• FiM Layout Guy /co/ Interview!

    And releasing awesome comics.

    He's rolling with the name "FlashinthePan".  Hopefully this ghetto indirect interview thing helps you guys piece it together some. (click read more!)

    1.) How is the FiM crew reacting to the increase in pony fans?

    2.) Derpy hooves appearing in Pinkie Keen.



    1.) Why Human stuff in FiM? (Foam Finger on Pinkie),

    2.) HFPS Attacks lucid lol

    3.) What episodes his studio worked on

    4.) Which school did he go to for animation


    1.) The VA for Big Mac has recently tweeted that he's back in the recording studio for more work. Isn't it that awfully late in the production cycle for a VA to be in the studio? I'm talking suspicously late?

    2.) What do you guys think of the fan characterizations of background ponies, like Bon-Bon, Lyra, OPPP and Dr. Whoof?

    3.) I have one very small nitpick for DJ P0N-3's cutie mark, the stems of musical notes go up if they're attached on the right side, or down if they're attached on the left side. Any chance that minor corrections could be made when it's released on Blu-ray?

    4.) Do you have a favorite pony to draw and/or a favorite pony in general?

    5.) Can you tell me what version of Flash you use to make this again?

    6.) Asked if he has read the infamous "cupcakes"



    1.) More questions about Derpy Hooves in a moving company

    2.) What kind of information is in the show bible? You don't have to say what exactly is in it but...? Is there cosmology? (It's been made clear that the sun and moon are small, nearby objects, and that's been consistent.) Is there history, besides the legend of Luna and Celestia? Are there rules about how magic works?  Or, when we try to guess at all these things from the hints we're given, are we just wasting our time?

    3.)  I get the sense that the staff is overjoyed that /co/ has adopted MLP to the extent it has, and how much discussion and fandom it generates. But it seems as time went by, more and more . . . "questionable" content gets added with the number of growing fans. If Lauren and/or others still follow on occasion, how have they reacted to the "dark" side of fancontent here?

    4.) Are you looking for work?

    5.) Lady Gaga Rarity image pops up.

    6.) Hey Flash, I was wondering what's the best way I can go about supporting the show?
    I bought some of the toys, recommend it wherever it is appropriate to do so, and even emailed Hasbro saying how fantastic of a program it is and how I'd really appreciate a super awesome dvd release.

    7.) how does the creation team feel about fanfics? are you guys barred from reading them? are there any that you yourself have read and very much liked?


    1.) Do you even prefer the albino-red eyes on Vynil Scratch?(dj pony)

    2.) You guys are reading our fanfiction too?

    3.) I'm pretty sure any animator who's ever lived has drawn 34 themselves. At least every animator I've ever spoken with has said so. Flash? Do you concur?

    4.) Why does Ponyville have such an enormous library for Twilight to live in when no one ever comes by to borrow a book? Does anyone in Ponyville even own a library card?

    5.) Sergeant Sprinkes apologizes for cupcakes.

    6.) >still use Flash 8:: I officially love you guys. It was official before but now.... holy crap..wow. this is a real "stick it to ya" moment for all those people who think that to survive in the Flash world you have to update everytime Adobe releases a new version.

    7.) Also, do you know what's up with these ponies? Daisy Dreams got her own unique art, so why are these just recolors? And did those three bully pegasi from Sonic Rainboom ever get names? Just curious



    1.) Alright, now I'm morbidly curious. Have you ever seen any rule 34 of the show that made you go 'What.'

    2.) the panty-wearing ponies creeps me out more than the hardcore stuff. It's less funny, somehow. 

    3.) Response to more fanfiction stuff

    4.) Response to him destroying someone elses "Dont feed the parasprites" drawfriend with his version without realizing it lol

    5.) What's the creative process like? Is it heavily regimented into sections, where, say, a writer can't really critique a visual design and where a landscaper won't have much input into characterization, or do all members of the team pitch in at various points? Could an artist go up to Lauren and be like, "Yo, I think Rarity's acting out of character here," and be listened to?

    6.) Why the hell are cows treated as second class citizens in this supposedly idealistic world? They're forced to live in barns, can't be spoken to when they're angry, and never get a large role on the show, not even ONE.

    7.) Flash, what is your opinion of Secret Butt Fun?



    1.)  I have a question! Would you get in trouble if you got found out posting here? I think Lauren said something similar to that in her deviantart page. Also who's been sneaking hopping 'Lyra' everywhere? Its hilarious! (Poor lyra, my dreams have been destroyed forever =[ )

    2.) Is there anything cool that you're allowed to tell us that we don't already know?

