• Drawfriend Stuff #26

    Scratch is a badass edition.  Looks like my drawfriend queue got a little bit bigger than I thought..

    (above image is a jab at the Itunes poster where twilight has no front legs,  or arms, or whatever ponies call them.)


    32 kommentaari:

    1. oh god that last one, you win all the internets ;_; ever

    2. Is that last comic a parody of something else?

    3. Why is in Celestia's name is Twilight in a wheelchair?

    4. Oh. My. God. There need to be moar LOL ponies.

    5. Chocolate pudding

    6. @Sethisto

      Indeed it is.


    7. Images of Pinkie annoying Dash are just so hilariously cute, lol. I can just imagine what Dash is thinking in the second one... "Dammit, why the hell didn't Twilight take that cloud-walking spell off her?" :P

      The first is very amusing, as well... though I can't help but feel Pinkie's wings should be some kind of candypunk like her earlier attempt at an Autogyro.

    8. twi-worm is AWESOMEEEEEEEEEEE

    9. There is too much awesomeness for me to single anything out! O.O

    10. fuck yes, one of the best drawfriends posts yet

    11. I have been trying to hunt down a My Little Lux for... I'm not sure how long at this point. Right now, I feel like all my dreams are closer than ever to coming true.


    12. I love the one with the astronaut. Also, I now want to see a fic of Luna being smug about the Apollo missions. After all, it's not as if anyone just drops by to visit the Sun.

      Fuck, I need to write this.

    13. I've already colored the top one


    14. You now have the mental image for My Little Cho'Gath.
      And you love it.

    15. One of the best drawfriend stuffs yet

    16. wtf is going on in that dash pic ware shes being called names and crying

    17. @Anonymous Because of the picture at the top of the MLP itunes page...

    18. Ya know, I saw that wheelchair picture and was like "huh? Nobody could suck that bad and actually post such a picture on a commercial site..."

      ...and then I followed the link on this very webpage.

      What the hell, itunes?

    19. @Dragonkind
      The Derp is strong with them.

    20. @Anon: "Candypunk". I like it. :D
      Twi-worm: "I swear, I'm so angry right now! I'll avenge your beautiful hand and your beautiful foot!"
      Twitchy tail: So cute! And so random...
      Twi-rapidash: in b4 "It's over 9000!"
      Luna and Derpy: I think it's just supposed to be the two of them flying together, but it really looks like Luna lost her power to fly when Derpy took the crown!
      Pudding: This begs the question... who is it for?

      Not sure what Dash is holding in the insults pic, either.

    21. Somebody needs to color that last one. It would be even more beautiful.

    22. I D'awwwwwwwed, and I B'awwwwwwwed, and I loled. You good sir have won all my internets. You made a crappy monday just a little more berable. Thankyou.

    23. @Sethisto
      What happened to that drawing of Scratch and Rainbow Dash you said you'd post?

    24. @LordOfTheWrongs
      It's the tattered remains of her Cloudsdale U jersey, or uniform or something like that, I don't really recall.

    25. @LordOfTheWrongs
      It was a request from one of the General Threads. Supposed to be the reason why Dash dropped out of Cloudsdale. Background info is that she was teased and insulted to hell and back all throughout her tenure there, culminating in somepony getting ahold of her University Vest, ripping it to shreds then throwing it in a mudpuddle with a "You don't belong here" kind of minispeech thing.

    26. The look on Trixie's face says "Oh, my God! I peed a little!"

    27. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    28. @Scherzo

      Where is the fanfic that tells that story?

    29. Also, what's the source for #9?
