• How Did YOU Discover These Ponies?

    I'm going to give a post like this a shot now that people are using the comments section.  We will see how it goes!  This is based off an archive thread I thought was pretty cool while digging for content. 

    So how did YOU end up discovering these ridiculously addicting ponies?

    I was playing League of Legends at the time when someone was spamming pony quotes in chat and wouldn't stop linking everyone to the pilot episode. 

    I honestly fast forwarded through it, and closed it with the biggest "NOPE" reaction I've ever pulled.  Then saw a thread on /v/ later on about it and gave it a second chance after everyone was saying how amazing it was.  Peer pressure in other words.

    So what is your story?

    >MFW when 100 comments.  I guess this worked!

    165 kommentaari:

    1. I just saw it on internet memes after remember hearing about it once a long time ago, and I guess the cuteness just got to me.

    2. I saw it on /co/ several times. I was a little careful first because I didn't had great memories with the old shows for me being nightmare fuel, but then knowing /co/'s right tastes I gave it a try. Better than this Homosuck shit I thought.

      It was glorious

    3. One day, out of nowhere, a pony thread showed up on /co/. I loved the OC and thought the art looked adorable so I watched the first episode.
      Then I was hooked. I stayed up all night to watch all of the current episodes at least three times each.
      And the rest, my fellow bronies, is history.

    4. I first heard about it in a thread on the Allspark, a community devoted to (ironically) Transformers, the franchise directly opposed to MLP. That thread since grew to 149 pages (@ 20 posts per page) and retired (but still accessible), succeeded by a thread that's currently 80 pages, and growing. Outside of 4chan, I think the Allspark must be one of the largest FiM discussions on the Internet.

    5. my best friend has been a collector of ponies since she was a little girl, she has like 600 hundred ponies from the previous generations, and she'd talk about it some, and i'd gained enough knowledge and comfort with the little toys that i would even buy them for her if i saw ones that she didn't have, so when she said that there was a new show and it was really awesome, i checked it out, and i've always loved really cute and innocent cartoons and anime and manga, and i'm secure enough with my manliness that i don't give a shit what other people think about me loving a show about magic technicolored tiny horses.

    6. Honestly I saw it on /co/ a lot and at first was not interested but later found myself liking the art style so I checked it out. Now my head is full of ponies

    7. It was a normal day, I was youtubing as usual and then I saw MAST3RLINKX started uploading My Little Pony Friendship is Magic eps. I was curious why he started uploading them and liked it. So I watched it and loved it.

    8. I was on /co/ for the first time 'cuz I was bored out of my shit, figured 'well I like cartoons and I like comics' and the first thread was ponies. Art has always been a major factor in whether or not I liked something, and this made me go apeshit. Now I just have to convince my friends IRL to like it to.

    9. I first read the article on knowyourmeme. Didn't care too much for it at first, though, but later another community I visit started discussing the show. I got linked to the sleepover episode, and after watching through the intro, I decided to watch all of it from the start.

    10. I discovered it when I was linked to a /co/ pony thread from /a/. This was back when the show first started airing in October and the pilot had been put up on youtube. Ever since then, when I'm on 4chan, I mainly go to /co/ and stay in the pony threads a majority of the time, even if I don't post that often.

    11. @Anonymous

      That place must be huge, because my analytics always lists hundreds of people coming from that website to this one lol.

    12. A couple weeks ago I decided to randomly go on 4chan and look at the other boards, I looked at /co/ and thought "Huh that sounds pretty cool might as well give it a shot."

      Hour later and I'm a bronie for life.

    13. anyone else at the point where they can't think about anything but these ponies half the time? seriously, at my boring ass job, i zone out thinking about ponyverse physics and pony cultural development stages. when i stop to think about i even weird myself out with that.

    14. I saw someone post Pinkie's No Fear Song on Kotaku
      one day, and suddenly MAST3RLINKX was uploading the episodes. Watched the first 3 that day, and I was hooked.

    15. A thread on Fchan mentioned /co/ and their threads, and I was curious. it caught me pretty quick and hasn't let go

    16. @Anonymous

      This anon is my story.

      At first, I thought MASTERLINKX was just doing it to be silly, and I wanted to be silly too.


    17. Heard about the new show after it got mentioned by the author of the webcomic Shortpacked. I spent a lot of time being incredulous because while I remember always wanting the old toys (but never getting them for some reason), the animation that sprung up around it had, like, no appeal.

      Still, Lauren Faust was involved, so I resolved to give it a fair shot. Started by hunting clips on Youtube, moved to full episodes, and from there I was soon forcing my SO to sit on the couch and watch the first 13 episodes in a marathon with me. My love for the art and the writing seems to grow each week as my pony adoration rapidly spirals out of control.

    18. I believe I found out about My Little Pony through KnowYourMeme, which I was going there for another meme (Bear Grylls). Anyway, I stumbled upon the picture section for MLP, and after that I decided "What the heck", and watched the first episode of MLP. Afterwards, I became addicted to MLP but never said anything to my bro or parents.

    19. I was just strolling through some pages on TvTropes and saw that MLP had some tropes that I have never expected from a show of this kind. So I gave it a try and I couldn´t stop watching it. Over few day´s I went through all Ep´s up to Winter wrap up. WWU was the last Ep at this time. Later I heard a lot about /co/ and I started to post here too occasionally.

      BTW.: MLP is the first cartoon I watch since Invader Zim some years ago. Overall I rarely watch anything else.

    20. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    21. Well...

      I saw that pony threads were becoming pretty damn popular on /b/. Almost too popular (at least, that's what I thought). I remember seeing three separate pony threads on the front page and thinking "What the hell is this shit?" Eventually I started getting pretty annoyed by these threads and joined the trolls spamming them for a bit, but not for too long. I was one of the people who thought ponies was cancer. I just didn't see why everyone was so into them. Then, after so many reccomendations from both the threads and the regulars of my stream, I decided I'd give it a try. I watched the first two episodes and thought they were alright, but I didn't see myself watching anymore. After that, I found myself lurking the pony threads again. Not to troll, but because I started getting interested in all the OC that was being created. After a bit of lurking, I watched the third episode. As soon as the Benny Hill gag showed up, I was instantly hooked on the show. I now regularly lurk the threads, watch the show, and am in the middle of writing a fic.

    22. the truth I don't really remember. Heard that they were talking about it over /co/ and I was like "what's this co?" started to search, first I got companys then I found Mylittlecomrade over DA. Thought why not see how this show goes as I always liked cartoons and stuff. First thought was like "Guess it'll be as the old ones..." then the intro made me watch the first episode and that made me watch the second and so on. Found it really amazing and started to live for one rule "Live till Friday, new MLP Friendship is Magic episode will come out!" Then I found myself obsessed with the whole show and the characters, doing fanart. I thought I was crazy then realised that I wasn't. Love the show, will watch every episode.