    3.) (Anon responds to his response to people are free to draw whatever)  but according to that now i can draw hardcore porn, im inclined with bestiality fluttershy, tentacle sparkle, pinkie wam, incest jack, etc (Anon wtf dude?)

    4.) What's your favorite song from the show? It's gotta be Winter Wrap Up. Also, have you heard the remixes?

    5.) You may have been asked this before, Flash, but I was wondering anyway: how long does an average episode take to fully produce? I'm talking from the moment the writer types the first letter to the final ready-to-air product.

    6.) Is it true that Celestia is slowly trying to enslave all of Equestria or is this just propaganda spread by the griffons to try and encourage rebellion against our pony overlord?

    7.) Someone asks about upcoming episodes.



    1.) have you experimented with a "pony generator" for background ponies? like some actionscript system that will use the already made flash objects for the head and limbs and manes, but give them a random color pallet? 

    2.)  Kind of new to this whole pony thing, so forgive me if this has been answered before. But did come to /co/ before you worked on the show? If not, how did you hear about us?


    1.) Hiya Flash, thanks for the answers tonight. My question to you concerns how you got to work on this show. What attracted you to it? Also a silly question - Do the human incarnations of the main pony cast interest you in how they vary? Have you ever drawn any human variations yourself?

    2.) Does the Vancouver studio get to look over the episodes animated by the other studios to QC? And a question about Production time he already answered.

    3.) Anyways, If you search Equestria Daily and read the comments each story receives, you might get an idea on which ones you'd like to read more of. If I were to personally recommend a few, I'd suggest High Frutose Porn Syrup (careful of his Severing fic, it's extra dark, emotionally), Squeaks' work, Lucid's stuck . . . hmm, might be one or two more I like, but I can't recall their names off hand.

    4.) Kloudmutt: and since animator friend says that panty pony seems creepier than hardcore 34 and now ppl wants to blame me for the requests the other made, wich i actually love doin, i guees i can just give up my comrade artistic sense and in fact do some hardcore furry porn that ppl will love in FA and most likely someone will use to troll here. (I dunno whats going on here, artist drama or something? I dunno, no time to dig for it.)


    1.) High Fructose Porn Syrup: Neat. So you read the first of the Severing. And the Spike story. Anything else that you liked? (damn dude he read all your stuff!)

    2.) More artist stuff.

    3.) Did someone say human ponies? Because I think I heard human ponies. (Picture of 80's human Cherilee)


    1.)  Did you see that "7 Artists" AMV? There's no real reason to ask; I just liked it and also like it when important people like what I like.

    2.) How on earth did you guys get the animation /so smooth/ in flash?

    3.)  Response to his comment on reading a fic felt like he was at work.  (Ponies Discover /co/)


    1.) Aside from Derpy, before /co/ picked up the show, were there inside joke about it? You know, tyrant Celestia... some fan pairing like Lyra and BonBon, that sort of stuff..

    2.) How do you feel about DINOSAURS? (gdi dinofag)

    3.) Have you/will you take a look at Junior Speedsters Forever? It's got a few pacing problems, the action needs work, it has a bit of a case of the "and then"s, and it's really damn long. But it actually seems to effect the folks who read it.

    4.) >Favorite pony >NOT Pinkie Pie

    5.) What about Porkcow stuff? Or MadMax? Or MegaSweet? Or 14 bis? 


    1.)  Someone links him that Pony wireframe GiF and asks if the ponies are similiar to it in the show.

    2.) Responds to the Dungeons and Dragons Pony Video 

    3.)  Flash, thank god you're here, it's sad you come in such an awful thread, yesterday one were much better...

    4.) how big is your pony folder?


    1.) Someone links their humanized pony drawing

    2.) What do you think of a Phoenix Wright and MLP crossover fangame?

    3.) Hey Flash what are your thoughts on JOHN MADDEN


    1.) Schzero suggest grease monkey to keep up with pony threads (I really need to do this too)  

    2.) Honestly it was probably a self-fulfilling prophecy. Animator comes->People see it as an opportunity to troll someone who matters->Mass spam 

    3.) Guys. How long ago was this dino-thing? Seriously, we can let it go now. 

    4.) I know Lauren and some of you guys are aware of us, but does it ever weird anyone out? The fact that 4chan - possibly the greatest hive of scum and villainy on the whole Internet - unironically enjoys a My Little Pony cartoon... it's just strange.


    1.) We noticed Celestia's cutie mark showing in one of her inner thighs - probably an animation error, but it became a running jok here. I was wondering if you guys have that kind of running joke between animators, from errors you didn't notice before, stuff like that?

