• Comic: Wingboner

    I lol'd.  Poor dash.

    I don't know what the real title is, feel free to drop it in comments!

    34 kommentaari:

    1. Beat me to it.

      also >mfw I colored that

    2. Poor Dash? What about poor Twilight? (yeah it figures nobody cares how many safes get dropped on the unicorn)

    3. @Scherzo

      Hah! I didn't even notice the wing until you mentioned it. Hilariousss.

    4. It started on IRC. There's a fanart comic out there of Dash pinning Twilight, and then she kisses her, causing her wings to suddenly flare open. This lead to the discussion that Pegasi have an involuntary response to sexual stimuli - namely the flaring of said wings. Conversation then went into the social ramifications of such a biological action, and the contemplation of young pegasi trying tying their wings down against their sides to avoid such a social faux pas.

    5. lol'd so hard to this XD God I love pony comics!

    6. I'll do the same thing but my horn will grow. Okay everyone goodnight.

    7. How many comics can madmax do in a week? I'm a little jelly because I can't even draw a circle.

    8. I had totally missed the joke without the title, and figured Twilight was saying Ew to the leftover baked bad and rotting apple that Pinkie Pie had tossed aside.I was going to suggest moving the third panel to a fourth panel and having a new third for Dash's staring/wings to become the focal point would make it work better, but now that the joke, maybe it doesn't need it.

    9. Oh, wow, not even as a Female Pegasi will I be safe from boners? Awesome.

      Anyways, kudos to the artist! This is one of the best comics I've read, and it's pretty close to the effect Fluffershy [sic] had on me.

    10. Madmax, was this that 'Suddenly comic idea' you mentioned? :P

    11. I'm gonna do something based on that youtube video, but I'm still looking for a good punchline

    12. I was laughing hard enough and Rainbow Dash's gawking the whole time. Also, Pinkie Pie sure does have a lot of great weapons and artifacts lying around. :)

      Now, after ten minutes Twilight still wanted to wait five more, and that was after mentioning the bouncing, jiggling butt. Maybe she could take only a little more herself before she had to ... go home and take care of something.

    13. lmao; oh, Dash...

    14. Small nitpick; but Pinkie's dialogue in the first panel would work better as "I know it's around here! Just give me time.", and Twilight's in panel two perhaps as "If you haven't found it in 5 more minutes, we're leaving. Right Dash?"

    15. I can't stop giggling at this. I feel so immature, but damn it it's funny.

    16. This idea kinda works, too; even in the show Pegasi wings are sometimes highly responsive to their emotions.

    17. Wings erection! that's brilliant!

    18. @ Scherzo
      It actually started with Jimbo's Pinkie/Dash fic "The Make Me Better Boutique", but yeah, probably bronies started noticing after that comic.

      Here's a part of that fic:

      "Finally, more than a little regretfully, Rainbow Dash pulled away, her chest heaving gently as she struggled for breath. Below her, Pinkie Pie panted softly as well, although she didn't seem quite so winded by it as Rainbow Dash. Why would that be? Wait, why were her wings out? They were kind of - shading Pinkie, actually, how strange that she hadn't felt them spread.

      Pinkie Pie giggled, and arched up, pressing an impetuous little kiss to Rainbow Dash's confused mouth before rolling back, landing on her back with a gentle 'whumph.' "When you get excited, you beat your wings." Pinkie Pie whispered, her eyes alight with pleasure, as if sharing a secret"

    19. @Anonymous

      That fic was the final nail that converted me to the pinkie dash thing permantently.

      It was way too awesome.

    20. @Sethisto

      Me too; I loved that story. It was just so cute.

      Which reminds me, I'd like to see some continuation of that. :P

    21. yeah i actually forgot about that fic until this comic made others discus it again i need to dig it up and give it another read because i remember it fondly

    22. WOW. I got the general idea from Jimbo's Pinkie/Dash fic (which is still the only shipping fic I've found sexy and I *like* girls), and I put it into my V-Day pic. So now my V-Day pic has inspired thread which has inspired a Madmax comic... life is strange.

    23. Didn't get the wing thing till it was mentioned, I just thought Rainbow got mesmerized by Pinkie's butt wagging in the process of her search.
      Like the Homer Simpson/lava lamp joke from the X-files guest eps.


    25. i dont get it :/

    26. Maybe Twilight's disgusted with the thought of Rainbow being attracted to another mare? I mean, the so-called "wingboner" is simply the Pegasus flairing their wings to try to attract a potential mate, like some species of birds do. Though I figured Twi would have teased Rainbow about it, instead of being disgusted by it.

    27. Rainbow Dash isn't a lesbian, though. XD

    28. @Anonymous

      Your right she is not a lesbian. Rainbow Dash is bi instead.

    29. What I find funny is that MLP:FIM is SUPPOSED to be a kids show. I mean, with all of these "hidden jokes", I wander if the MLP team is trolling us? Or is it just our current culture taking very subtle and odd placed things beyond what they are meant to be? Or both?
