I removed all of the popular tags from the Archive, and threw the valentines day stuff in there. Maybe we can think of something better later, but though a lot of people liked them from a ease-of-use standpoint, the authors weren't really fans of it...and they supply the content so sorry doods!
The Valentines Day event was a huge hit! It was a lot of fun I think for most of us. I rarely see pony threads on /co/ go so quickly on an off day. Hopefully we can do something like that for every holiday, though I'm not looking forward to the armada of fluttershy/angel stories on easter.
Please use the star system. You have to have the post opened to do it (They wont show up on the main blog wall). And COMMENT! Let the Authors/artists know what you think! They can't get better if you don't give them some feedback, and most of them actually do frequent the comments sections for their posts. If you don't want to bother with stars, at least post your 2 cents.
And on the topic of comments... I usually just used that to find your uploads, but it's a messy system. You can continue to leave comments with your story information/interesting news/ect, but I'd prefer you send whatever it is you need posted to Sethisto@gmail.com. This will make it easier on all of us I think (And circumvent the crappy spam filter I can't turn off).
That's all, gonna go
4 kommentaari:
Archive has been on the fritz the last couple days.
VastaKustutaI do have a new fic posted though.
Death of a Mail Pony
A direct continuation of another fic of mine, "The Truth." If you have not read "The Truth," then I HIGHLY recommend doing so before reading this fic as it provides much needed background information.
"The Truth" can be found here: http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/02/story-truth.html
Summary: When anonymous letters start appearing all over Equestria with details of a conspiracy large enough to shake the foundations of the entire nation, a young mail pony named Bright Eyes is discovered as their source and taken into custody to be interrogated.
Feedback is always encouraged and appreciated. I hope you guys don't hate me for this. When reading, please note that this is not supposed to be a torture fic or anything along those lines. It's a small piece of a larger story.
I'm glad the event went well. I havent gotten to even finish my fic. Looks like it'll remain incomplete XD
VastaKustutaCan't wait to see what comes in the future, your blog is freakin awesome!
For St. Patrick's Day, we should follow the theme of drunken ponies. ...because drunk ponies are funny.
VastaKustuta@Peaches n' Cream
Please, post it anyway? One more shipping fic wouldn't hurt.
The counter's close. I'm gonna sit here and watch the numbers change to 200,000.