    23. @BenX

      Just as I planned.

      Anyway, I randomly browsed /v/ one day in December, and saw so many posts with Pony pictures.

      I then read a comment saying /co/ is going pony crazy.

      I went to /co/, visited a MLP General. Got linked to the pilot episodes, and kept watching and watching.

      I loved it, so I uploaded the episodes to get more people to give it a chance and watch it.

      I was originally going to remove them a few days later from my account. But the opposite happened.

    24. I kept on seeing those cute little screencaps with various quotes in them posted on fchan, eventually someone posted a link do dragonshy, and now i'm hooked.

    25. after a month of not going on 4chan(cuz its bad for you) i finally broke and went to /b/. saw a pony thread. went to /co/. saw the pilot. LOVED IT!

    26. I watched it because of that ridiculous cartoon brew posting where they claimed this was the end of traditional animation as we know it.

    27. Originally, I thought MLP MiF was a huge troll effort (maybe it/was) on /b/. However, I soon discovered a thriving community that loves the shit out of everyone.


    28. I follow an artist on DA by the username of ShonHowell
      One day, he started posting heavily anthro fanart of the ponies (and griffon)
      I didn't think much of it at the time. He had stuff like that all the time. It's why I watched him. The eye candy he posted.

      Then, a couple weeks later, he posted screen caps of Pony threads on /co/, bragging about how the ponies were taking over and the trolls couldn't stop them. Curious, I clicked over, found a thread and watched an episode.

      And then I was a Brony

    29. Deviantart.

      I saw the fanart from some pretty darn good artists, and I was like "My Little Pony? Seriously? Hmmmm... I think this deserves further inquiry..."


    30. Sethisto, you should link to this guy. He called the MLP MiF community shallow and pathetic. He is an economist


    31. ok, first of all, im from 7chan not 4chan, things are slower there but good. Someone started a thread in /co/ - thats "comics" only, not cartoons and it got one response. Hell if you check on page >4 that thread might still be there... So i checked the link they provided and it was fun. Started watching and had to start going to 4ch/co/ for my daily poni dosage.

    32. Just look in the comment section. He is hpx

    33. I saw the first threads on /co/ back in 2010 when the first episode aired, with the links to pensivevines channel (pensivepony today). Everyone was exclaiming how ridiculously good the show was and to be honest "My Little Pony" sent chills down my spine at first. But after Scooby-Doo: Mystery Inc. I thought hey, what the hell, I've seen a shit series be turned into gold already, shouldn't be that hard to believe.

      The rest is history.

    34. @Sethisto

      ok good, glad it's not just me. what's awesome is my friend, the collector, is the exact same, so we discuss the ponyverse and pony culture constantly.

    35. I saw a few reaction pictures of the ponies on a few threads on a few websites and wanted more so I went over to /c/ (Cute) and tried posting there and they told me to go to /co/ instead so I did. That was the day my life changed forever O_O and so I was bored and it was 3am so I decided to watch a couple episodes laughing at myself for watching such a show but its JUST SO GOOD.

    36. My friend Momo wrote a lengthy picture post comparing G3, G3.5, and FiM My Little Pony shows last december.
      Here goal was to prove the new show had a lot more characterization, animation, the like... I was impressed, not just in the beautifully animated gifs she showed, but how stylized the whole thing was, and how they actually thought about how a fingerless society would actually work without the ponies having invisible fingers (I'm a nerd for fictionalized sociology).
      It succeeded in putting the show in my mind, and when I finally got the courage to watch the pilot all the way, I was hooked.

    37. Saw multiple threads on /co/, and decided to check it out. I came in the day of the second episode.

    38. i watched one episode, i was hooked

    39. seriously, this show is a drug. like heroin. once you get hooked, you can't stop taking it. i felt like i was seriously going through withdraws or something when we had that dry spell a while back.

    40. A week ago I saw a pony thread on /b/. I usually only browse /v/ and /sp/ so I hadn't been there in months. Anyway, there was a link to the epic 7 artist AMV and I loved the art style so I said I'd watch an episode.

      Was iffy until Rainbow Dash showed up and then Fluttershy and I realised that these were going to be characters you could really love.

      Now I'm addicted - but I have to be honest I just don't get the 'shipping thing at all, or when people ask or argue about continuity - I doubt the creators themselves care about much continuity other than that of the characters' personalities. That's all that matters.

    41. My little sister was watching it on the Hub one day and she asked me to watch it with her. I believe it was Ticket Master.
      After that, everything fell into place.

    42. @Anonymous

      What more can you expect from a capitalistic anarchist... oh, wait... libertarian, sorry. :P

    43. In my case it was the increasing flow of artwork on FurAffinity combined with a number of journals raving about the show. What clinched me watching it was a journal with a 'warning' about how you would go to check it out, then find yourself singing the Winter Wrap Up song in the shower.

    44. @Anonymous

      Eh to each their own I suppose. Ponies are fun, and as long as ponies continues to be fun, people will jump on it.

      There will always be neighhhsayers. (trixieneigh.jpg)

    45. rule 34 featured it, i figured if it was awesome enough to pend a non-horrifying feature the show must be pretty cool

      /which it is

    46. @Anonymous

      lolwat. I'm a libertarian, the the point I almost consider myself an anarcho-capitalist, but I absolutely adore this show. political persuasion has nothing to do with it.

    47. A long time ago wen i first started going to 4chan i visited /co/ but after a while i lost interest and kinda stopped going to the site. Until a friend of mine started going to /b/ and I fallowed him in and became a /b/tard for about a year.Then /b/ kinda went to shit (more shity than usual anyway) and I figured id visit /co/ out of boredom/for old times sake. First thing that caught my eye was a general and I was baffled that anyone would be talking about it. So i took a look and realized I liked the art style so i gave it a chance. The first ep was hard to sit through because i was going omfg I like a show for girls the whole time but by the end of applebuck I was over it. Half a week later griffin the brush off came out and I actually stopped watching at the part ware Gilda yelled at fluttershy. A few days later I watched it to the end and sense then ive posted in generals daily

    48. @cherrybomb0388

      Perhaps not; but the few libertarians I know (not having all that many where I'm from) are pedantic bores, like that fellow in the linked blog.

      There are plenty of deserted islands spread throughout the oceans of the world, though; and more than enough space out there for those who don't like living in a society.

    49. The above post mentioning ShonHowell on DeviantArt is basically my story as well. He talked about the new series and I checked it out. If you are out there Shon, thanks.

    50. i had been wondering what /b/ was like and went on /b/ and foud among some rather offensive stuff, some odd threads about ponies. after two days of seeing them i opened up a youtube link on the post and after watching the first episode became hooked.

