• Custom Derpy Hooves for sale on Deviant Art

    Looks like some Brony is selling these at conventions.  So if you reaaaly need your derpy hooves fix, it's an option right? I doubt hasbro will ever release one.

    No clue on price or anything, you can message them on deviant art below.


    7 kommentaari:

    1. Oh my God, this is the best thing ever!!

    2. Very nice! The paint job on the eyes is so crisp!
      Just wanted to add: There are TONS of MLP customizers out there. Customization is like 90% of the old-school fandom.
      Older fans tend to do Gen 1 and Gen 3 mostly, but will happily go out and grab a FiM body for you.

      So, if you want a custom made for you, don't worry if one artist is too busy or too expensive!

      That being said, I looooove this girl's work, she does really good clothing and props.

    3. ...I might need to commission one of these. If not from this individual, from *some*pony. I'm not even a massive Derpy fan, but that is some ace quality pony, that is.

    4. I need to find someone who can paint eyes and bubbles, everything else I could do but being a lefty details are impossible for me.

    5. A good portion of my money! They can have it! This would be the one pony toy I ever get and I would display it proudly!

    6. Awesome work....she needs a mail bag though.

      I also agree, this would be the one pony I would buy and display.

    7. Amazing Detail. I like the style on the bangs since hasbro and/or the hub doesn't style them well... and dA has a lot of nice customizers.

      crazyredemu, being lefty does NOT make it impossible it just makes it harder
