That's terrific, and a fitting way for the joke to backfire (well, fire). Sure Celestia laughed when she got pelted with scrolls, but having a chubby mare land on her may be too much. She doesn't look at all pleased. Does the princess send things back to Spike by pointing her horn at the parcel and jabbing it? (Okay, poor Spike would explode if he had to spit her out.)
Perhaps some time in the dungeon would help calm Pinkie Pie down. Yes, a month chained to the wall and not allowed to eat anything except oatmeal! :D
@ Anonymous (April 15, 2011 4:20 PM): So? Who cares? Tis a hell of a lot better than the bulk of shows they've been forcing down Cartoon Network's throat the past couple years. There is nothing wrong with being a brony. We like what we like, so there.
13 kommentaari:
I don't know why but I can't find Celestia art out there...
VastaKustutaOther than the OUT OF FUCKING NOWHERE in pinkie keen, she hasn't really done much to warrant any.
At least luna was a badass.
and is now sad.
I wonder if that would work on all ponies or just Pinkie (Pinkie being Pinkey).
VastaKustutaBEST. PRANK. EVER.
VastaKustutaRainbow Dash, laughs while you can. I doubt that Princess Celestia will forget to "thank" you for this prank. You better watch out.
VastaKustutaThat's terrific, and a fitting way for the joke to backfire (well, fire). Sure Celestia laughed when she got pelted with scrolls, but having a chubby mare land on her may be too much. She doesn't look at all pleased. Does the princess send things back to Spike by pointing her horn at the parcel and jabbing it? (Okay, poor Spike would explode if he had to spit her out.)
VastaKustutaPerhaps some time in the dungeon would help calm Pinkie Pie down. Yes, a month chained to the wall and not allowed to eat anything except oatmeal! :D
Haha, rl lol
VastaKustutaHaha, nice!
VastaKustutaI lol'd.
VastaKustutaHA I love these! So much d'aww, lol, and win
VastaKustutaNow. How would this play out the other way around?
VastaKustutau people r like how old and watching this? Old enough to cuss.
VastaKustuta@ Anonymous (April 15, 2011 4:20 PM): So? Who cares? Tis a hell of a lot better than the bulk of shows they've been forcing down Cartoon Network's throat the past couple years. There is nothing wrong with being a brony. We like what we like, so there.