    51. A friend and I happened to be hanging out one day and stumbled across pensivepine's channel on Youtube. We'd both been exposed to MLP in the past thanks to younger family members, so we thought what the heck, it'll be cool to riff on it a little until we got bored. First episode comes on, he recognizes the name Lauren Faust (this guy knows everything about the cartoon industry) and tells me who she is.

      Then, like Rarity seeing her wings in the sun for the first time, we fucking lose it.

    52. @Anonymous

      i disagree with you on that, but this is a pony site, and i don't feel like talking politics instead of ponies.

      so anyone else think rarity's psycho laugh in sonic rainboom was hilarious?

    53. Went to /co/ for cartoon threads, story times, etc. Saw a bunch of pony threads around the time the second episode came out, and thought it looked pretty cute, but I didn't understand why the fanbase was quite so dedicated.

      Then I sat down, actually browsed a thread for more than 3 minutes, saw the "wall of friendship" which is no longer in use, and was amazed. I watched the two-part pilot in one go, and then watched Ticket Master as soon as it came out.

      I slowly have descended into pony-induced madness. Could not be happier.

      It gets me through my workday, it keeps me occupied when I would otherwise be playing videogames or something, and I love being part of a community that is legitimately friendly and welcoming.

      I've been here from the get-go, and I'll stick with FiM to the glorious end.

    54. @Anonymous
      Where does he say that?

    55. I saw a lot of the anthro art being posted on various /b/ threads and then I discovered the macros. At the end of january I finally decided to look for the pilot on youtube and was quickly hooked, even though the story there is pretty crap. Now I have ponycoloured dreams, never visit /b/ and lurk like crazy in the generals.

    56. Victorian R. Hellsly21. veebruar 2011, kell 15:10

      I heard about the Hub, about how it was going to air Transformers and some other shows. Honestly I didn't even know about My Little Ponies till I saw /co/ (which I lurk) mentioning it. Alot. Even though I was never a fan of the old shows, I thought the new one looked cute and I wanted to see what the fuss was all about so I checked out a youtube channel.

      I've been hooked ever since! Luckily I do have The Hub, so I get to watch the new episodes after my Friday classes.

    57. @Anonymous

      In the comments section of the linked article. It's not a direct comment; what he said is simply implying that he believes people who would follow a blog about something as pedestrian as MLP are shallow and pathetic. As opposed, of course, to the intellectual masterpiece that is *his* blog. :P

      That's where the "pedantic bore" bit comes in. Maybe it's just a symptom of being an *old* libertarian, rather than a failure of the entire school of thought.

    58. why the fuck do any of you care about what one guy says in one comment on a shity blog that's not related to pony's or even cartoons in any way

      also wtf is MIF

    59. I saw it on /b/ a few times and decided to follow the links in one of the official threads. Now I'm writing a report about it for college.

      I'd say it's been about 3 weeks since I started following.

    60. So the guy's all about capitalism, but he's all bent out of shape because some other blog is doing better business than his. That's some kind of genius.

    61. I was looking at the Bear Grylls page on KYM after seeing a macro of him lost in a McDonalds Playplace on Reddit, when I noticed that MLP was one of the trending pages. I remembered that there was a My Little Pony topic on the front page of one of the forums I visit (starmen.net, holla,) but at first I thought it was a joke (a month-long front page joke...) After learning that the show was by Lauren Faust, I decided to give it a try. Then, Fluttershy. Brony 4 lyfe

    62. @Sethisto

      I'm planning on getting some HQ audio of the episode, cutting it out, and using it as a text alert on my phone, since i already have the opening theme as a ringtone. also, it's fucking hilarious to see reactions of people around me when i get a call and it play "my little pony, my little pony, ah ah ah ah aaaaaaaaah!..." that's half the reason i did it.

    63. @Anonymous

      I wish this was a business, I'd quit my job for full time ponies ;p

      It sounds like that's what he wants his blog to be, but he uses a lot of jargon I'm not familiar with so I don't know whats going on in that post.

    64. @cherrybomb0388

      You should definitely make me a "this needs to be about 20% cooler" text message thing then.

    65. @Sethisto

      sure thing, i'll comment on it or whatever when i get a chance to rip up some audio. any other request from bronies?

    66. @cherrybomb0388

      You are my hero, and I wish that just one time I could be somewhere in the background when your phone gets a text.

      Is it me or does that sound especially sad and pathetic?

    67. I'd read through these to see if I'm repeating anyone buy holy crap 70 comments.

      Anyway, I kept seeing people post the image macros on /v/, so I hopped over to /co/ to see what the hell the fuss was about. Read through a General, got curious, torrented the currently released episodes and watched through them in order. This was about a month ago. Now I have two ponies sitting on my desk and five works of pony fiction on my hard drive.


    68. /co/ was having a shitfit about it so I put on the HUB while dusting my living room, and...

    69. Hey Sethisto, try making a poll asking people where they first heard of MLP.

      Something like:
      d)Not 4chan/Other website

    70. @Anonymous

      The next poll is going to ask how quickly people like to see things uploaded, then I'll hit something like that up.

      I have like 10 stories to upload but really dont want to flood everything else off the front page ;p

    71. I was browsing /b/ for the first time in a few months, when I saw a picture that I now recognize as Rainbow Dash. My initial reaction was something like "Oo, what's this..." After browsing the thread a bit, I found a link to the first episode. I watched until the theme song, then closed it, cause my volume was LOUD. I remembered it later, and watched it again (with headphones) and pretty much instantly became addicted. That's pretty much it... Rainbow Dash is my waifu.

    72. @Sethisto

      If there are any Dash shipfics, *pleeaassseee* post those first. :P

    73. @Anonymous
      bwaha i do that by default :p

      But seriously its mainly grimdark today, dunno why!

      Next one going up is another war one I think. I haven't read it yet.

      Then a bunch of really short ones from DA that I might not do since they are so short and the authors don't give me descriptions or tags!

    74. I was just browsing /b/ like usual, then notice the pony threads. Didn't pay much attention at first, then looked at one out of curiosity, and thought it was all pretty nice. Lurked a bit, whatched the show, now I'm a regular poster over in /b/.

      Gotta say, lot less r34 on /b/, and more kindness to spammers. One guy, Cupcake, is great in calming a raging thread down. Saw it once myself, still have the screen cap if you want it.

    75. A friend linked me the winter wrap up song on youtube and I enjoyed the tune so when I found the episodes posted there also, I gave them a try. The rest is history.

      I didn't even think it was My Little Pony when I first saw the character designs. Even upon hearing the opening song on the first episode I watched suprised me.

    76. My friend kirby introduced it to me. I was friendly to it the minute I started watching it.

    77. I was...uh...I don't remember. It could be a plot by mind-controlling muffin-shaped alien invaders for all I know. Somehow found /b and /co infested with an anti-cancer of sweetness and light, maybe after or before I'd discovered the pilot eps on youtube.

