• FiM opening in other languages

    I don't know if we just have god tier voice actors, or if other languages just sound weird as ponies.  I don't remember Wakfu sounding so awkward though...

    French Opening
    Canadian Opening
    Mexican Opening

    50 kommentaari:

    1. Oh wow I can't stop laughing

    2. They got the MX version wrong
      Terribly wrong.
      Why sethisto, why

    3. French isn't that bad.
      Mexican...not that great.
      Canadian-French OH WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS

    4. this is like taking a 20 foot long dildo and shoving it into my ears


    5. This is a thing. Truly a thing, Sethisto.

      Awaiting for Hasbro and Lauren Faust to release My Little Pony in Black Speech/Quantum mnemonics/[insert lovecraftian tongue here]!

    6. Well, Imma just say that I friggin' love MLP a lot, and it's so NON-girly that I would just barely buy the toys (inb4 20% cooler).

      But then I looked at the Hasbro page and [sadly] remebered that it's a little girl's show, and the page made it friggin' girly as hell.

      Now if I were to tell any of my friends about this, they'd check the Hasbro page and it all ends with a shitstorm.

      TL;DR Hasbro, I am disappoint.

    7. ... I thought the Mexican and Canadian ones were alright.

    8. My body was not prepared for this.

    9. God! I couldn't stop laughing either!

      This is actually good news. That means we'd get to watch the show here in my country too.

      AAANNND, that'd mean that I'd have a chance to get the McDonalds toys too (they always come here late, and we depend on the show. I was starting to get worried)

      Great news.

    10. The Canadian version sounds awfull and incredibly out of sync.

      Also, waiting for dutch version

    11. @bob-dude

      Spanish one isn't bad

      That french one though.. its so...off

      And this is coming from someone who had the wakfu opening song in his playlist for 5 months.

    12. @Anonymous
      Oh man, that means Round Two of getting the McDonalds toys again!! Shit, I bet packaging will be a pain, but it's better than needing JUST ONE MORE before completing the set.

    13. The Mexican one is alright, but Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy's voices... I don't want to sound like a whiny fanboy, but whatever, they suck.

    14. Canadian speaks english... doesn't they?

      Anyway they (intros) suck. Not even close to the original.

    15. well i`m mexican and all i can say is that i recognize several of the voice actors and they are merely good but, anyway i still prefer the original because it just sounds perfect, dont you think?

    16. @Anonymous

      Also i'm sure i will recognize many voice actors aswell once they've got a dutch version out, there are only so many actors they can choose from.

    17. Why wouldn't they just use the same French for Canada and France, lol?

      Ah well, at least English Canada gets the real song.

    18. Canada sounds like one of those bad fan dubs you see on youtube

    19. Wow; whoever was doing the French dub for France dub put a lot of effort into how the translated lyrics to more-or-less match the syllabic structure of the English. The Quebec french dub, though? Goddman is that terrible.

      Lucky for you guys that Canada has much better english VAs than French ones, considering the entire show is basically voiced by Canadians, eh?

    20. French Canadian: I know that the opening does not look anything like the same voice as the original, but if it is any consolation, know that with few exceptions, Canadian French openings are far from brilliant, by against the voices of these shows in this Version are not at all terrible. So do not trust at all to the opening vocals.

      The opening of Mexican and French are much better, but I like the above implies, it is better to wait and see what actually looks like the voices of these versions during the episodes.

      PS: Sorry if my English is not perfect, it's because that's not my native language ^^; (My native language is French, Canadian French for clarity)

    21. The french one is pretty good! but the Canadian one......*shiver* i mean really! why would anyone try to make the ponies sound like that!

    22. I kinda like Applejack's French (non-canadian) voice. That rough feel sort of fits her tomboyishness.

      BTW, let us not forget, the intro theme is not the only song in the series that will need to be translated. Dare I ask what Winter Wrap Up might sound like in Canadian-French?

    23. Am I the only excited about the mexican opening?
      Because if my assumption is right, that means that it will have the most delicious voices of the mexican dub. HHHHNNNNNNNNGG
      Then again, spanish is my mother language, and I guess most of you aren't used to that language.

