• Drawfriend Stuff #31

    This is too much work for free but I love you edition.

    36 kommentaari:

    1. Oh my god... a Fluttershy stare/Code Geass crossover... that is amazing

    2. Thanks you for this!
      You know, I'd never be able to sleep if I didn't know EqD had my back.

    3. Loooooooove the picture with Lil Spike and the big dragon shadow.

    4. @Windchaser
      Yeah. After seeing "Stare Master", I saw someone's comment on Youtube about her stare reminding him/her of Code Geass. So, long story short, I requested this pic and it happened.

    5. Wow, someone put a lit of effort into sleeping twilight

    6. This post gets 5 stars. Know why? Because of Aslan. Fuck yes, you are the best Jesus metaphor ever.

    7. twilight's neck is going to kill her in the morning

      falling asleep while studying, and using a book as a pillow, is probably one of the lest comfortable things you can possibly do

    8. The first pic... is she supposed to be, er, clopping, or just sleep-derping?

      AJ's guitar: How does she chord with no fingers? And is that a bottle of Colt 45?...

      ROFL @ Celestia vs. Aslan.

    9. Also, Sethisto, we all really appreciate all the effort. Really really!

    10. OMG The weekly equestrian one was genius xD

    11. @Malaka

      Agreed. I commissioned that picture from Sue-chan (link at http://ourimaler.deviantart.com/art/Games-of-Divinity-198837263). Glad Aslan was recognized - I was slightly worried about that, since he doesn't have distinctive marks like Celestia.

    12. Is that Spike uppecutting Celestia's nephew? Awesome.

    13. Seth, we love you. We love that you love ponies enough to keep posting, and that you have enough willpower to keep everything current.

      I've been with you from the beginning, man. Keep being awesome.

    14. 'bout time someone made the steeds of the Four Horsemen into ponies.

    15. omigosh, somebody posted one of my pictures from my deviantARt up here?!!

    16. @LordOfTheWrongs


      I don't know, I didn't even notice it

      Or realize its possible with hooves...

    17. Derpy is in the resistance. Equestria is effed.

    18. You da real deal Blog brony. Much love.

    19. @LordOfTheWrongs
      Nah, hoof's not nearly low enough.
      She's just having a good dream.

    20. @Sethisto

      Don't know if you were saving it for a comic post or anything, but I can offer this nonsense:

      :) Thanks for all you do!

    21. The art of Spike with the adult dragon shadow is amazing.

      This is probably my favorite Drawfriend gallery so far.

    22. @Pacce
      Agreed, but I think it's a good WET dream. XD

    23. The picture of Derpy stuffing muffins in the mail slot brought to mind only one thing:

      "Derpy Hooves: Great mailpony, or the GREATEST mailpony?"

    24. This post gets 5 stars. Know why? Because you work so hard on these things!

    25. @Pacce: However, she is far enough back for another place mammals have nerves linked to the pleasure centre.

      Just as it is an evolutionary advantage to get pleasure from reproductive activities, it also helps if feeding the result feels good.

    26. I have pondered the "no fingers" problem, and decided upon a conclusion that all ponies are capable of creating small gravity fields with their hooves, but it requires concentration, or something, so they prefer not to do that very often.

    27. Awesome artwork fans did!

      I have a question and it's related about the artwork. How do you add some of the fans artwork here on the blog? Because I wanted to know if you can add this I made recently for the next blog entry of Drawfriend Stuff.


    28. How does the blog bro pick what he posts anyway? There a place to submit stuff?

    29. @Anonymous

      He has super powers and can surf the entire internet at once, scouring for pony art.

      But it probably helps when people e-mail him.

    30. Okay, this one artist's work keeps cropping up, and I really want to know who they are, because the way they draw the characters' eyes is so unique and always catches my attention.


      This 'un. They also did that pic of Dash in the schoolgirl uniform and the "THIS PLEASES THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE" massage picture. Who is doing these?

    31. And here I thought hooves made a great guitar pick.

    32. @stokerbramwell

      It's a guy named Muffins. He did that skateboarding dash a while ago as I requested it.

      I don't know if he changed his name or whatever, but that was his name on /co/ a month or so ago when he made that pic.

    33. @Daffodil

      You're too kind! :D
      I didn't expect anyone to really like that doodle..

    34. What the hell Ditzy?
      Don't you know guns are NO GOOD!

    35. The picture of Derpy putting muffins into the mail slot is in color.

    36. In the first pic, I would like to see Twilight wake up with a book stuck to her chin.