      I shuddered at the first ten seconds or so, and then...and then the old "my little pony..aaahh" vanishes to be replaced by...something good. And it got better. And then a while later I realised I'd zoned out and watched all 15 episodes.

      Confound these ponies.

      A week. A week ago my life was my own.

    78. How I stumbled into it went kinda like this: Doubt-> Seed-> Recognition-> Experience-> Conversion.

      A) My friend Bloodypawedfox from dA pops onto IM and is like HEY CHECK THIS OUT IT IS CUTE YOU WILL LIKE IT. I'm thinking WAITWTFWHYAREYOULINKINGMEMYLITTLEPONY well you're my friend I'll check it later. And I promptly forgot all about it.

      B) FA has a pony surge. Someone had an icon of a pony with a bunch of balloons everywhere (Pinkie Pie). I get curious and start googling for more pics.

      C) I realize that a pic I had buried in my favorites list on an art site from years ago was of Pinkie Pie from a different generation of My Little Pony and decide ANY CHARACTER WITH BALLOONS PERMANENTLY ON THEIR BUTT MUST BE AWESOME. And go look up MLP on TVTropes. It tosses me over to Friendship is Magic's entry, which I promptly scour for anything to do with my stupid obsession. Turns out Friendship is Magic has a really cute logo, Pinkie Pie acts almost like she belongs in the Tiny Toons universe (one of my absolute favorite cartoon series), and it seems like a show that even if I didn't like it, my niece would find it adorable next time she drops by for a visit.

      Derpy Hooves) I watch the pilot. It blows me away. Pinkie Pie is 20% cooler in motion than I gathered from fanart, the song she sing's pretty catchy, Twilight Sparkle is unusually relatable for me in comparison to the main characters in most other shows I've seen in the last 4 years, and I've already got a friend willing to discuss things with me. I plow though all the episodes I could find through PensivePony at the time.

      θ) Turns out I got into MLP:FiM the day Call of the Cutie (Ep 12) aired, so the next day, I'm finding new videos on PP's YT, and looking into the official site's videos to see if it was there in higher quality. YT comments point me over to /co/ (I'm not a 4chan regular at all), which points me to the MLP General Hyper-Index. I eventually stumble across someone on twitter who was nick-naming as one of the ponies at the time, and follow them. They link me to tons of sources of awesome (This site, Derpyhooves.com, Ponibooru, and more) in one fell swoop. Before I know it, I'm full on Brony, more or less. Which I then of course pass on to my other friends, and watch in amusement as it continues to spread like a virus of rainbows and friendship.

      So I guess in short, I came looking for balloons, and stayed for the adorable, goofy/witty feel that reminds me of cartoons I don't really see around anymore. Lotsa fun to be had.

    79. @Anonymous
      Oh hey, another Allsparker, cool beans!

      I actually heard of it a little bit before it got posted on the Allspark, I only got REALLY into it about two weeks ago, I think.

    80. Fairly normally, I guess. A friend of mine showed me episode 7, Dragonshy. I was instantly very skeptical, and when he said he really liked it, I was even more skeptical. By the end of the episode, I liked it a lot. This was back in late November, when the episode was new. But I really caught Pony Fever when I saw Suited for Success. I've been high on Friendship since.

    81. I was actually on a certain furry site when I saw some random screenshot of the show. Obviously the art style stuck out, so I clicked on it and checked out the comments, someone posted a link to the show on youtube.

      Extremely skeptical, the first thing I heard was Eurobeat Brony's Giggle at the Ghosties remix... and thought HOLY SHITE THERES NO WAY THIS SONG CAME FROM THIS SHOW. So I checked out the first 6 episodes and came to the realization that I just spent around 3 hours watching a show called My Little Pony.

      ...And I don't regret one bit of it.

    82. Well, I saw three or four major artists on deviantART (my main hang out, it's rare if ever I've visited 4chan before this) post tribute work to the show. Given how rare it is for multiple users to all pick up on the same thing, and rather well established artists, I thought there must be something behind it. Though the last time I had that happen was with the Twilight saga, so I approached the show with a very critical eye. But after watching a random episode in the middle of the series (and finding the overbearing moral at the end of the episode as being the only demerit I could wager against the show), I watched a few more and then started following the conversations on 4chan, found this forum and have kept up with the show ever since.

    83. This video and its comments section.


      Watched the pilot on YouTube, thought it was kinda funny (though I couldn't get HARMONY HARMONY outta my head).

      Watched more episodes. Hook, line, and sinker.

    84. I'm a subscriber of IAMTHEOBNXIOUSDOUCHE and he posted a video called "My Little Pony Is a bad show and you should feel bad" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJZnLK42s50). However, the video seemed interesting and the comments were pretty lulworthy (as far as youtube standards go). So I thought "what the heck, if this many people like and there's enough fans for IAMTHEOBNXIOUSDOUCHE to make a video about it, why the fuck not?


    85. My Harmony sense was twitching, a leftover from Robot Unicorn Attack, so I went to 4chan and it was covered with ponies.

      I hadn't been on 4chan for months, and I did not regret coming back.

    86. Saw the pony threads on /b/, kinda resisted for a few days, and then curiosity got the better of me and I watched Ep. 1 and 2 and was hooked.

    87. sitting alone,
      wallowing in the pain of my worthless life.
      trying to forget.
      trying to get through to the end.
      I was browsing /b/ for any sign of hope
      I came upon a thread, one that had pictures from My Little Pony. I sat there wondering why I was seeing this, and why so many people seemed so interested. people clamoring on about the show. I heard someone say something along the lines of "why wont you newfags just go back to /co/ its that way!"
      I remembered spending a lot of time on /co/ over the summer, looking for threads, some cartoons to keep my spirits up something small. they introduced me to adventure time. I hadn't seen anything on cartoon network for so long I was a slight skeptical. but I took their advice and decided to watch it. and well I can't say I regret taking their advice!
      now I continued to read what they had to say and was still very skeptical. My Little Pony name is known for people trying to make a buck selling plastic to little girls, trying to make them the heavy consumers that their parents are. a welcome to capitalism. so I asked someone why? why do you people seem so mesmerized by these things? is it all a joke???
      someone answered my question telling me that while the did do it partially to confuse people like me. the show was actually good. in fact better than anything on cartoon network right now!
      I was interested to say the least. I decided why not give it a look. see what all this noise was relay all about. I found the very first episode on youtube. I grew and instant attachment to the character who would rather read than make friends, but after watching the second episode. I wasn't satisfied. then I watched the ticket master.

      now I spend all my time on yaridovich's, stream! and have gained a waifu!

    88. Heard about through a podcast. Henshin Justice to be exact.

    89. Hmm, must've been around the end of November/beginning of December... My friends wouldn't stop talking about this My Little Pony cartoon that had started airing. Now, I'm pretty openminded, so when I heard from them how supposedly awesome this show was, I figured, what the hell, I'll give it a shot. So I picked a random episode from the ones that had aired so far.

