Derpy confirmed for greatest troll to have ever lived.

    21. My vote is for just slightly retarded, but for the most part a normal pony.
