• Drawfriend Stuff #29


    Or just sad luna =[

    15 kommentaari:

    1. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy picture is really good.
      The Gummy picture is awesome, and I like the underwater Trixie too.

    2. That last pic. Wow.
      Good thing Twilight is just passed out, not dead...right?

      Anyway, this just proves we need to have a Drunken Ponies friendoff for St. Patrick's Day. There's about ONE objector to that theme, so less controversy! And more creativity.

    3. I really like all of these. In particular, the painted Ditzy, pony Gilda, MiB Ponies, Gummy w/ book, Entangled Ditzy, and Pony-Pyramid-desert-place really catch my attention as thumbnails. I checked out the comic at the bottom too, mainly because it was still on my screen when I Got to the Post a Comment box.

      I'd say more about the ones I just mentioned, but I'm in a small hurry this morning.

    4. there's more hopefully on their way when sethisto opens his email ^^ the dash/pixie pic was from flockdraw, there was another fab dash pic under it that deserves to be seen.

    5. Oh my... Twilight with Spike egg... so cute o^o must... resist... addorableness!

    6. so my theory of ponies building the great pyramids was right...I knew it!

    7. The egg is on a testicle.

    8. ANON - YOU SON OF A... NOT GOOD MOTHER :/ tricked again.

    9. The Luna one is actually supposed to be really happy, note the smile~

    10. FlutterShyGuy is pure Win

    11. @Anonymous
      I thought that picture was so adorable... and you proceed to ruin it for me... /sigh. At least there is MiB ponies to cheer me up!

    12. Oooh the Baby Twilight with Spike Egg is so cute!! Even before Rarity came to Ponyville, she had a friend in Spike :D

    13. Nice Twilight Zone reference for the gummy picture! :D
      To Serve 'Humans'

    14. I found the one of twilight and Rainbow in suits to be one of the funniest things I've ever seen. Mostly because I originally read it as "the difference between you, me, and Mr. T. (yes I realize I'm commenting on a post made 2 years ago)

    15. I found the one of twilight and Rainbow in suits to be one of the funniest things I've ever seen. Mostly because I originally read it as "the difference between you, me, and Mr. T. (yes I realize I'm commenting on a post made 2 years ago)
