• Vidya Ponies

    I'm bored of fics, and haven't reported on just something generally amusing in forever from /co/, so this is now a vidya ponies post, starting with Choppers Top Hat's Pony vidya list thingy. (Click read more)

    "Rainbow Dash: Any fighting game you can take online. She obsesses over her position on the leader boards. She never ragequits but often uses the cheapest possible characters and attacks.

    All they have is a Nintendo 64. She has driven herself to the point of exhaustion trying to get 120 stars in Mario. Apple Bloom keeps telling her she doesn't need all of them to beat the game, but she doesn't care. Big Mac keeps offering to help her get all the red coins, but she refuses. She finally beat Bowser after a week with hardly any sleep.

    A month ago they got Ocarina. This was a terrible mistake.

    Pinkie Pie: Lately she's been playing Persona 4. All her social links are maxed out but she's never even been inside any of the dungeons. Technically this is impossible, but she's Pinkie.

    Fluttershy: World's greatest Pokemon Coordinator. She has trophies.

    Twilight Sparkle:
    Civilization V. She always tries to win using the diplomacy option.

    Rarity: "Video games? Really, darling, do I look like I have time for such juvenile pursuits? Oh, this? This isn't a video game, it's Tetris. Well, yes, but I can't help it. It...soothes me. It's just so...orderly. Everything in its proper place, everything nice and tidy. And it-oh dear, I've left a gap. I'VE LEFT A GAP! Okay, okay, we can fix this..."

    Trixie: Any game where it's easy to rack up a ton of achievements.

    Derpy: Every game. At once."
    It's just so...True.

    And some Altaïr raiding Rainbow Dash.

    22 kommentaari:

    1. I'll bet Rainbow Dash is the biggest button masher in Equestria.

    2. Poor Applejack.
      She and Rarity really have so much in common...

    3. Rarity would so totally be playing solitaire. Twilight on the other hand would play farmville and hope nobody knew about it.

    4. Something tells me Pinkie Pie would go nuts over Katamari, too.
      (and aw yea my Gordon Freemane makes front page. :D)

    5. That's Ezio riding Rainbow Dash.

    6. I lol'd because this is so fitting xD
      The one who wrote this is a genius

    7. I wonder if Fluttershy EV/IV trains her teams, or whether they just work out perfectly for her.

    8. @Dragonkind

      I agree with this. I would imagine twilight playing some sort of leveling-based online game.

    9. GORDEN FREEMAN!!!!! ><

    10. Nothing is true. Everything is permitted. Assassins riding ponies. My life has a meaning.

    11. @hikuro

      I can easily imagine Twilight getting the game with the largest manual she can find, and never actually getting around to playing the game.

      Can also imagine her just getting sidetracked with character optimization in MMORPG's, haha.

    12. @Anonymous
      Don't you mean Gordon freeMANE?

    13. Then the bastards went and abandoned contests in Black/White.

      Fluttershy's gonna be.... very disappointed.

    14. Civ 5 strikes me as more Celestia's type of game. Speaking of which, here are a few others I think Celestia would play:

      Any 'The Sims' game
      Pocket God (iphone app)

      Feel free to add to this list

    15. Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...

      Nah, Fluttershy picks her pokemon based on appearance and doesn't really push to finish the game. She's still on Emerald.

      Luna: WoW, Minecraft, anything highly social.
      Gilda: God of War, GTA, Gears of War, you get the idea.

    16. @Anonymous

      Well, we saw her in charge of the music department in episode one, and Black/White has Pokemon Musicals... I don't think she'd just quit on being a coordinator though.

    17. @Anonymous

      Luna playing WoW... ... CRAP, I can totally see it!

    18. Readin' through this whole blog…just couldn't resist responding to a post on video games:
      Sounds like somepony's got a case of the PWNIES.

      It's sort of an oldie, but a goody.
      (I ripped it off from the OMG PWNIES shirt)

    19. *Looks for katamari damacy crossover for the past hour and get's lead to this*