    24. @mesias-rocket

      Wey, callate, apesta oiste a Pinkie pie? Mataron el encanto de rarity, tienes idea de como diablos dirán "everypony"?
      lo unico bueno que vendrá de este infierno de dub serán los juguetes de Mcdonalds

    25. @Anonymous

      Haters gonna hate.

      Teberias estar agradecido de que sea México el que haga el doblaje y no Argentina o Colombia. Aparte de que México tiene varias de las mejores voces femeninas en doblaje.
      Obviamente habrán cosas que se pierdan en traducción, eso es inevitable, pero al menos México se caracteriza por tratar de hacer la mejor traducción posible.

    26. As a Mexican, I say it's pretty good in my opinion. I still prefer the original though.

    27. The Mexican one sounds great! I wonder if MLP:FiM will come to Spain someday... anyway, I'm happy for Mexican Bronies! (And for the French and Canadian Bronies too, of course)

    28. The mexican opening was alright but why did they cut out "developed by Lauren Faust" from the end of it?

    29. They are going to export it to mexico! there is a God
      i wonder in what channel they are going to play it..
      (also i like more the original opening, and the original voices)

    30. I dont really have a problem with the Mexican one sure its not as good but the English one has god tier voice actors so you cant expect it to be as good but the french Canadian one sux balls I say scrap that one and just play the normal Canadian version but with subtitles those fuckers learning English is better than destroying fim im just glad that's only airing in a small low populated area of the world

    31. No me parece mal la introducción latinoamericana, pero en mi opinión espero que ese doblaje de la introducción sea un borrador, las voces y algunas notas parecen algo forzadas.

      Espero que el doblaje oficial final sea mejor.

    32. I'm used to the English voices and I love them above everything else. However, I live in an Hispanic-speaking country, so I'll have to watch the show in the Mexican version. It's not as good as the English one IMO, but it's not bad either.

    33. the french version is lacking.
      the mexican is just lol.
      the canadian WHAT THE FUUUUUUUUUU-

    34. Forgot to mention, but the mexican dub tends to be god tier when the voice cast is huge or at least, bigger than 6 characters. Specially the female cast.

    35. Holy hell, the French Canadian one is DREADFUL and completely out of sync. The other two are okay.

    36. @Anonymous no Quebec is super anal about regional dubbing

    37. Well, that's because we Quebecois just speak french differently then the French do; like the difference between American English and British English. I can't tell you how many times I've gotten annoyed at French-dubbed series which assume we Quebecois use the same slang terms as the Parisians.

      Mind you, even I think that Canadian opening sucks.

    38. @Anonymous

      That'd be fine if Quebec was willing to do a decent job dubbing stuff, lol.

      As it is, if it were me, personally I'd be willing to forget my pride and just take the superior French dub.

      And sure, there are differences between Quebecous and the French spoken in France, but it's perfectly comprehensible to eachother; just as the British and Americans can understand eachother.

    39. Ugh! Is this REALLY mexican?
      It sounded more like Spanish (from spain) to me, anyways the dub voices sucks!

      Mexico has done way better than this!

    40. mexican ponies - actually pretty good. Not sure about the voice acting, it sounds a whole ton girlier but it works. I can actually see pinkie pie speaking mexican c.c

      canadian - oh my god, my ears are bleeding - ponies are completely just...wrong. songs not bad, but the voices! nope!

      french - not bad, however they now all sound snooty/posh like rarity.

      ...oh gods, the wrryyyyy thing is this is still manlier than bieber.

    41. Mexican is OK.
      French is almost OK.
      Canadian is cabbage.

    42. Canadian *French*, people, lol. The English version you all hear is *also* Canadian.

    43. The spanish one was the only one that even tried to keep their accents consistent with the original.

      French Canadian sounds like cats in a bag compared to regular french wtf?

    44. Wait, I thought Canadians spoke French/English....

    45. ME GUSTA the Spanish version.
      I can't wait to the MC Donals toy here in Perú!

    46. ...I think I'll stick to English.
      I feel like someone took a 20 foot metal pole and stuck it through my ears.

    47. I am french and trust me...the french one is VERY bad!