      It was Applebuck Season.

      I didn't stand a chance.

      I watched the episodes every now and then, but it wasn't until last week that I flat-out marathoned the episodes I had missed, which was about 2 or 3 hours worth of pony goodness.

      Before I got bit by the pony bug, I used to browse /co/ occasionally. I never posted there, or anywhere on 4chan for that matter, except for about a year or two ago perhaps. After the aformentioned MLP marathon I did, I started browsing the MLP threads on /co/ non-stop (while listening to that awesome MLP 7 Artists music video over and over again, too).

      Nowadays, I have fanfic ideas bouncing around in my head, and may even commission an artist or two for some MLP related artwork when I get some extra cash to spend.

      I'm addicted to pony, guys.

      And damn it, I wouldn't have it any other way.

    90. I was a fan of the G1 cartoon, made a review of its episodes, helped edit the TVTropes page. Then someone on TVTropes mentioned the new show, I checked it, and there you go.

    91. got mentioned to by a firend, checked out on youtube and here I am

    92. I was on /b/ around the day Suited for Success came out. saw a thread with a funny image and clicked in to see who was trolling and what the hell was going on. I trolled pretty hard at first, but decided to watch some for trolling fuel.

      I knew I was hooked the second Fluttershy made that nervous squeak.

      I will never troll again, that need to troll has now been replaced with the MAGIC OF FRIENDSHIP.

    93. @Sethisto

      check your gmail brony, sent you the text tones and ringtone I made.

      any brony else want me to email them copies? got the intro as a ringtone, and rarity's laugh and rainbow dash's 20% cooler quote as text tones, my email's my nick @gmail.com.

    94. Good ol' 4chan posted a link to Pensivepony's (then pensivepine) youtube and said that the new MLP toon was actually pretty good and they went on and on about how cool the villain was.
      Gotta admit, it took me a couple of hours to watch all of the first episode. And then I was eagerly waiting for the second.

    95. I discovered them when Discovery Kids officially became the Hub.

      I was interested in the channel because they were going to show Atomic Betty (a show I watched but CN screwed them over). While watching the first recording of it, it turned out incomplete, so I went to guide to see when the next showing was.

      By accident, I pressed select and got switched to that channel, and the first Episode of was showing. I didn't bother to change the channel so I went back to guide. When I checked for the next showing, I noticed the conversation between Spike and Twilight sounded pretty good.

      Decided to give it a shot and watched a few minutes with the animation, and saw the entire episode instead. It wasn't until after the first showing I discovered everything about the show, including it's creator, the voice actress for Twilight and the huge male fanbase.

      Also got me to watch the other new shows on the Hub. Not as successful in getting my interest.

    96. I had seen a lot of people talking about them on 4chan, and was just all "man this is dumb..." but then one of my friends brought up that 4chan wasn't the only place that was heavily populated with pony fans, and that the fandom confounded him. So one day I got really stoned and was just all, I'm gonna watch one episode just to see what all the commotion is about. and now I'm here.

    97. i give to every show that co/ talks of
      an oportunity
      that how one find awesome shows like mlp and wakfu
      still i dont know what homestuck is

    98. When the first episode came out, /co/ had a thread for it. After the next 3 episodes, I was a /co/lt for life

    99. I honestly have no idea what the fuck happened; not a single memory of what the fuck happened the night I became a bronie.

      Before, I was sitting at my computer, looking up shit through the MS Paint Adventures Forums, and the next morning I'm neck-deep in 1080p episodes, fan-art, and a couple of Pinkie/Dash fan-fics. It kind of just went into my life through osmosis or the internet equivalent.

      Confound these ponies...

    100. Someone on Youtube requested that I made a Youtube Poop of the show.
      Prior to that, I thought that it'd be merchandise driven garbage, what with my past experiences with the stuff that Hasbro's shat out before, but then I looked to see if it was poopable or not and then... Yeah.

      Before that, I kinda liked a past show called My Little Pony Tales, but honestly, who cares?

    101. I saw a post on the daily wh.at about Derpy being in an episode of MLP after it's fanbase 'created' her. Figured I might as well watch the linked episode (first half of ep 15). Thought it was kinda silly, but had decent looney-toons type humor in it, so I figued "Eh, fuck it" and watched the first few episodes. Decided I really liked it, downloaded it all, found out there was a big following on /co/, and there I was.

      I've kinda poked 4chan before, but never got into it. Now I've always got a /co/ tab open. =/

    102. One of the comic editors at the Penny Arcade forums edited a PA strip with MLP dialogue and linked to the Hub's website afterward. This was on 10/15/10. I clicked the link out of curiosity, trusting in the fellow's good taste. The pony designs looked cute enough that I hunted down the first episode on Youtube and found it in pensivepine's channel. Was interested by the time the theme song hit. Was HOOKED by the time the episode was over. Still hooked, even more so. Since I've been neck-deep in university work for months, FiM is currently my only respite - and it is a glorious one. Twilight, Dash, Rarity, Pinkie - all of them consume my thoughts overmuch, and I *like* that. Glad to see the online community for FiM churning out stellar discussion and fanwork. Keep it up, Bronies.

      Aside: I'm not from /co/ or 4chan at all, but /co/ is good people for spearheading the FiM fanbase. Thumbs up all-'round.

    103. A friend of mine frequents /co/, and always got his MvC3 information from there. So, a few weeks before release, I went on /co/ for the first time to look up some info for myself. After browsing around for a while, I noticed that the pony threads seemed to always be on the front page, and the post counts were going up at ludicrous speed. I opened one up, got some DL links, and watched the first 4 episodes. The next day, I woke up early to watch the next 8 before I had to go to work. Been a brony ever since.

    104. I saw MAST3RLINKX started posting My Little Pony eps so I saw in a few comments that he was serious and he really liked the show. So as a good subscriber I went and saw it and I loved it.

    105. I was browsing know your meme, and i came across the show's entry. I checked it out, and decided to give it a shot.

    106. I remember watching the old g1 mlp when I was small and i was addicted bck then too. and now in this distant future I rediscovered it thanks to someone who linked me to the pilot episode. now the walls of my room are full of ponies again.

    107. I was lurking /co/ when I saw those ponies, but I was thinking it was a troll. Then they appeared on /b/ as well, so I watched the first episode and was hooked instantly.

    108. I was just chillin' on /b/ when some dude had a MLP reaction images thread.

      I dismissed it.

      The next day I saw a page about it on KnowYourMeme, so I was all "fine, I'll look at it" and stuff.
      An hour later, I looked at the pilot and was all NOPE but I continued watching, because I knew that is /b/ was so into it then there was probably something fucked up about it.
      Eventually finished all of the episodes and I was all "WHY DO I LIKE THIS"

      ...And then I went on /co/ and got by a pony hitstorm.

