• Drawfriend/Writefriend Friend off Has come to a close!

    I'd say it was a great success! Here is the compiled entry post....

    Drawfriend/Writefriend Friend off

    I had such a huge volume of story entries that some have already migrated to the Story Archive

    If I missed yours, feel free to drop it here, or wherever.

    I unfortunately didn't have time to read all of them, so if the labels are wrong, please let me know.  I also don't know who the authors are for most of them, so I could use those too.

    If ponies are still around in a month, I think this would be fun to do again. Hopefully I have a system in place for uploading stuff so I don't have to do it all manually next time!

    I think I have aspergers syndrome or something, this blog has consumed me.

    In celebration, have an overly attractive Rarity, you earned it!

    9 kommentaari:

    1. So quick question. Where do I submit normal, not-for-the-friendoff stories? I have a story I've started and provided links to in the comments section of the story archive, but it seems to have gone unnoticed. I'm new to this site, 'n' don't really know all the ins and outs yet, so d'you think you can help a brony out? :3

    2. Seth, I'd like to thank you for doing an awesome job. You're a real trooper.

    3. @gojira700

      I probably missed it. I'll get it when I wake up in 2 hours. Castle midnight right?

    4. It was fun. I vote we do this on the last day of every month.

    5. @Sethisto: Correct. And thank you. ^_^

    6. >If ponies are still around in a month
      Please, let these ponies last forever.

    7. @Anonymous

      Good thing I love these stupid ponies so much! If only I could spend this much time on actual website design classes or something and actually stay interested...
