I honestly don't know the first thing about roleplay forums, but I have seen how big the the communities can get, and how immersed people can become in them (one of my RL friends got married on gaia online 0_o). Some RP brony has set up a forums specifically for it, so if you guys are into that sort of thing here is a link to check it out. For everyone else, Pinkie Pie.
MLP RPG Forums
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21 kommentaari:
whoa shit i think this is going to far bro dont put this in your site
VastaKustutaI disagree, this is precisely the sort of thing that SHOULD go on here. Cool news for bronies, no matter their interests. I'd say this qualifies as pretty cool news!
I agree with the first Anon. There's fan and then there's creepy fan. This is miles beyond either of those.
VastaKustutaOh god that background burns my eyes.
VastaKustuta2nd Anon has the right idea. Although I'm not into roleplay in particular, some other bronies might be. And lets be honest, ponies in lingerie is far worse than this.
VastaKustutaa little weird for my tastes, but a good resource for those that are interested.
VastaKustutaLets just agree to ignore it if we don't like it?
VastaKustutaI know there are people on /co/ who are into this stuff, and the bronies from /tg/ as well.
I'm not into it, but there is no reason to trash it.
I agree with the background being obnoxious though. It's something those of you who want to use the website might want to bring up with it's owner.
If this was allowed to be posted, I believe that judge guy should have got his awards thingamabob on here too.
VastaKustutaJust not fair to pick and choose what minority is interested in and leave some others out to rot.
VastaKustutaJudge's competition would have pissed people off, as seen on the /co/ threads.
This is completely harmless and will be off the front page in a day.
Well, I'm never going to use it, but it's nice to see this for the people who want it. For those of you who disagree, the same could be said for, say, fan fiction; not everyone likes it, but it's on the site for the people who do!
VastaKustutaNow, obviously, the exception to such a rule is when an overwhelming majority, to the point where saying "everyone" wouldn't be a harsh generalization, does not like an idea (I guess this example is this Judge's competition, whatever that may be), then it shouldn't be shown on this site. That's probably the reason why there hasn't been any Rule 34 on here; too many people would be offended/pissed/horrified(?). The ONLY thing that bordered such a line was the whole "pony + panties" phase, but we never have gotten close to THAT point again.
VastaKustutaYou have just made the equivalent of a "What's the worst that could happen?" statement. I fully expect this to devolve into a problem.
Also, fa/tg/uy here. Only problem I have with this is a deeply-rooted fear of freeform RP. It has a bad reputation on /tg/. Hopefully this won't live down to that.
It's not like this is where the RP will happen. It's a LINK. Personally, I clicked it for some lulz, then ran screaming as my eyes bled from the background.
Oh god it's like I took a time machine back to the 90's
VastaKustutaI actually think it's about time something like this was made, and it definitely needs to exist as an outlet--just a simple RP forum means simple RP, not necessarily "LOL YIFF" or anything weird like that. That anon that said this is miles worse than even "creepy" fan, I so heavily disagree it's stupid. Basically, there is plenty of RP that could go on that would be completely innocent fun and not even remotely creepy compared to, like, every single image of ponies kissing or in lingerie up in this site. If you guys can deal with that stuff but not this one link, your brains are seriously twisted.
VastaKustutaI liked it, it's nice
VastaKustutaThanks for all the comments on my site guys, I appreciate the feedback.
VastaKustutaFirst of all, don't worry - all the roleplays are going to be clean and simple. No 'yiff' or any of the like.. that's just nasty.
And second, I apologise about the background. it doesn't hurt my eyes at all, but I understand that people have much brighter monitors than me. I'll see what I can do to change it okay?
Third, thanks to everyone who decided to join!
Not my type of thing, and even if it were, I've got my hands full already. I really appreciate you posting the link around, though. Posts like this are good signs that the ponies really are spreading. Add in the recent 30k views for this site, and I'd say it's a good display of the public's acceptance of the show, and that it's leading to more traffic here outside of /co/.
VastaKustutaOn that note, is this supposed to be a /co/-relevant specific type of blog? Is there an about page that lays out the central purpose of EqDaily? If there is, I haven't seen it yet. :x
It's a slippery slope. Can it be done well? Yes. Can it be done poorly? Also yes, with a far greater chance than it being done well.
VastaKustutaI've done Play-By-Post RPGs before, and I will tell you right now that the one thing that will damage the concept the most is a lack of enforcing a quality requirement. You -will- get people who think that typing one sentence in IM chatspeak is the equivalent of writing Shakespeare. Yes it's a harsh rule, yes it will ostracize people, but it's a necessary demand if you want something like this to actually take off and be enjoyable. Lay down some ground rules. Something like "Four to five sentences per post" is a good place to start at.
And above all, make sure that it's well-known that taking control of others characters is a big no-no. Nothing will piss people off more than having someone else basically hijacking their characters and having them do something which they don't agree with because A) what the hell are you doing and B) said character wouldn't do something like that, it's just not in their personality.
With this being said, it's a neat concept. Skirts the border between Interesting and Creepy, but still a neat concept.
I'm working on my profile (see Musemallow alias) at the moment. I haven't done "freeform rp" in years and I feel like this could be enjoyable. Here's hoping we get a good membership with some quality rping.
VastaKustutaAlso now that I've looked around at the boards...
VastaKustutaLetting people 'claim' canon characters and play as them? That's a whole can of worms you really do not want to be opening.
i tried one site that required me to write a paragraph in almost every section in my character discription. 5DAYS of me changing my discription and they still would find something wrong about it so i just stopped going there.