    109. @madmax

      You should sell posters of that Luna wallpaper, just sayin.

    110. I was seeing lots of threads a day on /b/ but I just ignored them. One day, I don't really know why, I saw the words "Winter Wrap Up" along with "it's a really good tune" or something like that. I checked it out and loved the song, couldn't get it out of my head.
      So I lurked the threads for a couple of days and started watching the series.
      Before I knew it, I had a folder with literally hundreds of pony pics, and my iPod had all the episodes and songs.

    111. A friend of mine on Facebook started using Rainbow Dash as her display picture. I also noticed a recent spike in My Little Pony images while browsing art websites like Deviantart. She recommended the show to me and gave me MasterLinkX's upload of the pilot episode.

      I didn't think the first episode was anything special. It got immensely better by episode two. Curiosity made me watch the rest of them; and now I'm a major fan!

    112. Quilivi, an artist for the MLP movement, and a good friend of mine, directly recommended it to me. I was wary at first, but soon came to love them by Episode 3.

    113. I just happen to check out Know Your Meme and saw the entry for My Little Pony. Be curious, I checked it out, I though the picture was kindda funny and I watched like, a minute of the first episode after dismissing it as not being worth my time.

      One uneventful weekend afternoon, I was bored, and then for some reason, My Little Pony popped in my head, I shrugged, said "why not" and decided to watch it.
      After watching the first episode, I thought it was kindda fun, so then I watch the second, then the third, then before I knew it. My Little Pony had replaced World of Warcraft as my greatest addiction.

      I love these ponies =)

    114. After five wretched years on /b/ i thought i had seen it all. Every shock video, videotaped execution, obscene pornographic act the internet had to offer. I was jaded, cynical, and emotionally numb.

      But then i saw a pony thread and decided to watch before i judged.

      After the first episode, i was hooked.
      After the second, i was crying. I haven't cried for a decade, even when my dog and grandma died. But those two pony sisters holding each other after a thousand years apart had me bawling.

    115. por rarity con eso me basta

    116. I started browsing 4chan a lot and I used to lurk only on /v/ /adv/ and /vp/. This one day I decided to go to other boards and when I went to /co/ I saw this thread about My Little Pony with a link for the first episode. I decided to watch it because everyone was saying that it was good and I didn't have anything else to do.

      By that time there were only 2 episodes. Now I wait every Friday for a new episode.

    117. All thanks to /co/, I was starting to browse /co/ and regularly I saw some threads about ponies and clicked a link to synchtube, they're were watching applebuck season.
      I watched the entire episode and had a good time, after that I became a brony, thanks /co/!

    118. I'm a bit of a late joiner (during the Christmas hiatus), not being a 4chan regular. I saw some... art on Rule 34 and got curious, and wound up watching one episode late at night on my laptop. It happened to be Griffon the Brush-Off, and I was impressed that they managed three morals in the same episode without beating you over the head with any of them, and made me laugh out loud at least twice. So I went back to the pilot, and by the next evening I was going, "Oh god why do I like this?" I shortly discovered this was not an unusual reaction, and... well, now I'm working on fanfic.

    119. Accidentally found an episode on youtube when I was looking at older episodes... and watching let's plays of video games... caught my interest as the first generation evil of the week of the old show that this one lives up to.

      I watched a lot of old cartoons. Really enjoyed the Rescue Rangers, disney used to be something of a cartoon paradise before reality shows set in.

      Cartoon fanatics never stop dreaming of worlds where possibilities are endless. Unfortunately that space of exceedingly good cartoons has been crushed down to this one show for this Anonymous.

      I personally like a good reason for evil to exist stories.

      How the care bears and their lobotimizing rays attract pure evil.(It's a known fact)

      How too much lobotomized happiness destroyed the moon kingdom in Sailor Moon.

      Also they kill their enemies instead of trying to find alternative solutions so they don't have to fight, "Love and Justice" was never so cruel as a bunch of magical girls slaughtering their enemies without too much remorse... where was the love in all of that? Justice sure happened somewhere. (doubly concerning that the girls thought Uranus was a guy)

      The movie Serenity even points out that peace is not the most plausible or best thing alive and evil is needed to keep the balance or else our population would probably out do itself if we don't incur space exploration soon. (Miranda is what happens when you stop fighting and become too docile)

      Thus Nightmare Moon was born out of loneliness that everyone was perpetually happy with her sister Celestia and she never got any love, notice or letters that she was even appreciated.

      Then Celestia goes and seals her for a thousand years because she got cranky and steals her job of moon raising as if that wasn't twisting the muffin into an already stuffed Derpys mouth.

      Celestia also wiped any existence of her sister off the map leaving it only as a legend and set Twilight up to beat the stuffing out of Luna.

      Thus chaos is the best spice of life.

      With all that typed out I can finally say that cartoons aren't dead to me quite yet because of ponies... PONIES!

    120. I was surfing 4chan during a "I literally have nothing better to do" visit and noticed these pony threads. I am a naturally curious person and don't mind trolling myself every once and awhile so I checked it out.

      I was confused. It was this little girls show about girl ponies, but it was good. I fought with myself, asking "Are you really a man?" questions in the mirror when I suddenly recalled some advice my older brother once gave me. He said, "If you dig something, get into it full force." So I stopped, took a deep breath, and watched everything.

      Now? I fucking love ponies. I've told my friends. They are currently in the first confusion stage I was in, but I suspect that they'll come around. Everyone wants me to write a blog post explaining the phenomenon and how I came across it.

      Ponies: FUCKING BOSS

    121. i was in /co/ for the first time and was looking for group to fit in with. i never really enjoyed the old school comics, so batman and superheroes like him were out of the question. for a short amount of time, i hung out in threads that centered around Usagi Yojimbo, but it just didn't feel right. i started moving around different threads. i tried avatar, toonami, and many other groups. eventually i stumbled upon the pony herd and i've been there ever since. i love you guys. i wish My Little Pony: FiM will never end, but we all know good things can't last.

    122. I first saw it on 4chan, and was skeptical. I thought it was one of those whirlwind troll things that would pass in a few days, and I would never hear of it again. /b/rony threads were still up and strong a week later, along with talk of making a /pony/, which I hope will happen.
      I finally decided to give it a try, and sat down half-heartedly to watch the pilot episode. The first ten minute I was bored out of my mind. "This is another kid's show bull shit." Then the characters started being introduced and I got more into it. The second Rainbow Dash flew on screen with her "kick-ass-im-faster-than-you" attitude, I was hooked.
      "I LOVE THIS SHOW, I LOVE IT. MOAR RAINBOW DASH." was literally my reaction. XD I've been hooked since.

    123. I'm a guy who actually owned some My Little Ponies as a kid before getting pressured to give them away.

      I saw the buzz on /co, then checked it out. Honestly, I think I like the fanwork better than the actual shows, but the shows are good. Especially Nightmare Moon - sigh.