    2.) Response to Parasprite image 


    And that is it!  Hopefully this helps people not have to dig through 3 archived threads.  Holy crap blogger has a lot of god damn formatting bugs, I apologies for those, but Digging through this massive HTML clusterfuck is giving me a migraine.  

    37 kommentaari:

    1. Victorian R. Hellsly21. veebruar 2011, kell 00:50

      Oh my God a friend of a person who works on My Little Pony was recommended a fic that I wrote! I think My Little Time Lord is good, and I'm not saying that just because I wrote it or anything.

      If he reads it he should leave a review. Just saying.

    2. That's pretty cool, but I also wish there were some place better than 4chan to have an interview like that. It's not really conducive to any kind of structure at all; an actually message board would work a lot better.

    3. Flash was pretty cool to talk to. We're hoping he stops by more.

    4. Next time, someone should ask him if he's seen anything in the series bible about the geography surrounding Ponyville. It'd be useful for fanfics to know where approximately where locations like Whitetail Wood and Cloudsdale actually are relative to Ponyville and the other landmarks we actually know.

    5. How can I find that song he's talking about on soundcloud?

    6. >You will never write a story or draw a picture that catches the attention of someone who works with FiM.


    7. @anonymous
      nvm I'm fairly certain I found it.

    8. Ha! In the past five minutes, I reloaded, and suddenly colors.

    9. Man, i was on /co all freakin day yesterday, then i go to bed and this shit happens? Damn.

      Pic is hilarious though

    10. You're doing Celestias' work, Sethisto!

    11. This is awesome, I'm trying to locate the Fluttershy image he posted to.. So much archive digging!

    12. His favorite song is one that we haven't heard yet. Oh my God.

    13. same for me i was playin stalker all day yesterday
      so when i come from job puff
      80´s cherilee and a interview

    14. ~I kinda _want_ to read more stuff you guys write, but I don't have time
      >>Can we institute some sort of ranking system for the fanficts to pull the more notable ones to the top? I'm kinda in the same spot where I don't have time to read every fan fict, but I'm definitely interested in reading some of them

      I really want to make a Flash app and post it on dA for listing/searching/ranking fanfictions as well as posting questions (so if Flash had time to come back, there would be a more organized list of questions that people would have already stated interest in), but I really don't have time for that... idk, would be cool

    15. Also,
      ~My favorite song... is one you haven't hear yet
      >>*mind explodes*, epic songs are epic

    16. It'd be so ponyriffically awesome if he read my stories...but...at the same time if it was "big daddy mac" he read and not cakewalk, I'd just die. I'd die happy, but I'd die.

    17. oh man, seeing this makes me so happy, i love that someone on the production staff is taking the time to answer questions. i wonder if there's some way we could get a big list of questions set up, and then like email them to him, or even better, Mrs. Faust, and get him/her to answer them and then post it here.

    18. This is so great. I'm so glad that none of the creepy stuff or trolling bothers him, that's always what I worry about when it comes to the interaction between people who work on stuff we love and the internet at large (especially a place like 4chan). I should work on being an animator, seriously, fuck it--that'd be my dream job.

    19. What was "I have read it. I can't say I enjoyed it... though I did like the tweeeest at the end." in answer to? You posted his answer in place of the question and now I'm curious about what he read!

    20. "damn dude he read all your stuff"

      Feels good, man.

    21. And now I feel kinda dumb for skipping over this post the first three times I clicked over to the site today. I saw the comic and thought "Ah, I'll click it later". My mind didn't even parse what the title meant.

      Seriously though, that's pretty awesome of the guy. And thanks for reposting caps here.

    22. I now have a new goal: write something good enough that people who work on the show like it.

    23. It felt so wrong, it felt so right.

    24. @Anonymous

      Just for that, I'm going to!

    25. Fuck,and I missed him. =(

    26. but seriously, this shit made my day. hopefully this wasn't a one time thing.

    27. I wonder if Die Hard In a Pony will ever return... Probably not. Q&A's are great.

    28. Oh hell yes! I didn't notice my question got answered last night, awesome! Was worth staying up till 7am to get to talk to flash.

    29. @Anonymous
      I hate to say it, but it seems like that award thing going on seems more and more like a good idea now...

    30. Very nice of someone from the show to shift through the trolls and actually answer questions from the fans. Oh man, how epic must this unheard song be!

    31. @Anonymouswhere did you find it I've never been on soundcloud before and everything thats coming up sucks

    32. Some people who work on the show check out Equestria Daily too! ;) I don't have time to go on 4chan much lately, but I love coming here for news & pics.

    33. @princess chuchi

      Oh man! That's great.

      This blog is a good aggregater for /co/ related pony stuff.