      My girlfriend gives me a little crap about it, but whatever - I just tell her to go back to watching her rape porn.

    124. Andrei recommended me to watch it. First I saw Applebuck season, the Briddle Gossip, and then the pilot.
      Eventually, after a week, and my disappointing feelings towards Homestuck, I got hooked and devoured the rest of episodes.

    125. Some occasional threads about it poped up on Lulz. At first I though they be trollan', and brushed it off. A month later they were still coming up, "OK, that's gotta be some kinda awful if they're trollan' with it for over a month". That was around the end of November.

      Around the end of december, the threads were *still* poping up. So I started reading them. "Woah, wait, you mean people actually *like* this? *4CHAN*, the rancid, dripping ***hole of the internet, is saying good things about this cartoon? *ABOUT MY LITTLE M*********ING PONY!?!*" I was shocked, but I didn't think much of it. I mean, it's just ponies.

      A couple weeks later, about halfway through the hiatus, I finally headed over to 4chan to see for myself just what the flying blueberry f*** muffins was going on here. Reading the pony threads I noticed a recuing theme: guy dobts the poni, decided to watch it just to prove it's crap, gets converted. "Welcome to the herd". I lurked for a few days, watching others fall(and laughing at them) before I decided to at least try it out.

      "Worst thing that'll happen," I thought to myself, "Is that I fell for some epic trollage. So, I'll give it five miniutes, the *second* this gets too girly, I'm killing the window and washing my hands of this crap." I watched the first episode with my mouse ready to close the window. And then I watched the second. And the third...

      After 12 episodes, I had joined the herd. And I was *smiling*. I still lurk, occasionally posting, and I still laugh when another finds the joy of poni, though I'm laughing *for* them now.

      "Wecome to the herd, brony."

    126. I more or less was directed to the show by a good friend of mine. I used to draw a good deal of Gen 3 MLP art, but more because... well... it was girly. I've got lots of Minnie Mouse and Hello Kitty and stuff like that in my life, buying Gen 3 pony toys was fun even if the cartoon was awful.

      I think I fell for the show at... 15:42 of Episode 2, I got really wrapped up in Twilight vs. Nightmare Moon and began to get very emotional. After that I moved through the episodes in order and began to talk up the show to people who would enjoy it. I was totally converted by the end of Winter Wrap Up however, which was the brand new episode by the time I finished.

      @Sethisto I spend practically all my time thinking about ponies too, and I've noticed I feel significantly happier if I have the shows on rotation at night when I'm falling asleep! Something about being in that world is very wonderful and reassuring to me.

      Anyway I'm doing and will continue to do my best to grow the pony herd. :) This sounds like an extreme thing to say but Friendship is Magic is one of the best things to ever happen to me. I'm sure a good deal of us on this blog would agree.

    127. I was laying sick on the couch, remembering and downloading all old tv shows i used to watch, because I didn't have something better to do.

      Somewhere in between i recalled my little pony. Or rather, I remembered a pink and purple blur and the text 'my little pony', and a strange ominous feeling. I started looking for downloads and found FiM. ("wow, it's MLP, and it's a 'sequel', this must be the epiphany of bad video'). Got me some eps just because. watched ep 1, not bad. watched ep 2. HOLY FUCK IT WAS NOT 100% EXACTLY AS EXPECTED WTF!. watched ep 3, and kept watching.

    128. @Dragonkind

      I figured out where I read it - I somehow spied "MLP:FiM is now meme!" with a link to "know your meme" and the article in question...and it suckered me in. I had to know why.

    129. Browsing /v/, some ponybros were posting some pictures, so I thought "what the fuck is this girly shit, my little pony?".

      Then I found out it was huge in /co/, I never thought much of it, and one day I was bored and decided to give it a try.

      I have never been the same since.

    130. I am a regular in a tinychat room. We all chat and play vidya. People kept raving about the show so I decided to force myself to watch it. Watched the first few episodes, meh. Decided to see if it got better, was ok. Ended up watching the entire thing and wanting more.

    131. /b/ pony threads. watched it to see if they were being sarcastic. but... i liked it. goddamn its like the powerpuff girls all over again

    132. Looks like most found out about this show browsing the interwebs, but my boring story is a bit different.

      It was this past Christmas as I was visiting the family folk that my niece (she's about 5 years old now) was watching this pony show in the main room. Not much else to do, so I said "why the fuck not", sat down, and decided to watch it too. I noticed right off the bat it was some kind of new My Little Pony show on some network I had never even heard of, and I was like "eeehhh, whatevs". Didn't really care too much at that point. I was actually about to get up and leave the room, but my niece started doing her whiny thing and wanted me to stay to watch it with her, so I did.

      So after I finally started to actually pay good attention to this little girl show, something crazy was happening. This new My Little Pony actually had some quirky dialogue to it. Gone was the cheesy shit fest that I'm used to from these types of "girly shows". And my God! Look at the character expressions! Freakin' sweet character designs right here. Jesus, this is actually kind of funny... And holy crap, these characters actually have interesting, distinguishable personalities! I'm starting to like this shit!!! The cuteness, the wit, the funny, the fun, the friendship! I was freaking crapping rainbows out of my eyes by that point.

      And so from there, there was no turning back. Before I could stop myself, my body and mind was beginning to be absorbed into a fucking My Little Pony program intended for little girls... But what can you do? It's just too damn good of a show to care, I guess.

      BTW, I believe the episode that my niece and I were watching was "Bridle Gossip". I know this episode is regarded among the fanbase as one of, if not the best episode of the series. Honestly, with that episode playing on TV, I had no chance but to surrender to the ponies :(

      tl;dr Niece was watching it, decided to watch it. HOLY SHIT now I like it

    133. I was just browsing /co/ for shits and gigs when I see a thread for my little pony. I was like hu they made a new show? I don't really have any memories of ever watching the original show and quickly proceeded to search out threads more aligned with my interests. Keept on browsing see more pony threads. Decided to try. Was skeptical about it at first but what completely disarmed me was was Applebloom saying "Aren't y'all gonna stay for brunch?" I HNNNNNNNNNNNNNed like a mo fo at that and watched up through episode three. Then que progression Why do I like this >>>> Wait Lauren Faust did this?>>> Can't wait for next ep ect ect. And now my Top Thee Ponies are Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy in that order.

    134. hello my name is anonymous and I'm a ponyaddict

    135. Know your meme got me I saw it in the corner and thought why not have a look-see? It was kinda fun, sorta cute and I had nothing better to do.

    136. I have a wide network of friends and I know some of them watch all the Cartoon Network shows so it's only natural they would have seen this show on day one. However, no-one told me about it but I kept noticing them using certain meme phrases I've never heard before. After catching a glimpse of Vynl Scratch I thought it was an OC until I started seeing way too much of him. It then occurred to me that something big was going on in the adult section of my fav website. I never go to the adult section but this time I thought I might as well look because I'm missing out on some sort of meme here. To my surprise the whole adult section was filled with non-adult fanart of the show and that's when I found out about it.

    137. I first discovered the existence of the show on ThatGuyWithTheGlasses website, where the reviewer CR had made a 5 second movie of Pinkie Pie. I wasn't impressed, though not really because of the artwork or anything, but rather "Gawd, this still exists? And why did CR make this video? Does he watch it? I've lost so much respect for him now" and such. The video is here http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/teamt/cr/5-second-character-analysis/29644-pinkie-pie if anyone is interested.

      Then I noticed Rinacat on deviantart had made a comic about it http://tom-turbo.deviantart.com/favourites/#/d38lh3k where her author avatar said the exact same things I did. But then she watched a few episodes and became addicted. It was at that time I gave it a try, and have been hooked ever since.

    138. I found this by JohnSamer98 telling me. I then looked it up out of curiousness and found it was just the kind of thing I like anyways and LOVED it straight away! X3

    139. The first thing I ever saw about MLP: FiR was in a single motivational image. It was about Rainbow Dash and the quote "FARTING RAINBOWS: for when a butch girl pony with rainbow hair is just not gay enough". I thought it was cute and funny, so I saved it among my million other motivational images. Throughout the beginning of November, I saw a few laughingdash.jpg images scattered about /v/ and wondered what the hell they were from. Around Nov. 22nd, I saw another Dash image in /v/, and decided "Okay, if there's some new cartoon about My Little Pony, and it's good enough for people to make reaction images out of it, I suppose I'll go watch it."

      I was a bit surprised when I saw the introduction to episode 1, I was expecting some happy-cheery thing involving ponies frolicking about and gossiping about their hair. What I got was some sort-of epic story about an awesome-looking black unisus/pegacorn wishing eternal darkness upon a kingdom. And then the title sequence started up...

      It was a bit tough to sit through the first time hearing that little jingle. I then saw the proceeding scene with Twilight and Spike, and I found it somewhat humorous. tl;dr, Once the episode got to Dash, I found myself giggling like an idiot and enjoying every minute of the show after that.

    140. I then discovered a livestream channel by the name "Bronystable" that streamed every episode.

      Eventually, them darn neigh-saying trolls took down that livestream, and then (almost spontaneously), I decided to make my own stream, titled "Derpy's Post Office".

      tl;dr, I now have a synchtube account and make a bunch of videos on YouTube about MLP.

    141. godomot
      >mfw I still accidentally type the acronym: MLP: FiR

    142. Discovered them via flockdraw. shuffle, it's all your fault that I'm addicted to ponies :P Thanks!

    143. I was browsing the EvE online forums (not the place you would usually find or hear about cute things), and saw this post:


      I did what was suggested and DID send my isk in gratitude!

    144. i was derping in 4chan´s /b/ and watch a funny shitstorm thread about ponys. Very opposite sides and , cos i want know why to much butthurt,watched the show.

    145. I was active /co/ poster in September, then I went to hospital until late November. Most of December I was like "what the fuck happened, /co/?", then I was like "Heh, those reaction images are pretty funny", since 3rd January FULL PONI POWER.

    146. I had fond memories of the G1 show, and even still have the original movie on a much-watched VHS.

      Anyways, I was still bitter about Transofmers: Animated being canceled and replaced by such a bland series as "Prime", and then Shortpacked! did a cartoon about how awesome the new MLP show was. I didn't watch it right away, because I had to move to a small, mostly retiree town on the rainy Oregon coast for a job, and I was lonely and didn't have any local friends my own age around. (I'm 26, over half of the town I'm in is retired.)

      Right after new years, Willis posted in his blog about the MLP Happy Meal toys, and I remembered that I had intended to check it out. I watched the first episodes, and liked them well enough, but when I hit the yakkety sax bit in "Ticket Master" I was well and truly hooked. I've gotten some of my friends in the LJ Transformers fandom hooked on it too!

    147. Went on /b/ for the first time in months.

      Saw pony thread. Shat brix. Searched Internet.
      Ended up here.

    148. David Willis, writer of Shortpacked mentioned it, my friend on deviantArt wrote a journal entry about it, and finally the Ponycraft trailer made me so curious as to what the show was like that I had to watch an episode

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    150. I decided to check it out after a thread was made extolling it in an Internet forum. I was already subscribed to someone who just happened to be uploading the episodes before that, but I did that so I could check it out later, as I hadn't actually watched one first.

    151. I was converted by a friend of mine.

    152. The tropers on the TeenTropers IRC channel only had glowing reviews, so I finally had to see it.

    153. i was researching animation as a career choice. and i saw a topic that was like 2d animation is dead or somthin like that. So i clicked it and it had a link to the very first episode. I watch and (being a fan of all generations except 3.5) spazed and couldn't wait to see more. soooo HA i was one of the first people..... then i converted my friend.

    154. I'm a transfer from Knowyourmeme. Been following them for months and all of a sudden BAM! Pony is on featured. It took me 3 months to finally click that link. I ended up here finding stories better than classic novels and one that made me think about happy tree friends. I am in the process of assimilating my school into the herd.

      P.S. Never had my welcome.

    155. It was about 3 am, I had nothing to do, so I started listening to the song 'Rainbow Dash likes girls' by Renard Queenston. After hearing it, I was extremely intent on hearing the original MLP opening theme song, so I went to YouTube and put in 'my little pony' , and I was suprised to find a full episode of my little pony. I began to watch, hoping for an obscure show to make fun of, but by the second episode, I was hooked.

    156. Started watching after reading "My Little Test Subject", instant brony

    157. Listen to my story. This may be my last chance...

      I was hanging out on DeviantArt, when suddenly, everyone started posting journals about ponies. And almost all of them were guys. This frightened and confused me greatly. For a while, I ignored them. But one day, my curiosity got the better of me. I clicked a link to the pilot episode and braced myself. "Oh God, I'm really doing this," I said to myself, "Well. There's no turning back, now." Then, I did a Leroy Jenkins charge into the link. When I heard the very first bit of the theme song (the bit that just goes "My Little Pony, My Little Pony), I was like, "Aw Crap, here we go. Half an hour of girly bollox. It was a trap, all along." But then, it broke into this awesome rock remix of it, and I was like 0_0. "Wow," I said, "This isn't as bad as I thought it would be. In fact, it's...kind of epic!" Then came the part where my mind tried to self destruct. "B...but it's PONIES!!!" "B-b-b-but they're awesome! I want to watch more!" "IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE!!!" Once the episode ended, I sat in the corner of my room with my head between my legs, rocking back and forth. After I had regained a sufficient amount of sanity, I made my way back to my laptop, and watched more episodes. And that is my story.
